Chapter 713
outside the office.

People who were still in a hurry to enter the office were suddenly not in a hurry.

Guan Wenkai's words shocked them very much.

20.00% higher than the market price, which means that they are several million or even tens of millions more than the budget.

For a large entertainment company, 2000 million is nothing, not even enough for movie promotion, but for small and medium entertainment companies like them, the impact is very big.

Some entertainment companies have a profit of only 2000 to [-] million a year, and some entertainment companies are even losing money year after year.

Under such circumstances, let alone asking them to pay tens of millions more, even if it is a few million, I am afraid they will not be able to get it out.

You know, not all entertainment companies are making money.

In other words, it is the entertainers who make money.

Some entertainment companies have not made much money for a single artist after a year.

The entertainment company is just betting. If you win the bet, you may be able to make a lot of money. If you can't win the bet, then continue to gamble until the day the company closes.

"Old Guan, didn't you have a good talk with Mr. Zhou?" An Ruiyang asked concerned, because he was the next person to enter.

Moreover, his company is similar to Lao Guan's company. Among the many entertainment companies invested by Zhou Yuanqing, it is considered relatively good, but the annual profit is only ten million.

Calculated by 20.00% higher than the market value, he needs to spend more than 1000 million this time, which is not enough to get all the company's profits last year.

"What do you think?" Guan Wenkai asked angrily.


An Ruiyang fell silent.

It seems that Laoguan's counter-offer was unsuccessful.

"If..." Guan Wenkai looked at the people standing in the row and said, "If the price of the agreement in your hand is not 20.00% higher than the market value, I advise you to go back and discuss it again."

After saying that, he left without looking back.

It can be seen that he is not only depressed, but also angry.

After everyone heard it, you looked at me, I looked at you, and now they all dare not go in.

Because if you go in full of hope, you may come out with a sad face like Lao Guan.

"Mr. An, please come in." The female secretary said with a smile, looking at An Ruiyang who was standing in the second place.


An Ruiyang was startled and hesitated, thinking that he had already come, and if he didn't go in, wouldn't it be in vain?

Maybe the 20.00% higher is just Mr. Zhou targeting Lao Guan?
After all, when Laoguan put pressure on Mr. Zhou yesterday, he talked the most and his attitude was a bit bad.

Thinking of this, An Ruiyang took a deep breath, then straightened his clothes, opened the door and walked in.

"Mr. Zhou..."

"Lao An, please sit down." Zhou Yuanqing smiled and pointed to the opposite chair, looking very enthusiastic, without the anxiety and anxiety of being banned at all.

Seeing Zhou Yuanqing's appearance, An Ruiyang couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and told the other party's attitude that the agreement should be fine.

"Mr. Zhou, this is the repurchase agreement I proposed. It is [-]% higher than the market price. Please have a look at it." An Ruiyang said it bluntly to show his sincerity.

In fact, there are three agreements in his briefcase, and the repurchase price on each agreement is different, one is the market price, one is 5.00% higher, and the other is [-]% higher.

Originally, he wanted to see what prices were offered by other companies, and then come up with the corresponding agreement, but just now he heard what Guan Wenkai said, so he directly took out the one with the highest bid.

Although it is a few million more than the market price, it is still less than 1000 million.

Zhou Yuanqing picked up the agreement, flipped through it and said, "I don't know if Lao Guan has mentioned the repurchase price to you just now."

"I've said it." An Ruiyang nodded.

"Do you think it's 20.00% more than the market price, is that much?" Zhou Yuanqing asked.

"Mr. Zhou, to be honest, there are too many. Our small companies are incomparable with those entertainment giants. Our annual revenue is also extremely unstable. Maybe we will make a profit this year and lose money next year. Maybe it won't come out..." An Ruiyang said helplessly.

"Lao An, you can't say that. There is no industry with stable profits in the world. There are profits and losses in any industry. You may be owed wages for part-time jobs, let alone start a business. In fact, I think companies like you are leaving It's a small but refined route, and it will have great development in the future, don't you think?" Zhou Yuanqing asked with a smile.

"Yes, maybe, but the company's current situation is really not good." An Ruiyang said.

He is very clear that when Lao Zhou said that the company will develop in the future, it is just a means to increase the price. After all, the more the company develops in the future, the easier it is to attract investment. After listing in the future, the stock price will also increase.

But the future is full of uncertainties.

No one can guarantee that a company that will develop in the future will really develop in the future, because there are too many variables in the future itself.

If this repurchase requires an extra payment of 1000 million, it is still unknown whether the company can survive into the future.

"Old An, think about it when you go back." Zhou Yuanqing returned the agreement.

"Mr. Zhou, you should be very clear about our company's situation. The company really doesn't have that much money now." An Ruiyang said anxiously.

"I didn't ask you to take out so much at once. You can install it in installments. Besides, I told Lao Guan that the repurchase price should be 20.00% higher than the market price. If you are different from him, what will he think later? Right?" Zhou Yuanqing said .

An Ruiyang thought of what Lao Guan said just now, and it seemed that he was too naive.

He got up and left, feeling very puzzled at the same time.

Why did Zhou Yuanqing offer such a high repurchase price and still not give in?Isn't the other party worried that entertainment companies like them won't buy back?

At that time, the company will continue to be blocked, the artist will leave because of lack of resources, and the company's market value will decrease. What good will it do for this person?

Could it be that the other party wants to pull some backs when he is dying?

If so, it would be very immoral.


An Ruiyang walked out of the office.

"Mr. An, how are you doing?"

People queuing outside all looked at An Ruiyang expectantly, hoping to get a different result from Guan Wenkai.

Guan Wenkai has a big temper and can't speak, and he may have offended Zhou Yuanqing unintentionally, but An Ruiyang is different, he looks gentle and elegant, and he speaks with a sense of proportion.


An Ruiyang sighed, then shook his head, left without saying anything.

Everyone looked at An Ruiyang's back and looked at each other in blank dismay.

Not even Lao An?
Then other people can't do it!
"Let's go back and think of a way." Someone said, then walked out of the team and chose to leave.

Where there is a first, there is a second.

If you have time to go in and talk nonsense with Zhou Yuanqing, why not go back to the company to see if you can get more money.

Soon, there was only one person left in the crowded team just now.

Liu Jinghua glanced at those who left, and said in a low voice: "Why join in the fun if you don't have the strength?"

After finishing speaking, he walked into the office.

"Old Zhou, as expected of you, you are so calm." Liu Jinghua said with a smile, and then sat down.

"I'm also thinking about the company." Zhou Yuanqing looked at Liu Jinghua, and then asked: "Everyone else has left, and you are the only one who came in. You are the one who is righteous, unlike those people who only want to take advantage of me. Bring me the agreement. "

Liu Jinghua took out the agreement from the bag and handed it to Zhou Yuanqing who was opposite.

Zhou Yuanqing took a few glances, his brows suddenly frowned, and he looked up at Liu Jinghua and asked, "Jinghua, the repurchase price is wrong, isn't it? Did you get the wrong agreement?"

"That's right." Liu Jinghua smiled.

"But your agreement clearly indicates the market price." Zhou Yuanqing said with wide eyes. He knew the companies he invested in, so he naturally knew what their market prices were.

"Yes." Liu Jinghua nodded.

Seeing Liu Jinghua's appearance, Zhou Yuanqing threw the agreement on the table.

"Jinghua, what do you mean?" Zhou Yuanqing was a little angry.

Knowing his request for the repurchase price, you dare to hand over this agreement to him. Isn't this just playing with him?

"Old Zhou, don't worry, listen to me." Liu Jinghua straightened her body, and then explained: "I contacted some friends in Shanghai last night and helped you find some good investment projects. After you went to Shanghai , can be directly and seamlessly connected in business, you must know that the development prospects of the entertainment companies I introduced to you are quite good, and I have invested myself."

Liu Jinghua's face was full of confidence, as if he was sure that Zhou Yuanqing would definitely agree.

Then again, if she didn't have this confidence, she wouldn't have come in either.

Knowing Zhou Yuanqing for so many years, can she not know what kind of person Zhou Yuanqing is?
This time the other party was forced to leave the capital, and Orange Heart Capital's layout for many years also collapsed in an instant, which can be said to have suffered a big loss.

If the other party didn't take the opportunity to make a fortune and recover some losses, then it wouldn't be Zhou Yuanqing.

Therefore, in addition to the agreement, she also prepared other conditions.

She knew very well that Zhou Yuanqing would not leave this circle, therefore, joining the entertainment circle in Shanghai was a great temptation for the other party, a temptation that the other party would never refuse.

Zhou Yuanqing was taken aback for a moment, and soon understood what Liu Jinghua meant.

The other party wanted to turn the 20.00% higher than the market price into a favor.

"Really?" Zhou Yuanqing narrowed his eyes and looked at Liu Jinghua.

If what the other party said is true, it will indeed be of great help for him to go south to Shanghai and develop in the future.

When the company goes to Shanghai to develop, the first problem it has to face is whether it will gain the trust of the local entertainment companies.

But Liu Jinghua's words just now solved this problem very well, and brought him directly into the entertainment circle in Shanghai.

No matter what you do, the hardest thing is always the first step. Now that Liu Jinghua has helped him complete the first step, it will definitely become smoother in the future.

"Of course it's true. With our friendship for so many years, can I lie to you?" Liu Jinghua said.

Zhou Yuanqing thought for a while, not to mention, even if the heads of other entertainment companies dared to lie to him, Liu Jinghua would not dare to lie to him. After all, there are people from him in the prosperous brokerage company.

"it is good!"

Zhou Yuanqing picked up a pen and wrote his name directly at the end of the agreement, then closed the agreement and handed it back to Liu Jinghua.

"I wish us happy cooperation in the future."

"Yes, continue to cooperate!"


(End of this chapter)

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