Chapter 732 Rescue
When Xu Jie returned to the lounge, the actors of "Community Police" who had just finished their performance were packing their things excitedly and preparing to leave. After seeing Xu Jie coming back, everyone immediately came forward to pay New Year's greetings.

"Mr. Xu, I wish you a happy new year."

"Mr. Xu, Happy Chinese New Year. I read everyone's comments on the Internet just now. The audience liked our sketch very much. They praised that this sketch is not only burdensome, but also close to life..."

"Xiao Xu, I hope we can still work together at the Spring Festival Gala next year."


Xu Jie responded one by one, and sent the actors out of the waiting room. When he came back, the actors of the sketch "Missue Comes From Mouth" congratulated one after another.

"Congratulations, Mr. Xu, your work has received good reviews again."

"Yes, on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, it is already very good to be able to produce an excellent language program, Xiao Xu, excellent!"

"I believe that our skit will also be loved by the audience."

Xu Jie heard everyone's words and saw everyone's confidence, so he didn't know how to bring up the matter that his senior sister explained.

Before a sketch is performed, it usually goes through countless rehearsals, especially on such an important stage as the Spring Festival Gala. Every link, every move, and even every line have to go through repeated practice and pondering.

But now, the actors are about to perform on stage, but the time of the skit has to be shortened, which will not only disrupt the rhythm of the show, but also affect the psychology of the actors.

Xu Jie couldn't help but look at Jiang Yuanyue at the side, and winked at him, meaning: Tell me, I can't speak.

Jiang Yuanyue sighed secretly, time was running out, she really didn't have time to keep arguing with her juniors, not to mention she was the person in charge of language programs, this was her job, of course she should be the villain.

"Teachers, please excuse me. There is an urgent matter that needs everyone's cooperation." Jiang Yuanyue said with a serious expression, "That's right. The Spring Festival Gala has been going on until now. Due to various factors, the show is 2 minutes longer than expected. And these 2 minutes need to be won back from everyone's programs, I hope all the teachers are well prepared."


Everyone in the room showed surprised expressions.

Soon, everyone frowned.

Everyone has prepared for such a long time for the show, but now they are told to change the script, who can accept it?

You know, this is the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. Everyone was already somewhat nervous, but what Jiang Yuanyue said just now was like adding fuel to the fire.

"Director Jiang, what do you mean, let us cut the content?" A cross talk actor asked.

"Yes, there are still three language programs left. The director team decided to shorten each program by half a minute, and grab the rest of the time from the host's lines." Jiang Yuanyue said.

half a minute?
Everyone looked at each other with embarrassment.

A program is a story, if half a minute of content is deleted, it is very likely that the whole story will become incomplete, and the effect of the program will be greatly reduced.

Jiang Yuanyue looked at his watch and said, "Teachers, time is running out, everyone hurry up. Remember, the shortest program will be shortened by half a minute. On behalf of the director team of the Spring Festival Gala, I would like to thank everyone."

After finishing speaking, he opened the door and left the lounge. Before leaving, he still gave his junior a wink, signaling that the other party should behave well, and it's up to you to save the game.

There was only a moment of silence in the room, and then everyone complained.

"Half a minute, isn't this difficult for a strong man?"

"It's not like this didn't happen before, but it's a dozen seconds at most when it's spread over each program. It's okay to speak faster during the performance, but it's the first time I've encountered a half-minute duration."

"Okay, don't talk about it, let's hurry up and revise the program." Once Song Lili, a veteran of the Spring Festival Gala, spoke, the others were too embarrassed to say more, so the actors of the same program got together and discussed with the creators how to delete the content of the work .

The four actors of "Disaster From Mouth" came to Xu Jie's side.

"Mr. Xu, how do we delete this notebook?" Yao Liang asked holding the sketch notebook.

The other three also looked at Xu Jie, waiting for Xu Jie to speak.

When it comes to deleting the content of the works, Xu Jie has the most say. Who made him the creator of the sketches?

Only he knows which lines to cut will not affect the content of the skit.

Xu Jie looked at several actors, thought for a while and said: "Actually, the deletion of lines is secondary. What I worry about is that everyone will forget to delete the line after they come on stage, in such a focused and tense environment." , after all, everyone has been rehearsing for so long."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but nodded.

What are you rehearsing for so long?Isn't it just to ensure the fluency of the program?

There is no audience here, no cameras, everyone can remember the deleted content, but once on stage, almost every line is uttered by conditioned reflex, who still has the heart to think about the deleted content?

"Mr. Xu, what do you think we should do?" Song Xiaopan asked.

After Xu Jie heard it, he turned to Gao Changbo, who had more than ten years of experience in the Spring Festival Gala, and asked, "Mr. Gao, how did you deal with this kind of thing before?"

Gao Changbo thought for a while and said: "Under normal circumstances, the speed of speaking lines is accelerated, and the lines are made more concise. For example, lines that originally consisted of dozens of words can be summed up in a dozen words, but in this way For one thing, the jokes will also be discounted, and I'm not sure whether those two methods are applicable to our current situation, after all, half a minute is longer than it used to be."

Xu Jie thought about it carefully, and then said: "Although the method of deleting lines is simple and direct, it can easily disrupt our rhythm, so I don't think lines can be deleted or changed, because our program has already been rehearsed. After a long time, once the lines are changed, the person playing the opposite role may not be right for the scene.”

Gao Changbo nodded involuntarily.

Changing the lines is a test of the actors' on-the-spot performance, and it is only limited to the old actors who have sufficient stage experience and cooperate with each other tacitly. Like those newcomers who are on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala for the first time, they themselves are nervous. When the lines are wrong, they will inevitably fluster , thus affecting the subsequent performance.

"In my opinion, compared to deleting or modifying lines, it is easier to delete some actions." Xu Jie said.

"Delete actions? How to delete?" Song Xiaopan asked puzzled.

Xu Jie looked at Song Xiaopan and said, "For example, the traffic policeman you play can walk faster, and even trot back and forth between the father and son. In addition, the final interaction with the audience can also be cancelled."

Then he said to Gao Changbo next to him: "Mr. Gao, after you were hit by a car, the original setting was an exaggerated turn over six laps, but now it can be changed to three laps. In short, it is how to reduce physical strength and how to act. "

"Understood." Gao Changbo's eyes lit up. Don't miss a few turns, but at least three or four seconds could be saved.

"Teacher Xu, what about me?" Yao Liang, who played the role of his son, asked.

"You?" Xu Jie smiled and said, "You are simpler. When the traffic police call you, you should lie on the steering wheel for a while less, and when you talk, you should stop stuttering."

Xu Jie then said to Yang Hong, the last actor who played the role of his mother: "Mr. Yang, the scene where you chased the father and the father and fought all over the field is cancelled. Just a symbolic hit twice is enough."

After Xu Jie gave instructions, he looked at the time on the wall, and there was still more than an hour before the performance of "Miss From Mouth", so he clapped his hands and said, "Come on, let's rehearse some more and see how the effect is. "

The four actors nodded.

It's better to rehearse a little bit, so as not to get confused on stage.

Xu Jie instructed which actions could be simplified while recording the time.

The original 12-minute skit took 30 minutes to rehearse, but adding the simplified movements together, we were able to leave about 40 seconds in the end, overfulfilling the task assigned to them by the director team, which also made me full of complaints just now. The several actors in the group immediately let go of their burdens.


At this time, Xu Jie's cell phone vibrated suddenly in his pocket.

Xu Jie took it out and looked, it was a text message from Su Yun.

"My show is over and I'm changing in the locker room, shall we go home now?"

Xu Jie was taken aback, and quickly checked the time. It was 10:15. He was only focused on rehearsing the show just now, but he didn't notice that his wife's show was over.

According to the original plan, after Su Yun finished singing, he and the other party left Huaxia TV Station, and then drove straight to Nangou Village.

The usual two-hour drive, there are few cars on the road tonight, so don't worry about traffic jams, you should be able to get home before 0:[-].

But now, he was really worried about the temporary change of the program.

If he remembers correctly, the skit "Miss From Mouth" is scheduled to be broadcast at 11 o'clock, that is to say, if you want to leave the show after the end, you have to wait at least an hour. It is definitely not good to go home before 0 o'clock. possible.

Xu Jie looked at the actors in the lounge who were still discussing the details of the performance, and finally made a difficult decision.

He picked up his cell phone and dialed his mother's cell phone number.

"Beep... beep... click!"

The phone rang twice, and it was connected quickly, and the mother's loud voice came from inside.

"Son, Xiaoyun's show is over, are you rushing back? There is snow on the road, you must pay attention, safety first."

"Mom, the situation has changed now. Although your daughter-in-law's show is over, something unexpected happened to my show, and some temporary changes are needed. It is estimated that I can leave China TV station around 11:20..." Xu Jie briefly explained the matter.

In fact, he didn't want to leave so late.

For so many years, this is the first time he has not had New Year's Eve dinner with his parents, and the first time he has not spent New Year's Eve with his parents.

But there is no way, since I joined the Spring Festival Gala working group and became a member here, I naturally have to focus on the work here.

Even if something happened, no one would hold him accountable, but as a member of the show, he would inevitably feel sorry.

He is a responsible person and must be responsible for his own program to the end.

What's more, more than ten days have passed, is it still an hour away?

"is it?"

Wang Guizhi on the other side of the phone was a little disappointed, but when he thought that what his son was doing now was for the Spring Festival Gala and for the hundreds of millions of viewers watching the Spring Festival Gala, he immediately made a decision.

"Son, you can work on the show with peace of mind. Your father, me, and your father-in-law and mother-in-law are all doing well, and the snow outside is so heavy, and the road is slippery in the dark. Even if you and Xiaoyun drive back, I will Don't worry, you might as well just go home tonight and have a good rest, and it won't be too late to come back tomorrow."

If a mother doesn't support her son, who else will?
What's more, every actor who is on the Spring Festival Gala tonight, and who can't celebrate the New Year with his family, isn't he giving up his family for everyone?
Others' family members can support her, so how can her family members not support her?

"Mom, thank you for your profound understanding. Then Su Yun and I will not go back tonight. We will go back to accompany you tomorrow." Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing this.

"Well, hurry up and do your work." Wang Guizhi said.

Xu Jie hung up the phone and immediately sent a message back to Su Yun.

"The program on my side has changed. I need to wait for the program to end before I can leave. I have already told my mother that we will go back tomorrow."

After sending out the message, Su Yun quickly received a reply.

"Okay, I'll wait for you."

Xu Jie put away his mobile phone and turned his gaze to the TV screen hanging on the wall.

What is being performed inside is the work of teacher Song Lili, and it is also the finale sketch of the entire Spring Festival Gala.

However, he found that Wang Liangkui, the creator of the sketch, was standing in front of the TV, frowning tightly.

"Mr. Wang, what's the matter?" Xu Jie walked over and asked in a low voice. The other party's expression was obviously wrong. Even if he was worried about the show, it shouldn't be this expression.

"There was a line that was deleted, but it was said just now." Wang Liangkui said in a deep voice.

Xu Jie was stunned when he heard it.

In this way, Teacher Song Lili's program will definitely not be able to meet the requirement of reducing the duration by half a minute. Correspondingly, the next two language programs will need to reduce more time.

"It's okay, my program has been cut by 40 seconds, and the remaining 10 seconds are for you." Xu Jie comforted.

Wang Liangkui turned his head to look at Xu Jie, thanked him, and then looked at the TV screen, but he still had the same frown.

Obviously worried about whether the follow-up performance can be completed as expected.

And he was holding a mobile phone in his hand, and it was timing...

Ten minutes later, the show ended.

Wang Liangkui looked at the time displayed on the screen of the mobile phone, sighed deeply, then showed a wry smile, turned around and said to the people in the room: "Everyone, I'm sorry, our program is only 14 seconds shorter than the original one. It's up to you next."


After everyone heard it, they were all speechless.

We agreed to shorten the duration of each program by half a minute, but your program did not even reach half of the half minute. Is your program a program, and our program is not a program?

For actors, temporarily deleting the content of the program itself is a very distressing thing, but now they have to delete it again and again. Isn't this fatal?
No matter how good a person's psychological quality is, he can't help but collapse at this time.


The door of the lounge was pushed open from the outside, and then Song Lili and others came in.

Probably aware of the problem, Song Lili put her palms together as soon as she entered the door, and kept apologizing to everyone.

"Sorry, sorry, I accidentally said it smoothly."

"It's all me. I was too nervous, and I also said the lines that were deleted before." The young actor Zhou Chengcheng said with a guilty face.

When everyone saw it, they were embarrassed and angry.

You must know that Teacher Song Lili is not only in the sketch circle, but even in the entire entertainment circle, she is also a highly respected existence.

People have already lowered their posture and apologized proactively, why do they have any reason to be angry?

Besides, things have already happened, and it is useless to complain now, the important thing is how to solve them.

At this time, Jiang Yuanyue came to the lounge again.

"Xiao Jiang, I'm really sorry." Song Lili said proactively.

"No, it's okay, it's embarrassing for everyone if you reduce it by more than ten seconds, I understand." Jiang Yuanyue comforted.

She didn't dare to complain about the other party anymore, because next year's Spring Festival Gala will continue to invite teacher Song Lili to come to the finale. If it is serious, the other party will be depressed and will not come next year, what should I do?At such an old age, don't worry about your heart.

After Jiang Yuanyue finished speaking, she turned her attention to her junior.

Since someone is not up to the standard, someone must stand up.

As soon as Xu Jie saw his senior sister seeing him, he immediately knew what the other party was thinking.

Isn't this bullying the juniors?

Xu Jie immediately looked at Teacher Song Lili, and also comforted him: "Mr. Song, it's okay, isn't it just a dozen seconds away? The host can say a few words of New Year's greetings, is it Director Jiang?"

Jiang Yuanyue frowned slightly, but still nodded in agreement, "Well, yes, that's right."

Xu Jie smiled, and then said to the others: "I knew that the director's team must have alternative plans, so we all don't need to be pressured, and the time can be shortened as much as possible. The director's team will definitely not blame us. After all, we are not the ones who timed out, right Director Jiang?"

The corners of Jiang Yuanyue's mouth twitched, and she gave a forced smile, then said to Xu Jie: "Student, come out, I have something to tell you."

Then walked out of the living room.

Xu Jie followed and walked out, stopping a dozen meters away from the lounge.

"Senior sister?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.

"There were too many people just now, so I'm not ashamed to say it. In fact, among the previous programs, the ones with the most overtime were your two skits." Jiang Yuanyue said lightly.

"Ah? Impossible!" Xu Jie pouted.

If you want him to continue shortening the duration of the show, just say it, it's wrong to throw the blame.

"If you don't believe me, you can check it yourself, because there are more laughter and applause than in the rehearsal, and both "Community Police" and "Community Home" are overdue by an average of half a minute." Jiang Yuanyue said.

Xu Jie looked at the senior sister's serious look, as if she wasn't joking.

However, those two skits did make everyone amused, and the applause was more frequent.

"Why are you looking at me like that? There's something wrong with a good sketch? It's normal to go overtime. You didn't make a plan. Are you blaming me?" Xu Jie turned his head, determined not to take the blame.

"Student, when did I blame you? Isn't this to let you know the truth? Don't say it as if I'm bullying you. By the way, the duration of your next sketch will not meet the standard, right?" Jiang Yuan Moon asked concerned.

"It was up to the standard during the rehearsal, but it's not necessarily true when it comes to the actual performance. Who knows if the audience will always applaud? I can control the show, but I can't control the audience." Xu Jie spread his hands helplessly.

"As long as you make adjustments, then I can rest assured, I believe in you." Jiang Yuanyue said.

"No, you must not believe me. I even lied to my mother. I agreed to go back to celebrate the New Year with her tonight, but I am still here now." Xu Jie said with a curled lip.

"Hee hee, are you blaming me?" Jiang Yuanyue asked with a smile.

"How dare you!" Xu Jie said coldly.

"I will see your dedication, and the director team will also see it, so don't worry, our cooperation will definitely increase in the future." Jiang Yuanyue patted his junior on the shoulder.

Xu Jie dodged away.

Hmph, you still have a conscience.


(End of this chapter)

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