The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 718 Silly White Sweet?

Chapter 718 Silly White Sweet?
Xu Jie stared at the phone for a long time, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that Hu Zhen didn't call.

Male number two, get it done!

Now only Liu Qing is left.

If Liu Qing's salary can be controlled at 500 million, then he can completely reconsider the candidate for the male number one. Even if the first-tier male star can't be invited, it shouldn't be a big problem to invite a second-tier one. It's better than him without any performances. It is better for someone with experience and box office appeal to play the leading role.

Xu Jie was about to call Liu Qing, but suddenly found that he did not have Liu Qing's phone number, only Liu Qing's manager Yuan Ou's phone number.

However, when he thought of the first issue of "Deep Talk on Film and Television" to "cheat" Yuan Ou's promotional fees, he felt a little guilty, and he didn't call the other party's number for a long time.

After much deliberation, Xu Jie felt that someone had to tie the bell to untie it.

Whoever invites Liu Qing must be persuaded.

Wife, please!

Xu Jie directly dialed Su Yun's cell phone number.

After all, Liu Qing is not only his wife's friend, but also his wife's little fan girl, so it is up to the wife to discuss the salary, and Liu Qing is too embarrassed to ask for too much money.

"Honey, do you miss me?"

Su Yun's gentle and sweet voice came from the microphone, which made Xu Jie's ears tingle and his whole body go numb.

"I miss you, and I want you to do me a favor." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Su Yun asked curiously. If she remembered correctly, this seemed to be the first time a man asked her for help.

What is it?Can make a man helpless?

"It's like this. Today, I had a meeting with my colleagues to discuss the candidates for the film roles. Now, except for the lead actor, all the other roles have been decided. You know, my film is not well-off in terms of funds. As for me, I don't want to spend too much money on the film salary, so I would like to invite you to inquire about Liu Qing's film salary, negotiate the price by the way, and then decide who to invite to be the male number one based on the remaining funds."

Xu Jie explained the matter briefly.

"I understand, husband, don't worry, this matter is on my shoulders, how much do you plan to pay Qingqing?" Su Yun asked.

She has always wanted to share the worries of men, and this opportunity finally came.

"My ideal salary is 500 million, and the maximum can't exceed 1000 million." Xu Jie said after thinking about it.

Su Yun was taken aback when she heard this, the offer was indeed a bit low.

"I remember Qingqing's salary for her last film was 800 million. She is one of the very few young actresses in the film industry who has a certain box office appeal. 500 million is not realistic, but if it is 1000 million, there may be more. There is room for negotiation," Su Yun said.

"Her salary is so high? Higher than yours?" Xu Jie was a little surprised. Didn't Wang Wen say that the salary of actresses in the film industry is generally not high, and there are not many who exceed 1000 million?
"Qingqing is a movie star and has always focused on movies, so she is more recognized in the movie market. Even if there are many female stars who have more topics and traffic than her, the movie salary may not be as high as her. I don't know if you have noticed something For one thing, many actresses become popular as soon as they act in a TV series, but they hit the market as soon as they act in a movie, which means they are not recognized by the film market and have no box office appeal." Su Yun explained.

Xu Jie understood that this was the case.

It seems that he was too optimistic.

"Husband, Qingqing has been in the capital all this time. I don't think it's better than this. Let's invite her to my house tonight, chat while having dinner, and then have a few more glasses of wine. What do you think?" Su Yun asked. .

She also felt that under normal circumstances, it would be almost impossible for Liu Qing to reduce her salary by 1000 million yuan, even if it was a friendship price, it would be impossible to reduce it so much, unless she was not clear-headed.

And the best thing you can do to get your mind off your head is to drink.

This is an important reason why many businessmen like to discuss business at the wine table.

"Well, this is a good way. By the way, it's best to call her manager Yuan Ou, so that she won't regret it after she wakes up." Xu Jie's eyes lit up, as if he had seen Liu Qing ignore the manager's dissuasion after drinking too much I insist on acting in the scene of this play.

As a manager, Yuan Ou definitely doesn't want artists to lower their pay, and will definitely try their best to prevent Liu Qing from agreeing.

But everyone needs face, especially a stubborn donkey like Liu Qing. My good sister wants her to reduce her salary, but her agent refuses. Can she, Liu Qing, have face?Maybe being so stimulated by the manager made him rebellious, coupled with the effect of alcohol, he didn't want to agree to it, but he finally agreed.

"I'll contact Qingqing right away," Su Yun said.

"Okay, I'll wait for your news."

Xu Jie put down the phone.

It didn't take long.

The WeChat bell rang.

It was a message from Su Yun.

Just two letters: OK!

Xu Jie smiled.

Start thinking about what to drink tonight.

How about a bottle of Erguotou?


Xu Jie came home from get off work.

The moment he took out the key to open the door, he immediately heard bursts of laughter, which was very pleasant.

"Wife, I'm back." Xu Jie said loudly on purpose to prevent his wife and Liu Qing from playing a large-scale game between girlfriends.

Soon, Su Yun came over from the kitchen.


Su Yun winked and said loudly, "Qingqing and Sister Ou are here."

Xu Jie nodded, then took off his coat and walked towards the kitchen.

Liu Qing was eating a cucumber in her hand, and Cherry chewed it like a rabbit with her small mouth. When she saw Xu Jie, she didn't react at all, as if she didn't see it.

Instead, the manager Yuan Ou, who was sitting in the restaurant, stood up and said politely, "Mr. Xu, I'm sorry to bother you tonight."

Even though the man in front of her had left Beijing TV Station, she dared not underestimate him.

You must know that the opponent is one against four, fighting against four entertainment companies with one's own strength, and so far, three of them have retreated, and the situation of the other is not optimistic.

"Don't be so polite, everyone is not an outsider." Xu Jie signaled the other party to sit down, then looked at Liu Qing with a smile and said, "Stop eating cucumbers, and eat more of your sister Yun's cooking later."

"I'm willing." Liu Qing rolled her eyes, and took a bite of the cucumber when she was done.

Stubborn energy came up again.

Xu Jie smiled, if it was normal, he would definitely go back, but tonight, for the sake of money, I will give this girl some face.

Before long, dinner was ready.

The four of them sat around the dining table, having fun.

Liu Qing took out her mobile phone and took a picture of the meal on the table, not forgetting to flatter while taking pictures.

"These dishes look delicious. Sister Yun, you are really amazing. You are indeed my idol."

Liu Qing's eyes were wide open, her face was filled with admiration, and she showed the true colors of the little fan girl to the extreme.

"It's just a simple household meal." Su Yun picked up the wine glass poured with red wine, and said with a smile: "Welcome Qingqing and Miss Ou to be our guests, cheers."

"Cheers!" Liu Qing raised his glass and responded positively.


The four clinked glasses.

One third of the glass of red wine was all drunk.

"Come, let's eat." Su Yun picked up the chopsticks and warmly picked up the vegetables for Liu Qing.

Liu Qing took a bite, then immediately stretched out her thumb and praised: "Well, it's delicious. I want to eat at least two bowls of rice tonight. Sister Ou, don't stop me."

Body shape is very important to female artists. Many female artists usually don’t even dare to eat the staple food, just hoping to wear beautiful skirts and be more photogenic.

But now, Liu Qing actually clamored to eat two bowls of rice, which was enough to show how happy she was tonight.

Xu Jie secretly smiled, hoping that the other party would be so forthright when the salary was mentioned later.

Eat it, eat it, eat more, eat people with short mouths.

Yuan Ou on the side was embarrassed to take care of it, so he could only nod and say hello.

Liu Qing ate for a while, probably because she had too much food in her mouth, and she choked a little. When she picked up the wine glass and was about to drink something down, she suddenly remembered something, looked at Su Yun and said, "Sister Yun, Thank you for your hospitality, I am so happy and happy to be able to eat the meals you cook, and I offer you a toast."

After Su Yun heard this, she picked up the wine glass and said, "Qingqing, are you still seeing me? I want to eat here often in the future. In fact, my craftsmanship is average, and my husband's craftsmanship is really good. Let him make it for you next time." .”

She knew that Liu Qing had a prejudice against Xu Jie, so she wanted to use this sentence to ease the relationship between the other party and her husband, and pave the way for the salary that will be mentioned later.

Liu Qing shook her head resolutely, and said seriously: "Sister Yun, this has nothing to do with craftsmanship. In my opinion, everything you cook is delicious, and no matter how good other people's craftsmanship is, it can't compare."

After speaking, he clinked glasses with Su Yun, raised his head and drank it all in one gulp.

Looking at Liu Qing's appearance, Xu Jie couldn't help but think of two words: lick the dog!

He even had some doubts about Liu Qing's sexual orientation. Could this woman like women?

"As long as you like it." Su Yun also drank it down, and then said: "Next year we will cooperate in a movie, and there will be more opportunities to have dinner together."

"Speaking of cooperative films..." Yuan Ou looked at Xu Jie and asked, "Mr. Xu, is the script ready? When will the filming start?"

"The script has already been written, and it is expected to start filming in the first half of next year. I will give you a copy of the script later." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"I don't know what kind of role you plan to give Qingqing?" Yuan Ou asked curiously.

Characters are very important to an artist.

A good character can gain fans and honor for the artist, while a bad character is likely to ruin the reputation of the artist.

As Liu Qing's manager, she naturally shouldered the burden of selecting roles and checking in for Liu Qing.

"A concubine who has gone from naive to vicious." Xu Jie said.


Yuan Ou was taken aback.

Even Liu Qing, who had been ignoring Xu Jie all this time, couldn't help showing a surprised expression at this moment.

"Gongdou movie?"

There are many Gongdou dramas, and the ratings are generally not low, but there are very few movies about Gongdou.

What kind of palace fighting drama can a 90-minute movie perform?
The most important thing is that movie fans can't enjoy watching it.

"It's not considered a Gongdou drama, but there will be such a process of blackening."

Xu Jie took this opportunity to tell the story he wrote.

A young man traveled back to the ancient palace and was rescued by a noble concubine who had been thrown into the cold palace. After getting along for a period of time, the relationship between the two also heated up.

This matter was known by a beautiful woman who had just entered the palace, and the young man helped her become the emperor's favorite concubine step by step in order to stop her mouth.

One day, the emperor met the noble concubine again by chance, and planned to recall her to the palace and restore her status.

The concubine Chong was jealous, and on the surface she reported to the young people to help them escape from the palace, but in fact she wanted to get rid of the two of them. However, due to some reasons, the trick not only failed, but also exposed herself.

In order to prevent the young people who escaped from the palace from revealing the secret, Concubine Chong reported it to the emperor and sent someone to kill her...
"Stop talking, I won't act!" Liu Qing directly refused.

"Why? Is the story not good?" Xu Jie asked.

I invited the other party to dinner tonight, mainly to discuss the salary, but I didn't expect the other party to say no to acting after hearing the story.

Isn't this dinner for nothing tonight?
"I don't play bad guys!" Liu Qing shook her head and said.

Yuan Ou on the side explained: "Mr. Xu, it's not about the story, it's about the character. This character doesn't fit Qingqing's personality."

"What character design?" Xu Jie asked while looking at Liu Qing.

A poisonous tongue character?

Or is it the character design of the barbaric young lady?

"Pure!" Yuan Ou said.

"Oh, I see, it's just silly and sweet, right?" Xu Jie asked.

"You are so stupid, your whole family is so stupid!" Liu Qing said angrily.

Xu Jie turned to look at Su Yun who was beside him, "Honey, she called you stupid and sweet."

Liu Qing was startled, and then realized that Sister Yun was the man's wife, so she changed her words and said, "I didn't say Sister Yun, don't sow discord, I didn't mean that."

But Xu Jie curled his lips, and said mockingly: "What age is this, and there are still people who want to set up a pure character? You can be pure for a while, and you can be pure for a lifetime? Besides, you are not young anymore, and you can still be pure." How many years have you been pure? Don't tell me that you still want to play with innocent characters when you reach [-]."

"You...a dog can't spit out ivory!" Liu Qing stared angrily, holding the chopsticks tightly with her right hand, trying to control herself not to throw them out.

"If a dog can spit out ivory, the dog will become a treasure." Xu Jie said while eating vegetables: "This thing can't be erected casually, it will collapse easily, and it won't do any good for your future transformation. , and as an actor, an actor who pursues art, you should try various roles so that you can improve. If you play Silly Baitian when you are 20 years old and still play Silly Baitian when you are 30 years old, then in In the eyes of the audience, you are just a fool."

Liu Qing gritted her teeth and looked at the man opposite.

She is angry.

However, I felt that what the man said seemed to make a little sense.

When actors reach a certain age, they will indeed face transformation.

She transformed from a child star to a young actor, so she understands the difficulty of the transformation process very well.

Speaking of which, she will be 26 this year.

You can play a girl now, but will you still be able to play in a few years?
Especially after waiting until the age of 30.

If you can't transform successfully, you will really be scolded for pretending to be tender.

In fact, she also wants to transform.

But the problem is the script given to her, the characters in it are all the same.

Or, give it a try?

(End of this chapter)

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