Chapter 730 I know it all
Watching Xu Jie talking on TV, the audience just wanted to laugh at the moment.

Just now, he was still resisting the interview, but now he is paying New Year's greetings and blessings in front of the camera. It feels like he is forced to open a business, and the contrast between the front and the back is too great.

And no one expected to see Lao Xu in the warm-up program "Another Year" of China TV's Spring Festival Gala, let alone that this year's language program of China TV's Spring Festival Gala would invite Lao Xu to create sketches.

In everyone's impression, Lao Xu has always worked at Beijing TV Station. Even if he created a sketch for the Spring Festival Gala, he should also create a sketch for the Spring Festival Gala of Beijing TV Station.

Of course, some people who knew Lao Xu better were not surprised.

Because the Spring Festival food special program "The Temptation of Going Home" filmed by Lao Xu last year was broadcast on the comprehensive channel of Huaxia TV, this is the second cooperation between Huaxia TV and Lao Xu.

It is also true that many viewers are full of expectations for the language programs of this year's Spring Festival Gala. After all, Lao Xu's storytelling ability is there, and everyone still recognizes it very much.

Like "Delicious History", "Crossover Actor", "The Temptation of Going Home", or even the movie "Mulan", which content is not exciting?
It doesn't matter if you don't have experience in writing sketches, as long as you can tell stories.

In the live broadcast room of Huaxia TV, the comments on the screen have already been maxed out because of Xu Jie's appearance.

"Old Xu is awesome, he's on China TV."

"Old Xu said: This episode is cut off, don't broadcast it."

"Old Xu also said: You don't let me say it for a while, and then let me say it again, I am so embarrassed."


"I also saw Su Yun on the program list of the Spring Festival Gala."

"Looking forward to the sketch written by Lao Xu, as long as it has the level of comedy in "Crossover Actor"."

"I'm finally looking forward to tonight's Spring Festival Gala sketch."


A five-star hotel in Beijing.

Liu Jinghua was enjoying the New Year's Eve dinner with her family, but when she saw the man appearing on the TV screen, her eyes were full of shock, and questions followed.

Isn't this person an employee of Beijing Radio and Television Station?
Why did it appear in the backstage of the Spring Festival Gala of Huaxia TV?
When did this person hook up with Huaxia TV?

After being surprised, Liu Jinghua couldn't help feeling depressed.

The other party already had a background in Beijing Radio and Television Station, but now they have a background in Huaxia TV Station. It will become more and more difficult to vent their anger in the future.

A residential area in Beijing.

Lu Hong braved the snow and returned home.

Even though it was New Year's Eve, as the deputy editor-in-chief of Beijing TV Station and the director of the program center of the TV station, he was still busy for the Beijing TV Spring Festival Gala to be held tomorrow night.

"The food is ready, we'll wait for you to come back." Lu Hong's wife said while shaking snowflakes on her husband's clothes.

"It's snowing, the car drives slowly." Lu Hong explained.

"Well, it's the first time to be safe." After hanging up the clothes, the wife went to the kitchen.

"Dad, old Xu, it's Xu Jie, is he still on your stage?" My daughter asked curiously.

"Yes, but I was transferred to the cultural communication company below, what's wrong?" Lu Hong looked at his daughter, not understanding why her daughter would ask Xu Jie.

"He's on China Television, and he's writing sketches for the Spring Festival Gala." The daughter said, pointing to the TV.


Lu Hong looked at the TV in bewilderment and found that Xu Jie was being interviewed by a reporter.

Xu Jie?

Really Xu Jie?
At first he couldn't believe it, he looked at the upper left corner of the TV screen repeatedly, and after confirming that it was indeed a CTV set, he was stunned.

Didn't Xiao Xu go to Jingshi Culture?When did you switch to Huaxia TV and write sketches for the Spring Festival Gala?
He clearly remembered that when director Xiao Xu was invited to the Spring Festival Gala, the other party refused for various reasons.

Well, instead of directing the Spring Festival Gala for your own TV station, go to Huaxia TV station to write sketches for the Spring Festival Gala?

What is this operation?
Are the wings stiff?

Wang Tiannan sat by the sea, basking in the sun leisurely.

There is a mobile phone on the table beside it, and China TV is playing in it.

"Hello, audience friends, I'm Xu Jie..."

Hearing the voice from the mobile phone, Wang Tiannan immediately opened his eyes, reached out and held the mobile phone in front of his eyes.

That's right, it is indeed Xu Jie, the Xu Jie from Jingshi Culture.

"China Television Spring Festival Gala..."

Wang Tiannan stared at the phone for a while, and the corners of his mouth began to rise.

Sure enough, unusual!

China TV.

"Thank you Mr. Xu for accepting the interview. Let us look forward to Mr. Xu's works together." Yang Yi said to the camera, and then walked out of the lounge.

Xu Jie secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and a wry smile appeared on his face.

I'm really afraid of what's coming.

He wrote sketches for the CTS Spring Festival Gala, and he was most afraid of being known by the Beijing TV station. Now that he is fine, he has directly entered the CTS set. Now let alone the Beijing TV station, people all over the country know about it.


At this time, a buzzing sound sounded.

Xu Jie took out his vibrating mobile phone from his pocket.

When he saw the name displayed on the screen, he immediately frowned, hesitated a little, and finally connected the phone.

"Editor Lu..."

Yes, the person who called was Lu Hong, deputy editor-in-chief of Beijing TV Station.

Xu Jie could even guess that Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu must have seen the program "Another Year", so he called him as soon as the interview was over.

"Xiao Xu, what's the matter with you? Why did you go to Huaxia TV station to write a sketch for the Spring Festival Gala?" Lu Hong asked suspiciously.

The reason why he made this phone call in such a hurry was not because he wanted to incriminate the teacher, but because he wanted to find out about the situation, and by the way, arrange for the other party to be the director of the Beijing TV Spring Festival Gala next year.

After all, he even directed the sketches for the Spring Festival Gala of China TV. Wouldn't it be unreasonable if he didn't direct the Spring Festival Gala of his own TV station?
"Editor Lu, I actually don't want to, you know, I've been busy with the third season of "Crossover Actor" recently, but a few days ago I sent my wife to China TV to participate in the rehearsal, and it happened that Jiang Yuanyue caught me Now, besides being the assistant director of the Spring Festival Gala, she is also the person in charge of the language programs, and she is also my senior sister. My university teachers were there at the time, and they insisted on making me write a few books for the language programs of the Spring Festival Gala. I can’t write, and I have no choice but to obey.”

Xu Jie pretended to be pitiful, and then said in a low voice: "Actually, I didn't deliberately write a book for language programs. How could I have the time? I just took out the previous script of "Crossover Actor" and changed it." I submitted it instead, but I didn’t expect it to pass.”

Lu Hong was stunned for a moment, it turned out that this was the case.

In this way, the other party was also forced to be helpless, and it had nothing to do with whether the wings were hard or not.

"If you go there, you will be safe. If you have anything to do, you can go to the chief director Chen Ya. I still have a good relationship with him." Lu Hong comforted.

"Thank you, Editor-in-Chief Lu. In fact, I have nothing to do here. I just come to accompany my wife. I can be said to be an idler. Otherwise, the reporter would not interview me." Xu Jie said with a smile, trying to put aside the relationship with the Spring Festival Gala. .

When Lu Hong heard this, he originally wanted the other party to be the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala of Beijing TV Station next year, but now, even if he said it, the other party might still not agree.

"Okay, I won't bother you." Lu Hong said.

"It doesn't matter to Editor-in-Chief Lu, I'm fine anyway." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Soon, the call ended.

Xu Jie heaved a sigh of relief again, and finally dealt with Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

Among the people in Beijing TV Station, the most difficult person to deal with is Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, because only Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu has the most thoughts about him, and he wants him to do this and that. Let him do it all.


At this time, the WeChat notification tone on the phone rang again.

He picked up his mobile phone and looked, and received many messages, including from relatives, colleagues, and many celebrities.

Cousin Xu Ning: "Brother, I saw you on TV, you are so handsome, when will you come back with sister-in-law?"

Su Lei: "Brother-in-law, since when did you sneak into the CTV Spring Festival Gala? Awesome, you must take me there next year."

Zhang Qi: "Brother-in-law, I just saw you at China TV, and I realized that you and your cousin are busy with the Spring Festival Gala. Is it impossible to go home tonight for the New Year? It's delicious, I'll send it to you, and let other stars taste it too..."

Qin Yan: "I said, why didn't you attend our station's Spring Festival Gala, it turned out that you went to China TV's Spring Festival Gala, you are really a sweet potato."

Zhang Xiyu: "Director Xu, I just watched your interview, and I'm looking forward to your sketch..."


Time passed quickly, and it was dark in a blink of an eye.

6 pm.

There are only two hours left before the China TV Spring Festival Gala.

"Everyone, it's time to eat."

The logistics staff sent the boxed lunch to the lounge. Because it was Thirty's sake, in addition to the normal boxed lunch, dumplings were also delivered.

The actors ate a few mouthfuls symbolically, and put down their chopsticks when they were about three full. on the play.

Even from this moment on, even water intake will be controlled to avoid urgency after going on stage. You know, when you are nervous, you want to pee. If you drink more water, you will tremble just thinking about it.

In contrast, Xu Jie has no such scruples.

He ate a boxed lunch and another plate of dumplings, thinking that as expected of China TV, the boxed lunches were even more delicious than those outside.

"Mr. Xu, can you take care of everyone?" Ding Lingyi looked at Xu Jie and said with a wry smile, "It's okay for you to eat dumplings, but can you keep quiet? We're still hungry."

"Oh, sorry, sorry." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"Okay, Mr. Xu, don't eat. The Spring Festival Gala is about to start, let's rehearse for us." Yao Na was even more straightforward, snatching the plate of dumplings from Xu Jie's hand while speaking.

"Hey, my dumplings... Forget it." Xu Jie wiped his mouth, drank some water to rinse his mouth, and then began to do the final rehearsal for the show.

When you are busy, time always flies by quickly.

Xu Jie had just finished rehearsing the three sketches, and the Spring Festival Gala was about to begin.


As the second hand kept moving, after a full circle, it finally pointed to 12.

8 o'clock sharp!

China TV's Year of the Rabbit Spring Festival Gala officially begins.

At this moment, not only audiences across the country, but even the actors of the Spring Festival Gala are staring at the TV. While watching the Spring Festival Gala, pay attention to the sequence of their programs.

The programs at the Spring Festival Gala are all counted in seconds.

The countless previous rehearsals were not only for the effect of the party, but also to repeatedly estimate the time of all programs to avoid being too long or too short.

Xu Jie stood in the living room and lived for more than 20 years. This was the first time he watched the Spring Festival Gala outside, and he watched it with people other than his parents. It felt weird.

But as the show went on one after another, the weird feeling quickly disappeared, leaving only tension.

Because, the sketch directed by him is about to start.

The skit "Common Homeland" ranked 6th among all programs, and the sequence was very auspicious.

And when the program reached the fourth, the actor left the lounge and stood in the corridor waiting.

Although Xu Jie is not an actor, as a writer and director, he will inevitably feel nervous, so he also followed the actors to the corridor.

There were more people in the corridor at this time.

Everyone stood in line in order and waited for the stage.

Soon, the fourth program ended and it was the turn of the fifth program.


At this moment, Xu Jie suddenly sighed deeply.

It doesn't matter what he said, it almost scared Yao Na and others who were waiting to appear on the stage to pee out.

"Mr. Xu, what's the matter?" Pan Fuqiang asked nervously, and the flesh on his face was also tense.

Actors Lin Han, Jiang Ge, Yao Na, and even the veteran Liu Ji'an of "The Common Home" all had very serious expressions, even with a hint of panic.

Mr. Xu is the author and director of the skit. The other party sighed when everyone was about to go on stage. Could it be that they found some flaws or loopholes in the sketch?
"It's a pity!" Xu Jie shook his head and said.

"What's the pity?" Yao Na pursued, feeling as if her heart had already jumped into her throat.

"It's a pity that the awards for the Spring Festival Gala have been cancelled, otherwise our skit would definitely win the first prize in the language program." Xu Jie said.


Everyone was taken aback when they heard this, and then rolled their eyes at Xu Jie in unison.

I thought it was a big deal about the content of the sketch, but it turned out to be just a pretense!
The point is, when you can't pretend, but at this time.

Don't you know that scaring people can scare people to death?
"Mr. Xu, are you okay?" Jiang Ge said with a wry smile.

"I'm so nervous, you're still teasing me." Yao Na took two steps forward and gave Xu Jie a small punch.

"Who teased you? I just expressed my feelings." Xu Jie said with an innocent face after hearing this.

Of course, the emotion is false, and the adjustment of the atmosphere is true. At the same time, it is also to make the actors more confident.

"Although the awards have been cancelled, the ratings are still there. The ratings of each program can reflect to a certain extent which program the audience likes more." Veteran Liu Ji'an said with a smile.

Maybe others don't understand Xu Jie's intentions, but he knows it very well.

I have to say, this young man is a bit interesting.


(End of this chapter)

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