The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 714 Fear of being struck by lightning

Chapter 714 Fear of being struck by lightning
Liu Jinghua walked out of Zhou Yuanqing's company with a repurchase agreement.

Compared with the frowning looks of the others when they left, her face was full of a smug smile.

She can win the person that others can't handle; she can handle the agreement that others can't handle.

What is the gap?

This is the gap.

Liu Jinghua got in the car, took out the repurchase agreement from the bag and admired it carefully. The three words "Zhou Yuanqing" looked extraordinarily beautiful, and the red seal also looked extraordinarily bright.

From this moment on, Zhou Yuanqing will no longer be a shareholder and investor of Fanhua Brokerage Company.

In other words, the current Brocade Brokerage Company no longer has any relationship with Zhou Yuanqing.

The next step is to tell the person surnamed Xu about this matter, so that the other party will stop blocking the artistes of the prosperous brokerage company.

Everything she is doing now is for this day.

Liu Jinghua put the agreement back in the bag, and then drove to Jingshi Culture Communication Company.

But halfway through the journey, she retreated again.

Beijing TV Culture is Xu Jie's domain, so if he went there rashly, without the company of Mr. Wu, he must have been scolded for a while.
Thinking of the man's poisonous tongue, she turned directly at an intersection, changing her driving route and destination.

She is going to Su Yun's studio.

Anyway, Su Yun and the person surnamed Xu are a couple, if Su Yun knows, it means that the person surnamed Xu knows, and Su Yun can also say some good things for her, which is a hundred times better than her speaking.

Never underestimate the power of pillow wind.

After half an hour.

Liu Jinghua parked his car outside Su Yun's studio.

In order to avoid running away, she picked up her mobile phone and dialed Su Yun's mobile number.

There were two beeps in the microphone, and it was connected quickly.

"Hello, is this Yunyun? I'm Liu Jinghua." Liu Jinghua said.

The reason why she introduced herself was mainly to prevent the mobile phone from being in the hands of assistants or managers. Su Yun would definitely be able to recognize her voice, but others might not.

"Sister Hua, what's the matter with calling so early?" Su Yun's voice came from the microphone.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just passed by your studio and I miss you a bit. Are you in the studio?" Liu Jinghua asked.

Su Yun on the other side of the microphone was stunned.

miss her?
This is burning graves and newspapers, what about cheating ghosts?
Although the two had known each other for more than ten years, she didn't believe what Liu Jinghua said just now.

If the other party really had this feeling, they wouldn't have come to such a Hongmen banquet a few days ago.

There must be something.

"Sister Hua, I'm here, come here." Su Yun didn't expose the other party on the phone. In fact, she also wanted to know what Liu Jinghua was looking for her for, that she could make the other party abandon face and come over cheekily.

"Don't bother you?" Liu Jinghua asked hypocritically.

"Don't bother me, I have nothing to do today, you come here and we just have a chat." Su Yun said.

"Okay, I'll go up right away, see you later." Liu Jinghua said with a smile, then hung up the phone, picked up his bag, got out of the car and walked towards the office building.

The elevator stops at the floor where the studio is located.

Liu Jinghua stepped out, she hadn't been here for a long time, the place seemed to have been refurbished, and it seemed strange.

"Mr. Liu, why are you here?" The front desk looked at Liu Jinghua who suddenly appeared in surprise, and his whole body became nervous.

Mr. Liu and other entertainment companies jointly banned Sister Yun. Everyone in the studio knew about it. As a member of the studio, of course she knew it too.

During these days, the most talked about among colleagues is this Mr. Liu in front of him, saying that she is domineering, cruel, turning her face faster than turning a book, unreasonable, let alone humane, etc., etc., in short, there is no good thing to say.

Now that the other party actually appeared here, could it be that the bully has come to the door?
This is too arrogant, too much, right?
"I'm looking for your boss, I just called her." Liu Jinghua said after hearing this.

If it was before, she would have walked in directly.

But, this time and that time.

Moreover, the relationship between her and Su Yun also had a rift because of the Hongmen Banquet.

The receptionist was slightly startled when he heard it, then walked out, pointed to the inside of the studio and said, "Mr. Liu, I'll take you there."

Liu Jinghua nodded.

The two walked into the gate one after the other, and when they passed the public office area, the surroundings fell silent for an instant.

Everyone's eyes fell on Liu Jinghua, their eyes were full of surprise and doubt, thinking: Why is she here?

Many of the people present had worked for the Fanhua Brokerage Company. Although Sister Yun's studio has completely separated from the Fanhua Brokerage Company and has no contact with him at all, they are still afraid of Mr. Liu.

This is the psychological shadow left over the years.


The front desk reached out and knocked on the door of the boss's office.

"Please come in."

After hearing the voice, the front desk gently opened the door, looked at the boss sitting behind the desk and said, "Sister Yun, Mr. Liu from Fanhua Brokerage Company is here."

"Oh? Is Miss Hua here? Please come in." Su Yun stood up from her seat.

The front desk moved out of the way, made a "please" gesture to Liu Jinghua who was standing outside, then walked out and closed the door.

However, before she could go far, she was surrounded by colleagues in the office area.

"Qiu Ling, why is Liu Jinghua here?"

"Yes, what is she looking for with Sister Yun?"

"She still has the face to come, hum!"

For the person who blocked Sister Yun, no one had a good impression of her. If it wasn't for Teacher Xu, everyone might have lost their jobs.

"I don't know." Qiu Ling shook her head.

Who is Liu Jinghua?
That's the general manager of Fanhua Brokerage Company, a well-known gold broker in the entertainment industry, she is a small receptionist, how dare she ask more questions?
"Liu Jinghua didn't come to show off his power, did he?"

"You say, is sister Yun in danger?"

"Probably not, after all, Teacher Xu is still here."


Inside the office.

Su Yun poured a cup of coffee for Liu Jinghua, and then sat on the sofa in the reception area.

Liu Jinghua took a sip from the cup, pursed his lips and said with a smile, "Well, your coffee is still delicious."

"Sister Hua is willing to drink, so you can come here often." Su Yun said enthusiastically, with a smile on her face, as if there had never been any unpleasantness between the two of them.

After Liu Jinghua heard it, he was filled with emotions for a moment. If only the Hongmen Banquet hadn't been held, maybe he could still eat, drink and go shopping together like before.

But now, once there is a gap between people, even if they eat delicacies from mountains and seas together, they can't taste much.

Liu Jinghua put down the cup, then looked at Su Yun embarrassedly and said, "I just left Orange Heart Capital and was about to go back to the company. I happened to pass by your place, so I came to see you and apologize to you for Zhou Yuanqing."

Su Yun narrowed her eyes involuntarily.

Apologize for Zhou Yuanqing?

So does Zhou Yuanqing want to apologize?
"Sister Hua went to Mr. Zhou's place?" Su Yun asked lightly, but she remembered that her studio didn't seem to be between Orange Heart Capital and Fanhua Brokerage Company.

In other words, the other party is not on the way.

Reminiscent of the information that was intentionally released just now, it seems that the other party's coming today is related to Zhou Yuanqing.

"Well, go sign a share repurchase agreement with Zhou Yuanqing." Liu Jinghua pretended to be casual and said.

"Share repurchase agreement? Why do you want to buy back the shares?" Su Yun asked suspiciously.

"Didn't Xu Jie tell you?" Liu Jinghua asked tentatively.

"Is this matter still related to him?" Su Yun looked puzzled.

One is Zhou Yuanqing's Orange Heart Capital, and the other is Liu Jinghua's Prosperous Brokerage Company. These two companies seem to have nothing to do with her husband.

At least she didn't know it mattered.

"Oh, it's like this, the misunderstanding between me and your husband has been resolved, he will block Zhou Yuanqing and Orange Heart Capital next, in order to support your husband's action, I took the initiative to buy back Zhou Yuanqing's shares in the prosperous brokerage company. "Liu Jinghua explained.

After Su Yun finished listening, she suddenly realized.

However, support is fake, but worry about being implicated is real, right?
Although she had never heard of the banning of Zhou Yuanqing from Xu Jie, based on her understanding of her husband, the other party would definitely attack the entertainment company that Zhou Yuanqing had invested in.

In the matter of venting her anger for her, the other party has never been soft.

Thinking of this, a happy smile appeared on her face.

Moreover, she finally understood the real purpose of Liu Jinghua's coming to find her.

I didn't want to miss her, nor did I apologize for Zhou Yuanqing, but I wanted to use her to send a message to Xu Jie, that is: her company, Liu Jinghua, has completely drawn a line with Zhou Yuanqing, and when Zhou Yuanqing is going to be banned in the future, thousands Don't make a move on the prosperous brokerage company.

The way to avoid bad luck is to stay away from bad luck.

Obviously, Zhou Yuanqing is that unlucky guy right now.

However, when did my husband resolve the misunderstanding with Liu Jinghua?
She doesn't believe it.

After all, Liu Jinghua hurt her husband not once or twice.

"Sister Hua, I have caused you trouble." Su Yun said after thinking clearly.

"No trouble, no trouble." Liu Jinghua shook his head quickly.

At the same time, I thought: If I find it troublesome now, your husband will bring me more trouble in the future.

Everything that needs to be said has been said, and there is no need to stay here.

Liu Jinghua stood up and said to Su Yun: "Seeing that you are doing well, I am relieved, then I will go back and make an appointment for dinner another day."

"Well, okay." Su Yun readily agreed.

Liu Jinghua left.

Su Yun sent people into the elevator until she returned to the office.

She picked up her mobile phone and dialed Xu Jie's number, and the call was connected quickly.

"Husband, are you busy?" Su Yun asked in a low voice, afraid that the other party was busy with work.

"Not busy." Xu Jie replied.

For him, his wife's affairs are the top priority, no matter how busy he is, it is not as important as his wife's affairs.

"Sister Hua just came to my place and talked about repurchasing shares from Zhou Yuanqing, and said that she would support you in blocking Zhou Yuanqing." Su Yun said simply.

"Support me? She is worried that the lightning will strike Zhou Yuanqing and she will be struck. After all, she didn't do anything good." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"Hee hee, I think so too. By the way, she also said that the misunderstanding between you and her has been resolved? Is it true?" Su Yun asked with a smile.

"Hmph, how could it be true? She found Vice-Director Wu of the TV station to act as a peacemaker. I just wanted to show Vice-Director Wu a face. Now I mainly deal with Zhou Yuanqing. As for Liu Jinghua, I will slowly settle accounts with her in the future. !"


(End of this chapter)

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