Chapter 715 Casting
Xu Jie put down the phone with a sneer on his face.

He really knew that woman Liu Jinghua very well.

If there is a benefit, the first to rush upwards, if there is danger, the first to retreat.

This time, if Zhou Yuanqing hadn't held the shares of the prosperous brokerage company, the old woman would have jumped off the boat and escaped like Wang Tiannan and Zhao Yuanpeng.

The other party's decision to repurchase Zhou Yuanqing's shares is probably also related to Deputy Director Wu's advice.

Most likely, Deputy Director Wu didn't want to care about Zhou Yuanqing's mess, so he asked Liu Jinghua to stay away from Zhou Yuanqing, and Liu Jinghua made up his mind to abandon the ship and escape.

In fact, he didn't care too much about Liu Jinghua's repurchase of shares from Zhou Yuanqing. After all, Liu Jinghua's company was just a brokerage company and couldn't cause any big disturbances.

What he paid attention to were the entertainment companies that Zhou Yuanqing invested in, and these entertainment companies were Zhou Yuanqing's biggest assets.

As long as there is an entertainment company, Zhou Yuanqing can profit from it.

Therefore, forcing Zhou Yuanqing to leave these entertainment companies is the top priority.

"Let's continue." Xu Jie looked up at the staff in the conference room, adjusted his emotions, and said, "You have read the script, and everyone already understands the characteristics of each character, right? Now tell me what you think Actor in the movie."

Today is the first crew meeting for the movie "Lovers in Time and Space".

That's right, his movie script has been written, and the name of the movie is "Lover in Time and Space".

You can tell from the name that the content of the story is related to time travel.

He called together people from the film department today just to cast the characters in the story.

There is no way, the artists he knows are really limited, and most of them are first- and second-tier artists who have collaborated before.

But the existing filming funds do not allow him to invite too many big names to play various roles in the movie, so he can only use the people in the film department to see if there are any familiar actors, five or six, seven or eight, or even Those outside the [-]th line are also fine, anyway, they are all supporting roles, as long as they are familiar.

"Mr. Xu, I have a question." Wang Wen raised her hands high.

Today, she is extremely excited and positive, because the convening of the crew meeting heralds the official launch of the film project.

As the director of the film department who has never had a strong sense of presence, no one is happier than her.

"What's the problem?" Xu Jie looked over and asked.

"Mr. Xu, I read the entertainment news a few days ago, and it was reported that Liu Qing would also join your movie. Is it true?" Wang Wen asked with concern.

When the others heard it, they all looked at Mr. Xu.

Liu Qing is a serious movie star, with her joining, the attention of the movie will naturally increase a lot.

"It's true." Xu Jie said affirmatively after hearing it.

Although he never met Liu Qing again after the Fashion Figure Ceremony, but with Su Yun around, that girl should not regret it.

"Which role do you want Liu Qing to play?" Wang Wen asked curiously.

Throughout the script, there are three very important female characters.

One is the noble concubine who was cast into the cold palace and is also the heroine of the movie, the other is the favored new concubine, the second female in the script, and the third female, the maid next to the noble concubine.

What is certain now is that Mr. Xu's wife, Su Yun, must play the first female role, so there are only two roles left for female number two and female number three.

But the problem is, the films that Liu Qing has acted in in the past few years are all lead actresses. Now if she is asked to play a supporting role like the second daughter and third daughter, will she agree?

"Second girl, new concubine." Xu Jie said without hesitation.

The role of the new concubine has a darkening process from naive to black-bellied, and it is very difficult to perform.

Although Liu Qing is not very old, she is considered an old actor as a child star, and the heroine who has played many movies should be able to control this role.

At least in terms of acting skills, she surpassed Ding Mengni.

"Female one and female two have been determined, and the next few key roles will only be female three and male one male two." Wang Wen said.

For the leading roles, we must use celebrities, firstly for the role, and secondly for the box office. As for the other supporting roles, just find some familiar ones, and it’s not too late to talk about them later.

"The third girl has also been confirmed." Xu Jie said at this time.

"Ah? Who is the third female?" Everyone looked at Mr. Xu curiously.

Isn't the script just finished?Why are women, one woman, two women and three women all already settled?I haven't seen anyone contacted by Mr. Xu.

"Ding Mengni."

"Ding Mengni?"

Wang Wen was taken aback for a moment, tilted her head and carefully recalled the actor, and finally got a little impression.

"Ding Mengni's works are not many, and she is a newcomer who has just debuted for a few years. It is said that it is difficult to do, can she do it?" Wang Wen asked worriedly.

To put it bluntly, I just dislike that this person's status is too small, and he doesn't have many fans. Playing this role will not be of great help to the movie.

Unlike Liu Qing, who has her own traffic and fans, and these will eventually become box office.

"If it's difficult not to eat and drink with you, then Ding Mengni is really difficult to deal with, because she is not short of money at all, and being an actress is purely a hobby." Xu Jie heard and said.

Wang Wen was startled, listening to Mr. Xu's words, she seemed to be very familiar with this Ding Mengni.

Is it a related household?

Speaking of which, that female artist is really pretty.

Could it be in line with Mr. Xu's preferences?

But isn't Su Yun the number one female?

Isn't it too bold for Mr. Xu to do this?
Xu Jie saw Wang Wen's rolling eyeballs, and instantly understood the meaning of the other party, and explained: "This Ding Mengni once starred in a literary film with my wife, that is "The World". Does anyone know that in this movie, my wife and she acted as sisters, and there is a certain tacit understanding in performance, so I let her play the role of court lady, understand?"

After speaking, he gave Wang Wen a hard look.

Wang Wen suddenly realized that she seemed to be thinking wrong.

In Mr. Xu's movie, the third woman is the court lady of the first woman, and the two have a lot of rivalry scenes. If an actor who has worked with them before is found to play this role, it will indeed be able to get twice the result with half the effort.

"Mr. Xu, you've finished making arrangements for the first male and second male, have you?" Wen Biting asked on the side.

There are five protagonists in total, and President Xu has already arranged three before the discussion started, making it difficult for everyone to know which role to choose for.

"Male one and male two haven't been arranged yet, you can talk freely." Xu Jie said.

The male lead is the leading actor of the movie. He is an ordinary time traveler. As long as he has certain acting skills and some fame and can contribute to the box office of the movie, he is still a good choice.

The difficulty is the male lead. The role of the male lead is the emperor. He has to be lustful, vicious, and domineering, and the age of the character is around [-]. For an actor in this age group, I want to find a It's really hard to be good at acting.

"I'll choose Hu Xuan as the male lead. He has acting skills and is a popular niche." A girl raised her hand and said, seeing her excitement, it was obvious that she was a fan of Hu Xuan.

"Hu Xuan is already in his 30s. Although he looks young, he doesn't have a strong sense of substitution, and this actor is gentle and gentle, so he can't be tough." Xu Jie directly rejected it.

The role is easy to choose, but it doesn't mean that everyone can.

The girl pouted, her straight waist also bent down, her face was full of disappointment.

"Where is Liu Junkai? He is young and very popular with young female fans." Another girl said.

"Liu Junkai is young, but he is too young, and his acting skills are average, and his reputation is polarized." Wang Wen on the side shook her head.

"I think Xiao Zhenyu is good, and his appearance in ancient costumes is also very popular with the audience." A male colleague said.

"No, he's an artist from the Prosperous Brokerage Company." Xu Jie said.

He once met Xiao Zhenyu at the annual meeting of Fanhua Brokerage Company, he had nothing to choose as an actor, but he would definitely not hand over the role to an artist under Liu Jinghua.

Once this movie becomes popular, won't it make Liu Jinghua's artist famous?

It was only then that everyone remembered that Mr. Xu was still fighting with Manager Ronghua.

"Mr. Xu, what do you think of Cheng Yilong?" Wang Wen asked suddenly.

Xu Jie thought about it, he remembered that he had cooperated with Cheng Yilong before, and it was when he was filming "Delicious History".

Not to mention, the other party's age, appearance, and acting skills are really good.

The key point is that Cheng Yilong is still a member of Hu Zhen, so why not give him a friendship price?

"You wait!"

Xu Jie took out his mobile phone and called Hu Zhen on the spot.

"Beep... beep... click!"

The phone is connected.

"Mr. Hu, I want to ask you something." Xu Jie said.

"Mr. Xu, what do you think?" Hu Zhen listened carefully, not knowing what was the big deal with Mr. Xu, and he seemed to be in a hurry when he spoke.

"Does Cheng Yilong have a schedule for the first half of next year?" Xu Jie asked bluntly.

"Cheng Yilong? He's going to make a movie next year, and he's been doing closed special training for the last three months. Mr. Xu, are you looking for him to make a movie? No problem." Hu Zhen said after hearing that.

"It's not "Delicious History", he has already filmed it, I want to find him to make a movie, the male number one." Xu Jie explained, implying, can you list a series of schedules.

"Your movie? Is it the movie where you competed with Zheng Guoliang?" Hu Zhen asked in surprise. He didn't expect to start casting so soon.

But counting the days, from now to next year's National Day, there will be a full nine months, and it is indeed time to cast a role. If you don't choose, you will never finish filming.


"Mr. Xu, I'm really sorry. Cheng Yilong's schedule is really not available, and the company is now building him in the direction of a tough guy. He won't accept romance movies for the time being. Why don't you recommend you alone? See what Jiang Cheng does." Like? He is more popular than Cheng Yilong, and he came from an idol drama, and he also has acting skills." Hu Zhen said.

For Xu Jie's movie, he didn't have much expectation, but for this opportunity, he didn't want to let it go easily.

First, he wants to continue to maintain a friendly relationship with Xu Jie; second, Xu Jie has a very gorgeous resume, what if the movie becomes popular?

After all, this is a man who can perform miracles.

He has broken the ratings records of Beijing TV's variety shows all over the place, and maybe the movie will become a hit too.

He also wants to take a gamble.


(End of this chapter)

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