The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 727 It's all up to you

Chapter 727 It's all up to you
After the casting of the sketch has been settled, the next step is rehearsal to prepare for the third review the day after tomorrow.

"Teachers, I would like to introduce a person to you. He is Xu Jie, deputy general manager of Jingshi Cultural Communication Company of Beijing Radio and Television Station. Many popular programs such as "Delicious History", "Crossover Actors", "Ordinary Courage" and so on are from His hand is also the creator of the three sketches you just saw..."

Jiang Yuanyue solemnly introduced the juniors beside him to all the sketch actors present.

The reason why she wants to do this is to give the juniors face, let the juniors feel respected, and then devote themselves to the work of guiding the actors; the second is to let the actors pay more attention to the juniors. During the rehearsal, you can listen to the instructions of your juniors, and don't rely on your old actors to sell your old ones just because you are an old actor in the Spring Festival Gala, and play big names in front of young creators.

After hearing this, everyone turned their eyes to the young man next to Director Jiang in unison.

Before, everyone just thought they looked familiar, but now after listening to Director Jiang's introduction, they immediately remembered who it was.

"I remembered, Xiao Xu is the leading actor in "Delicious History", right?" Song Lili, a famous sketch actress who is over [-], asked with surprise.

"It's me, Teacher Song." Xu Jie replied politely.

Teacher Song has been on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala many times, not only has appeared in many excellent sketches, but also created many classic images. Xu Jie grew up watching each other's sketches.

"No wonder you look so familiar, you are much more handsome than on TV." Liu Ji'an, a famous sketch actor in his 50s, said with a smile.

"Ms. Liu also looks younger than on TV." Xu Jie said.

Among the people in front of him, half of them are sketch actors of the older generation, and some of them even appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala in the [-]s.

I remember that during the first rehearsal, he also discussed this issue with the teacher, why after so many years, the director team of the Spring Festival Gala still invites these elderly people, who even need to take antihypertensive drugs and heart medicine before going on stage actor.

And the teacher's answer is also very simple, because nowadays, there are not enough sketch actors, and there are no successors, so I have to invite these older generation sketch actors to continue to perform on stage.

In fact, in the past few years, the director team of the Spring Festival Gala has been trying to find ways to change this situation, such as inviting some well-known film and television stars to appear in sketches, but the results are minimal, and the audience does not buy it.

"Director Xu, we meet again." Ding Lingyi said with a smile.

"Well, this is our second cooperation, and it's a happy cooperation." Xu Jie looked at Ding Lingyi and said.

The other party is the singer invited in the first season of "Crossover Actor". Although he didn't go too far in the competition, he has often appeared in some film and television dramas since then, and now he has been able to receive female three female four role.

Next, Xu Jie greeted each sketch actor.

In fact, the sketch circle is also an important part of the entertainment circle.

Just like the older generation of skit actors in front of us, they are not only comedy stars, but also the pillars of major art theaters and art troupes.

A good relationship with these people will become part of the resources in the future.

And none of the sketch actors present underestimated the young man in front of him.

On the one hand, the other party is a member of the system, and he has become the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture at a young age, so there must be something special about him.

On the other hand, the other party is the person Jiang Yuanyue arranged for them, that is to say, the other party has been approved by the director team of the Spring Festival Gala. Underestimating this young man is equivalent to not cooperating with the work of the director team. No one wants to be kicked out at this time How embarrassing it is to go out of the Spring Festival Gala.

Jiang Yuanyue was very happy to see the friendly relationship between the junior and the actors.

In this way, she doesn't have to worry about these three sketches, and it can be regarded as sharing some work for her, the person in charge of the language program.

She still has great confidence in her junior's ability.

After all, she has directed so many hit shows, and even she is ashamed of herself in this regard.

"Now that everyone has known each other, let's start the rehearsal." Jiang Yuanyue said with a smile.

"Director Jiang, what about today's rehearsal..." Liu Ji'an asked.

"I went to tell the chief director that you don't need to participate in today's rehearsal. Just prepare for the third trial the day after tomorrow." Jiang Yuanyue said.

Everyone couldn't help looking at Xu Jie. The work went straight to the third trial. This kind of treatment is no one else.

Jiang Yuanyue turned to look at Xu Jie, and said seriously: "Student, whether the language programs of this year's Spring Festival Gala can be successful depends entirely on you."

"Senior sister, don't blame me so early, okay? You are the assistant director of the Spring Festival Gala and the person in charge of language programs." Xu Jie said with a wry smile.

He just came to accompany his wife to participate in the rehearsal, why did he leave the work of the Spring Festival Gala to him?

Besides, what does it have to do with him if the sketches in the Spring Festival Gala are not good?He is neither from China TV, nor from the working group of the Spring Festival Gala.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the sake of the teacher this time, he wouldn't even write a sketch book.

To help is love, not to help is duty.

How could such a heavy burden be placed on his shoulders?

"This is not a pot, it is the trust of the director team of the Spring Festival Gala, and it is a glorious mission..."

"Okay, senior, don't feed me chicken soup, I'm not thirsty."

Xu Jie interrupted Jiang Yuanyue's words.

In the same way, when he was the deputy director of the art program center, he often said to the program team members that on the surface it was to motivate the team members, but in fact it was to save himself trouble.

They are all old Chinese medicine practitioners, so don't prescribe such folk prescriptions to me.

The sincere expression on Jiang Yuanyue's face instantly disintegrated, she stretched out her fist and thumped Xu Jie's shoulder fiercely, and said in a low voice: "You are my junior, shouldn't it be right for a junior to help a senior sister? Besides, with me in Huaxia TV, how can we lose your wife if there are good things in the future?"

Xu Jie thought to himself: I came here just for this matter.

"Senior sister, what you said has reached the bottom of my junior's heart. I am helping you purely because of the relationship between our juniors and senior sisters. Okay, I will leave these three sketches to me." Xu Jie patted his chest and said.

Jiang Yuanyue secretly scolded the little fox in her heart, and then said with a smile: "Brother, I am very touched by what you said, and I will remember it in my heart, well, I will leave the rest to you Now, I have to go back to the director's team for a meeting, teachers, see you later."

Jiang Yuanyue finished speaking and left the lounge.

Xu Jie sent the senior away, then turned to look at the actors.

He knew that from this moment on, he was not only the creator of the sketch book, but also the director of the sketch book. Whether the actors could perform the conflicts and jokes in the book was entirely up to his command.

Fortunately, he has directed artist performances in "Delicious History", "Crossover Actors" and the New Year's Eve party, and he is also experienced.

The most important thing is that he has communicated and cooperated with some Shidishihou, so at this moment, when faced with directing the older generation of actors, he is not afraid.

Maybe in terms of actual combat experience, he is far behind these actors, but in terms of theoretical knowledge, he is definitely not inferior to these people.

"Teachers, please read the script first, check the lines, and then let me explain the conflicts and burdens in it." Xu Jie said.

The day after tomorrow will be the third trial. Before that, even if you can’t cooperate perfectly, you must at least act decently. Therefore, having him, the creator, explain it directly will help the actors understand and save a lot of time. .

Everyone didn't say anything after hearing it, and they all knew that there was not much time left for everyone, so they read the script one after another.

Due to the limited script, Xu Jie went outside to copy some more, so that everyone has a copy.

Not long after, the rehearsal for the Spring Festival Gala began.

Actors from other skit shows entered the lounge one after another, and the number of people in the room suddenly decreased.

Xu Jie felt that the time was almost up, so he began to analyze each notebook one by one.

Of course, his script was not perfect, and the script that was rushed out in two or three days must be unreasonable or could be improved.

At this time, the older generation of comedians played a big role.

They have their own understanding of comedy and their own views on things. During the discussion, they can put forward many suggestions to help the sketch become better.

For Xu Jie, this is also a process of learning and progress.

It is even good for him to direct movies in the future.

Just a little too busy.

He needs to face three program groups by himself, and often just after discussing one issue with this group, he is called by another group to discuss another issue, without even having time to go to the bathroom.

Busy from morning to noon, and from noon to night.

Originally, he came to accompany Su Yun, but now Su Yun is accompanying him.

The next day, the 11th.

Xu Jie drove to Huaxia TV Station.

Because there was no rehearsal for the Spring Festival Gala today, Su Yun did not come with him, but took time to attend a business event.

"Ring bell bell!"

As soon as Xu Jie got out of the car, his cell phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and found that it was Boss Jiang calling, so he returned to the car and connected the call.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked while looking out the window.

It was working hours at this time, and many beauties passed by the parking lot and walked towards the building of Huaxia TV Station, including some famous hostesses.

"Xiao Xu, are you coming to the company today?" Jiang Hai asked.

"Today? Maybe I can't go. Is there something wrong, boss?" Xu Jie's task today is to help the actors rehearse the sketches and prepare for tomorrow's third trial.

As for when the rehearsal will last, he doesn't know, maybe it's four or five in the afternoon, maybe it's eight or nine in the evening.

For actors participating in the Spring Festival Gala, it is normal to practice until midnight.

Because everyone cherishes the opportunity to be on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. Everyone wants to show their best side to the audience all over the country. No one wants or allows themselves to make mistakes on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

"The company sends new year's goods today, including seafood. If you don't pick them up today, they may be broken tomorrow." Jiang Hai said.

There are still 10 days until New Year's Eve. Send out the New Year's goods early to avoid heavy buying.

"Then share the seafood with other colleagues. I'll get the rest in two days." Xu Jie said.

"Xiao Xu, what have you been up to lately? You haven't been seen in the company all day, and now you don't even have time to pick up a New Year's gift. Are you hibernating at home?" Jiang Hai asked curiously. He had been there for many days. I haven't seen Xu Jie in the company anymore.

"Winter sleep, I'm not a bear."

Xu Jie thought for a while, and felt that it would be better to tell Boss Jiang about Xiaopin, rather than passing it into Boss Jiang's ears from someone else's mouth, and he needed someone to cover him, so he said: "Boss, I Tell you, don't tell anyone, especially the people on the TV station."

"What's going on so mysteriously? Tell me, I'm sure I won't tell the TV station." Jiang Hai said.

"Boss, a few days ago, didn't I accompany my wife to the rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala on Huaxia TV? There I met the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala, Chen Ya, and the deputy director Jiang Yuanyue. They kidnapped me and asked me to write sketches for language programs. Benzi, we are organizing people to rehearse these two days to prepare for tomorrow's third trial."

Xu Jie finished the whole thing with a victim's attitude.


Jiang Hai was stunned when he heard it.

He always thought that Xu Jie was rushing around to make a movie these days, but he didn't expect that the other party went to China TV and rehearsed a sketch for the Spring Festival Gala.

No wonder the other party emphasized that they could not tell the people on the TV station. If Lao Lu or Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou knew about this, what would they think?
If you were asked to direct the New Year’s Eve party in your own station, you would not do it, and if you were asked to direct the Spring Festival party in your own station, you would not do it, but you went to Huaxia TV to guide the rehearsal of other people’s sketches. Where are you from?
In this way, tomorrow's New Year's Eve party and Spring Festival party work will definitely be assigned to Xiao Xu, and Xiao Xu can't even refuse at that time.

"It's not the case for you to hide it like this. Even if I don't tell you, when your show is performed at the Spring Festival Gala and your name appears on TV, wouldn't you want to reveal it?" Jiang Hai reminded.

"I've thought about it. If the TV station asks, I'll say that I gave the script of "Crossover Actor" to China Television Spring Festival Gala." Xu Jie said.

Jiang Hai was taken aback for a moment, which was a good reason.

"Wait, you won't really take the script of "Crossover Actor" to the China Television Spring Festival Gala, will you?" Jiang Hai asked worriedly.

You must know that this year's "Crossover Actor" is in charge of the third season of "Crossover Actor". If Xu Jie takes the good script to the CTS Spring Festival Gala, what will happen to "Crossover Actor" then?
The company's performance this year depends entirely on "Crossover Actor".

"No, how can I do that? Besides, the script of "Crossover Actor" is not suitable for the stage of the Spring Festival Gala." Xu Jie said.

Jiang Hai thought about it, yes.

However, Xiao Xu was able to write three sketch scripts in such a short period of time, and he also passed the preliminary review by the director team of the Spring Festival Gala. It seems that this kid usually hides his strength.

"Okay, I see. I'll put the New Year's goods at the front desk for you. Don't forget to move out as soon as possible." Jiang Hai reminded again.

In fact, Xiao Xu was very happy to be invited by the director team of the Spring Festival Gala to participate in the creation and rehearsal of sketches.

The chief director, Chen Ya, is the director of the large-scale program center of China TV. In the future, if China TV has any large-scale activities, it may be possible to get a share of JingTV culture.

Making money is a trivial matter, the key is to be able to expand the company's influence.

Cooperating with Huaxia TV Station, the director of Beijing TV Station will praise him if he knows about it.

"Good boss." Xu Jie said.

"Also, since you have already gone to the CTV Spring Festival Gala, you represent not only yourself, but also our Beijing TV culture, so you must perform well and not let the people there look down upon you, do you understand? We must show the spiritual outlook of our Jingshi culture." Jiang Hai emphasized.

Xu Jie was startled when he heard this.

The spiritual outlook of Beijing Television Culture?
What is the spiritual outlook of Beijing Television Culture?Relying on the support of the Beijing TV station?
Anyway, he, the deputy general manager, has been to Jingshi Culture for so many days, and he hasn't felt the spiritual outlook there yet.

After thinking about it, he finally said loudly: "It's President Jiang, I promise to complete the task!"

"Well, go ahead, I'm here at the company." Jiang Hai hung up the phone after speaking, for fear of disturbing Xiao Xu's work.

That's CTV's Spring Festival Gala!

He has never had such a bright moment in his life.

Xu Jie put away his mobile phone, then got out of the car and walked into the gate of the TV station.

Although there is no rehearsal for the Spring Festival Gala today, there are still security personnel on the road with three steps, one post and five steps and one sentry. The atmosphere is busy and tense.

When Xu Jie came to the waiting room, the fifteen actors of the three sketches had all arrived. With scripts in their hands, rehearsals had already begun.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm late. Let's start, everyone. Let's start with the sketch "Miss From Mouth." Xu Jie took off his coat and put it aside, and quickly got into work.

For Xu Jie, if something is not done, it must be done well.

To do otherwise is to waste time, and to waste time is to waste life.

At the same time, the actors of the other two programs walked out consciously, leaving the lounge for the first sketch, so as not to interfere with the rehearsal.

When Jiang Yuanyue passed the corridor, he saw many actors standing outside to answer their lines, so he asked curiously: "Teachers, why are you all standing outside? Why don't you go into the lounge?"

"Xiao Xu is rehearsing the show inside, we don't want to disturb them." Song Lili explained.


Jiang Yuanyue was stunned for a moment, and then a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes.

She thought that if there was no rehearsal today, her junior wouldn't come. After all, Su Yun wouldn't come, but she didn't expect her junior to come alone.

It seems that the younger brother still attaches great importance to this sketch.

Now that her junior is here, she doesn't have to come over.

"Teachers have worked hard. There is no one in the lounge next door today. You can go there." Jiang Yuanyue opened the door of the room next door as he said.

"Thank you Director Jiang."

Xu Jie stayed in Huaxia TV station for another day, and didn't leave until after 11 o'clock in the evening.

However, he was very satisfied with today's rehearsal.

Although it was the first time to cooperate and rehearse, everyone showed a state of concentration. It was just because of the temporary team formation and the use of a new notebook, so there was a lack of tacit understanding between each other. However, conflicts and burdens have been accurately handled. I believe that as long as there are more rehearsals, everyone will have a tacit understanding, and the effect of the sketch will be better.

Now, it depends on whether tomorrow's third trial can pass.


(End of this chapter)

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