The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 722 It's Settled

Chapter 722 It's Settled
The next day, Xu Jie came to Hu Zhen's Liangxing agency with the script and actor contract.

Last night, Liu Qing was coaxed and tricked into winning, and today I will see if I can use the saved money to sign a male lead, and raise the cast of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space" to a higher level than the existing one.

Girls usually like to watch such romantic movies, so inviting a famous male star to be the male number one will have a great effect on attracting fans and increasing the box office.

"Mr. Xu, if you need a phone call, I'll go there. I'd like to make a trip for you." When Hu Zhen heard that Xu Jie had come to the company, he immediately went downstairs to greet him.

"Mr. Hu, don't be so polite between us, it's not the same for whoever asks whoever?" Xu Jie said with a smile.

When you ask someone to do something, you naturally have to lower your figure.

After all, persuading an artist to lower his salary requires the cooperation of his agent.

No matter how powerful he is, no matter how high his status is, the relationship with the artist is only a business relationship, and the agent and the artist are close comrades in arms.

Come to the office.

Hu Zhen personally brewed a cup of tea and brought it to Xu Jie, and asked with a smile, "I don't know if Mr. Xu is here today, do you have any orders?"

"It still happened yesterday." Xu Jie took a sip of tea to warm himself up.

"Yesterday?" Hu Zhen remembered, looked at Xu Jie and asked, "Mr. Xu, who did you want to invite yesterday, and I didn't hear you on the phone."

"That's Fang Yi." Xu Jie put down his teacup and said.

"Fang Yi? He, the salary of 500 million may be a bit difficult. Mr. Xu, you know that I'm just an artist agent, and I have to respect their opinions and ideas in many things. Your salary reduction this time is too harsh." Hu Zhen said with a wry smile.

Among the artists he mentioned yesterday, Fang Yi is the most famous one, belonging to the second-tier stars.

Under normal circumstances, Fang Yi's remuneration for a movie would be around 500 million, and if it dropped to 1000 million, it would be considered a friendly price.

But even so, Mr. Xu still wants to drop another 500 million.

To be honest, he was too embarrassed to tell Fang Yi about the 500 million film salary.

I know, Mr. Xu is stingy.

I don't know, I thought it was him, the agent, who stole the artist's salary.

What is the meaning of the broker?
Isn't it just to fight for more and greater benefits for the artists?

If you can't do this, who will sign such an agent?
So in this matter, he is also very embarrassed.

In order to prove his words, Hu Zhen went to the cabinet and took out two contracts, put them in front of Xu Jie, and said, "Mr. Xu, look, these are the two contracts that Fang Yi signed this year, one is a movie contract, and the salary is 500." Five million, one is a TV drama contract, and the pay is 40 per episode."

Xu Jie didn't watch it, and he also knew that the salary he gave was very low.

"Mr. Hu, I know your difficulties. Isn't it because my film budget is tight? When the funds for the program are abundant, will I pay you back the price? Isn't it always as much as you say, and I will give you as much as you want?" I really hope you can help me out this time, don’t worry, my two variety shows on Beijing TV Station this year will definitely not be without artists from your company.” Xu Jie said seriously.

This is called replacement.

You lose less on this project, and I will let you earn more on other projects.

This is also the reason why Xu Jie dared to bargain with Hu Zhen brazenly.

You know, the remuneration of variety shows is even higher than that of film and television dramas, which is one of the reasons why many stars gather together to participate in variety shows.

What's more, the exposure and topicality of variety shows far exceeds that of film and television dramas, and they even have the ability to bring old artists back to life and make new artists famous.

And as the chief director of the show, he also has a lot of power to speak. It's not all about his words to put artists in the show, who to use and who to use, who has more shots and who has less shots?

Hu Zhen fell into deep thought after hearing this.

He still values ​​the resources of variety shows very much, and it can even be said that it is a must for every artist agency.

Why did Xu Jie care about the relationship with the other party after he was transferred from Beijing Television Station to Beijing Television Culture? Isn't it because the other party still holds important variety show resources?

Hu Zhen thought for a long time, and then said to Xu Jie: "President Xu, how about it, I will call Fang Yi now and ask for his opinion."

"Okay, you can call." Xu Jie said, then picked up the teacup and continued to drink tea.

Hu Zhen got up and came to the window, picked up his mobile phone and called Fang Yi. The other party is currently in Huxiang and is going to participate in the Huxiang TV New Year's Eve party in a few days. I don't know if he has time now.


The phone rang for a long time, and finally answered.

"Brother Zhen, what's the matter?" A lazy voice came from the microphone.

"Why are you still sleeping?" Hu Zhen asked, he checked the time, it was already 09:30.

"At the party last night, several hosts from Huxiang TV were there. I was too embarrassed not to go and came back very late." Fang Yi explained.


Hu Zhen breathed a sigh of relief.

If it's a party with insiders, it's fine, but if it's going out to fool around, it's a big problem.

"Let me tell you something, Mr. Xu Jie of Jingshi Culture wants to invite you to play the role of the second male lead in his movie. I read the script and it is very good, but because of the low budget, I can only play 500 million, see if you can play a friendly role..." Hu Zhen said briefly.

"What, 500 million? This is too little, so I won't accept it." Fang Yi said after hearing this.

Hu Zhen glanced back at Xu Jie who was still drinking tea, covered the microphone with his hands and said in a low voice: "Fang Yi, listen to me, although the salary this time is indeed a little lower, but you must know that Mr. Beijing TV has the top variety show resources, if you helped Mr. Xu today, can Mr. Xu not help you in the future? We need to take a long-term view."

"Brother Zhen, you are right, but 500 million is really...even if there are 1000 million."

"Some resources cannot be bought with money." Hu Zhen reminded.

"I know, but if I accept it, it will be equivalent to losing 1000 million yuan, which is too much."

"I will definitely find it for you from other places in the future, and this matter is related to the entire company, so you can help Brother Zhen with this." Hu Zhen was discussing in an almost pleading tone.

"Boss Hu..."

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind.

Hu Zhen turned his head, looked at Xu Jie and asked, "President Xu, what's the matter?"

"Give me the phone." Xu Jie waved at Hu Zhen.

Hu Zhen was taken aback, thinking that Mr. Xu probably knew that being soft was not enough, and he was going to be tough, right?

You can't force it to find an actor to make a movie.

"Mr. Xu, let me discuss with Fang Yi again." Hu Zhen said.

"I'll still come."

Although Xu Jie was drinking tea, he heard everything Hu Zhen said, so he could roughly guess what Fang Yi said.

Since you think you have little money and are not interested in resources, shouldn't it be enough to impress the other party in other ways?

Hu Zhen walked over and handed the phone to Xu Jie.

Xu Jie took the phone and said, "Hi Fang Yi, I'm Xu Jie."


Fang Yi on the other side of the microphone was taken aback. He didn't expect Xu Jie to be beside Hu Zhen. Maybe what he said just now was heard by the other party.

This is how to do?
"Hello, Mr. Xu." Fang Yi said cautiously, and then sat up directly from the bed, with a trace of panic on his face.

I thought to myself: If I reject Mr. Xu, will I be blocked?
At the party last night, there was a male artist among them. Because Zhou Yuanqing was one of the investors in his company, the TV drama submitted for review was sent back twice, which means it was unqualified.

"Fang Yi, I have a role of an emperor in this movie. I heard that you played the role of an emperor, so I went to see that drama, and the performance was really good. That's when I found you. I hope you can play this role." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Thank you, thank you Mr. Xu for your approval." Fang Yi said quickly, not daring to say anything else.

"I know that the salary this time is really low for you, but I can assure you that it will never take you too long, a month at most. If you have commercial activities, just let me know in advance, and I will I will never stop you," Xu Jie said.

Fang Yi was taken aback when he heard it. If it was only a month, he could think about it.

You must know that the film made at the beginning of this year, although the salary was 500 million, took almost half a year, and even delayed several commercial activities because of this.

"Fang Yi, do you know who the actress who is playing opposite you this time is?" Xu Jie asked mysteriously.

"Who is it?" Fang Yi asked curiously.

"Liu Qing!" Xu Jie said.

"Liu Qing?" Fang Yi's eyes lit up.

That's a serious first-line actress, a movie star, not every actor has the opportunity to work with Liu Qing.

What's more, the other party is also pretty, even in the entertainment circle where beauties gather, the other party's appearance is outstanding.

Xu Jie continued: "As for me, I am both the director and screenwriter of this movie, so I can tell you responsibly that your character and Liu Qing's character have a lot of intimate scenes..."

Hu Zhen who was sitting next to him was not calm anymore.

Lots of intimacy?
Is there still such a tempting actor?
If Liu Qing knew about this, wouldn't he just beat him up?
But if you think about it carefully, it’s normal for romance movies to have intimacy scenes, without kissing, hugging and holding high, who would watch it?

"President Xu, can you show me the script? I want to read the script before making a decision." Fang Yi hesitated and said.

"Yes, of course, I can add a WeChat later, and I will send you the script later." Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing it.

In his opinion, reading the script is equivalent to success.

It's just a reason to read the script before making a decision. After all, agreeing directly now will give people the feeling of a womanizer.

Xu Jie returned the phone to Hu Zhen.

Hu Zhen simply explained a few words to Fang Yi, then hung up the phone, and then told Xu Jie Fang Yi's phone number, not forgetting to sigh: "Mr. Get Fang Yi done, even my manager can't compare to him."

"It's not done yet." Xu Jie said while recording Fang Yi's number in his mobile phone, then entered WeChat, searched for Fang Yi, added him as a friend, and the other party quickly passed.

"Mr. Xu, based on what I know about Fang Yi, if he can ask you for the script, he probably agrees." Hu Zhen said with a smile, and finally relaxed at this moment.

"I hope so." Xu Jie sent a section of the script to Fang Yi, and then said to Hu Zhen: "Let's talk about the male number one."

This is the real purpose of his coming here today.

"Male number one?" Hu Zhen was taken aback, doubts written all over his face.

"I thought about it all night, and I decided to find an actor from your company to be the male number one. Huang Zibo mentioned earlier is good." Xu Jie said.


Hu Zhen's nerves tensed again.

He did provide the other party with a list of some first-line male artists yesterday, such as Huang Zibo, Zhang Zheng, Wu Siping, etc., but because of the salary, there was no follow-up.

Now the other party has proposed again, do you still want to use the trick against Fang Yi to accomplish big things with a small amount of money?
The problem is, first-line male actors cannot be solved by 500 million.

"Mr. Xu, I'm really sorry, Huang Zibo has signed contracts with other crews, just yesterday afternoon." Hu Zhen said embarrassedly.

Of course, the reason why he was embarrassed was not because Huang Zibo signed with other crews, but because he lied.

Huang Zibo did not sign contracts with other crews.

A male artist like Huang Zibo with both traffic and strength is very popular in the entertainment industry and among fans, so even if the salary is high, there is never a shortage of market.

Fang Yi had already lowered his salary, and he didn't want Huang Zibo to lower his salary too. Fang Yi only reduced his salary by 1000 million, while Huang Zibo estimated that it would drop by tens of millions.

"Really? It's really a coincidence. I remember you mentioned a few people yesterday. By the way, what about Zhang Zheng? He can do it too." Xu Jie said.

"Zhang Zheng hasn't signed a contract yet, but some employers have asked him to be the male lead of a TV series, and the salary is 6000 million. There is really no reason to solve it." Hu Zhen said.

This incident is true, and he just received the news this morning, and he hasn't had time to tell Zhang Zheng yet.

"Well, who else is in your company, can you provide a few more, in the range of 1000 million." Xu Jie asked.

Hu Zhen smiled wryly after hearing this.

Sure enough, as he thought, the other party wanted to spend a small amount of money to do big things.

1000 million, it is difficult to hire second-tier male artists, let alone first-tier male artists.

"Director Xu, a first-tier male artist, I really can't find anyone for this salary. If you think the second-tier is okay, I'll help you find Cheng Qiao and Chang Shaokun. They can agree with 1000 million yuan." Hu Zhen said.

"These two..."

This time it was Xu Jie's turn to hesitate.

Cheng Qiao and Chang Shaokun are at the same level as Fang Yi, not even as good as Fang Yi.

The salary he paid Fang Yi was only 500 million, and now he is reluctant to give 1000 million to Cheng Qiao or Chang Shaokun.

The point is, he can't use the trick he used against Fang Yi to deal with Cheng Qiao or Chang Shaokun.

Liu Qing is playing the opposite role with Fang Yi, but his wife Su Yun is playing the opposite role with the male number one. You can't say to the male number one: You and my wife have a lot of intimate scenes... right?

It's embarrassing to hear.

The question before him now is...

First-line male artists have no money to hire, while second-tier male artists are reluctant to pay. As for the box office share, Hu Zhen also said that there are very few domestic artists who will sign, which is tantamount to turning away and rejecting him.

Could it be that you really have to fight in person?
"Forget it, I'll go back and think about it, but let's settle Fang Yi's matter like this." Xu Jie took out the actor's appointment letter from his handbag and handed it to Hu Zhen.

Hu Zhen opened it and looked at it. The salary of 500 million has already been written on it.

Are you so confident?
"Mr. Hu, look at the contract. If there is nothing wrong, give it to Fang Yi for signature." Xu Jie said.

"Okay, no problem." Hu Zhen nodded.

Xu Jie stood up and said to Hu Zhen, "Thank you Mr. Hu for your support. I'll go back first. Mr. Hu will stop."

Hu Zhen quickly got up and said: "Mr. Xu, you are too polite. To be honest, I feel guilty for not being able to find a suitable male lead for you. If you need a young actor, you must find me."

"Yes, I will."

Xu Jie left Liangxing Brokerage Company and returned to JingTV Culture.

The first thing is to call Wang Wen, director of the film department, to the office to draft a film investment contract and actor sharing contract.

The three investment parties have been confirmed, namely Jingshi Culture Communication Company, Daniu Group, and Masterpiece Film and Television Culture Company, with a total investment of 7000 million.

Under normal circumstances, after the box office comes out, the three parties can share in proportion to their contributions.

But this time is a bit special, because there are actors who need to participate in the share, so the proportion of the three parties will also be reduced.

Xu Jie gave Wang Wen the proportion of the box office profit share that he had written.

Wang Wen looked carefully line by line.

"Su Yun calculates the box office profit share based on the photo remuneration of 1000 million, accounting for 11.00%. Liu Qing lowered the remuneration by 500 million in exchange for a [-]% share, Xu, Mr. Xu?"

Wang Wen couldn't help looking up at the man sitting behind the desk, but she didn't expect him to be there.

"What do you look at? I'm both the director and the screenwriter, and I'm still the number one male. Do I account for more than six percent?" Xu Jie asked Wang Wen.

He looked at the other person's eyes and knew what the other person was thinking.

"Not much, not much!" Wang Wen shook her head quickly, and then asked with a smile, "Mr. Xu, have you really decided to play the leading role?"

"Well, yes." Xu Jie nodded, and then said helplessly: "The remuneration of first-line male artists is too high, it can easily cost 4000 to [-] million, please can't afford it!"

"Who says it's not!" Wang Wen continued to read.

Jingshi Culture invested 3000 million yuan, with a share of 30.00%; Daniu Group and Masterpiece Film and Television Culture Company both invested 2000 million, with a share of 20.00%.

"Mr. Xu, is this masterpiece film and television culture company reliable?" Wang Wen asked suspiciously. She has been in the film and television industry for so many years and knows a lot about entertainment companies large and small in Beijing, but she has never heard of this masterpiece film and television culture. company.

"It doesn't matter whether he is reliable or not, as long as he is willing to pay." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

In order to avoid suspicion and to avoid being investigated by Taili, he did not reveal that he is the behind-the-scenes boss of Masterpiece Film and Television Culture Company.

"Oh? Are you sure you will pay?" Wang Wen is still worried, after all, there are too many investors who promised to pay but backed out these days.

"The money has already been sent." Xu Jie patted his pocket.

"Really? Then I'm relieved."


(End of this chapter)

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