The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 721 He pretended to be there!

Chapter 721 He pretended to be there!
Although Yuan Ou doesn't play poker often, she has been playing poker for more than ten years. However, this is the first time she has encountered such a difficult game like today.

No bullshit, nothing.

It's okay to lose some money.

But if you don’t play cards, lose money, listen to people’s complaints, and be taught how to behave, it’s very uncomfortable.

Playing mahjong was originally a kind of entertainment and pastime, but now it has become torture and suffering.

If you don't have a good psychological quality, you will be pissed off.

Especially Qingqing, who was still talking non-stop about the top cards, as if Tang Monk was reciting a magic spell, and her head hurt from hearing it.

It stands to reason that based on the relationship between the two for many years, although they are not sisters, they are like sisters, but now they have become enemies.

It is true that there are no fathers and sons on the mahjong table, and no sisters on the mahjong table.

Okay, in this round, I will play whatever other people play.

"Sister Ou, I'm the banker here, please concentrate." Liu Qing reminded.

"Qingqing, don't blame Sister Ou, she just wants to take a gamble to see if she can make a little more money. It's not wrong. Besides, playing mahjong is up to you, don't expect others to help you." Xu Jie speaks out.

Yuan Ou glanced at Teacher Xu who spoke for her, but he didn't feel any gratitude in his heart.

It sounded like the other party had said a fair word for her and defended her against injustices, but it was obvious that they had other deep meanings, so as to provoke the relationship between her and Qingqing.

This is not the first time.

The problem is that it's useless for her to hear it, and Qingqing can't hear it.

"Cut!" Liu Qing curled her lips and stopped talking.

She raised her legs, sat cross-legged on a chair solemnly, then picked up the dice, raised it high above her head, shook her hands vigorously, and said plausibly.

"God of Gamblers bless you, I will definitely win this one!"

After speaking, he threw the dice out, and started to take pictures after watching the points.

"You ask the God of Gamblers to bless you, you might as well ask me to bless you." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"If you can give me a shot, I beg you to bless me." Liu Qing said while drawing cards. In order to be able to play cards, even beliefs can be switched at will.

The better a person is, the greater his addiction, and the more forgetful he is when playing cards.

On the contrary, the more powerful a person is, the more quietly he strategizes.

"Really? Just because of your words, I also want to study what kind of cards you play." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Research, I wish you an early research result." Liu Qing shot a north wind, and said in his mouth: "Fight north first, and you won't regret it."

Just as Yuan Ou wanted to open his mouth, the words reached his throat but he swallowed them again.

She held the cards in her hand tightly, but finally let go.

Three Beifeng, she has three Beifeng in her hand, plus the Beifeng played by Liu Qing, the four together form a kong.

I don't know why, but this one is very lucky.

Not only are there three north winds, but there are also three south winds and two east winds, and they went straight to the big four. This year, they have never drawn such a good card.

If Liu Qing hadn't been angered by the last move, she would have played this card just now.

But now, Liu Qing's anger is still there, and the north wind blows, and the opponent must be sending out a new round of language firepower.

Alas, one thing more is worse than one thing less.

After Su Yun finished, it was her turn again.

With a flick of the little hand, he actually caught one Dongfeng, and there were three Dongfengs in his hand.

But Yuan Ou couldn't be happy.

Why did God make fun of her like this?
She doesn't want to eat, touch, kong, or fool around. Why did God give her such a good card?
Yuan Ou gritted his teeth, and finally took out a piece of Beifeng and typed it out.

"North Wind!"

Qingqing plays whatever she plays, so she doesn't have to worry about other people playing cards.

It's just that I feel really uncomfortable after dismantling a good card that has been rare this year.

In desperation, it was Liu Qing's turn again.

"If you hit Nanfeng again, you won't lose money!" Liu Qing threw a Nanfeng card.

The corner of Yuan Ou's mouth twitched, and the hand holding the cards kept shaking.

I can't bear it any longer.

After one lap, it will soon be Liu Qing's turn again.

"Dongfeng, the banker doesn't leave the east, and the east is empty." Liu Qing said.

Yuan Ou's body swayed, and he almost fell to the ground when he couldn't sit still. When he sat down again, his face was full of hopelessness, as if life had lost its meaning.

After ten rounds of cards.

Liu Qing couldn't sit still anymore, her eyes were wide open, staring closely at every mahjong tile played, and her mouth opened again.

"It doesn't matter if you listen to it, you have to be careful, if you don't know how to shoot, just break the two, panic, hit Zhang, listen to me, promise not to shoot, I don't care if you shoot, I will touch myself... "

"Okay, listen to you, dismantle two, nine tubes." Xu Jie said.

"Haha, huh, yes huh." Liu Qing pushed the cards excitedly, his hands full of pairs.

"Didn't you ask me to dismantle the two? What are you talking about? You are trying to induce me." Xu Jie said loudly.

"What do you know? It's called soldiers who don't tire of cheating, giving money for money, and transferring money." Liu Qing swept away her previous grievances, and happily rubbed her thumb and index finger at the others, making a gesture of counting money.

"If you want to play cards, you have to look at me. Others are in vain. By the way, Qingqing, what did you just say, if I can give you a shot, please ask me to bless you." Xu Jie said.

"Okay, I hope you can bless me to kill the Quartet!" Liu Qing said loudly.

Yuan Ou on the side was speechless after hearing it.

Morality, morality!

Anyway, he is also a first-line artist, just to play a few cards, why doesn't he even need moral integrity?

Next, Liu Qing seemed to be on the hook, sitting in the dealership continuously.



"If you stare with two eyes, you will die."

"Small fart all the way to victory."

"Win first is paper, then win is money, I said that my luck will be very good tonight, how about it, do you believe it now?" Liu Qing said happily.

It looks like a child, whether happy or unhappy is all shown on his face.

Well, and on the lips.

"Qingqing, I think your luck is not only good tonight, but also for a period of time in the future. Why don't you take advantage of the good luck and reduce the cash ratio of the salary and increase the box office share, how about it?" Xu Jie rubbed his hands Asked Liu Qing while playing mahjong.

Yuan Ou froze and turned to look at the man.

The drunken man's intention is not to drink, and it is exactly as she thought before, this man is not satisfied with Qingqing's salary.

But this time she didn't star in Block.

Now that it has been decided to let Qingqing bump into the south wall once, of course, the harder the bump, the better. In this way, the lesson can be more profound, so that the other party can remember it once, and there will be no other thoughts in the future.

She wished Qingqing could drop to 500 million, 300 million, or even take full share like Su Yun.

"What? Reduce the proportion of cash? Don't we play mahjong well? Why did you suddenly bring up the matter of film remuneration? Play mahjong when you play mahjong, concentrate on it, and don't be half-hearted, okay? You can't win with this attitude .”

Liu Qing raised her chin, arrogantly, with the tone of a master teaching a rookie.

"Besides, mahjong is mahjong, and movies are movies. These are two different things. Although mahjong has an element of luck, it still depends more on skills. I say I am lucky. That is humility. Understand? Also, movies are You shoot, not me, you ordered so many cannons, your luck and skills are not good, now I feel that 700 million is a bit small, or I should not share it." Liu Qing looked at it after finishing the arrangement To Xu Jie.

After Xu Jie heard it, his eyes narrowed involuntarily. Isn't this ungrateful?

Without his feeding before, how could the opponent play cards?

Floating, this is too many times of playing cards, the whole person is floating.

It seems that we have to teach the other party some lessons.

"You said my luck and skills are not good?" Xu Jie asked.

"Yeah, why, don't you agree?" Liu Qing asked back.

Xu Jie smiled slightly and said nothing more.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Ou almost burst out laughing.

What is this called?
This is called: lifting a rock and hitting one's own foot.

Aren't you good at reasoning?
Tell me, why don't you tell me?Where did all those big principles go?
Although it can't make Qingqing's head bleed, but it can make Teacher Xu speechless, and the 300 million reduction is worth it.

Liu Qing threw out the sieve, and then started to take pictures.

After five laps.

Liu Qing didn't eat a bite, and didn't touch the couple.

At this time, Yuan Ou played a chicken.


Liu Qing shouted.

However, just as he was about to take the cards, Yaoji was taken away first.

"Hu card, Thirteen Yao." Xu Jie pushed the card down, then reached out to Liu Qing, and rubbed his thumb and index finger.

Liu Qing rolled her eyes directly, and said angrily: "It's just a slap in the face, what are you proud of, come again."

This time it was Su Yun's turn to sit in the manor.

After half a circle, it was Liu Qing's turn.

"East wind."


Xu Jie put down three cards, touched one from behind, and played another.

"Ten thousand." Liu Qing said.

"Again." Xu Jie put down three more cards.



"Four tubes!"


Xu Jie pushed down the cards in his hand again.


Liu Qing looked at Xu Jie's card in surprise, then pointed to the four-ball card that Su Yun had just taken out, and said, "Sister Yun plays four-ball, why don't you play dumb? Why are you just playing four-ball when it's my turn?" ? I clearly saw that you didn't change the cards just now."

"I just want you to light the cannon, and I don't care if others point it." Xu Jie said lightly.

"Sister Yun is Zhuang!" Liu Qing said loudly.

"I'm happy." Xu Jie ignored the other party and started shuffling and arranging cards.

It's Yuan Ou's turn to sit in the manor.

Within ten laps, Xu Jie pushed down again, and it was still Liu Qing who fired.

Finally it was Xu Jie's turn to sit in the manor.

After playing the dice, draw the cards directly.

After drawing the card, push it down directly.

"Heaven Hu!"


Liu Qing was shaken all over and almost overturned the mahjong table.

She looked at the cards in Xu Jie's hand in disbelief. She had played Tianhu for six or seven years, and she had never played Tianhu once.

"The probability of Tianhu is one in 30. Do you think I am lucky or skill?" Xu Jie looked at Liu Qing and asked.


Liu Qing didn't know how to answer.

Said it was luck, this luck is too good.

But if it's about technology, if you touch a card, you just play it, and you don't even have a shot, so how can you reflect the technology?

Yuan Ou looked at Xu Jie thoughtfully, and inadvertently found that Su Yun was looking at Liu Qing with a smile, as if he was not surprised by Xu Jie's Tianhu.

Recalling that before the man was bullied, he had been shooting guns, and after being bullied, he had been playing cards all the time, and he seemed to understand something for a moment.

Could this man be cheating?

But why didn't she find out?

"Feng Shui turns around, I just transferred from my place to yours, and I will transfer back to my place later, come again!" Liu Qing gritted her teeth and said unconvinced.

"Really?" Xu Jie laughed and continued to play dice.

After touching and shooting, Xu Jie played a piece of [-] yuan.

Liu Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time showed a smile on his face.

If it's a technical hustle, then you can do another hustle, but the opponent's hand doesn't have a hustle, which means that the last move was pure luck.

Who doesn't eat dumplings during Chinese New Year?

Moreover, her hand is also very good, who is not sure about it.

She drew a card, and then also played a ten thousand.

Xu Jie reached out and directly picked up Ten Thousand to his side, and then pushed down the cards.


When Liu Qing saw it, her face turned green.


The point is, the [-] she played was clearly played by the opponent just now.

In other words, the other party was obviously Tianhu's card just now, but deliberately didn't play, and waited for her to fire.

Moreover, he also guessed that she would follow.


It was so insulting!

Yuan Ou on the side was also confused.

Because she suspected that the other party was cheating, she kept paying attention to the other party's every move, but her eyes were red, and she didn't notice anything.

"Is it luck or technology?" Xu Jie looked at Liu Qing and asked him again.

"Come again!" Liu Qing said.

This time, she just rubbed the cards for half a minute, and her palms were red. She felt that the cards had been scattered before she started to place the cards.

At the same time, her eyes kept staring at the man's hands, not even blinking, for fear of missing something.

Soon, the cards were placed.

Xu Jie played dice for the third time.

This time, after he finished drawing the cards, he didn't stand them up, but put them all on the table, and the fourteen cards were neatly arranged.

"No need to show it, just transfer the money." Xu Jie said.


Liu Qing frowned deeply, she didn't even lay out the cards, and the other party didn't even look at the cards, and asked her to transfer money?
Aren't you afraid of being bombarded?

Too capable.

She reached out and turned over the man's cards. Although it was a mess, she felt something was wrong when she looked at it.

It's all slivers!

She couldn't help laying out the cards for the man, and when she was done, her face turned blue again.


Liu Qing opened her eyes wide, watching all this in disbelief.

30 in 30 once, it can be said to be luck, [-] in [-] twice can be said to be coincidence, so what about the third time?


The odds of winning the lottery are estimated to be higher than the odds of three consecutive Tianhu.

She couldn't help but looked up at the man.

It's over, completely installed by the other party.

Simply, simply the patriarch of the mahjong world, the ceiling of the mahjong world.

"This, is this a card that can be drawn by skill?" Liu Qing couldn't help asking, and at the same time thought: If I can play mahjong with others in the future, won't I kill the Quartet again and again?

Just think about it and be happy.

"What do you think?" Xu Jie asked back.

"Then you teach me, I'll pay the tuition!" Liu Qing was ecstatic, without doubting the other party's words.

After all, the other party has demonstrated their skills and strength many times, so there is no need to worry that the other party is a liar.

Of course, cheating itself is a liar's behavior, but Qianshu is a kind of technology.

"My tuition is very expensive." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

She looked calm on the surface, but her heart was full of smiles.

Take the bait, the fish is going to take the bait.

"It doesn't matter, there must be a reason why it's expensive. Besides, you can also see that apart from my beauty, I also suspect that I only have money left. Tell me, how much is the tuition?" Liu Qing asked impatiently.

Learning an excavator is only tens of thousands of yuan, how much can you spend learning mahjong?
She has even picked up her mobile phone and is waiting to hand over the tuition fee.

"200 million!" Xu Jie stretched out two fingers.

"What?" Liu Qing stood up directly, and looked at the man in shock, "You, you are stealing money."

"Look at what you said, stealing money is against the law, what can I do?" Xu Jie said lightly.

"Isn't cheating illegal?" Liu Qing asked.

"Who? Who cheated?" Xu Jie turned his head and looked around, then looked at Liu Qing and asked, "Did you see it?"

"You said it yourself, just now the consecutive beatings were done by skill." Liu Qing said.

"I've never said such a thing. I'm just asking you, was it luck or skill?" Xu Jie spread his hands to prove his innocence.

"You..." Liu Qing thought about it carefully, and it seemed that this was really the case.

"Why, you failed in your studies, and you still want to blackmail me?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked with a smile.

Liu Qing didn't know what to say.

She really wanted to learn this skill, so many skills would not overwhelm her body, but the tuition fee was really too expensive.

Seeing the hesitant look, Xu Jie continued: "Qingqing, don't think it's too expensive, let alone 200 million, even 500 million to 800 million people will sign up, but I don't want to teach it. As for you, I also see it in my In terms of my wife's face, this is an exception, how about it, think about it?"

As soon as Liu Qing heard this, she immediately came to Su Yun's side, put her arms around Su Yun's neck and said coquettishly: "Sister Yun, just tell him, teach me, given the relationship between us, no matter what Friendship price, right?"

Su Yun was shaken left and right, and said with a wry smile: "Qingqing, I want to plead for you, but he doesn't even teach me, teaching you is already a great face."

"Ah? Why didn't he teach you?" Liu Qing asked suspiciously, this is a husband and wife.

"He said that if you don't know technology, you play for entertainment and for fun. If you learn technology, you will easily lose these two and fall into the trap of gambling." Su Yun explained.

"I'm just playing, not gambling." Liu Qing argued.

"All gambling starts with playing, and even if you pay, you have to write a guarantee letter, and you can't use technology for gambling." Xu Jie said seriously.

"Then what were you doing just now? Aren't you betting with us?" Liu Qing asked back.

"I don't call it gambling, I call it showing off skills, do you understand?" Xu Jie explained.

Liu Qing was speechless.

But she was not reconciled.

After all, it was the first time I saw such a powerful person, just like the God of Gamblers in the movie, so I thought about it and asked, "Is there any tutorial for tens of thousands?"

"No, I don't teach those furry things." Xu Jie said.

"Don't refuse to teach, you open an elementary course, I swear I don't use it to gamble, besides, I'm a big star, can I give up my good future and do such illegal things? I just want to be signed by other friends , Show off your skills, please." Liu Qing said.

Xu Jie looked embarrassed, and after thinking for a long time, he said, "Well, I'll teach you, but I won't take the 200 million in vain. How about changing it to the box office share?"

"The box office share? Oh, I see, you did it on purpose, right?" Liu Qing pointed at Xu Jie.

"Who did it on purpose? It's fine if you don't want it, I won't teach you anymore." Xu Jie turned his head to the other side.

When Liu Qing thought about it, it wasn't uneconomical, so he thought it was an additional 200 million investment in the film, and he could learn a skill.

"Okay, then it's settled." Liu Qing stretched out her hand, facing Xu Jie with her palm.

"Okay!" Xu Jie high-fived the opponent.

Liu Qing smiled, and said happily: "Teach me now, how can I get rid of Tianhu."

"Absolutely? What are you thinking? This is the most advanced one. You have to take it step by step. Have you ever seen a child who ran straight before learning to walk? How about this, first practice the sense of cards, starting from drawing cards." Xu Jie said.

"How to practice?" Liu Qing asked.

"Draw the cards, as long as you can draw all the cards, I will teach you the second step." Xu Jie said.

"So simple?"

"You learn before you speak!"


(End of this chapter)

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