Chapter 731 Warm response
After a few minutes.

The fifth program ends.

The host interacts with the audience and buys time for the props arrangement of the next program. This part will not be broadcast on TV, and only the audience sitting at the scene can see it.

The actors of the sixth program "Common Homeland" have all been in place. Everyone is looking at the familiar stage in front of them intently. Everyone's expressions are so serious and serious.

It took so long and so much effort before, the last shiver was all that was left.

Xu Jie stood beside several actors, and when this moment really came, his heart was not so nervous.

This feeling is like being on the battlefield, the mind is too focused, and there is no time to think about other things.

Those messy thoughts are gone, and the tension will naturally disappear.

"Next, please enjoy the skit "Common Homeland"!"

After the host announced the curtain, the program officially began.

The veteran of the Spring Festival Gala, Liu Ji'an, took the lead. The moment he walked on the stage, a simple and honest smile appeared on his serious face, and the whole person entered the state of performing, as if he was a different person.

What is a major?That's professionalism.

Xu Jie stared at the actors on the stage intently, without leaving for a moment.

As the director of the skit "Common Homeland", he has to prepare props for the actors and remind the actors when to appear. These are all his jobs.

Time passed by second by second, and the actors appeared one after another.

Seeing the dedicated performance of the actors on stage and listening to the laughter of the audience, Xu Jie also felt great satisfaction at this moment.

As a creator of sketches, there is nothing more gratifying than being recognized by the audience.

Of course, the laughter and applause of the audience is not enough to reflect whether a program is exciting. The most important thing is to see whether the hundreds of millions of viewers sitting in front of the TV are satisfied.

Isn't there such a sentence?
Hello everyone, is really good.

During rehearsals before, I always felt that time passed quickly, but when the actors performed on stage, the pace of time seemed to slow down again.

In the recent Spring Festival Gala rehearsals, the average length of the skit "Common Homeland" was 11 minutes and 52 seconds. However, it was less than 12 minutes, but now it seems as long as more than ten hours.

I don't know how long it took, but there was thunderous applause from the audience.

This time the applause was more enthusiastic and louder than before.


Whoa whoa whoa!
It was deafening, resounding throughout the No. [-] studio hall.

The five actors bowed to the audience, then turned and left the stage.

Xu Jie looked at the returning actors with a smile, and extended his hand to the five of them.


"Huh, it's finally over, I'm so nervous."

"Mr. Xu, I didn't make a mistake, did I?"

The five actors gave Xu Jie high fives one after another.

"Perfect!" Xu Jie gave Yao Na and the others a thumbs-up, and then asked, "How is it? Is it the same as the rehearsal a few days ago?"

"Well, I was a little nervous at first, but then I forgot about it as I was acting." Yao Na said excitedly, feeling happy that she was able to successfully complete the performance at the Spring Festival Gala for the first time.

It was definitely a very rare experience for her personally.

"I don't know how the audience will react." Although Jiang Ge felt relaxed, he was still a little worried.

"Didn't you see? There was a lot of laughter and applause." Lin Han said with a smile after hearing it.

In his opinion, being on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala for the first time, it is already very good to be able to successfully complete the performance tasks. Applause and laughter are all secondary. After all, not everyone's show will get laughter and applause.

In short, he is very satisfied with his performance.

"I'm talking about the audience in front of the TV." Jiang Ge explained.

Everyone was stunned.

The applause of the audience may be out of politeness, and the laughter of the audience may also be due to the cooperation of the performance. Therefore, the reaction of the audience is not enough to prove how good their performance is.

"What are you waiting for? Go back and check Weibo with your mobile phone!" Yao Na said loudly, and then quickly ran towards the lounge.

When the others heard it, they immediately followed.

Only Liu Ji'an, a veteran of the Spring Festival Gala, was smiling and seemed relatively calm.

"Ms. Liu, why are you not in a hurry?" Xu Jie asked curiously. In fact, he also wanted to know whether the audience was satisfied with the sketch.

"The show is over, so what is there to worry about? What's more, no matter how good the show is, some people will definitely think it's not good. I'm used to it. Instead of competing with those people, it's better to go home to celebrate the New Year. My family is still waiting. It's me." Liu Ji'an said cheerfully.

Xu Jie was taken aback, what the other party said was indeed correct.

No one is perfect, and so is the work.

What's more, everyone has different views on the same thing due to different experiences and cognitions. Therefore, as long as it can satisfy the majority of people, it is considered excellent.

"Ms. Liu has a really good attitude." Xu Jie said in admiration.

"I can't help it. I've been on the Spring Festival Gala for more than a dozen years, and I'm used to being scolded. If I cared so much about someone's opinion, I probably would have quit this business a long time ago, and I wouldn't continue to stand on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala like I am now. , However, this time I really want to thank you, if it wasn't for you, I might have been eliminated." Liu Ji'an said sincerely.

"No, in fact, Mr. Liu, your previous skit was also very good, but it failed to impress the review team. If it can appear in the Spring Festival Gala of the provincial satellite TV, it will definitely make a lot of audience laugh." Xu Jie said.

"Haha, you can really talk, but I love to listen." Liu Ji'an said with a smile: "Okay, it's getting late, I'm going home too, and I want to say Happy Chinese New Year to you in advance."

"Happy New Year, Teacher Liu." Xu Jie responded quickly.

Back to the lounge.

Liu Ji'an sorted out his things, paid New Year's greetings to everyone present, and then left China TV.

As for the actors who came back before, each of them was holding their own mobile phone, tapping and swiping their fingers on the screen, with focused expressions.

Nowadays, people's discussions on the Spring Festival Gala are no longer limited to the family.

With the rapid development of the Internet and the popularity of smart phones, people prefer to post comments online to share their opinions and ideas and interact with others.

As for the CTS Spring Festival Gala, as a long-awaited feast for countless people, it is naturally the object of everyone's attention and discussion.

"I just watched Lao Xu's sketch, which has the flavor of "Crossover Actor"."

"The skit is very exciting, and there are many laughs and lots of jokes. I laughed out loud from the beginning to the end."

"It's the first time I saw Yao Na acting in a sketch. I didn't expect her to have a talent for comedy."

"Old Xu's products must be high-quality products. Lao Xu's works are always worth looking forward to, and they will not disappoint."

"I heard that Lao Xu has a total of three sketches, and now there are two more, which is really exciting."


In addition to good reviews, of course there are also bad reviews.

"It's a good sketch, but in the end I have to explain something to people. If the sketches don't educate people, wouldn't they know how to act?"

"Find some singers and actors to perform sketches. Is there no one in the Spring Festival Gala?"

"Uncle Liu, how old are you? Let's retire when we should. Don't be a deadlock for the Spring Festival Gala?"


Xu Jie looked at these actors, smiling for a while, frowning for a while, and his emotions kept changing with the comments he saw, just like Sichuan opera changing faces. He never knew whether they would laugh or get angry at the next moment.

The key point is that not only the actors of "The Common Home" are reading online comments, but even the actors of the two sketches "Community Police" and "Miss From Mouth" are also reading comments on their mobile phones.

They also want to know whether netizens approve of Mr. Xu's works, which is very important for their next performances.

Fortunately, regarding the evaluation of "Common Homeland", there are more positive reviews than negative reviews, which also made everyone breathe a sigh of relief, and the tension in their hearts was also relieved to a certain extent.

"Mr. Xu, thank you for bringing such a good work. I wish you a prosperous Year of the Rabbit and a happy Spring Festival." Yao Na came to Xu Jie and said with a smile.

The clothes on her body belonged to her, and she didn't plan to change them, she was going to leave just like that, it was less than nine o'clock, and she still had time to eat dumplings with her parents when she got home.

Moreover, there is an assistant beside her, even if she is not in a hurry to go home for the New Year, she has to let the assistant go home for the New Year, right?
"Happy Spring Festival, and I wish you a smooth career in the new year, and all the movies and TV dramas you star in will be popular." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"Hee hee, thank you, Teacher Xu." Yao Na said, Teacher Xu's blessings were in her heart. As an actor, who doesn't want the film and television drama he starred in to become popular?

"Mr. Xu, I wish you a new year. I hope we will have opportunities to cooperate in the future." Jiang Ge also came to Xu Jie.

In his opinion, the other party is not only the author and director of the skit, but also the deputy general manager of Beijing TV Culture and the chief director of multiple variety shows of Beijing Satellite TV.

A good relationship with the other party will be beneficial to the future in the Beijing circle.

"Don't worry, there will definitely be opportunities for cooperation." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Several actors of "The Common Home" greeted Xu Jie one after another, and then walked out of the lounge one by one.

Today is New Year's Eve, everyone wants to go home and reunite with their families, and actors are no exception.

So after their show is over, everyone usually chooses to leave quickly, even if their home is out of town, some people will rush home overnight.

No one can stop a person from going home for the New Year.

In fact, Xu Jie also wanted to go home, but Su Yun's show was arranged by the director team at 10 pm, so he could only stay here and go home together after Su Yun's show was over.

In other words, didn't he come to the Spring Festival Gala just to accompany Su Yun?


At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Jiang Yuanyue came in from outside.

"Student." Jiang Yuanyue glanced across the room, and after seeing Xu Jie, said with a smile: "I tell you some good news, according to the real-time ratings, among the six programs that have been broadcast, your Skits are the highest-rated shows outside of the opening show."

After Xu Jie heard it, there was no obvious change on his face, but he responded lightly: "Oh!"

Jiang Yuanyue looked at the student with a calm face, and asked puzzledly: "School, why are you unhappy?"

You know, in order to catch the audience's attention, the programs arranged at the beginning of the whole show are generally of very high quality, and the stars are relatively big.

Under such circumstances, it is already a pretty good achievement to get such a high ratings. Even the person in charge of her language program is very happy.

However, how did she know that the junior standing in front of her, who was used to being number one, is now in second place, and there are only six programs, how could he be happy?
"I'm not unhappy, look at me, ha ha." Xu Jie smiled symbolically twice.

The corners of Jiang Yuanyue's mouth twitched as he watched, isn't this smile too coping?
Is it because of nervousness?
That's right, although one skit has already been performed, the other party still has two skits, so it's a bit early to be happy now.

"By the way, there is one more thing. According to China TV's online live broadcast platform, when the skit "Common Homeland" was broadcast, the number of comments was the most among all programs. It seems that the audience is still quite concerned about your program. "Jiang Yuanyue said.

She never thought that she could attract a wave of audience with her junior.

Shouldn't it depend on the stars?
She had never heard of it, relying on the behind-the-scenes staff to attract the audience.

Except, of course, movies.

"Aren't they all scolding me?" Xu Jie asked.

His black fans have always been more than other people's iron fans.

"It's nothing, netizens still have very high evaluations of your works." Jiang Yuanyue said.

"Really? That's good." Xu Jie was very pleased.

It seems that after these two years of hard work, his fans have changed from black to road, and from road to iron.

Jiang Yuanyue looked at her junior with a complicated expression. She came here to share the good news with the other party. Instead of being happy, the other party looked calm, as if what she just said had nothing to do with the other party. Same.

Well, she's being self-indulgent.

Jiang Yuanyue turned and left the lounge.

However, the news brought by Jiang Yuanyue lifted the spirits of the others. Not only were they less nervous, but they also had more confidence in the sketch.

The show was proceeding in an orderly manner, and there were fewer and fewer people in the lounge.

Soon, it was Xu Jie's second sketch "Community Police".

Xu Jie sent the actors to the side of the stage, sighed again, this time without waiting for everyone to ask, he said directly: "Oh, it would be great if the program awards are still available, our program will definitely win the language program First."

Familiar formula, familiar taste.

However, because it is facing different people, the effect of this sentence is still powerful.

When the introduction of the main creator of the skit appeared on the screen, there were comments one after another in the live broadcast room.

"Author: Xu Jie, Director: Xu Jie."

"It's Lao Xu's work again."

"I strongly urge the director team of the Spring Festival Gala next year to invite Xu Jie to be the person in charge of language programs."

"Stop commenting, concentrate on watching the show, people will block you."

"It's better to go home and watch TV instead of watching the live broadcast of the Internet."

"Close the barrage if you don't want to see it."


It’s okay if you don’t mention the comments, but if you turn off the comments, there will be more comments on the screen.

At this time, Xu Jie was still standing on the edge of the stage, silently watching the actors on the stage.

With the success of the first skit, he has more confidence in the second skit.

However, if he has confidence, he still dares not be careless.

His eyes did not leave the actor, and he kept whispering the actor's lines in his mouth.

After 11 minutes, the skit ends.

The actors walked from the front of the stage to the back of the stage, clapping excitedly with Xu Jie one by one.

Just when Xu Jie was about to go back to the lounge, he was suddenly stopped halfway.

"Xu Jie, wait!"

Xu Jie turned his head to look, and it was Senior Sister again.

"Senior sister, are you going to tell me about ratings and comments again?" Xu Jie looked at the senior sister and asked, he noticed that this time the other party was holding a few pieces of paper on which were densely written Lots of numbers.

"I'm not that busy, I'm here to talk to you about something serious." Jiang Yuanyue pulled Xu Jie aside, then looked around vigilantly, and said in a low voice: "Because there was too much applause from the audience, The program is currently overtime by 2 minutes..."

"What?" Xu Jie was stunned when he heard it.

It's normal to time out, but if it exceeds 2 minutes, it's a bit abnormal.

You know, the time of the Spring Festival Gala is accurate to the second.

Moreover, the current Spring Festival Gala is only halfway through. If the following programs are overtime, it is estimated that the program has not finished yet, and the bell will ring at 0:[-].

We can't be in the middle of the show, because the bell is about to ring, so all the actors should be driven out?

Wouldn't this be a disgrace to the whole world?

Xu Jie was about to ask what to do, but after meeting Jiang Yuanyue's gaze, he immediately understood the other party's intention to find him.

"You want me to shorten the time of the sketch?" Xu Jie asked, frowning.

Before the performance began, some veterans of the Spring Festival Gala had talked about the timeout.

"Smart!" Jiang Yuanyue said.

Xu Jie immediately showed a troubled expression.

"Senior sister, it's not like you don't know. The skit has been rehearsed for a long time, and everyone has already memorized the lines. How do you ask everyone to shorten the time?" Xu Jie asked.

"Singing and dancing shows have a fixed duration. You can't let people stop singing halfway through, can you? So the cut time can only be cut on your language shows." Jiang Yuanyue said seriously.

"What is our language program? You are the person in charge of the language program, okay?" Xu Jie rolled his eyes at the other party.

"But you are the director of the sketches. There are two sketches and one cross talk left. The three programs have to be reduced. I will talk about the other two programs. You can figure out your sketches by yourself, delete some lines and so on, nothing. Question?" Jiang Yuanyue asked.

"The problem is big. Once the lines are deleted, what should the actors do if they don't match up? At that time, it will not only be a timeout, but also a performance accident, understand?"

Xu Jie frowned tightly.

But after all, he also knows that the time must be shortened, no matter how good his sketch is, it must obey the overall arrangement.

"Forget it, I'll go back and discuss it with the actor."


(End of this chapter)

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