Chapter 723 Invitation?
Time passed by quietly, and before we knew it, another new year was ushered in.

With the end of the New Year's Eve party, the major TV stations began to shift their work to the more important Spring Festival party.

This is true of local stations, and China TV is no exception.

As a New Year's Eve feast for the people of the whole country, the Spring Festival Gala of China TV has always been endowed with special significance, and its existence has completely surpassed the party itself, and is more like a ceremony.

It seems that with it, it is called Chinese New Year.

Although the reputation of CTS Spring Festival Gala is getting worse every year, it is still an irreplaceable existence on New Year's Eve, and it is the choice of most people.

It is also because of this that Huaxia TV pays special attention to the Spring Festival Gala. The rehearsal starts very early, and no matter how big the wrist is, they must be present.

6 number.

Xu Jie followed Su Yun to China TV.

Today is the first rehearsal day for the China TV Spring Festival Gala, and it is also the second time for Xu Jie to come to Huaxia TV. I remember that the last time was the year before last, when he accompanied Su Yun to the New Year's Eve party, and also performed a show of affection by the way.

As for this time, there is no need to act.

Because the two are really in love, there is no need to act deliberately.

At this time, the backstage of the No. [-] Studio Hall was already full of people, it was almost a sea of ​​people, even the corridor was no exception.

As a star, Su Yun was treated better than ordinary actors, but she also shared a lounge and dressing room with other stars.

On China TV, especially on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, there have never been any big names.

"Sister Yun, this is the dressing room and clothing room for the actresses. The rehearsal is expected to start in an hour." After the staff finished speaking to Su Yun, they turned to Xu Jie and said, "Mr. Xu, the actor's lounge Up front, where you can go and rest."

"Thank you." Xu Jie said politely.

"You're welcome, this is what I should do. If there is nothing else, then I'll leave first." The staff member said politely, and then hurried downstairs.

"Honey, go to the rest room. I'll go find you when the show is over." Su Yun said to Xu Jie softly, her heart filled with sweetness.

You know today is Friday, a working day.

The man was worried that she was nervous, so he deliberately skipped work to accompany her to the Spring Festival Gala rehearsal.

In fact, this is not the first time she has participated in the Spring Festival Gala of China TV Station. She participated in it as early as six years ago. Besides, today is just a rehearsal, not a live broadcast, so there is nothing to be nervous about. She didn't refuse, because she enjoyed the feeling of being accompanied and loved very much.

The actors standing in the corridor were all dumbfounded.

In their hearts, Su Yun has always been a goddess with a fresh and refined temperament, and suddenly seeing the other party showing a little bird-like appearance, they couldn't believe their eyes.

I thought to myself: Goddess Su actually has such a side?
"Okay, I got it." Xu Jie hugged Su Yun lightly, and whispered next to Su Yun's ear, "Call me if you need anything."

He vaguely remembered the cynicism he received in the dressing room when he accompanied his wife to the New Year's Eve party the year before last, and the scene of being isolated by many female stars.

This is also the reason why he insisted on accompanying the other party to come here to participate in the rehearsal.

At the New Year's Eve party, it was because of Su Yun's coldness that many female stars were hurt. Now, there are many people who are popular, and if they are too popular, sometimes it is not necessarily a good thing, and it will inevitably attract people's envy.

"Well, don't worry." Su Yun said, then opened the door and walked into the dressing room.

At this time, many female stars had already gathered in the dressing room. After all, this was the rehearsal for the CTV Spring Festival Gala, and no one dared to be late, so they all came early.

Su Yun saw several vacant makeup booths, so she walked towards the nearest one.

"Xiao Su, here!"

Suddenly a voice sounded in the dressing room.

Su Yun looked for her reputation, and saw Dai Qingqing, the eldest sister in the music industry, happily waving at her, and at the same time pointing to the vacant seat beside her.

Su Yun nodded slightly, then walked towards Dai Qingqing.

"Hello, Sister Yun!" A young female artist stood up and said hello.

"Lulu? Long time no see, she's getting more and more beautiful." Su Yun looked at this young junior with a smile. The other person's name was Jin Lu, an artist under the Prosperity Brokerage Company, a well-known creative talent in China, who had been acknoledged.

"Sister Yun, you are beautiful. Compared with you, I am an ugly duckling." Jin Lu said after hearing this.

Although some time ago, the relationship between the company and Sister Yun was very tense, but this did not delay her attitude towards Sister Yun. Who made the other party her idol?
"The ugly duckling will also turn into a white swan." Su Yun patted Jin Lu on the shoulder.

"Su Yun, when will you release your new album? I'm still waiting for your new song." Another female star greeted Su Yun with a smile.

"There is no plan to release an album yet, but a single will still be released, and I will let you know in advance." Su Yun said.

"Sister Yun, I heard that you will be starring in Mr. Xu's movie next, can you reveal the plot in advance?"

"You'll know when you go to the movie theater."

"Yunyun, your clothes are so beautiful, what brand and where did you buy them?"

"Oh, it's..."

"Sister Yun, your hair color is so beautiful..."


From the door to the makeup booth, Su Yun walked for a long time in a short distance of more than ten meters.

Because people are constantly greeting her, and all of them are smiling and very enthusiastic, as if they are very familiar with her.

Compared with what happened when I came to Huaxia TV station to participate in the New Year's Eve party last time, it was a world of difference.

How many people ignored her at that time, how many people greeted her today.

this is the truth.

"Sister Qingqing." Su Yun came to Dai Qingqing and sat down.

Both of them were contestants in the first season of "Crossover Actor". Although they were rivals on the court, they were friends off the court.

And both of them have similar experiences, that's because the variety show "Crossover Actor" once again ushered in the peak of their careers.

"I seemed to see Director Xu just now, and he came too?" Dai Qingqing asked.

"Yeah." Su Yun answered while taking off her coat, and began to accept makeup from the makeup artist.

"Oh, you two are so affectionate, it's really enviable." Dai Qingqing said with a smile.

In fact, what made her envious was not that her husband accompanied her to the rehearsal for the Spring Festival Gala, but that Xu Jie dared to fight the entertainment companies for his wife, and finally forced those entertainment companies to bow their heads.

This courage, this ability, which female star in the entertainment industry is not envious?
If you do a survey among the female artists in the entire entertainment industry and name the female artist you admire the most, then 90.00% of the people will answer Su Yun.

There has always been a saying among female artists: It is better to marry well than to do badly.

That is to say: No matter how famous you are in the entertainment circle, it is better to marry a good husband.

A good husband can not only help female artists' careers, but also help female artists solve many troubles.

Obviously, Su Yun is like this now.

There were so many people who laughed at the other party for marrying a small reporter, but now there are many people who envy the other party for marrying a good husband.

outside the dressing room.

Xu Jie has been standing in the corridor, and did not go to the lounge.

For him, it doesn't matter where he comes from, it's better to stand here and be closer to his wife.

"Teacher Xu!"

A girl in a pink dance costume plucked up the courage to walk up to Xu Jie, and asked expectantly: "I am your fan, and I really like watching your food show "Delicious History", may I share with you?" Do you want to take a picture together?"

"No problem." Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing it.

"Ms. Xu, we also want to take a photo with you." The girls behind rushed up together, and they seemed to be dancers from the same show.

"Come on." Xu Jie said generously.

He always thought that his fans were housewives and elderly aunts, but he didn't expect there to be so many girls in their twenties.

Seeing this, he also became more confident in acting as the lead actor in the movie.

When the girls heard the answer, they immediately gathered around Xu Jie, and then asked actors from other shows to take pictures.

After the filming was over, actors from other shows also gathered together, hoping to take pictures with Xu Jie, just like popular cartoon characters in an amusement park.

"Everyone get ready, the rehearsal is about to start, remember your position and order of appearance..."

At this time, more than a dozen staff members came here in a mighty manner.

When passing by Xu Jie, one of them suddenly stopped and asked in surprise, "Xu Jie? Why are you here?"

Xu Jie only felt that the middle-aged man in front of him looked familiar, recalled it carefully, and finally remembered who he was.

Zhang Chengze, the producer of Huaxia TV's large-scale program center, and the two met once at the Huaxia TV New Year's Gala the year before last, when the other party was the assistant director of the New Year's Gala.

"Hi Director Zhang, I'm here to accompany my lover to the rehearsal." Xu Jie said.

"Your lover? Oh, yes, Su Yun, right? You two are really inseparable." Zhang Chengze said with a smile.

"The main reason is to come here to learn and learn." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"You? Long-sighted? Don't be kidding, without you, this year's New Year's Eve party battle will become dull." Zhang Chengze said.

Last year's Beijing Satellite TV's New Year's Eve party surprised everyone, so many people were looking forward to this year's Beijing Satellite TV's New Year's Eve party. Many people left messages on Beijing Satellite TV's Weibo, hoping for Xu Jie's return.

Of course, this also made other TV stations breathe a sigh of relief.

When it comes to asking celebrities to sing, no one will necessarily lose, but when it comes to innovation and content, everyone is really afraid of this rising star surnamed Xu.

"Chengze, this is..." The middle-aged man on the side asked Zhang Chengze and looked at Xu Jie seriously.

"Director Chen, this is Xu Jie from Beijing TV Station. He is currently the deputy general manager of Beijing Television Culture and Su Yun's lover." Zhang Chengze introduced Xu Jie, and then said to Xu Jie: "Xu Jie, this is our Huaxia TV station. Chen Yachen, director of the TV station's large-scale program center, is also the chief director of this year's Spring Festival Gala."

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, and immediately stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, Director Chen, I'm Xu Jie from Beijing TV Station."

"No wonder I thought you looked so familiar just now, you are the star of "Delicious History", right? Your name is very popular, and I often hear Lao Lu mentioning you." Chen Ya said with a smile, and then held Xu Jie's hand tightly. .

Old Lu?

Xu Jie thought about it for a while, and among the people he knew, there was only one person whose surname was Lu.

"You mean the editor-in-chief Lu of our station?" Xu Jie asked tentatively.

"Besides him, who else could be? He praised you as a treasure." Chen Ya said.

"Editor-in-chief Lu treated me very well. Without the trust and support of editor-in-chief Lu, I would not be where I am today." Xu Jie said seriously.

"Haha, no wonder Lao Lu likes you so much. I'm a little bit moved. By the way, I also heard that you made a food show for our China TV station? How about it? Are you interested in developing with our China TV station?" Chen Ya asked road.

"I must be thinking, as long as you are a TV worker, who doesn't want to work at China TV? It's just that you have Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, a lot of talents, and you don't need me, and I still have a lot of deficiencies. Let's study first and then talk about it. Don't come here and embarrass Editor-in-Chief Lu." Xu Jie said.

He knew that the other party was just saying it casually, so he didn't take it seriously.

"Humble, you're too modest. I saw the New Year's Eve party you directed last year. It was very thoughtful. I don't know if you are interested in going to the studio with us to see how our China TV Spring Festival party will be this year?" Chen Ya sent invite.

Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer young people watching the Spring Festival Gala. How to attract young people has become one of the most important tasks of the director team of the Spring Festival Gala.

And this person in front of him, whether it's a gourmet show or a New Year's Eve party, is very popular with young people, maybe he can bring some unexpected surprises to the director team.

"Director Chen, don't say that. China TV is full of masters. Compared with you, I'm just a newcomer. How dare I play tricks? I'll stay here with my wife." Xu Jie said hastily.

He was very clear about the specifications of the Huaxia TV Spring Gala. It was not just a gala, but a culture, a spirit, and a signal.

With the little stuff in his stomach, it’s okay to do variety shows, but it’s still far from doing the Spring Festival Gala.

"It doesn't matter. The Spring Festival Gala is a Spring Festival Gala for the people of the whole country. Anyone can give their opinions. In order to make the Spring Festival Gala a success, our director team has invited many people from all walks of life, just to hold a Spring Festival Gala that the people are satisfied with."

When Chen Ya said this, he immediately started to grab Xu Jie's wrist tightly.

"Come on, you're welcome."

Chen Ya didn't give Xu Jie a chance to refuse, so he dragged him away.

"Director Chen, I..."

Just as Xu Jie was about to speak, he was interrupted by Zhang Chengze beside him.

"Xu Jie, since you're here, please An Zhi, you stay in the corridor, you also stay in the studio hall, let's go." After Zhang Chengze finished speaking, he pushed back.

Xu Jie smiled wryly.

How can someone ask for an opinion like this?

This, isn't this kidnapping?


(End of this chapter)

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