The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 725 People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong

Chapter 725 People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong
The studio hall was quiet, and no one spoke. Everyone seemed to be recalling their own reactions during the performance and the reactions of other audience members.

Although it was just a rehearsal, the reaction of the audience could reflect the excitement of the show to a certain extent.

And everyone knows very well that language programs are the most difficult of all programs.

If the song is not good, the audience can't remember it at most, but if the language program is not good, the audience will directly scold people: what is the show.

"Director Jiang, did you hear that?" Chen Ya looked at the deputy director Jiang Yuanyue beside him. The other party was the director of language programs, and how to make the audience laugh was the important task of language programs.

"I heard the director." Jiang Yuanyue said, with a slightly embarrassed expression on her face. As the person in charge of language programs, it was her responsibility that she failed to make the audience laugh.

"It seems that your language programs need to work harder." Chen Ya reminded.

Jiang Yuanyue nodded.

"Do you have any suggestions?" Chen Ya looked at the advisory group and asked, and his eyes fell on Xu Jie again.

Xu Jie kept his mouth tightly shut and avoided the chief director's gaze.

When others make suggestions, either someone agrees with them, or they discuss together, but when he makes suggestions, everyone stops talking.

Moreover, the assistant director's complexion wasn't very good either.

In fact, what he said was very euphemistic, but the reality is very cruel.

Seeing that no one spoke, Chen Ya said, "That's the end of today's meeting. The next rehearsal is on the eighth of this month, which is the day after tomorrow. Teachers have worked hard."

Xu Jie breathed a sigh of relief when he heard it.

The meeting is finally over.

Just as he was about to leave with his teacher, he found Jiang Yuanyue, the language program director, walking towards him.

At first, he thought it was nothing, but when he met his gaze, he immediately felt that something was wrong with him.

He hurriedly dragged the teacher out, but he was still a step too slow.

"Xu Jie, please stay." Jiang Yuanyue shouted.

Xu Jie wanted to pretend he didn't hear it, but the teacher behind him dragged him back abruptly, which filled Xu Jie's heart with complaints: Teacher, teacher, I'm here to accompany my wife, not to be a planner.

"Hello, teacher." Jiang Yuanyue came to Xu Jie and greeted Tian Daolin first.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback.

Hello teacher?
Shouldn't you bring your surname when you say hello normally?

Is it...

"Xu Jie, Xiao Jiang is also from our Communication University, nine years older than you, and is your senior." Tian Daolin introduced to Xu Jie with a smile.

Xu Jie looked at Jiang Yuanyue, no wonder the other party said teacher is good, not Teacher Tian.

"Hello, senior." Xu Jie said

Many people in his line of work come from Communication University, especially in the capital city. It is normal to meet seniors, seniors and juniors. This is the case at Beijing TV station, and it is no exception when you come to Huaxia TV station.

"Student, if I didn't see the teacher, I wouldn't know that we are still in the same school. What a fate." Jiang Yuanyue said with a smile.

"Yes." Xu Jie echoed, thinking: If it is fate if he comes from the same school, then there are many people who have fate with him.

"Brother, I remember that you came to accompany Su Yun to the rehearsal for the Spring Festival Gala. It seems that you haven't been very busy recently, right?" Jiang Yuanyue asked.

"Busy, too busy. I have to work on scripts, movies, and variety shows. Isn't this too tiring, so I came out to get some air and take a break from the busy schedule." Xu Jie quickly explained.

He knew very well in his heart that when the other party stopped him, it was definitely not as simple as the relationship between senior sister and junior.

In addition, he just made a suggestion to the Spring Festival Gala, and the other party happened to be the person in charge of the language program, so he could figure out why he was staying with his toes.

"Well, I heard that you're going to make a movie this year. I wonder how your preparations are going?" Jiang Yuanyue asked with concern.

"It's still in the preparatory stage. The script needs to be revised, and the actors also need to communicate. The fact is that there are too many troubles." Xu Jie sighed heavily when he said this.

"Understood, it's really easy to make people feel irritable if you do a job for too long. Let me teach you a good way. First, suspend the work on your hands, do another thing, and change your mind. There will definitely be unexpected results. , How about this, how about you write a sketch for the Spring Festival Gala?" Jiang Yuanyue made a big circle, and finally expressed her purpose.

"I don't have time, and besides, I haven't written any sketches." Xu Jie directly refused, without giving the senior sister any face.

Revenge, it's definitely revenge.

He said at the meeting that the audience laughed less, which made the other party, the person in charge of the language program, very embarrassed, so after the meeting, the other party asked him to write a sketch, embarrassing him.

"Student, aren't you the chief screenwriter of "Crossover Actors"? I've watched that variety show, and there are a lot of comedies in it. Both the live effects and the audience's reaction are very good, so you just need to treat the sketches as comedies. Just write the script, I trust you." Jiang Yuanyue said.

Xu Jie kept shaking his head.

He didn't even participate in the Spring Festival Gala of Beijing TV Station, so how could he participate in the Spring Festival Gala of Huaxia TV Station?

Although this is a very honorable thing, if Editor-in-Chief Lu knows, won't he be directly responsible for next year's Spring Festival Gala of Beijing TV Station?

Not a good job.

"Student, aren't you going to help senior sister even with such a small favor? Don't you want senior sister to be scolded by the audience all over the country?" Jiang Yuanyue asked with a sad look.

"Don't worry, senior, the audience can only scold the actors, not the director. Besides, even if they want to scold, they will scold the chief director." Xu Jie comforted.

The corner of Jiang Yuanyue's mouth twitched. She didn't expect that the junior in front of her would be so disrespectful. After all, she is also the producer of China TV's large-scale program center and the director of language programs for the Spring Festival Gala. Whoever is invited by her is not excited to accept it. this task?

This is not just a job, it is a highlight of life.

"Student, take a long-term perspective. You are still young. Are you going to stay in Beijing Radio and Television Station for the rest of your life? As the saying goes: People go to high places, but water flows to low places. You must know that outstanding TV stations in various places Talents, such as producers and hosts, will eventually enter Huaxia TV, so this is also an opportunity for you. If there are three people in the investigation, and you have done a program for the Spring Festival Gala, then you will definitely be selected in the end. You said Senior sister is right?"

After Jiang Yuanyue finished speaking, she blinked at the teacher beside her, and at the same time showed a pleading look, hoping that the teacher could say a word for her.

Ever since she received the order to be the person in charge of the language program of the Spring Festival Gala, she has been worrying about the language program. Even if she has invited actors and works, she still worries about whether the program will be recognized by the audience.

These days, every time she washes her hair, she loses a lot of hair, and the pressure can be imagined.

Now that I meet a capable junior, of course I don't want to let it go easily.

"Xu Jie, there is nothing wrong with what Xiao Jiang said. Participating in the programs of China TV Station will be of great benefit to your future." Tian Daolin said.

Of course, he said these words not because of Jiang Yuanyue's pleading, but for the sake of his favorite student.

No matter how good Beijing Radio and Television Station is, in terms of influence and various aspects, can it compare with China TV Station?

Can't compare.

Moreover, both of them are his students, and they should help each other.

After Xu Jie heard it, he wished he could stretch out his hand to give himself a big ear.

Make you talk more!

Are you looking for something for yourself?
Live it!

However, the words of the teacher and senior sister are not unreasonable.

Although both Beijing TV Station and Huaxia TV Station are located in the capital city, one is a local TV station and the other is a national TV station. They are different in nature, and their influence is even more different.

He has a deep understanding of this point.

When I brought the "Delicious History" team to Zhang Jiao's hometown Ningzhou to sell fruit, when people heard that it was from Beijing TV Station, their first reaction was that they came from other places, and he had to solve everything by himself.

But later, I took the same team to shoot "The Temptation of Going Home" for China TV. Every time I went to a city, whether it was a province, city, county or village, I actively cooperated with each other, for fear that the hospitality would not be enough.

This is the status of China TV in the hearts of the people across the country, and this is the influence of China TV.

No matter how good he is at the capital TV station, his influence is limited to the capital city, just like the artists who banned the prosperous brokerage company a few days ago, they are only limited to the capital area. , there is no way.

But if it was on Huaxia TV, Liu Jinghua would probably tremble for a long time if he posted a Weibo.

Of course, with his current situation, going to Huaxia TV may not be able to give full play to his advantages. After all, Huaxia TV pays much less attention to variety shows than local TV stations, and the content requirements are also stricter.

However, he can now pave the way for the future.

The old saying goes well: there are people in the court who are easy to handle.

Even if he can't go to Huaxia TV station in the future, it will be of great benefit to him to know more people on Huaxia TV station.

"Since the teacher and senior sister have said so, then I will try?" Xu Jie was not sure if he could do well.

Jiang Yuanyue's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly said: "Try, of course you have to try, how will you know how talented you are if you don't try? Right?"

It is one thing to say yes or no, but it is another matter whether the work is good or not.

Besides, isn't she still in charge of this?

"Senior sister, we have to agree in advance that I will write the notebook, but if the writing is not good, you can't blame me." Xu Jie felt that he should speak clearly.

"Don't worry, the time is tight and the task is heavy this time, I know, so I thank you if it's okay or not." Jiang Yuanyue said seriously.

Xu Jie nodded.

That's good.

At this time, Chen Ya and other members of the director team also came over.

Jiang Yuanyue said immediately after seeing it: "Director Chen, Xu Jie just agreed to write a book for the language program of the Spring Festival Gala, but it may delay the rehearsal and review for the next few days..."

"Really?" Chen Ya looked happy, then looked at Xu Jie and said, "It doesn't matter, anyway, the rehearsal at this stage is just to adjust the program, as long as the book is good, you can directly participate in the third trial."

Xu Jie was taken aback.

Is the salary so high?

Spring Festival Gala programs generally go through four reviews.

During this process, the review team will make relevant suggestions for the program. Of course, if the program is really bad, it will be directly killed.

In this matter, celebrities are the same as ordinary people, and no one has privileges.

Now, in order to give him more time to write the notebook, Director Chen actually promised not to participate in the first and second trials. This kind of treatment is no one else.

If you still hesitate, then you are shameless.

"Thank you Director Chen for your trust. I will try my best to produce the sketch book in the shortest possible time." Xu Jie said seriously.

"En." Chen Ya patted Xu Jie on the shoulder, his face full of trust.

After Xu Jie bid farewell to the director team, he left the studio hall.

Although the experts have left, the director team will stay and continue the meeting to adjust the program according to the experts' suggestions.

in the hallway.

Xu Jie smiled wryly and said to the teacher beside him: "Teacher, I didn't take you to deceive students like this. I agreed to come to study, so why did you let me participate? There are only ten days left before the Chinese New Year. You Didn't you push me into the fire pit?"

This year's Spring Festival came earlier, January 1st was New Year's Eve, and the time for the third trial was on the 21th, which meant that he had less than a week left.

And in less than a week, he not only had to write the script well, but also found actors to rehearse the script, the pressure can be imagined.

Another rush job.

I remember that when filming "The Temptation of Going Home", he received the notice only half a month in advance, so he didn't even have time to buy new year's goods, and he was still working on the post-production during the daytime of the New Year's Eve.

Tian Daolin smiled nonchalantly, and said: "This is the coexistence of risk and opportunity. Chen Ya and Jiang Yuanyue give you a chance, so you have to seize it. If you are afraid of risks, you might as well go home and lie down."

Xu Jie looked at the teacher, but didn't speak.

The director team of the Spring Festival Gala invited him to write a book, which is indeed a rare opportunity.

If this matter can be done well, won't he be invited to Huaxia TV's large-scale events in the future?

And for Su Yun, the benefits will be even greater.

In the future, Su Yun's stage will not be Beijing TV Station, but Huaxia TV Station.

Like the Spring Festival Gala, Lantern Festival Gala, Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, New Year's Gala, and other shows, etc., these parties are very rare opportunities for artists.

Even for Su Yun, he had to seize the opportunity.

"As far as I know..." Tian Daolin continued: "You are not a person who is content with the status quo, and you even dare to make movies now, what else are you afraid to do? What is writing a sketch book for the Spring Festival Gala? "

Xu Jie thought about it, and he was right.

Writing sketchbooks, which is written work, is a daily job for him. Back then, whether it was "Delicious History" or "Crossover Actors", wasn't he responsible for the script?

As for making movies, he is a complete layman.

As a layman, he even dared to make a movie worth 7000 million yuan. In comparison, writing a sketch for the Spring Festival Gala is really nothing.

If the writing is good, use it; if the writing is not good, continue to rehearse with your wife, and there will be no loss.

"Teacher, you can't trick me like this next time." Xu Jie said.

At this moment, he finally truly accepted the task.

"Haha, it depends." Tian Daolin patted the student's shoulder with a smile.

In his opinion, this is not a pit, but a boost.

If the students don't leave, he, as a teacher, should push him behind.


Suddenly a voice came from the front, Xu Jie looked up, it was Su Yun.

"Teacher, this is my lover Su Yun." Xu Jie said to the teacher, then walked quickly towards Su Yun, took Su Yun's hand and came to the teacher, introducing: "Honey, this is my teacher in college. , and also one of the members of the advisory group for the Spring Festival Gala."

"Hi, teacher. I'm Xu Jie's lover Su Yun. Nice to meet you." Su Yun said respectfully. Xu Jie's teacher is naturally her teacher.

"When you were on stage just now, Xu Jie praised you a lot in my ears. I hope you can respect and love each other and walk hand in hand." Tian Daolin said while secretly feeling in his heart: Xu Jie, Xu Jie, you are really a career Double harvest of love.

"Thank you, teacher."

The three walked out of the TV station and separated outside the gate.

Xu Jie and Su Yun got into the nanny's car, and the car slowly drove away from the parking lot.

"How was my performance on stage today?" Su Yun asked Xu Jie, who was beside her.

"Perfect." Xu Jie commented.

"Really?" Su Yun asked, but there was a bright smile on her face.

"Of course it is true. During the discussion by the advisory group just now, many programs had problems, but no one commented on your program." Xu Jie said seriously.

In fact, stars like Su Yun who sing old songs are relatively relaxed on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. After all, people are invited by the director team, and the songs are also designated by the director team.

In contrast, those stars who sing new songs are under a lot of pressure, they have to consider both the lyrics and the melody.

"By the way, why did you suddenly become a member of the advisory group? Tell me quickly." Su Yun asked with interest. Although the man had mentioned it in WeChat before, it was not detailed enough.

"Don't mention it, it's a big loss this time." Xu Jie said with a sigh.

"What's wrong?" Su Yun asked curiously.

"The director team asked me to write a sketch book." Xu Jie said with a wry smile.


Su Yun was stunned.

Huang Xiaorong, who was sitting in the co-pilot, was also surprised, thinking: Teacher Xu came to accompany Sister Yun to the Spring Festival Gala rehearsal today, why did she accompany herself in?
"What's going on?" Su Yun tightly grasped Xu Jie's hand, her eyes were full of curiosity about the gossip news.

"Well, the chief director Chen Ya asked me to give my opinion, so I just said a few rounds, roughly meaning that there were too few laughter on the scene, and then the person in charge of the language program found me, hoping that I could write a sketch book, the person in charge Yes, my senior sister is also my teacher's student, so after repeated persuasion, she couldn't agree if she didn't want to." Xu Jie said.

Today he finally realized what it means: People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong.

"Really? Hee hee, it seems that my husband's fame has spread to Huaxia TV, otherwise the director team of the Spring Festival Gala would not have invited you to write a sketch book." Su Yun held the man's face and kissed her, "My husband awesome."

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun, he liked to hear this.

Even in order to be able to listen to it several times, he has to work hard to complete the task.


(End of this chapter)

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