Chapter 726
For Xu Jie, writing scripts is not a difficult task, especially the content related to real life is full of thoughts, so there is no need to worry about not having materials.

The reason for this is not how rich his imagination is, but because when he was working at the life program center, he had to go out for interviews every day, and often encountered some strange and interesting things. With it in my mind, I naturally have something to write.

Let alone a sketch book, even if you write ten or eight of them, there is no problem, the key is whether it can pass the review.

Whether it is the Spring Festival Gala of China TV Station or the Spring Festival Gala of local TV stations, they will first invite sketch actors, and then let the sketch actors bring their own works to participate in the Spring Festival Gala.

The difference is that China Television's Spring Festival Gala often has much higher requirements for sketches than local TV Spring Festival Gala.

In fact, the Spring Festival Gala of local TV stations does not have many requirements for sketches. They often pursue actors more than their works. After all, there are not many well-known sketch actors in the country. It's funny, it doesn't matter what you're acting, it's the actor's own business.

In contrast, China TV Spring Festival Gala has to strictly review the works, whether it is the story, the theme, or the jokes, and no matter how big the actor's wrist is, if you are asked to change it, you have to change it.

On the night when Xu Jie received the task, he wrote several story outlines overnight, and then began to enrich the content of the stories and write the script according to the outlines.

Under normal circumstances, the duration of a sketch is about 15 minutes, which is shorter than the short play of "Crossover Actor".

So for Xu Jie, writing the sketch book is not too simple, but it took a little effort to make jokes, but it is not difficult.

10 number.


Xu Jie followed Su Yun to China TV again.

This is his second visit, but Su Yun's third visit.

In order to make the sketch book more exciting and to pass the review, he did not come to the rehearsal on the 8th, but stayed at home to revise and revise the book, trying to take it into shape.

Xu Jie sent Su Yun into the dressing room, and then walked to the director's office.

There were two staff members standing outside the office. After seeing Xu Jie, one of them asked, "Mr. Xu, who are you looking for?"

"Director Jiang Yuanyue Jiang, I'll give her a sketch book." Xu Jie raised the folder in his hand.

"Please wait a moment." The staff member said, then knocked on the door and walked into the office.

Soon, the door of the office opened, besides the staff, there was also Jiang Yuanyue.

"Student, you are finally here." Jiang Yuanyue said, his face was full of joy.

Seeing that the day of the third review was coming soon, she was particularly worried that her junior's essay book would not be available.

In the past few days, she has been communicating with the authors and actors of various sketches on the issue of too few laughs, but judging from the audience's reaction, it has had little effect.

Because of this, she looked forward to the sketch book of her junior, and of course, was more anxious.

As the person in charge of language programs, she does not have high requirements for sketch cross talk, as long as one or two works can satisfy the audience.

After all, in the language programs of the Spring Festival Gala in recent years, there are basically no works that can impress the audience.

"Sister, the script is finished, please read it." Xu Jie took out a notebook from the folder and handed it to Jiang Yuanyue.

After Jiang Yuanyue took it, she immediately flipped through it.

The content of the skit is related to the traffic accident.

It is about a drunk driver who meets a drunk driver who runs over his foot and finally hits a green belt and stops, while the drunk driver also falls to the ground with his feet hugged.

After the traffic police arrived at the scene, the drunk driver refused to get out of the car and yelled who my father was, while the person who touched the porcelain lay on the other side, yelling that he must be severely punished and must lose money.

Later, the drunk driver called his father, only to find out that the person he bumped into was his father, and the father also knew that the person who hit him and was still extorting money was his son...

"Well, very good." Jiang Yuanyue's eyes lit up after reading it.

There are conflicts, reversals, burdens, and most importantly, educational significance. This is also the most different point between CTS Spring Festival Gala sketches and local Spring Festival Gala sketches.

The skits of the local Spring Festival Gala can be pure entertainment, while the skits of the China Television Spring Festival Gala must be entertaining and educational.

In recent years, why has it become harder and harder to make people laugh in the sketches of China Television Spring Festival Gala, even worse than the sketches of some local stations?
It is because the scale of entertaining and entertaining is not well grasped.

When the screenwriter creates a work, if he brings the idea of ​​educating people, then after the work is written, the intention of preaching will be too obvious, and the audience will often be very disgusted.

Therefore, in the process of storytelling, how to inadvertently infiltrate the content you want to express into the audience's consciousness has always been a difficulty in sketch creation.

And the works handed over to her by her juniors have mastered this scale very well.

Every conflict and every reversal in the plot can make the audience resist the behavior of the father and son after a belly laugh, which has a very good educational significance.

"As long as senior sister is satisfied." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

Of course, this is just the first level.

Senior sister is satisfied, which only means that this book can be used. If you want to be on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, you have to pass the review later.

"Have you thought about an actor? For example, when you were creating this sketch, did you think of a certain actor because of a certain role?" Jiang Yuanyue asked.

The quality of a work depends not only on the script, but also on the performance of good actors.

As the creator of the script, the younger brother naturally cannot do without his opinion.

"No." Xu Jie shook his head.

When he was writing this sketch book, what appeared in his mind was not the face of a certain actor, but the father and son that had been reported at the beginning.

Yes, this is a real thing that happened.

It's just processed by him with the language of art.

Isn't there such a sentence?
Art comes from life.

"If you don't have a suitable candidate in your mind, then I will contact the actor. Do you have any opinions?" Jiang Yuanyue asked.

"No objection." Xu Jie said.

He knows a lot of singers, movie stars, he also knows a lot, but comedians, he doesn't know any of them.

"Okay, I'll contact the actor right now." Jiang Yuanyue was about to leave when she suddenly found that there seemed to be a lot of paper in the folder in the student's hand, so she asked curiously, "What else do you have in there?"

"I'm worried that the one in your hand will not pass the test, so I prepared two alternative notebooks." Xu Jie replied, "Since it has passed, these two are useless."

"Don't mind!" Jiang Yuanyue snatched the folder from the student's hand, flipped through it and said, "I don't think there are too many good books."

After Xu Jie heard it, he didn't say much.

For the latter two books, if the senior doesn’t dislike them, they will be used in the Spring Festival Gala. If the senior thinks it’s inappropriate, he will use them in the third season of "Crossover Actors". Anyway, they will definitely not be thrown into the trash can .

Jiang Yuanyue finished watching one and started to read the next one.

Although she didn't make any comments, her face was full of excitement.

Because in her opinion, the quality of the two candidate sketch scripts of the younger brother is also very high, even higher than some existing sketches.

"I want all three sketchbooks!" Jiang Yuanyue said after reading it.

"Whatever." Xu Jie had an indifferent attitude.

"Come with me, and help me advise whether the actor's image is suitable for the characters in the book." Jiang Yuanyue said, and then walked towards the actor's lounge.

Language programs have their own lounge.

It is said to be a lounge, but it is actually a dressing room and a rehearsal room.

But because there were too many people, many actors stood in the corridor to answer their words in order to avoid interference.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Gao, Mr. Liu... Please come to the lounge with me. I have something to tell you." Jiang Yuanyue said to the dozen or so sketch actors standing in the corridor.

Xu Jie looked at these people. They were all frequent visitors of the Spring Festival Gala. Some of them had participated in it two or three times, and some had participated in it more than a dozen times. On the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

After everyone heard it, they walked into the lounge one after another.

Jiang Yuanyue chose the actors for five sketches. In her opinion, the effects of these five sketches are very average, and the number of sketches for the Spring Festival Gala has already been determined, so if the younger brother's works want to appear, they need Other people's works top down.

Of course, being pushed down does not mean that she will leave. She plans to arrange these actors into the works of her juniors.

In this way, while there are good works, these teachers will not feel ashamed.

"Teachers, I called you together this time mainly to talk about your works." Jiang Yuanyue said: "Although your works have been revised many times, the effect of the program is still not good. There are now three notebooks in the library, all of which are of high quality, I wonder if you are interested in reading them?"

All the sketch actors present were stunned.

It is very rare for the director team of the Spring Festival Gala to provide scripts, and now they have come up with three scripts for the actors to choose by themselves. This kind of thing has never happened.

"Director Jiang, do you want everyone to change the script according to the original combination, or re-arrange the combination for everyone?" A sketch actor asked.

"But if we do this, doesn't it mean that all our programs will be dismantled? How can other programs be performed?" Another sketch actor raised his doubts.

"Yes, and everyone has been rehearsing for such a long time. Now it's too risky to change the script temporarily and change partners?"

Jiang Yuanyue said loudly after hearing this: "So, I am only going to choose actors from three of your five shows to play the roles in these three scripts. I hope everyone can seize the opportunity."


Everyone was taken aback after hearing this.

Can you still do that?
"I'll send the script to everyone first." Jiang Yuanyue said while distributing the copied script to the actors of each show.

The purpose of her doing this is to stimulate the enthusiasm of the actors and let the actors actively request to change the script.

If she took the initiative to find various program groups, it would seem that she was very dissatisfied with everyone.

This is her second time as the person in charge of the language program of the Spring Festival Gala, and she may be the one next year, so while ensuring the works, she must also establish a good relationship with the teachers.

Soon, everyone read the script one after another.

Immediately afterwards, everyone took the program group as a unit and began to discuss the script that they had just read.

"I think the story of "Miss to Mouth" is quite interesting, why don't we change the script?"

"But there are three of us, and there are four in the story, what if one is missing?"

"That's not easy, let's find another one."

"Actually, the second story is also good, and it happens to be three people."

"Age doesn't work."

"I want to play the liar in script number three, how about you?"

"Still the number two script has a lot of baggage."


Jiang Yuanyue couldn't help showing a smile on his face when he saw the people discussing enthusiastically.

That's what she wanted.

It wasn't that she forced everyone to change the script, but that everyone was vying to change the script.

After all, when an actor meets a favorite script and a favorite character, he will pay extra attention when performing.

After a few minutes.

"I don't know what everyone thinks?" Jiang Yuanyue asked.

"Director Jiang, let's act in the script of "Misfortune Comes from Mouth." A sketch actor said loudly.

"No, we also want to play "Bass From Mouth". Your age is not suitable, so you should change to another book." An actor in his 60s said.

"You all choose the book "Bass Comes From Your Mouth". Let's choose "Community Police." An actor in his early forties said.

"There are eight actors in "Community Police", you only have five, three less."

"It's not easy. If you want to, you can come to our program group. Xiao Liu, do you want to come?"

"Old Chen, the poachers have already come to the door, right? Xiao Liu and I have decided to act in the book "Common Homeland"."


A pot exploded in the lounge instantly.

From competing for scripts to competing for roles, more than [-] actors were fighting each other with red faces.

Xu Jie, who was standing aside, watched with relish.

You know, these people are all sketch actors, and they are more talkative than the other. Now that everyone is arguing together, this scene is more interesting than the script he wrote.

Seeing this scene, the actors of a few sketches nearby borrowed a script curiously and read it.

However, it doesn't matter if you look at it, and you will immediately go to the top.

"Xiao Jiang, why can the scripts of their five programs be changed, but ours cannot be changed? I want to change the script too!" Zhang Juan, a sketch actress in her 50s, said.

"Mr. Zhang, your sketch is very good, you don't need to change it." Jiang Yuanyue said after hearing it.

"There is no best, only better." Zhang Juan said.

"Mr. Zhang, don't rob us."

"Yes, are you worse than us? No, give us the opportunity."


"Clap clap clap!"

Jiang Yuanyue clapped his hands, signaled everyone to be quiet, and asked again: "How is the discussion going, teachers?"

But at this moment, no one pays attention to Jiang Yuanyue.

The crowd gathered together and formed a circle.

"It's not a solution for us to keep arguing like this. I think it's better than rock-paper-scissors. It's more fair to have one person in each show. I'm willing to bet and admit defeat, how about it?"

"Well, agree!"

Then, five elderly sketch actors stepped forward.

These people are all old actors, and they can be regarded as highly respected in the circle. If they stand up to rock-paper-scissors, even if they lose, no one will complain.

And the others, all stood around.


Five hands stretched out, one scissors, four cloth.

"Haha, I won!"

"Mr. Chen is awesome, Mr. Chen is mighty!"

There are four people left.


"Two rocks, two scissors."

Victory and defeat.

Happy to win.

Depressed to lose.

Fortunately, the work cannot be changed, and the loser can still perform the previous work.

Jiang Yuanyue smiled, and was about to speak, when the three winning groups got together again, holding the script and starting to study it.

"I play the father in "Bass Comes From Mouth", who will play my son?"

"I act, I act!"

"Then I'll play the traffic policeman."

"I play son fucking"

"Okay, then it's settled."


Jiang Yuanyue was taken aback when she saw it, did she start to divide roles?

That's good too, so she won't have to allocate it.


(End of this chapter)

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