The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 729 Special Chapter Interview

Chapter 729 Special Program Interview
Xu Jie thought that all three of his sketches passed the third review, and he would be able to relax for a while, but the authors and actors of other sketches approached him one after another, hoping that he could help revise the script.

Although the sketches of these people have passed the third trial, the opinions of the review team forced them to continue to revise the works.

How to add and delete according to the opinions of the review team without destroying the original storyline and laughing points is a matter that tests the professional level of the screenwriter.

It is precisely because many screenwriters cannot grasp this degree well that the works often have problems, either because the burden is not good, or the theme is not good.

And Xu Jie’s three sketches passed the review at one time, not only let everyone see his ability, but also recognized his ability, some even regarded him as a life-saving straw, whether he can satisfy the review team depends on him .

You know, it is unique in the history of language programs in the Spring Festival Gala to produce three sketches in one Spring Festival Gala.

As for Xu Jie, he didn't want to make himself so tired, let alone revise other people's works, but these people were all older than him, so he was really embarrassed to refuse, and finally he could only agree to help.

But what frustrates him the most is that, instead of helping him and revising the script with him, the senior sister just sits by and does nothing, acting as a hands-off shopkeeper, and actually does nothing except yelling at the juniors to come on. It's as if he is the person in charge of language programs.

The days are spent day by day under the pressure of the senior sister.

In the blink of an eye, it was thirty days.

At noon, Xu Jie and Su Yun set off together for China TV.

In recent years, the closer the Spring Festival is, the busier Xu Jie is.

The year before last, I was filming "Delicious History", last year I was filming "The Temptation of Going Home", and this year I will participate in the CTS Spring Festival Gala.

Xu Jie has already made up his wish for this year, that is, before the Spring Festival next year, he can relax a bit, go shopping, buy some new year goods, and enjoy the atmosphere of the Spring Festival.

The car stopped outside Huaxia TV station.

Xu Jie, Su Yun, and Huang Xiaorong walked into the gate.

Although there were still more than seven hours before the Spring Festival Gala began, the atmosphere on the TV station was clearly tense.

Everyone seemed very busy, and even the security in the stage had been upgraded several levels compared to the previous rehearsal.

The three of them came to the backstage of the studio hall. The corridor was already full of people, and the actors were all dressed up. Some were rehearsing intensely, and some were sitting on the ground to rest, keeping their best state until night.

Xu Jie sent Su Yun into the dressing room, and then went to the lounge of language programs.

Before he arrived, he saw a lot of sketch actors standing outside the door to answer words from a distance.

Among them are sketch actors who have participated in more than a dozen Spring Festival Gala, as well as film and television artists who participated in the Spring Festival Gala for the first time. They did not enjoy special treatment because of their star status, and crowded in the corridor like ordinary actors.

"Ms. Liu, Mr. Pan, why are you all standing outside? There is still such a long time before the Spring Festival Gala. The most important thing you should do now is to rest and recharge your spirits." Xu Jie walked over to Liu Juan and Pan Wei said.

Both teachers are over 60. If they stand here all afternoon, will they still have the energy to perform on stage?

Let alone such an old man, even a young man in his teens or twenties would not be able to stand for an entire afternoon.

"Let's come out to match the words, and then go in." Liu Juan said after hearing it.

The backstage of the No. [-] Studio Hall is very large, but there are too many people today. It is conservatively estimated that there are thousands or even tens of thousands of actors and staff.

There are a total of nine language programs, with a total of 40 people, and there is only one lounge.

Because of this, in order to avoid interfering with each other during rehearsals, actors usually choose to go to the hallway.

"Every teacher has worked hard."

In Xu Jie's heart, he had a lot of complaints about being caught as a free laborer by his senior sister, but now he sees these elderly artists who are still working tirelessly here again and again in order to bring joy to the audience across the country. During the rehearsal, the complaints in his heart disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Xiao Xu, you have worked hard too." Liu Juan said.

To say that the busiest person these days is neither the assistant director Jiang Yuanyue nor the actors like them, but the young man in front of him.

The other party is not only the author and director of the three sketches, but also has to modify the scripts for other sketches. The workload can be imagined, and he is more responsible and attentive than Jiang Yuanyue, the director of language programs.

I know, this person is here to accompany my wife to the Spring Festival Gala, but I don't know, I thought this person was the person in charge of the language programs of the Spring Festival Gala.

Anyway, this young man's contribution to this year's Spring Festival Gala sketch is much greater than that of the assistant director Jiang Yuanyue.

"It's all for the people." Xu Jie said with a smile, then pushed the door open and walked into the lounge.

There were not many people in the room, only a dozen of them, some of them were matching words, and some were discussing some details.

"Mr. Xu Jie, you came just in time, and I thought of another burden. Let's see how it goes." An essayist couldn't wait to pull Xu Jie over.

Those who didn't know thought Xu Jie was the author.

Not long after, the discussion ended.

As soon as Xu Jie turned around, he was dragged away again.

"Ms. Xu, we are together, okay? Rehearse for us." Yao Na said to Xu Jie.

This was her first time participating in the Spring Festival Gala. Although it was still a long time before she took the stage, she felt uncontrollably nervous.

"Don't worry, take it easy." Xu Jie comforted after hearing this: "We have rehearsed many times, and we have already established a tacit understanding with each other. As long as you can perform at your usual rehearsal level, there will be no problems."

If the previous review does not represent how good the work is, then the applause and laughter of the audience during the past few days are the greatest affirmation of the work.

"Mr. Xu, I know what you said, but I'm still worried." Yao Na clenched her fists tightly, her palms were covered with sweat.

As an actress, she has participated in many large-scale events. It stands to reason that her mental quality should have been exercised very well, but today, she felt like she was on stage for the first time, and her heart was pounding.

"What are you worried about? Are you worried that my work is not exciting enough, or that Teacher Liu Ji'an's performance is not exciting enough?" Xu Jie asked.

"I, of course I'm worried about myself. I'm worried that if I get on stage, I'll drag everyone down." Yao Na hurriedly explained after hearing this, taking the initiative to take the blame, lest other people might misunderstand.

"Did you not memorize the lines, or is your body uncomfortable?" Xu Jie continued to ask while looking at the other party.

"Nervous, it's nervous, understand?" Yao Na said.

"Nervous? Isn't it normal to be nervous? Ask the actors who will be on stage tonight, whether they are singing or dancing, which one is not nervous? Teacher Liu, are you nervous?" Xu Jie looked at Liu who was on the side jian.

"Nervous." Liu Ji'an nodded.

Yao Na was taken aback, and asked in surprise, "Ms. Liu, you have participated in more than ten Spring Festival Gala, why are you still nervous?"

Liu Ji'an said seriously: "For an actor, the Spring Festival Gala can be said to be the biggest stage. It is not only for the thousand audiences on the scene, but also for the billions of audiences in front of the TV. Compared with singing and dancing, , the skit should be longer, the longer the time, the more uncertainties, do you think I am nervous?"

Yao Na nodded vigorously. What Teacher Liu said was the reason for her nervousness, but she really didn't expect that Teacher Liu Ji'an, who had participated in more than ten Spring Festival Gala, would have the same psychological burden as her.

Xu Jie said at this time: "Nervousness is inevitable. Although I don't need to be on stage, I am also very nervous. I am nervous about the effect of the sketch and whether the national audience is satisfied with the sketch I wrote. But because of this, we have to adjust it. Mentality, turn nervousness into concentration, and you are only nervous about one program, I am nervous about three programs, and the director team, they are nervous about the whole show. Compared with this, what is your nervousness? It is nothing. "

Yao Na thought about it, and she seemed to be right.

She was worried about her performance, so why didn't Teacher Xu and the director team also worry about it?
"Ms. Liu..." Xu Jie turned to look at Liu Ji'an, and said with a smile, "Tell everyone some interesting things about your participation in the Spring Festival Gala over the years, such as whether there have been any mistakes during the performance, have you forgotten the lyrics, etc. , to make everyone happy."


Liu Jian was speechless.

What's the fun here?It's obviously an embarrassment.

However, he also knew that Xu Jie said this to let everyone relax and gain some experience in dealing with emergencies, so he looked at the young people in front of him and said, "Okay, then I will tell you, so Over the years, there have been many situations.”

When the people around heard it, they immediately became interested.

If it is a good thing, everyone may not be interested, but if it is about embarrassing things, everyone is willing to listen.

Xu Jie looked aside, and waved at the other sketch actors, gesturing for everyone to come and listen, so as to relieve everyone's nervousness.

And Mr. Liu Ji'an's lecture also brought back memories of some other teachers, so as he was talking, other teachers also participated in it, and bursts of laughter suddenly rang out in the lounge.

At this time, China Television's comprehensive channel is broadcasting a large-scale New Year's Eve special program "Another Year".

This program has been broadcast continuously for more than 20 years, and it is a warm-up program for the Spring Festival Gala.

In addition to reporting on the Spring Festival activities across the country with traditional folk customs as the core, its content will also broadcast the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala in real time, making the audience look forward to the next Spring Festival Gala.

"Friends from the audience, I am now in the backstage of the No. [-] studio hall of Huaxia TV Station. Language programs are the focus of everyone's attention every year. Now please follow my camera to see who will be featured in this year's Spring Festival Gala language programs. , what are they doing now..."

Yang Yi, the well-known host of CTV, turned into a reporter at this moment, visiting the backstage of the Spring Festival Gala for the audience in front of the TV, and deciphering the unknown things behind the Spring Festival Gala.

"In front is the actor's lounge for language programs. We can now see that Teacher Liu Juan and Zhou Chengcheng are in the corridor. They are holding sketch scripts in their hands. They should be checking the lines. Let's not disturb them. Let's go to the lounge to watch. Let's see who else..."

Yang Yi reached out and knocked on the door.


The door opened, revealing a face.

"Jiang Ge?" Yang Yi's eyes lit up, and then she introduced herself: "I'm Yang Yi, a reporter from the New Year's Eve special program "Another Year", and I'm here to watch the cast of this year's language program for the audience. Is it convenient? "

Jiang Ge knew who the reporter in front of him was, and of course he also knew about the program "Another Year", so he immediately moved out of the way and said with a smile, "It's convenient, please come in."

"Thank you!" Yang Yi walked into the room and said to the camera lens, "Attention everyone, don't blink."

Enter the lounge.

I saw more than 20 people gathered together, including sketch actors, cross talk actors, film and television actors, and singers. Everyone gathered together, obviously not rehearsing a show.

"Jiang Ge, what are you all doing?" Yang Yi asked in a low voice, afraid of disturbing everyone.

"Several teachers are telling us some interesting things that happened when they participated in the Spring Festival Gala." Jiang Ge said truthfully.

"Really?" Yang Yi shook her head at the camera, "Come on, let's go and listen."

After speaking, he walked over.

The camera moved accordingly, passed through the crowd, and aimed at the innermost veterans of the Spring Festival Gala.

"The most memorable thing for me must be the one in 13. I was stunned as soon as I played, because I didn't bring the props, and it was a very important prop. At that time, my brain was blank. Cover, hurry back to get the props, after the performance, my back is full of sweat, and the innermost layer of clothes is already soaked..."

"Speaking of props, I also suffered a loss once, but it's not that I didn't take the props, but I was too focused at the time, and I accidentally used too much force, and the props broke. My heart almost jumped into my throat at that time. The audience thought I did it on purpose..."

"It's nothing to you. I remember that in 09, I worked with Lao Yu. At that time, because the previous program exceeded the time limit, we were temporarily notified that we had to compress the program by one and a half minutes. Although the one and a half minutes is not long , but do you know how many lines and burdens there are, at that time we didn't even have time to communicate, so we could only speak hard, and the lines were like a cannonball..."

Yang Yi laughed while listening, and said to the camera: "Did everyone hear it? These are all things that have never been made public?"

Then, she patted an actor lightly, then pointed to the camera, and asked softly, "Mr. Pan, can I ask you a few questions?"

"Excuse me." Pan Fuqiang turned around and said.

"It's like this. Now there are less than five hours left before the Spring Festival Gala. In previous years, when we came to interview at this time, everyone was nervously checking their lines, but this year, everyone seems to be very relaxed. Why is that?" Yang Yi asked curiously.

Just now I saw Liu Juan and Zhou Chengcheng who were speaking opposite lines outside, so that should be everyone's normal state.

"Oh, it's actually like this. Several teachers saw that some young actors were nervous, so they relieved everyone's nervousness by telling interesting things that happened on the Spring Festival Gala in the past." Pan Fuqiang explained.

"It turned out to be like this. The teachers are really caring." Yang Yi said.

"Well, especially Mr. Xu, he not only has to rehearse the program for us, but also has been trying every means to understand those young actors who are participating in the Spring Festival Gala for the first time." Pan Fuqiang said seriously.

"Really? I don't know where Teacher Xu is?" Yang Yi looked into the crowd. She knew most of them, but she didn't see anyone named Xu.

"He is behind you." Pan Fuqiang said.

Yang Yi looked over immediately, and the camera turned 180 degrees accordingly.

It turned out that there was a person hiding behind them all the time. This person was standing in the corner, holding a mobile phone and looking at something.

Yang Yi was slightly taken aback when she saw this person clearly, and then said to the camera: "Look at who I found, I believe many viewers know him? That's right, he is Xu Jie, the star of "Delicious History". According to As far as I know, although he will not appear in tonight's skits, he is the author and director of several of them, come, let us interview him."

Yang Yi stepped forward and put the microphone in front of the man, "Hello, may I ask..."

"The actor is over there." Xu Jie stretched out his hand and pushed the microphone that was blocking the phone aside, then pointed in the direction of Liu Ji'an and others.

"Mr. Xu, the person I want to interview is you." Yang Yi said.

"I'm sorry, I signed a non-disclosure agreement, and they won't let me say anything." Xu Jie said casually.

"Ms. Xu, Mr. Xu? Can you look up at me? Then say hello to the audience in front of the TV?" Yang Yi reminded.

If it's not an interview, but it's still a live broadcast, she must see what the other party is watching, and be so focused.

Xu Jie was using his spare time to revise the movie script. After hearing what the reporter said, he slowly raised his head.

However, when he saw the reporter and the camera in front of him, he was stunned.

The host Yang Yi, he knows each other. These days, he often comes to Huaxia TV Station and goes to the cafeteria to have dinner. He has met each other quite often.

And the video camera, with the lights on, that is, working right now.

"Cough, hello, hello, is this recording? Can you stop playing it?" Xu Jie discussed with Miss Yang while putting away his phone.

It doesn't matter if his name is included in the sketch, after all, the subtitles flash by, and no one will pay attention to who the author is, but it's not good to show up on Huaxia TV. If the deputy editor-in-chief Lu and the others see this, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Ms. Xu, we are live broadcasting." Yang Yi was a little speechless, and could point to the mark on the microphone with her finger.

Xu Jie took a look and saw a few words written on the microphone: New Year's Eve special program "Another Year".

He knew the show, had seen it, and had watched it for years.

not good!

Xu Jie immediately showed a smiling face, and at the same time, stretched out his hand and waved towards the camera.

"Hello, audience friends, I'm Xu Jie, and I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year and all the best in advance."

The audience in front of the TV burst into laughter seeing Xu Jie whose face changed so quickly on the screen.


Old Xu, old Xu, can you smile a little more falsely?


(End of this chapter)

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