Chapter 734
For most people, Chinese New Year is about visiting relatives and friends.

Xu Jie is no exception.

Because he couldn't go back to his hometown on New Year's Eve, he and Su Yun set off from home early in the morning on the first day of the new year, and returned to Nangou Village at nine o'clock in the morning.

The family happily ate dumplings together, and then began to visit relatives in the village, such as seven aunts and eight aunts, they had to go every time they came back, and no one could miss it. This is a proper etiquette.

In the second year of junior high school, he stayed in the village for another day, going to the newly built fruit and vegetable base to pick fruits and vegetables. In the third year of junior high school, according to the practice of the past two years, Xu Jie and the Su family will go to Su Yun's uncle's house to pay New Year's greetings.

Early in the morning, when Xu Jie was still asleep, Su Yun's cell phone rang.

In a daze, I heard Su Yun say "um", "ok", "understood", "yes", and then felt a warm and soft body lying on top of him.

"Who is it?" Xu Jie put his arms around his wife and asked with dissatisfaction in his voice.

Of course, this dissatisfaction was not aimed at Su Yun, but at the caller.

You have to know that today is the third day of junior high school, or during the Spring Festival holiday, which migrant workers don't want to sleep until they wake up naturally?
Even being woken up by the sound of firecrackers is better than being woken up by the sound of the phone.

"Zhang Qi." Su Yun said.

"Is there something wrong with him, calling so early?" Xu Jie opened his eyes and looked at the watch on the bedside table. It was only 7 o'clock, half an hour before the alarm clock rang.

According to the plan made yesterday, I got up at 7:8 today, then washed and ate, departed from Nangou Village at 10:[-], and arrived at Su Yun's uncle's house at [-]:[-].

Although Zhang Qi's call was only half an hour ahead of the alarm clock, half an hour is still very precious to the workers.

Normally, this half hour will be divided into at least six segments by the alarm clock, and I will take six naps.

"He told us to go early and said he wanted to play mahjong with you." Su Yun said with her eyes narrowed, enjoying the tenderness of the last half hour.

She was originally a person who never slept in, but since she was with this man, she especially liked to sleep in. Of course, sleeping in was just an excuse. She liked the warm and happy feeling of lying next to a man.

"Play mahjong with me? It seems that he made a lot of money opening a restaurant last year." Xu Jie teased with a smile.

Playing mahjong with him, doesn't that mean giving him money?
It seems that the scar is healed and the pain is forgotten, and the painful lesson of the Chinese New Year of the previous year has been forgotten.

"Why don't we go earlier and have a big fight?" Su Yun asked excitedly.

"No, it's better to accompany them than to accompany my wife." Xu Jie's finger slid gently on Su Yun's arm, and continued: "Let's go later this year and see if they cook or not. Let our dad cook? Isn't this bullying honest people?"

"Oh? Are you trying to defend your father-in-law?" Su Yun raised her head and looked at Xu Jie with a smile.

"Well, how can the host chat and the guests cook? From east to west, from south to north, there is no such way of hospitality." Xu Jie said.

"Hee hee, then you have to pass my mother's test first." Su Yun stretched out her hand and pressed Xu Jie's nose.

"Don't make my mother-in-law unreasonable, okay? Haven't you heard that the son-in-law is half of the mother-in-law, and she will definitely agree with me." Xu Jie said confidently.

What is a pass?
When he first went to Su's house, he passed several levels.

Otherwise, getting the certificate first and then coming to the door, wouldn't the old man be so angry?

"Come on, her own son almost pissed her off, and now she has half a son, isn't this just looking for trouble for my mother?" Su Yun said.

"I definitely agree with what you said a year ago, but now, my brother-in-law has performed very well this year. You can't always look at people with old eyes. You are his own sister. If you are still like It turns out that talking about him like that doesn’t discourage my brother-in-law’s enthusiasm for rectifying evil? It’s best to give him a few words of encouragement to make him a little more confident.” Xu Jie suggested.

"Yo, when did the relationship between you and my brother become so good? Who chased him back then?" Su Yun asked with a smile.

In fact, she still sees the changes in her younger brother, and she is especially grateful to the man in front of her, who can make him change his ways. She doesn't want his brother to be famous, nor does she want him to be famous, she just wants to save money for her parents.

"Knowing mistakes can make a big difference. You have to give people a chance to start a new life, right?"

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Half an hour passed quickly, Xu Jie and Su Yun washed and dressed and went downstairs.

Breakfast is ready and the table is full.

Su Yun was a little embarrassed when she saw it, and hurried to the kitchen to help serve a plate or something.

After a few minutes.

The family eats together.

Su Lei ate very quickly, holding the rice bowl, and kept pushing it into his mouth, as if he hadn't eaten for a few days.

"Don't worry, eat slowly, no one will grab you."

Although Su Yun had promised Xu Jie to give her younger brother some encouragement in bed just now, seeing her younger brother's current state, she still couldn't help but cast a supercilious look at her.

Anyway, he was born in a scholarly family, and he is also a starlet in the [-]th line, not at all what he should be.

"Aren't you going to uncle's house today? You can't be late." Su Lei said after hearing this, but he might also realize that his eating looks a bit ugly, so he slowed down his eating speed.

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard that, Su Yun and his father-in-law and mother-in-law also had the same expression.

You know, what my brother-in-law hated most in the past was visiting relatives at his uncle's house, but what happened today?Is the sun coming out in the west?

Seeing everyone's strange gazes, Su Lei swallowed his food, and asked strangely: "Why do you look at me like that? I haven't seen uncle and them for a long time, and I miss them very much..."

Xu Jie almost vomited out the overnight meal.

Su Yun stared at her younger brother, wondering if his younger brother was stunned when the whip was set off last night.

Su Changzhi and Zhang Simin looked at each other, knowing that their son had changed his ways, but they didn't expect him to be so righteous. They didn't know each other. They couldn't help but sigh in their hearts: It's only after the Spring Festival, did my son become so mature? ?

Su Lei continued: "I also prepared a lot of gifts for my uncle and aunt, such as famous tea and wine, and famous brand silk scarves. They will definitely like it very much."

"Xiao Lei is really sensible." Wang Guizhi praised.

Xu Baozhong on the side also nodded in agreement.


Xu Jie looked at his parents who didn't know the truth, and was speechless in his heart.

Mom and Dad don't know what virtue my brother-in-law is, but can he not know?

Brother-in-law, is this a gift?
Obviously to show off.

In the past, every year when the other party went to the uncle's house, he would be compared and compared, making him feel useless.

The other party acted in a lot of film and television dramas last year. Although they were all male, three male, four male, five, six, seven, eight, etc., the salary was not low.

As an actor, as long as there is a movie to shoot, even if it is only a supporting role, he can earn a lot in a year.

Therefore, my brother-in-law obviously wanted to embarrass those uncles and aunts who used to only scold others by giving gifts during the New Year.

Su Yun naturally knew what her younger brother was thinking, and originally wanted to expose it face-to-face and let the other party keep a low profile, but after thinking about what Xu Jie had said to her earlier in the morning, and thinking about how her younger brother had been wronged at his uncle's house all these years, she decided to Let the other side go.

In other words, didn't those cousins ​​show off when they made money?
Feng Shui turns, and it's Xiaolei's turn.

After breakfast and clearing the table, Xu Jie said goodbye to his parents, and then drove Su Yun and his father-in-law to Nangou Village.

"Is Xiao Lei crazy? You drove so fast, didn't you see snow on the ground?" Su Yun looked at the rear of the sports car that was only the size of an ant, couldn't help but took out her mobile phone, and called her younger brother.

Soon, the phone was connected, and Su Lei's voice came from inside.

"Sister, you are too slow, tell brother-in-law to drive faster."

"Hurry up, don't you see the snow on the ground? Hurry up and slow down!" Su Yun said angrily, and then hung up the phone.

Then he didn't forget to turn his head to look at Xu Jie who was driving, as if to say: How can I praise him for his virtue?

Xu Jie smiled and said nothing.

However, the snow on the ground can also be said to be God's help.

Because in this way, he can justifiably drive slowly.

After all, safety comes first.

From Nangou Village to Su Yun's uncle's house, it took two hours to drive, but because of "snow on the ground", it took nearly three hours to arrive.

When I was standing outside my uncle's house, it changed from the expected 10:11 to [-]:[-].

Su Lei couldn't wait to ring the doorbell, his feet felt restless as if stepping on a spring.

Su Yun couldn't help but kicked her younger brother, reminding him to be cautious.

Su Lei looked back at his sister, then at his brother-in-law, as if saying to his sister: I will give my brother-in-law some face.

Then moved to the side, away from my sister.

The door opened quickly, and it was the host Zhang Ke who opened the door.

"Happy New Year, little aunt, and happy New Year, little uncle." Zhang Ke said, but the smile on his face was a little stiff and fake.

"happy New Year!"

"happy New Year!"

Zhang Simin and Su Changzhi walked in, followed by Xu Jie and Su Yun, and finally Su Lei's turn.

"Happy New Year, big brother." Su Lei said abruptly, startling Zhang Ke a lot, wondering what kind of trick this kid is having?

"Little sister, why are you here so late? Did you come after lunch?" Su Yun's uncle Zhang Siqiang asked with dissatisfaction in his voice.

Before Zhang Simin could tell his brother, Su Lei rushed over immediately and said loudly: "Uncle, don't be angry, the main reason is that I went to pick out gifts for the elders. For these things, I can run I’ve been all over half of the capital, come and see what’s good.”

After finishing speaking, he put the shopping bag in his hand on the coffee table and took the contents out.

Zhang Siqiang's expression darkened immediately after hearing this.

Gift giving is fine, but is there anyone who talks like that?

Come see something good?

It was as if they had never seen the world.

Isn't this a run on people?

(End of this chapter)

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