The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 719 A man's mouth, a deceiving ghost!

Chapter 719 A man's mouth, a deceiving ghost!
Seeing Liu Qing who was suddenly silent, Xu Jie knew that he had hit on the other party's mind, and a smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

In fact, before going home, he deliberately did some homework, not only checked the movies that Liu Qing acted in, but also watched some interviews about the other party.

And those words just now are some suggestions he deliberately prepared to persuade the other party to reduce the salary after studying Liu Qing's basic situation, but the expressions may be a bit harsh.

Isn't there such a sentence?
Good medicine tastes bitter, unpalatable advice help line.

It is to give the other party a little strong medicine.

"Teacher Xu……"

When Liu Qing was thinking seriously, Yuan Ou who was on the side suddenly spoke and said politely: "Actually, the company has a very clear plan for Qingqing's future development, so I don't need Teacher Xu to worry about it."

"The company's plan? Are you talking about painting cakes?" Xu Jie looked at Yuan Ou and asked.

"No, it's not painting cakes. The company has been working hard to improve Qingqing's commercial value." Yuan Ou explained.

No matter from the perspective of the company or from the perspective of commercial interests, she did not want Liu Qing to take on the role of such a bad woman.

Let alone whether the transformation can be successful, it is really not worth taking risks for such a villain.

Even if you want to transform, you must at least choose some decent characters.

Even if you don't play pure and pure roles, you can completely transform into elites and literary youths.

"Well, I believe what you say. After all, the greater her commercial value, the greater the value extracted. How can she be allowed to do such a dangerous thing as transformation? The wool is not finished yet." Xu Jay said with a smile.

Yuan Ou's heart tightened, and an embarrassing expression appeared on his face.

As the old saying goes: No one will be happy for a thousand days, and a flower will not be successful for a hundred days.

Entertainment companies make quick money and hot money, and the artists under them are popular, so of course they should take the opportunity to make more money.

Liu Qing looked at her manager and frowned.

The company's plan for her has not changed for many years.

When he was 20 years old, he was positioned as the head of the Jade Girl. Now five years have passed, and the publicity draft is still hyped as the head of the Jade Girl, without any changes.

In addition, she can often see some artists who have been over-marketed but no one cares about them in the end, and she can't help but doubt the agent in her heart.

Has the company made a clear plan for her future?
Have you ever thought about how to create a new image for her when the word "Jade Girl" doesn't work, and what is this new image?

Originally, she would only think about the issue of transformation when she had nothing to do, but now she heard Xu Jie's words, and her heart was filled with a sense of urgency.

She will be 26 in a few days, and she will be 30 after making a few more movies. There is not much time and opportunities left for her to transform.

"Is there no other positive role besides this one?" Liu Qing asked.

Transformation, no problem.

But it was difficult for her to accept the transformation into a black-bellied and vicious character.

"Yes, there is another court lady, the servant girl next to the imperial concubine, who died in the end, but there is not much room for this role to play, not as good as Xiu Nu."

Xu Jie put down his chopsticks, took a sip of red wine, and continued solemnly: "To tell you the truth, when my wife invited you last time, the script had already been written. There are relatively few roles in the palace, but when I heard that you were going to join, I hurried back to change the script after attending the grand ceremony that night, and stayed up for several nights before I got the role I have now. You know why I did this ?"

"Why?" Liu Qing asked curiously.

Everyone was attracted by Xu Jie's question.

Why change a character or even the story for her?
"Because I think that if you were replaced by you, no matter how difficult the role was, you would be able to handle it, so I dared to let go and write it. Through the blackening of this role, the whole story will become more exciting." Xu Jie Seriously.

Liu Qing was taken aback when she heard it, she didn't expect the man to recognize her acting skills so much, she felt a little embarrassed when she heard it.

She moved her buttocks, straightened her body, and asked, "Is what you said true?"

"Of course it's true. If you don't believe me, ask my wife?" Xu Jie turned to look at Su Yun.

Liu Qing turned to look at Sister Yun, she didn't believe what others said, but she believed what Sister Yun said a hundred times.

"Well, yes, I can testify." Su Yun nodded solemnly.

She didn't know if she changed her role or not.

But she knows that a husband sings and a wife follows.

Liu Qing took a deep breath, and said as if she had made some important decision: "Okay, I..."


Yuan Ou stretched out his leg suddenly, kicked Liu Qing under the table, interrupting the other party's words.

Swish swish!
The three eyes looked over in unison.

Yuan Ou was shocked, and the chopsticks almost came out of his hands.

Qingqing's doubts, Su Yun's sharpness, and Teacher Xu's coldness made her feel uncomfortable all over.

She knew that if she spoke now, she would definitely provoke public outrage, and she might offend Mr. Xu, as well as Jingshi Culture and Beijing Radio and Television Station behind Mr. Xu.

Who in the entertainment industry doesn't know about the fact that an artist from the Prosperous Brokerage Company was banned by Xu Jie?
Moreover, she once stayed in the prosperous agency company for a while, Liu Jinghua can be regarded as her half master, even Sister Hua bowed her head, and Wang Tiannan wanted to show her favor, let alone her and the entertainment company behind her.

"Cough, schedule, pay attention to the schedule." Yuan Ou reminded, not daring to say too much.

"I remember Director Liu's movie started in April." Liu Qing looked at Xu Jie after speaking, to the effect of asking if the shooting schedule conflicted

"Coincidentally, I will start the machine in February!" Xu Jie said with a smile when he heard it, and first occupied the other party's schedule. As for when to start the machine, we will talk about it later
The three looked at Yuan Ou again.

"However, there are still some business activities to participate in in February and March." Yuan Ou said.

She asked for so many reasons, but in fact, she wanted Qingqing not to agree first, and to discuss with the team later before replying to Teacher Xu.

After all, transformation is a very important matter for the artist and the company behind the artist. It can affect the future of the artist and the interests of the company.

Liu Qing looked at Su Yun, Su Yun looked at Xu Jie, Xu Jie looked at Yuan Ou and said, "It's okay, I'll give her a holiday on the day of the event, what's the problem?"


Yuan Ou was in trouble for a while, and the teacher Xu next to him was obviously "answering any question" and "responsive to every request". Even if she found a few other reasons, the other party would probably agree.

It's over, if the boss of the company finds out about this tonight, why don't you scold her a bitch?

Forget it, it's not the first time I've been scolded.

Yuan Ou squeezed out a smile, looked at Xu Jie and said, "Since Mr. Xu takes care of us like this, we have no reason to refuse. I believe Mr. Xu also knows Qingqing's salary, then follow..."

"I don't know." Xu Jie decisively interrupted the other party, and said: "This is my first time making a movie, and I don't know much about the artist's salary. I don't know how much Liu Qing's salary is?"

Yuan Ou was taken aback, he didn't even know how much the artist's salary was, so he dared to invite the artist?
It's too bold, isn't it?

But if you think about it carefully, Mr. Xu is now the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture, and Jingshi Culture is a subsidiary company of Beijing Radio and Television Station, so he must not be short of money.

"Qingqing's salary starts at 500 million." Yuan Ou said.

The so-called start is that 500 million is enough for a big production made by a big director, and 2000 million to 3000 million or even higher is needed for a bad script for a big production.

Yuan Ou looked at Mr. Xu beside him. He was not considered a big director, and romance movies are usually not big productions. As for whether the script is bad or not, I don't know for the time being.

So how much the salary should be, this scale is not easy for her to decide.

Xu Jie and Su Yun looked at each other, and finally got to the point.

"Well, Liu Qing is indeed worth the price, let alone 500 million, with her acting skills, even [-] is worth it, but given the relationship between us, shouldn't it be a friendship price? Otherwise, it would seem extravagant." Ah." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Yuan Ou frowned.

What kind of friendship price, what kind of credit, don't you just think the salary is high?
Just now, seeing that the other party looked like Qingqing didn't want to use it, she thought she had already prepared the salary, so she just waited for Qingqing to nod her head in agreement.

It's worth paying 3000 million yuan, it's pure flattery.

"Ms. Xu, Qingqing's minimum salary is 500 million. Even the great director Zhang Weiqiang still needs 500 million." Yuan Ou explained.

This remuneration was not set by her personally, but by the company based on Liu Qing's commercial value and the film market.

"Sister Ou, look at what you said, director Zhang Weiqiang is close to you, or my wife Su Yun is close to you, Qingqing." Xu Jie finally looked at Liu Qing.

He knew that it was only useful to talk to Liu Qing about reducing the salary, and it was useless to talk to Yuan Ou, the agent.

After Liu Qing heard it, she couldn't help turning her head to look at Sister Yun who was beside her. Sister Yun and this man are husband and wife. Sister Yun should know what the man said just now.

There is an old saying: Don't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face.

When it comes to reducing the salary, it doesn't depend on the face of the man, but also the face of Sister Hua.

"Sister Ou, what Director Xu said makes sense." Liu Qing said to Yuan Ou who was beside her. She couldn't let Sister Yun think that she was a person who valued money and despised righteousness.

Yuan Ou almost lost his breath when he heard this, and kicked Liu Qing violently under the table.

She can ignore the matter of changing roles, but she can't ignore the matter of pay.

Besides, it's not a famous director, and it's not a big production. The content of the script is still unknown. It's already very good without raising the price, but you want to lower the price?

Liu Qing moved her chair, moved a little further away from Yuan Ou, and said to Xu Jie: "For the sake of Sister Yun, I will give you a friendship price of 400 million this time."

Xu Jie was speechless, and made a big effort to drop 100 million?

This is too contemptuous.

Is he short of the 100 million?
He is obviously short of the 400 million, okay?
"My wife's face is worth 100 million? It seems that I overestimated the friendship between you." Xu Jie shook his head and sighed, with a disappointed expression on his face.

Liu Qing was startled for a while, then her face was full of embarrassment, and she was even embarrassed to see Sister Yun.

If you use money to measure the friendship between her and Sister Yun, 100 million is indeed a little less.

In her opinion, the friendship with sister Yun, let alone 100 million, even 500 million is not enough.

But the problem is, you can't just give up 500 million yuan, and star in with zero pay, right?

How much is appropriate?

If it drops another 100 million, it sounds like a small amount.

Liu Qing thought for a while, then gritted her teeth and said, "1000 million, 1000 million head office, right?"


Yuan Ou couldn't help crying out.

100 million is already a lot, and now it has dropped by 500 million all of a sudden. This, this is even more impossible to explain to the company boss.

"Okay!" Xu Jie said loudly, directly overshadowing Yuan Ou who was on the side, picked up the wine glass and said to Liu Qing: "Come on, let's toast to friendship."

Although Su Yun didn't speak all the time, she picked up the wine glass at the moment as well.

As soon as Su Yun took it, Liu Qing naturally took it too.

Now, three of the four raised their glasses.

No matter how helpless Yuan Ou felt in his heart, he could only pick up the wine glass in the end.

This meal is a big loss!
One meal, 500 million is gone.

This has not yet calculated the serious consequences of the failure of the transformation or the failure of the film.

Once the movie hits the street and the characters are scolded, the losses will be even greater afterwards.

Qingqing, Qingqing, if you can't drink it, don't drink it!


The four cheered and drank all of them in one gulp.

It's just that some people find it bitter, while others find it sweet.

"Qingqing, I know you are at a loss for taking 1000 million yuan, but although your films are important, they are not many. I guess it will take less than half a month to finish. By the way, have you used other methods to make movies before? Payment of remuneration, such as the form of remuneration in cash plus box office share?" Xu Jie asked.

From his point of view, his wife's face worth 500 million is already pretty good. If he uses this matter to force the other party to reduce his salary, it will only be counterproductive.

Therefore, he is going to use other methods to continue persuading Liu Qing to lower her salary.

Of course, tonight's goal has been achieved, and it doesn't matter whether the opponent surrenders or not.

It's even better if it's lowered, so he can have money to hire the leading actor.

If he doesn't surrender, he can only drive the ducks to the shelves and play in person.

"Cash plus box office share? No." Liu Qing shook her head.

"In fact, this method is very good. The higher the box office, the more income you will make. It is very popular abroad, and it is also exclusive to big-name movie stars. If the cafe is smaller, it is only for greedy eyes. I think you are very suitable. , After all, your acting skills and box office appeal are there, and there are very few actresses in the film industry who can match you..." Xu Jie said incessantly, and he couldn't stop his compliments.

Liu Qing was delighted to hear that, even though she tried her best to control it, she couldn't help but smile.

It was a kind of joy, a kind of pride, a kind of complacency.

It's like a primary school student being praised by the head teacher, and it's the kind that praises half of the class.

Women like to hear good things.

She is no exception.

What's more, these words of praise came from the mouth of a man who usually speaks badly, and the happiness index was directly full.

However, Yuan Ou, the agent at the side, couldn't eat because she could clearly feel that what Mr. Xu said was sugar-coated bullets in essence, and the purpose was to make Qingqing further reduce her salary.

As the old saying goes: A man's mouth is a deceitful ghost!
I have long heard that Mr. Xu was famous for his ability to reason when he was in the art program center of Beijing TV Station. After hearing it today, his reputation is indeed well-deserved.

"Mr. Xu, I know what you said about the cash plus box office share remuneration method, but most of this method occurs abroad, and there are very few actors in China who will sign it. At least I have never encountered it in the past ten years as an agent. .” Yuan Ou interrupted Xu Jie.

Qingqing is still young, if she doesn't stop her in time and interrupt Teacher Xu's flickering, Qingqing will fall into the other party's way again.

This man, young, has a full stomach.

"Sister Ou, that's because domestic actors are generally not confident. Qingqing is not that kind of actor, is she?" Xu Jie said to Liu Qing.

"That's right!" Liu Qing nodded.

How can a star not be confident?
"Look, I know that Qingqing and my wife are the same kind of actors. By the way, my wife's salary is in the form of box office share, not even cash. Do you want to try Qingqing? I think you are the top actor in the country. You should have the courage to try as a movie actress, and I also want to use this method to compensate you." Xu Jie said sincerely.

"Really?" Liu Qing turned to look at Su Yun and asked, "Sister Yun, do you really only want the box office share?"

"Well, I have confidence in myself, and the cost of our movie is not high, and it can make a profit if the box office exceeds [-] million." Su Yun said with a smile.

Liu Qing's eyes lit up, and her heart was a little moved.

With the vigorous development of the domestic film market, a film box office of [-] million is no longer considered a high box office in today's film market.

Many movies can even exceed [-] million at the box office in one day.

For income beyond 5.00 million, the remuneration is calculated according to the share, even if it is only 500%, if there is an excess of 1000 million, there will be a share of [-] million, and if there is an excess of [-] million, it will be [-] million.

The box office of the three films she has shot in recent years has exceeded [-] million, and one has even exceeded [-] million.

In this way, a salary of 1000 million yuan is actually a child's play.

Liu Qing was calculating frantically in her mind, her eyes were filled with a series of zeros.

Yuan Ou turned around in a hurry, and kicked vigorously under the table, but because Liu Qing hid in another position, he kicked many times without hitting anyone.

Qingqing, Qingqing, you must not be too optimistic, the other party is not a great director, and besides, I haven't seen the script yet, who can guarantee that the box office will exceed [-] million?

This is a gamble!
Since there is a stable salary, why bother to gamble?

Are you short of money?

Don't be fooled by Teacher Xu.

By the way, don't listen to Su Yun either.

These two are a couple, the husband is making a movie for the first time, of course the wife has to support it, it can be seen from the fact that they don't need any cash remuneration.

They are a couple, what are you?
You are nothing!
"Mr. Xu, I think the cash salary is very good and stable, and our company has never signed a cash plus film salary, so let's forget about it." Yuan Ou said.

She has already lost 500 million, and she doesn't want to lose another 500 million!

(End of this chapter)

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