The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 724 I'm done!

Chapter 724 I'm done!

Studio No. [-] has always been the queen studio for the Spring Festival Gala of China TV.

The Spring Festival Gala has been held here for more than 20 years. It has witnessed the carnival of countless people and will continue to write the history of the Spring Festival Gala.

With the appearance of the director team, the first rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala has officially entered the countdown.

At this moment, whether it is the director or the actors, their expressions are very serious and nervous.

No one knows how effective the program will be, let alone whose program will stay and whose program will be taken down.

The previous few rehearsals were actually to adjust the program, modify the program, and screen the program. Until the last rehearsal, everything is unknown.

It is also because of this that all the actors are very serious. After all, being on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala is a rare opportunity for every actor.

Firstly, it is a kind of recognition and an honor; secondly, it can also play a great role in promoting the artists themselves. You must know that the extremely high ratings and topicality of the Spring Festival Gala are far unmatched by other programs. Are there still few artists who have become popular on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala?

Compared with the on-site staff and show actors, Xu Jie was not nervous, but his face was full of reluctance, as if he had been caught as a coolie.

As for Xu Jie's arrival, it is indeed the same mood at this moment.

If it was the Spring Festival Gala of Beijing TV Station, he still had a certain right to speak. After all, it was his home, but he was really embarrassed to open his mouth about the Spring Festival Gala of Huaxia TV Station.

If his wife was not still here, he would have slipped away long ago.

But the old saying is good: if it comes, it will be safe.

After all, not everyone has the treatment of being kidnapped to watch the rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala.

It is said that the stage design of this year's China Spring Festival Gala is as magnificent as ever. The stage is dominated by red and gold, full of joy and auspiciousness.

And the 30-meter-high hemispherical high roof makes the whole site look more open and clear, without making people feel depressed.

It's just that the seats are average, not even as good as some movie theaters.

"Xiao Xu, you sit in the area in front of the director's group. The view here is wide and you can have a panoramic view of the whole stage." Chen Ya said to Xu Jie.

"Thank you, Director Chen." Xu Jie said after hearing this, and then walked over there.

At this time, there were already many people sitting in this area, including men and women, all of whom looked older than him, and many of them had gray hair.

He knew that these must be celebrities in the literary and artistic circles, such as lyricists, composers, dancers, folklorists, and so on.

"Xu Jie?"

Just when Xu Jie found an empty seat and was about to sit down, suddenly a familiar voice came from the front.

Xu Jie looked up, his eyes immediately sparkled with surprise.


Xu Jie walked over quickly and came to a middle-aged man in his 50s, who was a professor at Communication University and his teacher Tian Daolin.

He hasn't seen his teacher since graduation.

It's not that he forgot the teacher, but he was embarrassed to see him.

At the beginning, the teacher tried his best to persuade him to take the postgraduate entrance examination and continue his studies, but because of Tang Fei, he failed the teacher's wishes.

He bowed respectfully to the teacher, and then said: "Teacher, you are really getting younger as you live."

"You are young, your hair is dyed." Tian Daolin whispered to Xu Jie, then reached out and patted Xu Jie's shoulder, "You haven't changed much, but you look more mature and stable, by the way , I heard that you are already married, and married a big star?"

"Well, my wife Su Yun was invited to participate in this year's Spring Festival Gala. I also accompanied her here today. When the rehearsal is over, I will bring her to see you." Xu Jie said.

"I know, my daughter is still her fan. When you got the license, she scolded you a lot, and I even said a lot of good things for you." Tian Daolin said with a smile.

"When the two of us first got the certificate, there were indeed many people who scolded me, but who told you, teacher, to train me so well? I can't help it." Xu Jie spread his hands.

"You boy... sit down." Tian Daolin pulled Xu Jie to sit together, "By the way, why did you come to the studio hall? The rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala is very confidential. Even the family members of the actors can only wait in the background and cannot come here."

"Don't mention it. I was standing in the corridor. Director Chen and Director Zhang pulled me over to give me some advice for the Spring Festival Gala. How could I mention it?" Xu Jie turned his head and pointed in the direction of the directing crew, with a serious expression on his face. have no choice.

"Don't be humble. I've heard about your achievements in the past two years in school. Food shows, movie shows, variety shows, and New Year's Eve parties are all high in ratings and topics. Many of us The freshmen in the school are all asking about your affairs, Director Chen asked you to give your opinion, he must think that you can grasp the preferences of the audience, which is also very important for the Spring Festival Gala." Tian Daolin analyzed.

"The preferences of the audience are not so easy to guess. Different groups of people, different genders, different age groups, everyone has different hobbies. My program has a high ratings. Isn't it the same and some people don't like it? Besides, the Spring Festival Gala is really for the audience. Is it watched by audiences across the country? Does the director team really not know what the audience wants to see?"

"You, you..." Tian Haolin shook his head after listening to Xu Jie's words, and then reminded him in a low voice: "You must not say that after the rehearsal."

"Don't worry, teacher, I'm not stupid." Xu Jie smiled.

"Attention all departments, the first rehearsal will start soon."

A broadcast sounded in the studio hall.

Xu Jie shut his mouth obediently and stopped talking.

Soon, the Spring Festival Gala rehearsal officially began.

Xu Jie cast his eyes on the stage.

The opening was still singing and dancing, lively and joyful.

A series of stars appeared one after another, and each sang a verse, pushing the opening directly to the climax.

It was the first time for the invited audience to witness this year's Spring Festival Gala. Everyone's eyes were wide open, and they didn't want to miss any details.

Many of the audience present today are media reporters, and everyone was invited to promote the Spring Festival Gala.

Huaxia TV's Spring Festival Gala also needs publicity.

However, at this stage, the content that can be promoted is very limited, one is celebrities, and the other is the proportion of various programs.

Which celebrity has not passed the review, which celebrity's work needs to be revised, how many language programs and song and dance programs are there, these are the contents that can be promoted, and they are also the contents that the audience pays attention to.

As for others, such as live photos, it is absolutely not allowed to take pictures.

Before entering the venue, the photographic equipment on the reporter is usually handed in, and once the staff at the scene find that someone has taken pictures, they will immediately step forward and delete the relevant photos.

In fact, on this point, everyone is very conscious. After all, this is China TV, and no one dares to be presumptuous here.

Since it was the first rehearsal, some links were not smooth, so the performance time exceeded the expected time by a lot, and it did not end until [-] pm.

The audience exited, leaving behind the director team and celebrities in the literary and art circles.

Xu Jie also wanted to leave and mix among the audience, but just as he was about to stand up, he was grabbed by the teacher.

"Where are you going?" Tian Daolin stared at Xu Jie and asked, holding the student's hand tightly and not letting go.

"Relieve." Xu Jie said in a low voice, and tightened his legs in order to act more realistically.

"You don't want to escape, do you?" Tian Daolin asked while looking at Xu Jie, his eyes shining with wisdom, just like a cunning old fox.

"Escape? What are you running away from? Teacher, what are you talking about? I just have a bad prostate and I urinate too much." Xu Jie covered his stomach with his other hand.

"That's your stomach." Tian Daolin said.

"Oh!" Xu Jie put his hand down and moved again.

Tian Daolin rolled his eyes directly, and said angrily: "Don't go anywhere, just stay here honestly, I know you don't want to speak, so put on a pair of ears and listen carefully to what everyone has said , this is a rare opportunity, and it will be beneficial to you in the future."

Xu Jie was stunned for a moment, and only then did he understand what the teacher meant.

It turned out to be for his own good.

Xu Jie couldn't help turning his head to look around. The members of the director team were all producers of the large-scale cultural program center of China TV Station, and those sitting next to them were all celebrities in the literary circle.

Being able to participate in these people's Spring Festival Gala discussions, for a novice like him, it was like coming to the scene of Huashan's sword debate.

Even if you can't get in the conversation, you can learn a few tricks by watching from the side.

"I know teacher." Xu Jie straightened his body and sat down on the chair.

Then he took out his phone and sent Su Yun a WeChat message, explaining the situation here.

It didn't take long for the audience to exit the studio hall.

"Every teacher……"

Chen Ya came to the area below from the director's group and looked at the dozens of people in front of him with a very polite attitude.

For him, these people in front of him are the experts and think tanks of the Spring Festival Gala. How to make the show better and the program better depends on these people's suggestions.

No matter how powerful the four members of the director team are, it is impossible to arrange all the programs of the Spring Festival Gala.

"The first rehearsal is over, what's your opinion on the party and the program?" Chen Ya asked with a smile.

Since many of these people present are senior experts who have participated in several Spring Festival Gala sessions of more than a dozen circles or even more circles, everyone immediately started talking.

"The connotation of some programs is not prominent enough. We need to work harder on the ideological connotation and cultural value of the program to establish correct values..."

"There are a few singing and dancing programs that are not expressive enough. We must adhere to the principle of being small but refined. Every program must have its own value..."

"Appropriately increase programs in different regions to cater for audiences across the country..."

"The hosts have too much interaction with the show, and they seem to steal the show. Although their hosts are of a high level, this does not mean that their performances are of a high level..."


Xu Jie listened quietly.

From the whole party, to a specific program, and even a certain link in the program, everything is under discussion.

Many people even held a small notebook in their hands, with a lot of stuff written on it.

The Spring Festival Gala is a gala with the main theme, not an entertainment gala, so its significance and value are above everything else.

Although the programs that Xu Jie has done have their own special significance, they are more entertaining in comparison.

This is why he feels that he is not qualified to give opinions.

Because in this regard, he is indeed lacking, and he has never participated in similar evening parties, and has no relevant experience, so he dare not use big swords in front of Guan Gong, or play tricks in front of Li Kui.

As a layman, he will not participate.

The scene was very lively. Everyone was discussing in full swing. They offered suggestions for the Spring Festival Gala. Some people with different opinions even had a direct debate face to face.

That's why everyone is here.

Chen Ya has been listening carefully, not forgetting to record it.

Although he is the director of the large-scale program center, he has served as the director of the Spring Festival Gala many times, but in front of these people, he is also a student.

An hour passed quickly.

Chen Ya wrote down a lot of suggestions, and these suggestions will be fed back to each program in the end, so that the person in charge of the program can make improvements.

Of course, today is only the first rehearsal, and there will be rehearsals almost every other day in the future, soliciting everyone's opinions again, improving the program again, striving for perfection, and finally dedicating the wonderful program to the audience waiting in front of the TV on New Year's Eve.

But when talking about wonderful shows, Chen Ya suddenly thought of someone.

He kept searching among the crowd, and finally set his sights on a young man.

"Xu Jie, what do you think about the party and the show?" Chen Ya asked.

Among the people present, there was only such a young man, and he was also a serious TV program director, so he really wanted to know what the other party thought.


Xu Jie was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect Director Chen to call his name suddenly.

Others also followed Chen Ya's gaze and set their sights on Xu Jie.

Many people had surprised expressions on their faces, because they were just watching the show and didn't notice that there was a young man here.

The point is, not only is this young man's name familiar, but his appearance is also familiar.

"Xu Jie? The director and lead actor of "Delicious History"?" A woman in her thirties and 40s recognized Xu Jie.

Facts have proved that Xu Jie is indeed well-known in the circle of housewives.

After being reminded by the woman, many people showed expressions of sudden realization.

When mentioning the name Xu Jie, some people may not remember it, but when it comes to "Delicious History", no one here does not know it, even those old experts who are old and have gray hair.

After recognizing this young man, some people began to wonder, how could this young man appear at the rehearsal scene of the CTV Spring Festival Gala?

If it was just the media that was invited to watch, everyone would still understand. The key is that the other party is sitting with the "expert group", which is a bit surprising.

This year's Spring Festival Gala does not have a gourmet program.

Could it be that the director team wants to prepare a session of making dumplings for everyone to eat, and let this young man make dumplings for everyone on the spot?
However, some people know that Xu Jie has directed a well-known variety show, so they look forward to his views on the Spring Festival Gala, but more people don’t know that Xu Jie has directed a variety show, because they don’t watch variety shows, and even if they do, they won’t Pay attention to who the director is, and only pay attention to the artist.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Xu Jie felt a little bit stuck

Let's just say, it will run counter to some people's ideas, and there will be a debate at that time, and as the only young man on the scene, he will inevitably give people the impression that he is not big or small.

All the people here are celebrities in the literary and art circles, all of them are highly respected. He will still be in this industry in the future, and dealing with these people is indispensable. He must not offend these people.

But let’s not talk about it, Director Chen asked by name again, if he replied casually with a sentence like “I don’t have any ideas” and “It’s pretty good”, it would give people a feeling that there is nothing in their stomachs, and they would even be looked down upon.

Xu Jie couldn't help turning his head to look at the teacher beside him, hoping that the teacher could speak a word for him.

As a result, the teacher who said before that just wear a pair of ears and reminded him not to talk nonsense, is now looking at him like everyone else, waiting for his speech.


Teacher, teacher, don't bring such a cheating student!
Xu Jie took a deep breath, looked at Chen Ya reluctantly and said, "Director Chen, I came here today with a learning attitude, and I learned a lot from all the teachers and seniors..."

As soon as Chen Ya heard it, he immediately knew that the young man in front of him didn't want to make any comments.

He is someone who has experienced it, so how can he not know what the other party thinks?
What's more, the other party was "kidnapped" by him.

"Xiao Xu, don't be so modest. Your shows, whether it's food shows or variety shows, are popular all over the country and well-known to every household. This shows that you have a unique understanding of the show. Otherwise, why would everyone like it? Tell me about it." .” Chen Ya smiled all over her face.

Xu Jie felt that he was forced to the edge of the cliff, and there was no way to retreat behind him, so he thought for a while and said: "Everyone is watching the show, and I am watching the audience. After the whole Spring Festival Gala rehearsal, everyone There were 2 laughs, 4 laughs on a large scale, 6 laughs on a small scale, and a total of 12 laughs, I'm done."

Everyone was stunned.


That's all for now?
How do you feel that there is no end?
Also, what did this man say?
How many times did the audience laugh?

The panel of experts provided opinions for the Spring Festival Gala. What do you mean by this?Is this a comment for the audience?

Chen Ya stared at Xu Jie intently, thoughtfully.

The other party's words didn't seem to be finished, but in fact, what he wanted to express was already in these words.

As a Spring Festival Gala, as a New Year's Eve feast dedicated to the people of the whole country, in more than four hours, the audience only laughed 12 times, isn't it a bit too little?

The Spring Festival Gala must not only establish a correct value orientation for the audience, but also make the audience happy, make the people of the whole country happy, and laugh out loud.

If you finish watching with a blank expression or a serious face, is it still called the Spring Festival Gala?
"Xiao Xu, the question you mentioned really needs careful consideration." Chen Ya said seriously.

He knew that Xu Jie was euphemistically reminding him that language programs were not exciting enough, and there were not enough jokes and burdens.

After hearing what Chen Ya said, the people present gradually began to understand what that young man meant.

This suggestion is so sharp!


(End of this chapter)

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