The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 716 President Xu, why don't you come?

Chapter 716 President Xu, why don't you come?

"Mr. Xu, if you think Jiang Cheng is not suitable, I still have Huang Zibo, Zhang Zheng, and Wu Siping here. These people have good conditions in all aspects..." Hu Zhen said all the artists under the company who can spare time to film come out.

For this opportunity, he is bound to get it, and he will never allow it to fall into the hands of other companies.

Xu Jie quickly went through the information of these male artists in his mind, because they all had a brief cooperation in "Delicious History", so they are relatively familiar.

In terms of popularity, these artists are all first-line stars and have a certain appeal to fans; and in terms of acting skills, they also have excellent works, especially Jiang Cheng and Wu Siping, who were shortlisted for best actor , although it did not win an award, it is also a kind of recognition.

"Old Hu, how much is Jiang Cheng's salary? I don't have much budget for this movie, so you have to give me a friendly price." Xu Jie reminded.

"Mr. Xu, it's too outlandish for you to say that. With our relationship, I have to give you another cut on the friendship price. Jiang Cheng's film remuneration is quoted at 4000 million. In this case, I will give you a discount." , How about 3000 million?" Hu Zhen was also unambiguous, and directly removed 1000 million.


Xu Jie was shocked when he heard it, and he even called it a good guy in his heart!
He had never taken such a big advantage in his life.

Erasing 1000 million in one mouthful, he didn't even know that his face was so valuable.

But the problem is that the 3000 million film salary directly accounts for half of the movie budget. If the salary of other actors is added, it is estimated that when the movie starts shooting, it may not even be able to eat a box of meat and three vegetables.

You know, Su Yun's salary is only 1000 million, and this figure is already considered to be above average among many actresses.

He can't even pay his wife's salary, let alone 3000 million.

This Hu Zhen is not talking nonsense and making random quotations, is he?
Xu Jie covered the microphone of the mobile phone, looked at the employees present and asked, "How much is the movie salary of the first-line male stars?"

After hearing this, Wang Wen immediately replied: "A-line male stars are generally paid more than 3000 million yuan in movies, and many popular stars, especially those with box office appeal, even exceed 5000 million yuan."

Xu Jie was taken aback.

According to what Wang Wen said, then the 3000 million remuneration quoted by Hu Zhen is really a friendly price.

"Is there such a big difference in salary between male actors and actresses?" Xu Jie asked suspiciously.

"Yes, in terms of film pay, male actors are usually several times that of female actors. On the one hand, movies are generally men's plays, and on the other hand, male actors' box office appeal is usually stronger than that of female actors. In contrast, TV dramas On the contrary, the remuneration of male and female stars is not so big, almost equal." Wang Wen explained.

After Xu Jie heard this, he couldn't help frowning. Wang Wen is the director of the company's film department and once worked in the Forbidden Film Industry. She must know the film market very well.

He always thought that there was not much difference between the salary of male actors and actresses. He thought that Su Yun's salary was 1000 million, and male stars would also be paid 1000 million.

The worst thing is to work hard, tighten your belt, and save money on food and expenses.

But he never thought that there would be such a big difference in salary.


Not to mention tightening your belt, even if you tighten your neck and don't eat, you won't be able to save so much money.

Now he finally understands why the higher authorities have introduced policies to limit actors' high pay.

All the money is given to the artists, and if there is no money to spend on production, can film and television dramas not be shoddy?

Xu Jie took a deep breath, then put the phone to his ear, and asked Hu Zhen on the other side: "Old Hu, what is the minimum salary for Wu Siping?"

"Wu Siping? Give others 800 million, and Mr. Xu, 500 million, is that interesting enough?" Hu Zhen said with a smile.

"Well, interesting enough." Xu Jie said.

Well, it took another advantage of more than 1000 million.

He was too embarrassed to take advantage of the other party.

"Mr. Xu, who do you choose? I might as well notify the artists as soon as possible to adjust their schedule." Hu Zhen asked anxiously.

"Old Hu, I want to choose one with less than 1000 million yuan. Can you provide a list?" Xu Jie asked.

Hu Zhen over there was stunned.

You mentioned Jiang Cheng and Wu Siping just now, why didn't you choose anyone?
Below 1000 million?

This amount of money can only hire some second-tier or even third-tier artists.

and many more!

Hu Zhen suddenly understood something at this moment.

It must be that Mr. Xu's movie budget is not enough, otherwise, who wouldn't want to invite big stars to make a movie?

"Mr. Xu, what is your total budget for actors?" Hu Zhen couldn't help asking.

"2000 million." Xu Jie said truthfully.


Hu Zhen opened his mouth, but didn't say a word for a long time.

In today's film market, 2000 million can't even hire a decent male star, let alone this is the total budget.

He read the news a few days ago and remembered that the female star Liu Qing also joined Mr. Xu's movie. Now that there are two actresses, Su Yun and Liu Qing, it seems that there is not much left in the actor's budget.

Xu Jie knew that the salary was really low. At this moment, he suddenly thought of a way, and asked tentatively: "Old Hu, how about using the salary plus box office share?"


Hu Zhen was stumped.

Remuneration plus box office share is of course good, but the problem is that this movie is neither a big production nor a big director, and people in the industry are generally not optimistic about it, and even think it will be difficult to exceed [-] million yuan.

Under such circumstances, the box office share is simply a pit.

And the box office share generally refers to the box office share after the movie makes a profit.

In other words, if the film loses money or does not make money, the actors will not get a penny of the box office share.

In an environment where 90.00% of domestic films are losing money, no artist would sign such a contract at all, and no agent would advocate that an artist sign such a contract.

Xu Jie didn't hear Hu Zhen's voice for a long time, knowing that the other party was in a difficult situation, so he said, "Old Hu, you'd better bring me a bunch of 1000 million actors and let me choose by myself."

"Okay Mr. Xu, thank you Mr. Xu for your understanding..." Hu Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, afraid that the other party would insist on someone or turn his back on him.

As he thought, he said the names of several artists.

Since he often negotiates contracts for artists, he can still remember some of the artists in this salary range.

However, the range of 1000 million to 2000 million is quite embarrassing. It is not high or low. Some people agree, some people do not agree, some people say it is worth 2000 million, and some people say it is worth several million.

Of course, the people he recommends to Xu Jie now must be paid more than 1000 million, and their reputation is relatively good.

Xu Jie wrote all the artist's names on the whiteboard in the meeting room, and then hung up the phone with Hu Zhen.

"Clap clap clap!"

Xu Jie tapped the whiteboard with a pen, and said to the colleagues present: "How about these artists?"

After speaking, he took his mobile phone and searched the names of some of these artists.

Ashamed to say, Hu Zhen gave seven artists, but he only knew two.

It may also be that he is too lonely and ignorant, or it may be that the artists he has worked with are all first-tier and second-tier artists.

Everyone looked at the names, and some of them, like Xu Jie, started searching for information on their mobile phones.

Obviously, some strangers to the entertainers on the whiteboard.

No way, there are too many artists now.

"Mr. Xu, these people...are their ranks too low?" Wang Wen asked with a frown.

"That's right, Mr. Xu, some people are not even good at acting in TV dramas, and they are not good enough to be the leading actors in movies." Said an employee who had just read the artist's profile.

"It doesn't even have the appeal of ratings, let alone the appeal of the box office."

"To be honest, the popularity of these few people is not as good as Mr. Xu."

Wen Biting originally just said it casually, but everyone in the conference room was stunned.


hey hey?
"President Xu..." Wang Wen looked at Xu Jie and said, "I think what Tingting said makes sense, why don't you play the leading role?"

"Yes, I agree." Han Jialun nodded in agreement.

"Clap clap clap!"

Xu Jie tapped on the whiteboard again.

"Don't make trouble, let's get to the point."

"Mr. Xu, we are talking about the topic." Wang Wen said seriously.

"I've never acted before, I don't even know how to act, so what kind of male lead should I be?" Xu Jie gave everyone a blank look.

This is clearly a dislike for the star on the whiteboard, and he is making fun of him.

"Mr. Xu, haven't you acted in "Delicious History"? This can also be regarded as acting experience."

"Yes, Mr. Xu, your mass base is much stronger than those written on the whiteboard. If you don't believe me, if you go for a walk on the street, there must be more people who know you than they do."

"Mr. Xu, I have read the script. There is an intimate scene in it. As a director, are you ashamed to watch another actor perform an intimate scene with his sister-in-law? Don't tell me to borrow a seat. This is deception and is irresponsible to the audience." !"

Everyone rushed to speak.

"No, no!" Xu Jie waved his hands repeatedly.

At first he starred in "Delicious History" because the crew had no money. Now, although the film budget is not much, third-tier artists can still be hired.

Besides, "Delicious History" is a gourmet show, and the requirements for the protagonist are not so high. The audience can watch it if they like it, and don't watch it if they don't like it.

But now we are going to shoot a movie, which is related to the box office, and also related to the PK with Zheng Guoliang. Can we use people from the program group to perform the group performances like in "Delicious History"?

Most importantly, he has no box office appeal.

After all, those who like him are foodies and housewives!

Seeing Mr. Xu's refusal, everyone persuaded him even more vigorously.

"Mr. Xu, you have to think clearly, besides the male lead, there is also a second male lead that we didn't choose."

"Yes, if male one and male two both choose stars, it will be 2000 million."

"You haven't counted Liu Qing's salary, have you? You haven't counted the salary of sister-in-law and Ding Mengni. If all these are added together, it will be at least 4000 million, right? Subtract 7000 million from 4000 million, what can you do with the remaining 3000 million?"

"That is, if Mr. Xu plays the male lead, you can save 1000 million in one fell swoop, and the production level can be raised to a higher level immediately."

"Our movie has a limited budget. We should spend the money wisely. If all the money is spent on actors, can the movie still be made well? There is a saying that goes like this? Riding a shared bicycle to the bar, the province Save it, it's time to spend it."

"Director Xu, don't refuse. If you come to play the leading role, it is what everyone expects and what people want. I hope you will not go against public opinion and go your own way."


(End of this chapter)

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