Chapter 728 All Passed
12 number.

The third review of language programs for the Spring Festival Gala of China TV was held as scheduled.

This review has brought together many domestic comedians, including Song Lili, Liu Ji'an, Pan Wei, who have participated in more than ten Spring Festival Gala veterans, and comedians such as Jia Teng, Shen Ling, and Pan Fuqiang who have risen in recent years. Stars, as well as film and television actors such as Ding Lingyi, Wu Xiaotong, and Jiang Ge, the lineup can be said to be very strong.

However, the stage of the Spring Festival Gala has always used works to speak, so who can pass the review and who can make it to the end is unknown.

Xu Jie came to Huaxia TV very early in the morning. Before the review started, he quickly rehearsed the three sketches he was in charge of.

In fact, every rehearsal, the script will be changed. Even on the night of the [-]th, when the actors stand on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, they may make on-the-spot changes due to nervousness, forgetting words, and time constraints.

The reason for the constant rehearsal is to cultivate the tacit understanding between the actors, so that even in the event of a situation, the performance can continue smoothly.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a knock on the door outside the lounge, and then Jiang Yuanyue, the director of the language program, walked in from outside.

"Teachers, the third review of language programs has begun. Please perform on stage in the original order. I sincerely hope that all programs can pass today's review." Jiang Yuanyue said.

Although the program had a total of four reviews, after the third review, it was basically equivalent to appearing on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, and the subsequent fourth review was more to make the work more perfect.

"Thank you Xiaojiang!"

"Thank you Director Jiang."

Everyone said.

Xu Jie approached Jiang Yuanyue who was about to leave, and asked in a low voice, "Senior sister, can I go and have a look?"

"Okay, come with me." Jiang Yuanyue said with a smile, and then led the way.

Xu Jie followed behind the senior sister and turned around to the studio hall.

The director team and the review team were all present, all of them expressionless, looking very serious, and the atmosphere became tense invisibly.

Xu Jie sat in a corner of the front row, but what he paid attention to was not the sketches and actors on the stage, but secretly looking at the people in the review team.

The review team's requirements for the program are often stricter than the director's team, so he wants to see whether they are satisfied with the program through the reaction of the review team.

Soon, the first group of sketches appeared.

There were only a dozen people in the huge studio hall, which seemed extraordinarily empty.

Without the live audience, the burden of the sketch seemed a little awkward.

And the people in the review team rarely showed a smile on their faces.

After all, it is the third trial. I have seen it twice before, and I already know the conflicts and burdens well, and my resistance to jokes has also deepened a lot.

Fortunately, actors have been on stage for a long time and have very rich experience, so when facing such a scene, they can still deal with it calmly.

Ten minutes later, the skit ended.

The people in the review team exchanged opinions with each other, and then one of them made a speech, listing several points for improvement, and finally congratulated on passing the third review.

The actors on the stage were very excited. It was a joy for everyone to be on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. After preparing for the Spring Festival Gala for so long, no one wanted to be eliminated in the third trial.

The second group came on stage with cross talk.

The two performers are young cross talk actors who are very popular nowadays. This is also the change made by the director team of the Spring Festival Gala to cater to young people.

Maybe it was the first time they were on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. Even after the third review, the two actors still looked a little stiff, not as relaxed and comfortable as they appeared in the theater.

Actors on stage must not only focus, but also relax.

Concentration refers to spirit, while ease refers to state.

The two are not contradictory.

Concentration allows the actor to devote himself to the performance, while a relaxed state allows the actor to perform better.

Fortunately, the quality of the works brought by the two cross talk actors was relatively solid, with a lot of laughs, and they finally passed the test.

Maybe it was because the first two works passed the review, which made the actors waiting in the background relax a lot, and they talked about whether the leaders of the review team were in a better mood because they received the New Year's goods from the unit today.

It's the third show's turn.

The actors in this group of sketches are a combination of old and new. There are not only comedian Chen Yongnan who has participated in the Spring Festival Gala more than a dozen times, but also film and television star Song Anning who participated in the Spring Festival Gala for the first time. This is also a popular combination on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala in recent years. , Comedy star plus film and television star, one work can attract audiences on both sides.

However, after the skit was over, the face of the review team leader was extraordinarily serious, shaking his head and frowning from time to time during the discussion.

Not long after, one of the leaders announced that the sketch had failed the review after pointing out the bad points, and then thanked the actors for their dedication and hard work during these days.

The actors on the stage all showed disappointed expressions after listening to it.

In their view, no matter how many words of thanks are said, it is not as good as passing the review.

Thanks for not passing the review is more like a consolation.

When the news spread to the backstage, everyone who was relatively optimistic just now suddenly became nervous again.

Facts have proved that the leaders of the inspection team are not happy because they received the New Year's goods, they are still doing things impartially.

The actors of the third group of skits returned to the backstage dejectedly.

"Old Chen, don't slump your face. If you don't pass it, you will pass it. Isn't it better to stay at home with your family on New Year's Eve?" Liu Ji'an comforted after seeing it.

"Old Liu is right. We are so old that we are no longer suitable for the tense and tiring activities of the Spring Festival Gala. We will gradually withdraw from this stage in the future." Pan Wei patted Chen Yongnan's arm.

"That's the way it is, it's just that after rehearsing for so many days, I feel a little sorry for young people like Song Anning and the others." Chen Yongnan sighed deeply.

At the beginning, in order to invite these young stars, he said a lot of good things, and even praised how good the sketch book was, but now he was killed, and he felt somewhat guilty.

"Mr. Chen, it's okay." Song Anning said with a smile after hearing this: "This period of time is also a good experience for me, and I have learned a lot from it. Although I failed this year, I can continue to work hard next year. , strive to be on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala."

Things have come to this point, and it is useless to pursue the issue of the script.

"Yes, Mr. Chen, you don't have to blame yourself." Another actor also persuaded.

Chen Yongnan nodded.

In fact, being sorry for these young actors is only one aspect, and his heart is more about the loss of leaving the Spring Festival Gala stage.

At his age, he can only show his face every year on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. If he cannot be on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, he may be forgotten by the audience.

As an actor who was once a household name, one day he was suddenly forgotten by the audience. How many people can accept this kind of psychological gap for a while?

"The fourth group of "Common Homeland" is on stage." The staff reminded.

The five actors Liu Ji'an, Pan Fuqiang, Lin Han, Jiang Ge, and Yao Na immediately became nervous.

After waiting for so long, it was finally their turn to take the stage.

Although today is the third censorship of language programs, it is the first censorship for their work, and because the previous sketch book was tragically replaced, everyone is a little bit uncertain at the moment, if this new The work also failed the review, so they could only go home for the New Year like Chen Yongnan, Song Anning and others.

"Clap clap clap!"

At this time, applause suddenly broke out in the background.

It was Xu Jie who was clapping.

Everyone looked over curiously, wondering what the sudden appearance of Teacher Xu wanted to do.

"Everyone, you should all know the variety show "Crossover Actors", right?" Xu Jie looked at the five actors who were about to take the stage and asked.

"I know." Pan Fuqiang said.

At the same time, he looked at the Vice President Xu from JingTV Culture in puzzlement.

The third trial is about to come, what is the other party doing when they talk about "Crossover Actor"?
Others are also very puzzled.

This is the studio hall of CTS Spring Festival Gala, not Beijing TV Station.

"Do you think "Crossover Actor" is wonderful?" Xu Jie asked again.



While everyone was answering, they were still thinking: Isn't this nonsense?The most popular variety show in the past two years is "Crossover Actor".

"I am the chief planner, chief screenwriter, and chief director of "Crossover Actor". Most of the scripts are written by me. Do you think my script can be bad?" Xu Jie asked.

Everyone was startled.

Teacher Xu knew that they had no idea and was afraid that everyone would be affected by Chen Yongnan's elimination, so did he deliberately talk about this to encourage them?
Not to mention, these words really played a role in boosting confidence.

What is the skit reviewing?
Isn't it just a script?

Mr. Xu's ability to write scripts is so strong, shouldn't it be a matter of course to pass the test?

"Ms. Xu, I understand." Yao Na nodded seriously.

"Mr. Xu, after listening to your words, I have more confidence in the next performance." Jiang Ge said with a smile.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to encourage." Xu Jie said after hearing this: "I just want to say that my notebook is fine. If you fail the review later, you can find the reason from yourself."


Everyone was speechless.

Is this still human?

"Haha!" Xu Jie laughed at this moment, "I'm just kidding, come on stage."

Liu Ji'an and the others looked at each other, and each of them became serious.

Just pointing at what the other party said just now, even if it was a joke, you must perform well on stage later, and don't give the other party a chance to throw the blame.

Five people stretched out their hands one by one.

"come on!"

"come on!"

Then go to the stage.

The skit "Common Homeland" is set in a residential area, through some uncivilized phenomena, such as walking the dog without a leash, growing vegetables in public green spaces, and throwing objects in the sky, etc., calling on everyone to take care of their living environment.

In those uncivilized incidents, the unreasonable arguments of the uncivilized owners and the countermeasures of the civilized owners are full of conflicts and burdens, which are also the highlights of the whole sketch.

The most important thing is that the things described in the skit happened around everyone, even many people have experienced it, so it has very profound practical significance.

This is also a form of skits that the director team and review team of China TV Spring Festival Gala like very much.

After Xu Jie received the invitation from his senior sister, he began to seriously consider how to write the script.

For this reason, he also specially watched the Spring Festival Gala sketches in recent years, and analyzed them one by one, and only started to write after confirming the routine.

It can be said that the three skit scripts he produced were all tailor-made for the China Television Spring Festival Gala.

So for the third trial, he is still very confident.

Of course, there was also a little bit of tension in my heart.

Because according to the senior sister, the leaders of the review team have changed this year, not the ones from last year.

This is also the only variable.

Xu Jie stood on the edge of the stage, staring intently at the leader of the review team sitting below the stage.

With the development of the plot and the emergence of conflicts, smiles soon appeared on the faces of the reviewers, and as the conflicts broke out one after another, and the laughing points appeared one after another, the smiles on the faces of the reviewers became more and more .

Ten minutes passed quickly.

The skit is finally over.

"Clap clap clap!"

The censors sitting in the audience began to clap and applaud. This was the first time they clapped and clapped for a work. The actors standing on the stage were very excited.

"The book is good, and the acting is also good."

"There are conflicts, laughs, meaning, and reflections, and finally I saw a decent work."

"Not bad, the content is very good. I don't think there is any need to change it, so it's fine." The review leaders said one after another, and they no longer made suggestions alone like before.

Xu Jie who was standing in the background smiled.

The actors of the other two shows also laughed.

The review team is very satisfied and recognized the works of Mr. Xu, and they are also using Mr. Xu's works. When it is their turn to perform on stage, they will definitely be able to pass.

Invisibly, everyone was relieved and at the same time more confident.

The five actors of "Common Homeland" returned to the backstage from the stage.

"How about Mr. Xu, we didn't embarrass your work, did we?" Yao Na asked with a smile, she was in a very good mood.

I was finally able to be on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, so happy.

"Congratulations, you have successfully advanced to the next round!" Xu Jie said with a smile, taking the review scene of the language program of the Spring Festival Gala as the competition scene of "Crossover Actors".

Many people have watched "Crossover Actor", so everyone understood Xu Jie's words in an instant.

"As soon as an expert makes a move, he will know if there is one. Mr. Xu, you are still the best!" After Jiang Ge finished speaking, he held out a thumb.

"I have participated in the Spring Festival Gala for so many years, and this is the first time I have come across a work that the review team has no comment on. It is really the wave behind the Yangtze River pushing the wave ahead." Liu Ji'an couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Okay, I'm excellent, I know, you don't need to praise, and I'm embarrassed to praise you any more." Xu Jie said.

Everyone looked at Xu Jie who was smiling all over his face, how could they look a little embarrassed?

The next performance on stage is cross talk.

I don't know if it's because of the work or because of the lack of humor, but the cross talk didn't pass the review in the end.

Next it was the turn of Xu Jie's work, this time the name of the sketch was "Community Police".

It mainly tells about some strange calls received by the police in their daily work, and those strange things and people encountered when they went to the scene to deal with the reports.

Soon, the skit is over.

The leader of the review team who was sitting under the stage showed a satisfied smile again.

"Director Chen, this sketch and the last one are new works, right? I haven't seen it in the first and second trials before." A review leader said to Chen Ya who was sitting beside him.

"Yes, we removed a few works that received mediocre responses from the audience in the first and second trials, and then temporarily compiled a few scripts, which were re-interpreted by the actors of the removed works." Chen Ya said.

"A temporary notebook? It doesn't look like it, and it's only been a few days since the second trial. Are you kidding me?" asked the review leader.

"I'm not joking. The main reason is that we hired the right person this time. The two sketches just now and the work that will be on stage later are all written by the same person." Chen Ya explained.

"Oh? Write three by one person? Who is it?" the review leader asked, and the other people beside him also looked over curiously.

Under normal circumstances, the Spring Festival Gala will give the invited sketch actors three to four months to prepare the works.

Just like the works that have not passed the review before, each one has been prepared for a long time.

But now, the two wonderful works that appeared one after another were written by the same person, and they were completed in just a few days. In their opinion, even professional skit writers could not do it.

"His name is Xu Jie." Chen Ya said.

"Xu Jie?"

Several reviewers looked puzzled, why hadn't anyone from the director's team mentioned it before?
"He is the vice president of Beijing TV Culture, like Beijing Satellite TV's "Delicious History", "Crossover Actors", "Ordinary Courage", and the food show "The Temptation of Going Home" that was broadcast on our station during the Spring Festival last year. They were all made by him," Chen Ya introduced.

"Oh? Really? After the review is over, I have to take a good look at him." A review leader said.

Review continues.

Seventh, eighth, ninth...

In the end, among the thirteen language programs, nine programs passed the third trial, including six sketches and three cross talks.

"Teacher Xu."

A sketch screenwriter approached Xu Jie on his own initiative, and said embarrassedly: "Although my work has passed the third review, there are still some areas that need to be improved. Can you help me see it?"

"Ah? This, isn't this good?" Xu Jie said after hearing this.

You can change your own works in any way you want, but to change other people's works, isn't that the same as digging?

"What's wrong with that? We're all here to bring laughter to audiences across the country," said the screenwriter.

At this time, Chen Ya and a group of people came backstage.

"Xiao Xu, we saw your work just now, it is really wonderful." Chen Ya said excitedly.

For directors of the Spring Festival Gala, the most difficult thing is language programs.

But now, he no longer has this worry.

Xu Jie smiled and said nothing.

"Xiao Xu, come here, let me introduce you, these are the leaders of the review team, they are..." Chen Ya pulled Xu Jie and began to introduce.

Xu Jie was stunned when he heard the positions of these people.

There are not only the top management of Huaxia TV Station, but also the leaders of the Ministry.

"Xu Jie, not bad, are you interested in developing with our China TV station?" A senior executive of China TV station asked with a smile.

Xu Jie was taken aback.

Come again?

"When I am good enough, I will definitely come to Huaxia TV!"


(End of this chapter)

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