The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 712 The Lion's Big Opening

Chapter 712 The Lion's Big Opening

the next day.

Liu Jinghua went to Zhou Yuanqing's company alone.

In order to avoid waiting in line, she deliberately rushed early and didn't even eat food.

As a result, when she came to Orange Heart Capital, she still saw a row of people outside Lao Zhou's office, and they were all the same people who put pressure on Lao Zhou last night.

It seems that everyone is in a hurry.

Liu Jinghua thought to herself.

In fact, she completely understood these people.

Getting rid of Zhou Yuanqing one day earlier is equivalent to getting rid of Xu Jie one day earlier, and the TV series submitted for review can also be passed one day earlier.

The most important thing is that tonight's "Cultural Entertainment Broadcasting" on the Art Channel will not expose black material about artists.

"Mr. Liu, morning."

"Sister Hua, you are here too."

When everyone saw Liu Jinghua coming, they all got up and greeted this gold medal manager in the entertainment industry.

"Everyone came so early." Liu Jinghua said in surprise.

"Each each other."

Everyone looked at each other and smiled, everything was silent.

Since it was still early, Zhou Yuanqing hadn't come yet, so everyone could only continue to wait outside the office.

After more than half an hour, there were bursts of footsteps in the corridor.

When everyone turned their heads and found that it was Zhou Yuanqing who came, they immediately stood up and swarmed up, just like bees seeing flowers and flies seeing shit.

"Mr. Zhou, I've already drafted the repurchase agreement for you. Take a look at the price above. If you're not satisfied, we can continue the negotiation."

"Brother Zhou, this is our company's agreement. The funds have been prepared and we are waiting for your signature."

"Old Zhou, take a look at my agreement first, the price is guaranteed to satisfy you."

All the bosses of the company scrambled to hand over the agreement in their hands to Zhou Yuanqing. Because of the rush, they even poked the agreement in Zhou Yuanqing's face, for fear that the other party would regret it.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yuanqing was both angry and depressed.

I remember that when these people begged him to invest, they were all like grandsons, and they almost knelt down and kowtowed to him, but now, they are all like meeting broom stars, wishing to stay as far away as possible. Far.

Sure enough, there are no permanent friends in the market, only permanent interests.

For the benefit, it can be a friend; for the benefit, it can also change from a friend to an enemy.

"Don't worry, come one by one, I'm sure you'll all be satisfied today." Zhou Yuanqing said loudly, then stretched out his hand to push everyone away, and walked towards the office.

Everyone followed closely behind Zhou Yuanqing, and finally stopped outside the office.

It's not that they don't want to go in, but that there are too many people and the door is too small. Everyone is crowded together, blocking the door tightly, and no one will let anyone in.

Zhou Yuanqing sneered in his heart, it would be better if they were all squeezed to death.

Of course, thinking about it, he also knew that the agreement must be signed today, so instead of letting these people continue to make trouble, it is better to sign the agreement quickly and let these people go away.

Of course, the premise is to meet his requirements.

Zhou Yuanqing flirted with the secretary at the side, and then walked into the office.

The female secretary understood the boss's meaning in an instant, and immediately opened her arms, used her body to block the bosses, and said loudly: "Everyone, listen to me, you are so messy, Mr. Zhou can't handle it at all, everyone! People with status, can you abide by the order and line up one by one according to the time you came here before?"

When everyone heard it, they felt that it made sense, so they immediately began to stand in line.

"Huh? Why are you standing in front of me? When I came, you weren't here yet."

"Nonsense, I just went to the bathroom, I came earlier than you."

"Whoever saw it, who can testify for you? There is no one, you'd better go to the back line obediently, and be careful not to cause public anger."

The bosses of entertainment companies started arguing about standing in line like elementary school students, completely losing their usual self-restraint and demeanor.

When Liu Jinghua saw it, he rolled his eyes and thought: What kind of people are these, they have no quality at all.

"Hey, sister Hua, when you come, I will already be there." A boss reached out to stop Liu Jinghua who was still going forward.

"Ah? Is that so?" Liu Jinghua stepped back, thinking: What kind of people are these? They have no gentlemanly demeanor at all.

Taking advantage of the time when everyone was queuing up, the secretary closed the door of the general manager's office with his backhand, and waited for everyone to line up before letting people in.

"President Zhou, this is the agreement, please read it over." Guan Wenkai handed the agreement that he had prepared overnight to Zhou Yuanqing.

Zhou Yuanqing briefly flipped through a few pages, but frowned after reading it.

Guan Wenkai was slightly taken aback when he saw it. The repurchase agreement is actually very simple, the main thing is the price, and there is nothing else to consider.

"President Zhou, what's the matter?" Guan Wenkai asked.

Could it be that you are not satisfied with the repurchase price?

This is the market price, and it is many times higher than when the other party bought it.

"Old Guan, your price doesn't seem right?" Zhou Yuanqing asked.

"Really? What's wrong?" Guan Wenkai looked at the agreement, thinking that the decimal point was wrong, but when he saw the numbers above, he confirmed that there was nothing wrong.

"Old Guan, you have been working in the mall for so many years, you should be very clear that whether it is a purchase or a buyback, the price should exceed the market price." Zhou Yuanqing said lightly.

He thought seriously all night about quitting the entertainment company.

Since you are going to leave, of course you must strive for the greatest benefit.

These people are ruthless, so don't blame him for being ruthless.

The capital market has always had only interests.

This is the true nature of a businessman.

Guan Wenkai's heart skipped a beat, as he was really dissatisfied with the price.

"Mr. Zhou, as you know, our company has limited funds, and I got the money by mortgaging the house to the bank." Guan Wenkai played the pitiful card, hoping to gain sympathy from the other party.

"Old Guan, look at what you said. I didn't ask you to pay in one lump sum. If you can't do it all at once, you can install it in installments. With our relationship, can I still trust you?" Zhou Yuanqing said after hearing this.

He knew very well that the person in front of him, as well as those outside, were more anxious to buy back shares than quit the entertainment company.

Because as long as he doesn't quit these entertainment companies for a day, the surname Xu will not let these entertainment companies go, and the works and artists of these entertainment companies will be implicated.

He, don't worry.

Because he is an investor, he will withdraw from these entertainment companies sooner or later.

These people, however, cannot wait.

Because they are the person in charge of the company, and the company is their life, who would watch their company collapse step by step?

Guan Wenkai looked depressed when he heard it.


Don't you want to give money?

"Mr. Zhou, how much do you think is appropriate?" Guan Wenkai asked tentatively.

Of course, this was also within his expectations.

Business is a bargaining process.

"We are all old friends, so how about it, 20.00% higher than the market price?" Zhou Yuanqing asked with a smile.


After Guan Wenkai heard it, his expression changed instantly.

It became very ugly.

He thought that the other party would increase the price, but he didn't expect it to increase so much.

He looked at Zhou Yuanqing who was on the opposite side. He used to regard him as the timely Yu Song Jiang, but now it seems that the other party is a tiger who eats people but does not spit out bones.

Sure enough, the rumors about Zhou Yuanqing circulating in the circle were not groundless.

I didn't feel it before, just because the other party didn't turn his back.

"Mr. Zhou, isn't this price a bit too high? You also know the situation of our company. This has seriously exceeded the scope of the company's affordability. What do you think is [-]% higher?" Guan Wenkai said in embarrassment.

"Old Guan, you should also be very clear that 20.00% is actually not high. Many companies repurchase at [-], [-], or even higher." Zhou Yuanqing said lightly.


"Old Guan." Zhou Yuanqing directly interrupted Guan Wenkai, pushed the agreement on the table to the other party, and said in his mouth: "I know it is difficult for you, but it is even more difficult for me. If it is not forced, who would give up a company with a bright future? And what about leaving? And it’s not my idea alone, it’s the idea of ​​all the partners of Orange Heart Capital, you go back and think about it, and come to me after you think about it.”

The corner of Guan Wenkai's mouth twitched, it was because he wasn't even prepared to give him a chance to discuss.

Since the matter was important and exceeded his psychological expectations, he stood up from his seat, picked up the agreement on the table, and said to Zhou Yuanqing: "Mr. Zhou, I'll go back and do some research. See if the price can be..."

"Well, I'll wait for your news, there's no rush." ​​Zhou Yuanqing interrupted Guan Wenkai again.

Guan Wenkai gritted his teeth, thinking: You are not in a hurry, I am in a hurry.

Suddenly, he seemed to understand something.

Maybe the person in front of him is grasping his anxiety, which is why he is so confident in asking for a price.

"Mr. Zhou, I'll go first," Guan Wenkai said.

"Old Guan, you have also seen that there are still many people outside, so I won't send them off." Zhou Yuanqing said with a smile.



The door of the general manager's office opened, and Guan Wenkai walked out.

The people outside were already waiting impatiently, and originally wanted to complain to Guan Wenkai why it was so slow to sign the agreement, but when they saw the expression on the other party's face, they all froze.

What, what's wrong?
When he went in just now, Lao Guan was quite happy, and even boasted to everyone that he was ranked first.

But it took only 10 minutes to go in, why did you come out with a sad face?And he gritted his teeth, as if he had been humiliated.

In the end what happened?
Shouldn't signing a repurchase agreement be a joyous thing?

"Guan Zong, what's the matter?" Someone asked curiously.

Guan Wenkai looked up at the interrogator, with a serious expression that was even a bit scary, but he didn't say anything, but the agreement in his hand was turned into a ball of paper by him.

"Old Guan, what's the matter, why don't you say something?"

"That's right, didn't you agree on the price? You wouldn't take this opportunity to deliberately lower the price, would you? If so, then you're out of touch."

said others.

When Guan Wenkai heard this, he couldn't help it immediately, and said angrily, "Who is not authentic? I paid the market price, even higher than the market price, but he wants to go up by 20.00%. Can you blame me?"

When everyone heard this, they were all stunned.

20.00% higher than the market price?

This, isn't this the lion's big mouth?

(End of this chapter)

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