Chapter 733
When Xu Jie returned to the lounge, the actors in the room looked over one after another, with curiosity in their eyes. They didn't understand that the director team could only tell Mr. Xu, not them.

"Teacher Xu, are you okay?" Song Xiaopan asked with concern.

"It's okay." Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing it, but didn't say what the senior sister said.

In fact, he is very clear about the purpose of what the senior sister said. It is nothing more than to let him come forward to save the scene and reduce the time of the sketch, but the actors are already anxious because of deleting the time, and even the old actors have made mistakes. If it is changed again, the rest of the actors will not go crazy?How can the show continue?
"It's really okay?" Teacher Gao Changbo asked, if there's nothing wrong, why did you call him out on purpose?
"It's really nothing, just tell me about the situation of the first two sketches." Xu Jie explained.

The senior sister did tell him that the two skits "Community Police" and "Common Homeland" were half a minute longer than expected, so his explanation is not a lie.

"Really? That's fine."

After everyone heard this, the expressions on their faces eased a lot.

Xu Jie looked at the four actors of "Miss to Mouth" and said: "Everyone, the next language program will be our skit. Don't panic, just follow the rehearsal just now."

Xu Jie once again reassured the four actors.


"Don't worry, Mr. Xu, we all remember."

"Simplifying the action is indeed easier to master than cutting out the lines."

The two cross talk actors on the side were very envious, because the sketch can reduce the performance time by simplifying the movements, but the cross talk itself has no movements. When the two stand on the stage, they can only reduce the performance time by cutting down the lines.

A song, a dance, an acrobatics, and soon it was the turn of the performance of the sketch "Miss to Mouth".

Standing in the background, Xu Jie watched the audience applaud warmly when the actors came on stage. At this time, the words of the senior sister rang out again... Applause and laughter are the main culprits for delaying the program time.

Although his show has been shortened by 40 seconds, what if the actors are interrupted by applause and laughter at the scene?
Or, what if the applause and laughter take too long?
Xu Jie frowned and thought for a while, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he had an idea in his heart.

Who says you can't control the audience?
Since it is possible to arrange people to lead the applause, why can't people be arranged to prevent the audience from applauding?

As long as you don't get photographed.

After all, the Spring Festival Gala is not for the audience present, but for the audience sitting in front of the TV.

Otherwise, why arrange special effects in the Spring Festival Gala?

Thinking of this, Xu Jie immediately came to the audience from the side of the stage, found the assistant director Zhang Chengze who was in charge of the scene, and said, "Director Zhang, I would like to trouble you."

"What's the matter?" Zhang Chengze asked curiously.

"Director Zhang, I believe you have heard that the program of the Spring Festival Gala has been severely overrun, and we need to reduce the duration of language programs like ours. However, the actors on the stage are too involved in the performance, and they often forget about the deleted content. Finally, I hope that Director Zhang can find someone to control the audience's clapping time, which can make the performance smoother and save some time."

Xu Jie spoke out his thoughts.

Zhang Chengze was taken aback. He has participated in the Spring Festival Gala for so many years. For the effect of the program and the broadcasting effect, he usually arranges people to lead the applause in the auditorium. .

But then again, Xiao Xu's method can be tried. After all, the program of the party is seriously overtime. Once it affects the 0 o'clock bell, won't it be laughed at by the audience all over the country?

"Xiao Xu, it's okay to arrange people, but who will be responsible for the arrangement? Which part is wonderful, you can clap more, and which part is mediocre, you can clap less. If you don't know sketches, you can't do this at all..."

When Zhang Chengze said this, he stopped suddenly, and his eyes kept looking back and forth on Xu Jie's face.

Xu Jie felt uncomfortable being watched, straightened his collar with his hands, buttoned the top button, and asked vigilantly, "Director Zhang, why are you looking at me like that?"

Zhang Chengze said: "Xiao Xu, I remember that the show being performed on the stage seems to be yours, right? No one knows this show better than you, why don't you come?"

Xu Jie shook his head and said, "No, I can't."

He is a celebrity anyway, how can he do such a thing as child care?

"Why not? I think you are the most suitable candidate. Watch my signal when the time comes, don't worry, I promise you will not appear in the camera, trust me." Zhang Chengze comforted Xu Jie, while sending Xu Jie to the auditorium Front push.

The corners of Xu Jie's mouth twitched again and again, and he didn't expect to put himself in it when he suggested it.

This is the second time.

It seems that CTV's Spring Festival Gala's suggestions should not be mentioned casually, just in response to the sentence: If you have an opinion, you can go up.

It has to be said that this solution to the problem is straightforward and simple.

Standing in the corner of the front row, Xu Jie looked at Wuyang Wuyang's audience, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet.


"Wow wow wow..."

There was laughter and applause at the scene.

Xu Jie waited for a second or two, saw the "OK" gesture made by Zhang Chengze, and after confirming that the cameraman had finished taking the shots of the audience, he immediately straightened his back, raised his hands high, and pressed the index finger of one hand against the other. The palm of a hand.

so repeatedly.

Since the standing position was relatively conspicuous, just below the stage, the audience present saw the gesticulating person at a glance, so they stopped applauding very quickly.

Although there is no rehearsal, everyone has a relatively consistent understanding of certain actions, such as raising the middle finger, it must be a curse, and holding the index finger against the palm means to stop.

The director group sitting at the back was stunned, thinking: The person who led the applause arranged one, but who arranged the person who didn't let the audience applaud?

"What is Xu Jie doing?" Chief director Chen Ya looked at Jiang Yuanyue beside him suspiciously. If he didn't know that the other party had written three sketches, he would have thought that the other party was here to spoil the atmosphere of the scene.

"I don't know." Jiang Yuanyue shook her head blankly, thinking: isn't my junior an author and director, why is he acting himself?
The point is, everyone else is performing on stage, so why did he perform offstage?

"I'll ask Director Zhang, he should know." Jiang Yuanyue put on the earphones, contacted the deputy director Zhang Chengze in front of him, and after listening for a while, turned to the chief director and said, "Director Chen, Xu Jie wants to control the audience by The clapping time is used to compress the time of the program and save the overtime time."

"Oh!" Chen Ya nodded.

"Director Chen, do you want me to call Xu Jie away?" Jiang Yuanyue asked
"No need, he is also thinking about the party, and I believe his actions will not affect the show." Chen Ya said with a smile.

Jiang Yuanyue secretly breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

In this way, Xu Jie firmly controlled the applause rhythm of the audience, stopping as soon as he was told, just like the traffic police on the road.

After a while, the show finally ended.

Xu Jie fled away from the audience, as if he had done something bad.

"Mr. Xu, how is the performance? Is the performance okay?" Song Xiaopan asked when he saw Xu Jie, for fear that the reduced movements would affect the effect of the sketch.

"Okay, very good. Didn't you see that I was trying to suppress the audience's applause just now? If I didn't make gestures, the audience would be able to shoot from the beginning to the end." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

At this time, he was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

All three of his shows have ended, and the rest has nothing to do with him.

"Mr. Xu, I forgot if you didn't tell me, why didn't you let the audience applaud?" Song Xiaopan asked curiously.

"It's not easy, let's control the duration of the show." Veteran actor Gao Changbo said.

"How many seconds can this save?" Song Xiaopan didn't care.

"Don't you know what it means to accumulate more? The time saved by one applause is very little, but the time saved by ten applause is very long." Gao Changbo reminded.

"Oh!" Song Xiaopan recalled the applause he received during the performance. Although he didn't pay much attention to it, there should have been more than a dozen times.


At this time, an excited voice suddenly sounded.

As soon as Xu Jie turned his head, he saw Jiang Yuanyue walking towards him quickly with open arms, as if planning to give him a warm hug.

Xu Jie immediately stretched out his hand to block the other party, and said in his mouth: "Stop, I already have a wife, it's best to keep some distance from me."

Jiang Yuanyue stopped, and said with a smile: "What are you thinking, I also have a husband, just now I just wanted to express my sister's gratitude to my junior, your show just now has been shortened by 1 minute, for the director The group and the rest of the program provided enough room for manipulation, thank you junior, it has to be you."

Xu Jie just said "hehe" twice, and didn't say anything else.

Not only did he fail to return home, but he was almost hit by a pot thrown at him. Who can accept such a thank you?
"Hey, junior, where are you going? The logistics has prepared dumplings for everyone." Jiang Yuanyue looked at the junior who was walking away, and stood still and shouted.

"Thanks, I ate it at dinner." Xu Jie said while waving his hands.

He just wants to go home with Su Yun now.

He couldn't go back to his hometown of Nangou Village, but he and Su Yun still had to go back to their home.

When Xu Jie returned to the lounge, the staff had already delivered hot dumplings. Xu Jie didn't eat them. He paid New Year's greetings to the other actors, then picked up his clothes and left the lounge, dialing Su Yun while walking. mobile phone number.

Soon, the call is connected.

"Honey, my side is over, I can finally go home, where are you?" Xu Jie asked directly.

"I'm in the dressing room, come here." Su Yun replied.

"Well, I'll go right now."

Xu Jie put down his phone and walked to the dressing room.

Along the way, people kept paying New Year's greetings to him, some they knew and some they didn't know.

Xu Jie walked through the corridor, and soon saw Su Yun standing outside the door of the dressing room. The other party put on a coat and a hat, and looked ready to go.

"Husband!" Su Yun also saw Xu Jie, stepped on her feet, and waved her hands, afraid that Xu Jie would not see him.

"Why are you alone? Where's Huang Xiaorong?" Xu Jie asked.

"I already let her go first, and my show is over anyway, so I can't let her stay with me all the time, can I?" Su Yun explained.

"It's really a blessing for her to meet a boss like you." Xu Jie sighed after hearing this.

"how about you?"

"Meeting you is also my blessing." Xu Jie said sincerely.

When the people around saw it, they all showed envious expressions on their faces.

But after the envy passed, he began to feel depressed again.

Sprinkling dog food for the Chinese New Year, is this going to be sprinkled with dog food for everyone's New Year's Eve dinner?

"Let's go, go home for the New Year!" Su Yun said with a smile, and hugged Xu Jie's arm intimately.

"Well, go home for the New Year!"


(End of this chapter)

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