The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 720 It's Not Human!

Chapter 720 It's Not Human!
"Sister Ou, don't rush to refuse."

After Xu Jie heard Yuan Ou's words, he was not angry, and everything was within his expectations.

An agent would stand up against such things as lowering the salary, not to mention that he wants to link the actors' salary with the box office of the movie, so that the actors who can guarantee their income in droughts and floods should bear the box office risk. How many people will take the gamble?

However, he invited Yuan Ou here, there must be a need for his existence.

Liu Qing was a little rebellious in her heart, and Yuan Ou tried her best to stop her, which to a certain extent could arouse the other party's rebellious psychology and make the other party want to try new things even more.

If he just "reasoned" Liu Qing unilaterally, based on their previous relationship, the other party might be more cautious and seek some professional advice.

But now, he only needs to separate Liu Qing and Yuan Ou.

"Sister Ou, I know you are Qingqing's manager, but Qingqing has grown up now, she is an adult with independent thinking, she is no longer a child star in the past, shouldn't we listen to her more? "Xu Jie said to Yuan Ou seriously.

Add fire to the relationship between Liu Qing and Yuan Ou.


The corner of Yuan Ou's mouth twitched involuntarily, and he didn't know what to say.

If she insists on making decisions for Qingqing, it seems that she doesn't respect Qingqing, but if she doesn't make up her mind for Qingqing, Qingqing will definitely be lied to by Teacher Xu.

What's more, there is Su Yun at the side.

Although Su Yun didn't say a few words from the beginning to the end, her existence alone can shake Qingqing.

This is no longer a simple matter of opinion, but has risen to a human rights issue.

May I ask which artist doesn't want to have more say in his career?
Seeing that Yuan Ou didn't speak, Xu Jie turned his head to look at Liu Qing, and said with all his heart: "Qingqing, come and talk about your own thoughts. We are all on our own. If you have anything to say, speak freely. We are here Discussion doesn’t have to be something, right?”

Looking at the man opposite, Liu Qing felt a little moved.

What does a person most want to achieve?
It's respect!
Regardless of the purpose of what the other party said before, at least he respects her very much.

This kind of respect is not superficially polite, let alone compliments and praises, but to listen to her opinions and ideas seriously.

Because she was born as a child star, she could only listen to other people's arrangements in acting since she was a child, and she had to do what others told her to do. She felt like a tool without her own consciousness at all.

And this situation has continued until now.

Even if she wants to express a certain idea, she has no confidence in her heart. She always feels that what others say is correct, and her own ideas are naive and superfluous. determined, even a little inferior.

So just now when Xu Jie yelled at her manager, she was not only not angry, but also very happy, and even felt that the man yelled at Sister Ou for her sake.

Now she really wants to say a word to Xu Jie: long live understanding!
"I think..." Liu Qing looked at Sister Ou at the side, then gritted her teeth and said, "You can try it."

In her view, this is not just an attempt, but also a decision for herself.

Yuan Ou was stunned when he heard this, he didn't expect Qingqing to agree even after he had already stopped him like this, two words popped out in his heart: It's over!

You must know that Qingqing had always listened to her when it came to movie contracts, after all, she was a professional.

what is it today?
For some things, there will be a second time with the first time.

Qingqing didn't listen to her today, and she might not listen more and more in the future.

But when you think about it, this isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Just take this opportunity to let Qingqing know what it means: professionals do professional things.

If you don't understand the matter of the salary contract, don't meddle in it.

As the old saying goes: If you don't hit the south wall, you won't look back.

She was going all out today, and let Qingqing hit the south wall once.

Only when you hit it will you know the pain!

If it was other big directors, she might still be worried, worried that the box office would be too high, and Qingqing would get a taste of the sweetness, and thus get out of control.

But this time the director of the film is Mr. Xu, not only a layman in the film industry, but also the first time to make a film. It is hard to say whether it will pay off, let alone make a profit, so she is very relieved.

In her opinion, Qingqing will definitely hit the wall this time, and it will be very painful.

"Right, you have to try everything. How will you know if you don't try? Isn't there a saying? Practice is the only criterion for testing the truth." Xu Jie said with a smile, and he laughed happily.

In this way, the initial capital expenditure can be reduced, and the money can be spent on film shooting and production, and the risk of box office income can also be passed on to the artist.

The most important thing is that with the box office share, actors will be more serious and devoted when filming, and will not play big names on the set or find no one.

"Let me tell you, the investment of this film is estimated to be 7000 million. If you can reduce the salary by 700 million, the box office share is expected to be about [-]%. How much are you going to reduce?" Xu Jie looked at Liu Qing asked.

"700 million is too much, is 100 million okay?" Liu Qing asked tentatively.

"One million? You can't even get one percent, is that how courageous you are?" Xu Jie asked, frowning, and resorted to aggressive tactics again.

Liu Qing thought for a while, and then put on a desperate look and said: "At most 300 million, no more, I can't make a movie, and I won't charge anything, right?"

Xu Jie hesitated for a moment, 300 million was still 200 million short of his goal, but judging by Liu Qing's current attitude, continuing to persuade him might be counterproductive, so he said, "Okay, then 700 million in cash plus box office revenue."

Liu Qing smiled, looked at her manager Yuan Ou and asked, "Sister Ou, what do you think?"

Yuan Ou thought: Is my opinion useful?If you listen to my opinion, don't agree to a salary of 1000 million yuan.

Of course, she could only think about these words in her heart. If she said it, how would she get along with Liu Qing in the future?
"You make up your mind." Yuan Ou said with a smile, disregarding the relationship with this matter.

In this case, even if Qingqing regrets the box office of the movie in the future, it has nothing to do with her. After all, she stopped it before, but she didn't stop it.

Liu Qing was very happy, even a little excited.

It was the first time she had made such a big decision for herself, and she had made several, and felt immensely respected.

"It's still early, how about playing a few rounds of mahjong later? There are exactly four of us. Speaking of which, we haven't played mahjong together for a long time, is it Miss Yun?" Liu Qing asked Su Yun.

"Okay." Su Yun didn't want to spoil the other party's interest.

Liu Qing speeded up her meal, and in the end she didn't break her promise, she really ate two bowls of rice.

The four moved to the living room and began to set up the Great Wall.

It is different from the seating at mealtime.

Xu Jie sat opposite Su Yun, Yuan Ou was his upper family, and Liu Qing was his next family.

Xu Jie once saw Liu Qing playing mahjong. He is a typical person who is addicted to vegetables, and his mouth is not idle. He chatters, as if he wants to use language output to interfere with other people's playing cards. He doesn't look innocent at all.

"Five of a Kind." Xu Jie played a card.

"Pengpengpengpeng, I didn't expect to be able to touch the remaining one. It seems that I will definitely win this game. Director Xu will give me another touch." Liu Qing said happily.

After a round, it was Xu Jie's turn to play cards again.

"Thirty thousand."

"Wait a minute, let me think about it, should I eat it or wait a while, forget it, let's eat it." After eating, Liu Qing printed out a [-] card, then rubbed her little hands, and said: "I Listen to the cards, you have to pay attention."

When it was Xu Jie's turn, he reached out and touched a card.

It was [-], and he still had [-] in his hand.

Putting the two together is the right pair, but he didn't keep it and typed it out directly.

"Ten thousand!"


As soon as Liu Qing clapped her hands, she frowned, and said regretfully, "Director Xu, you should have called earlier."

"Just caught." Xu Jie said.

next lap.

Xu Jie typed out another [-] card in his hand.

Liu Qing slapped her forehead with her hand, and said loudly, "Ah? Another ten thousand? I'm also one-on-one, ten thousand..."

After Xu Jie heard it, he said lightly: "You have to be patient in playing mahjong, and you can't just focus on the small profits in front of you. You have to know that playing a big game once often wins more than playing a small game three or four times. Besides, even if you listen to it Butt, are you sure you are the one who wins in the end? The important thing is to learn to make a choice when the opportunity comes."

Liu Qing nodded while regretting, and said in his mouth: "You are right, I must be fooled."

Yuan Ou, who was sitting at the door opposite Liu Qing, took a peek at Xu Jie who was beside him. Qingqing couldn't understand what the man said, but she could.

Isn't it satisfied that the cash salary has dropped to 700 million?
Does this person have too much appetite?

Could it be that Qingqing really wants to take nothing, like Su Yun?
When it was Xu Jie's turn again, he directly dismantled the one-two-three straights and made one one.

As soon as the cards fell, Su Yun on the opposite side immediately pushed the cards.

"Nonsense, all the same, thank you husband." Su Yun said happily.

Maybe Liu Qing and Yuan Ou on the side don't know, but she knows her husband's level, he can shoot whoever he wants, and play whatever cards he wants.

So she believed that her husband must have called her on purpose.

"What, all?" Liu Qing sighed and said, "Oh, if I can meet the [-] just now, I might be the one who wins the card. What a bad luck!"

After finishing speaking, he rolled up his sleeves and said unconvinced: "Come again!"

Xu Jie smiled and thought: As long as you stay with me, it will be the same for ten laps.

The mahjong table is equivalent to his home field.

Not only can he make Liu Qing lose his cards, but he can also drive him to death.

You can also use this opportunity to explain the truth to the other party. Maybe the other party listens too much, and suddenly realizes that you don't even want the 700 million.

Xu Jie quickly counted the cards and started the second game.

In fact, there was an automatic mahjong table at home, but he wanted to make good use of the game, so he took a folding table on the grounds that it was broken.

In this way, switching to manual card placement, although the trouble is a little more troublesome, the operability is even greater.

After throwing the dice, start drawing cards.

Xu Jie stood up the cards after catching them. The cards were good. If he played well, he could make a fool of himself. However, his purpose tonight was not to win money, but to teach Liu Qing a lesson.

"This game is good, you will definitely win the game, you have to be careful." Liu Qing became excited again, as if she had forgotten the loss of the previous game.

Xu Jie smiled slightly, and said to Liu Qing: "The idea is good, but it's not certain whether it can be played or not."

"Hmph, just wait for the transfer." Liu Qing said proudly.

It's Xu Jie's turn.

Xu Jie played a card of [-].

"Touch!" Su Yun shouted loudly.

Liu Qing obediently took her hand back.

It was Xu Jie's turn again.

Take out another six.

"Touch!" This time it was Yuan Ou's turn.

Liu Qing lowered the arm that had just been raised, and frowned accordingly.

It was Xu Jie's turn to take pictures again.

Liu Qing said with resentment: "Director Xu, you can't just feed them, but also give me a bite, I'm your next family."

"it is good!"

Xu Jie took out a card and played it out.

"Four tubes!"

Liu Qing's eyes lit up when he saw it, and he put down a three-barrel and a five-barrel in his hand.



Yuan Ou shouted again, almost at the same time as Liu Qing.

When Liu Qing saw it, she immediately frowned, and said dissatisfiedly: "What, Miss Ou, why did you meet again? Are you targeting me on purpose?"

After Xu Jie heard it, he said: "Qingqing, it's not that I don't want to give you food, you've seen it too, I'll give it to you, but some people don't want you to eat it, so you can't blame me for that."

Yuan Ou was embarrassed when he heard it, it was just a touch, how could he become a bad person?
"I won't touch it anymore!" Yuan Ou said.

"Sister Ou, is this your first day playing mahjong? You have already said it, and you can take it back? Besides, if you don't touch it because Qingqing eats cards, then I seriously suspect that you two are colluding and cheating." Xu Jieyi He said sternly, then turned his head to look at Liu Qing, "Qingqing, do you want Sister Ou to let you?"

"I don't want to, winning is winning, losing is losing, we each rely on our own abilities, what's the matter if we collude? Besides, I am so powerful, do I need to let go? You guys are too underestimating me." Liu Qing said unconvinced, and then He lifted up the three and five barrels that were down to prove his brand.

Yuan Ou was depressed.

Now he is like Zhu Bajie looking in the mirror, not a human being inside and out.

In fact, she also likes to play mahjong, but after being said a few words by Teacher Xu, she suddenly doesn't want to play anymore.

Where is this playing mahjong?
It's clearly a joke!
She never thought that she could be taught a lesson by playing mahjong. Sure enough, wherever Xu is, there is a battlefield.

It seems better to be careful while waiting.

Otherwise, following Teacher Xu's advice, Qingqing would be anxious, and God knows what Qingqing would do.

"Then I did." Yuan Ou said in a low voice.

I thought: In the future, when you touch cards, you must look at Qingqing first, and when you are sure that Qingqing will not eat, it will not be too late to touch again.

Xu Jie, who was the next player, drew cards again, and then played a nine-barrel.

Liu Qing smiled, she has two nine tubes in her hand, let's see who will touch them this time.

Well, finally it's my turn.

Just as she was about to speak, she heard Yuan Ou, who was opposite her, say, "You're stupid."

Liu Qing stupidly looked at the cards that Sister Ou put down, and felt like crying.

Why, when I want to eat, I am touched by others, and when I want to be touched by others, there is no reason. I have a very good card. If I eat the four cakes just now, it will be the turn of the nine cakes this time. She is crazy.

"Qingqing, what's the matter with you, I played so many good cards, why can't you get any of them?" Xu Jie reached out to put Qingqing's cards down after speaking.

"Huh? Qingqing, you actually have two nine barrels. It's really not easy for Sister Ou to do it. It's amazing." Su Yun said with a smile.

Yuan Ou was embarrassed again.

Look at Qingqing's cards, if you encounter nine barrels, you can listen to the cards.

It's over, and Qingqing is delayed again.

"Come again!" Liu Qing gritted his teeth and said, and after drinking a few glasses of red wine before, his little face was flushed with anger, like a juicy watermelon.

Yuan Ou even felt like crying.

The cards that can be played, can I not play?
Why is it so difficult to be a human being?
She secretly made a decision when she was laying out her cards. Can she not eat, touch, or bully, can she not be provoked or hidden?
Another round.

"One tube." Xu Jie played a card.

Liu Qing suddenly raised her head, looked vigilantly at Yuan Ou and Su Yun on the opposite side, and asked, "Do you want to touch it?"

"Don't touch!"

"Don't touch!"

Su Yun and Yuan Ou spoke in unison.

Liu Qing breathed a sigh of relief, quickly picked up the tube and took it away, as if afraid that someone else would snatch it away.

"Eat it without touching me."

Yuan Ou also breathed a sigh of relief, because she had two tubes in her hand.

Luckily, she was careful this time, and she wasn't fooled by Teacher Xu. Otherwise, Qingqing wouldn't drop her cards if she touched another one?

After one lap, it was Xu Jie's turn to play again.


Liu Qing's whole body was shaken, her back straightened up, and she asked excitedly in her voice, "Did anyone touch it?"

"No, just eat it if you want." Yuan Ou said, not daring to touch it if it was right.

Liu Qing happily picked up the eight cards, and at the same time she did not forget to boast, "Director Xu, you are really good at playing cards. Whatever I lack, you can play."

"Did you know? Hang out with me, and I guarantee you food and drink." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Yeah!" Liu Qing nodded confidently.

Yuan Ou saw that Qingqing was limping and being fooled, and the bitterness in his heart was worse than eating bitter melon.

Just playing a little mahjong, as for?

The point is, let the surname Xu do all the good people, and let her do all the bad people.

She hasn't touched a tube just now, who knows?

"Thirty thousand!" Yuan Ou played a card confusedly.

"Nonsense." Xu Jie pushed down the cards, all of them.

"Ah?" Liu Qing just showed a little smile on her face, and became depressed again. She reached out and pushed Yuan Ou's cards away, and asked with a frown: "Sister Ou, how do you play cards? How do you break the three, four, five straight cards?" Yes, and [-] is still a Zhang, did you do it on purpose?"

"No, really not, I just want to make a fool of myself." Yuan Ou quickly explained.

She thought that she would be fine if she didn't eat, touch, or mess around. Who would have thought that playing cards could cause trouble.

This card can't be played anymore!

(End of this chapter)

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