Chapter 735 Let me come!
While unpacking the packaging bag, Su Lei pointed to the brand logo on the packaging bag, and said to the relatives in front of him, "Uncle, this is the Pu'er tea I bought for you on purpose. It is said that this brand is the best of Pu'er tea. , such a small piece of tea cake is only about [-] yuan, not expensive, if you can't drink it, you can boil a tea egg or something, I usually do this, the taste is very good..."

"Second Uncle, I know you like to drink. This bottle of French wine is for you. It's only 10,000+ a bottle. If you don't like the taste, you can soak some Sydney or something. Protect the heart..."

"Auntie, and aunts, I don't know what you like, but I heard that women like bags, so I prepared a bag for each of you. Hey, it's good to wear it when you usually buy vegetables. Don’t everyone advocate environmental protection now, don’t use plastic bags?”


When the surrounding Zhang family heard Su Lei's words, their faces turned blue and purple.

Although the Zhang family is not a wealthy family, the things Su Lei brought out can still be consumed. The problem is that the words the other party said are too irritating.

Using 9 yuan tea to make tea eggs, using 10,000+ red wine to soak pears, and using bags tens of thousands of yuan to pack vegetables, is this a waste of things, or is it showing off your wealth to them?

"Uncle, aunt, uncle, you don't have to be polite, take them all." Su Lei said with a smile, full of pride in his heart.

Although these gifts cost a lot of money, he didn't show any distress.

For him, this tone was much more important than the money, and the unhappiness that had been hidden in his heart for many years was swept away, and he finally felt proud.

"Xiao Lei, did you buy it with your sister's money again? You like to spend money randomly." The second aunt said, as for the bags on the coffee table, she was not moved, after all, there are not none at home.

"Second Aunt, I bought this with my own money. Didn't I make a little money last year, so I deliberately came here to honor you." Su Lei explained.

"Really? But it's not easy for you to make money, so..."

"Easy, very easy."

Su Lei interrupted the second aunt's words, and continued: "Being an actor is good. The money is quick and easy. You can easily get paid by posing a few poses in front of the camera and saying a few words. I plan to change my car this year." Sports car, the budget is not high, only six or seven hundred, what kind of sports car do you think is good, would you recommend?"


The corners of Zhang Ke and Zhang Qi's mouths twitched angrily. You know, they only drove a car worth less than 100 million yuan.

Thinking that I have been a top student in school since I was a child, and I have also been abroad and studied, and now I am not earning as much as my cousin who has always been regarded as a waste, and my heart suddenly feels unbalanced.

What a world!
"It's getting late, let's have dinner." The aunt couldn't stand it any longer, she turned towards the kitchen and asked loudly, "Rongrong, is lunch ready?"

"Mom, not yet. We're short of a few dishes, and we'll wait a little longer." Zhang Ke's wife, Tian Rongrong, stood in the kitchen and replied.

"Hurry up, don't you see that my aunt and uncle's family have arrived?" After the eldest aunt finished speaking, her eyes swept across Su Changzhi's face.

When Su Changzhi heard this, he had to stand up reflexively. After all, he was in charge of cooking for the Zhang family gatherings in previous years.

However, just as he was about to get up, someone grabbed his wrist, and his body was pulled from the side, causing him to fail to get up.

"Dad, is this watch of yours old? Let Xiaolei replace it for you in two days." Xu Jie said while looking at his father-in-law's watch.

"Ah? It's been quite a few years, but it's not necessary. It just depends on the time. It's fine. There's no need to change it." Su Changzhi said after hearing this, and then stood up again.

As a result, as soon as the upper body straightened up, the wrist was grabbed and pulled, causing another failure to get up.

"Dad, your watch looks like an antique, where did you buy it?" Xu Jie grabbed his father-in-law's hand and looked it over carefully.

"It's just an ordinary watch. It seemed to cost around [-] yuan when I bought it." Su Changzhi thought for a while and said.

Since he bought it for too long, he was not sure when he bought it.

"Dad, I remember that you wore this watch when I was in high school. It's almost ten years, right? Let's go buy a watch tonight. I'll swipe my card. What do you think of Rolex?" Su Lei came over and asked.

"No, as long as the pointer can move." Su Changzhi shook his head quickly. He is a university professor and the head of a department. He wears a Rolex all day long. He is too high-profile to be talked about by his colleagues?

"Buy, must buy, it's not like we don't have that condition." Su Lei said with a smile.

How could Su Changzhi not know what his son was thinking?After seeing the other party bring out so many good tea, wine and bags, he knew why his son came to Zhang's house so actively.

But his son had already said that, and he couldn't refute it anymore, so he was going to cook in the kitchen.

But just as his butt was lifted from the sofa, his wrist was grabbed by his son-in-law again, and he failed to get up for the third time.

"Dad, let me look at this watch again." Xu Jie said.

"It's so troublesome to watch, I'll take it off and show it to you." Hearing what his son-in-law said, Su Changzhi didn't understand why the other party was so interested in this watch today.

"Don't take it off. Watches are effective only when worn on the wrist." Xu Jie stopped his father-in-law from taking off the watch.

"I'll give you the watch so I can cook," Su Changzhi said.

"Your cousin is here, what are you going to do? Besides, I have been here so many times, and I have never tasted my cousin's handicrafts. Today is considered a blessing. Dad, don't you trust my cousin?" Xu Jie looked asked his father-in-law, and winked at him at the same time.

Su Changzhi was startled, and after receiving the signal, he immediately understood why the son-in-law had repeatedly stopped him from standing up.

It turned out that I didn't want him to cook.

This son-in-law is simply more considerate than his own son.

However, when he thought that his son had already "risen", if he was still as cowardly as before, wouldn't it be embarrassing for the Su family?So he said: "I believe it, of course I believe it, then I will give it to my sister-in-law's daughter-in-law."

"Yes, the eldest brother's daughter-in-law, that must be the living room and the kitchen." Xu Jie said with a smile.


When Zhang Siqiang's family heard it, it can be said that they were full of anger.

Just now, the reason why the eldest aunt told her daughter-in-law to cook quickly was to tell Su Changzhi to let him cook quickly, but Su Changzhi not only didn't go, but even sang with his son-in-law.

What is this for?
Is it possible that after cooking for more than 20 years, you suddenly want to pick someone up?

But the one who was most angry was Tian Rongrong.

She and her husband have lived abroad for many years. They usually cook simple sandwiches, salads, noodles, pizza, and steaks. The more complicated ones are stews. They seldom stir-fry, let alone stewed, braised, and oiled like my uncle. How could she do something like it exploded?
Even if you can barely make up a table of dishes, the taste may not be very good.

She really wanted to throw away the kitchen knife in her hand, but her brother-in-law Xu Jie had already set her up so high, what good food was there, what was good in the living room and the kitchen, wouldn't it be shameful if she quit?
Husbands and parents-in-law will also feel very humiliated.



Tian Rongrong only felt a pain in her fingers, she immediately threw away the kitchen knife, and quickly retracted her hands.

I saw a cut of less than one centimeter on the fingertip of the finger on my left hand. Although it was not very deep, it was bleeding all the time.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Ke asked after hearing it, and the others also looked over.

"No, it's nothing, I accidentally cut my finger." Tian Rongrong said embarrassedly.

When Zhang Siqiang and his wife heard this, they immediately frowned.

It is really unlucky to cut your finger and see blood on the New Year's Eve.

"It's just cutting a vegetable, how can you cut your fingers? Really, such a simple thing can't be done well." Zhang Siqiang's wife said coldly.

With so many relatives around, it not only feels unlucky, but also shameful.

Tian Rongrong was already angry and depressed, but when she heard her mother-in-law's words, her eyes turned red with grievances, but she also knew that it was not good to cry during the New Year, so she gritted her teeth and tried not to shed tears.

Seeing his wife's appearance, Zhang Ke secretly sighed in his heart, then walked over, and while looking for a sanitary box in the cabinet, he said, "Rinse the wound with water, and I will find a band-aid for you."

Tian Rongrong turned her back and turned on the faucet, in fact, she didn't want people to see her current appearance.

Su Changzhi wanted to stand up, but his shoulders were held down from behind.

He looked back, this time it was not his son-in-law, but his daughter.

Su Yun shook her head slightly, signaling her father not to go.

Since you have decided not to cook, don’t go to the kitchen. If someone cuts your finger, go there again. Who will remember you?Maybe it will blame you why you didn't go there sooner, so that you wouldn't cut your finger sooner.

"Biao sister-in-law is really careless." Su Lei shook his head and said, then looked at his aunt, "Auntie, speaking of it, I have never eaten your cooking, why don't you show us something?"

He is not only active today, but unusually active.

He used to be a gnawing old man, not confident, no matter what these elders said, he would recognize it, pretending to play games by himself, pretending that he didn't hear anything.

But now, he has made money, and his back has straightened up. He dared to say everything he didn't dare to say before.


The eldest aunt frowned, her expression was extremely serious, and the wrinkles on her face seemed to express her dissatisfaction.


Her ancestors were relatives of the emperor, 150 years back, a group of people would have to serve her, and now she is asked to cook for everyone?
What a joke!
Su Lei didn't seem to notice it, and continued: "Auntie, I heard that your ancestor is Zhenghuangqi? Then you must know how to eat imperial food? It seems that you are lucky today, you can eat authentic palace dishes, right uncle? "

Zhang Siqiang had a sullen face, not knowing what to say.

He knows his wife's craft.

When it comes to piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, it is very good, but when it comes to cooking skills, it is barely edible.

"Your aunt's waist is uncomfortable and she can't stand for a long time." Zhang Siqiang thought for a while and made up a reason.

"Really?" Su Lei asked with concern: "Why is my aunt uncomfortable? Did you ask my cousin to take you to the hospital? I know an old Chinese doctor who specializes in treating waist and leg pain. Someday I will accompany my aunt Aunt to go see?"

"Look, I've read it, it's either sick or injured, or just getting old." Zhang Siqiang said.

The wife at the side beat Zhang Siqiang secretly with her elbow, how dare she say that she is old?

Even if you are old, can you just open your mouth to say this kind of thing?

Others looked at each other, and no one wanted to cook.

First, the craftsmanship is not very good, and I am afraid of being laughed at when I make it. Second, the kitchen knife has just been stained with blood, and no one wants to touch it, worrying about bad luck.

"Since my aunt is old and has a bad waist, let me do it!" Xu Jie stood up.

Everyone was taken aback when they saw it.

Everyone thought that Su Changzhi could stand up, after all, he was the one who did it in previous years, but they didn't expect that it was Xu Jie who stood up.

Su Changzhi was a little dazed, and thought to himself: Son-in-law, you won't let me do it, so you do it?

Su Yun also had a puzzled look on her face. It was agreed before that the guests would not cook, so why did it suddenly change?

Su Lei kept winking at his brother-in-law.

Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, after so many years, I finally have a chance to vent my anger. What are you doing?
Only Zhang Simin had a gratified smile on his face.

"I'm not doing as well as my father-in-law. Please bear with me when the time comes." Xu Jie said as he took off his coat and threw it to Su Lei, then rolled up his sleeves and walked towards the kitchen.

When he came to the Zhang family for the first time, he worked as a helper for his father-in-law. He just washed and chopped vegetables, but he didn't cook anything. This could be regarded as his first time cooking here.

Seeing that his brother-in-law really went, Su Lei could only change his face and said with a smile: "My brother-in-law's craftsmanship is really good. You have all watched the program "Delicious History" right? My brother-in-law is in it The performances are all real swords and guns, definitely not edited out, we are lucky today."

"I'll go and help Xiao Xu." Su Changzhi said while trying to stand up, but was pushed back on the sofa for the nth time.

"Dad, you sit down, I'll help him." Su Yun said with a smile, and then walked to the kitchen.

Su Lei looked at the situation, and immediately said: "Under the influence of my brother-in-law, my sister's craftsmanship is also very powerful now. The two of them are now husband and wife, and the two swords are combined. They are simply invincible."

When the others heard this, they immediately rolled their eyes.

Is this kid talking about storytelling, blowing rainbow farts?
However, finally someone cooks, and everyone will not be hungry.

in the kitchen.

Xu Jie cleaned the kitchen knife well, and then began to chop vegetables.

Su Yun came to the man's side, and asked in a low voice while washing the vegetables: "What's the situation with you? My dad is not allowed to cook, so you cook?"

"Hey, isn't this just to show off in front of your mother-in-law?" Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Really?" Su Yun looked at Xu Jie suspiciously, not quite believing the other party's explanation.

You must know that when he was in bed early in the morning, the tone of the man's speech was obviously to stand up for his father-in-law.

"Of course it is true, but this is only one aspect; on the other hand, I want to let my uncles and aunts know that this son-in-law of the Su family is not ordinary. Son-in-law, don't you envy them to death?" Xu Jie said solemnly.

This sentence directly made Su Yun laugh. With some water on her hands, she flicked the man's face, and said with a coquettish smile, "Just brag!"

"Why, am I wrong?" Xu Jie looked at Su Yun seriously and asked.

The Zhang family has always looked down on the Su family. Now that the Su family has found such a good son-in-law, who wouldn't be jealous?

You know, he is not the only son-in-law present here today.

At such a critical moment, of course he wants to spread his tail and beat the crowd.

By the way, my brother-in-law has already finished pretending, so shouldn't it be his turn now?
"Yes, everything you say is right, you are the best." Su Yun said after hearing this.

The people in the living room looked at the two talking and laughing in the kitchen, and they were jealous for a while.


Is this cooking, or is it dog food?


The sound of chopping vegetables spread throughout the room. It sounded not only fast, but also very even.


The smell of cooking quickly permeated the room, and the aroma was tangy.

"Mom and dad, uncle and aunt, it's time to eat." Xu Jie said facing the direction of the living room, and then took off the apron on his body.

"Well, it smells so good!" Su Lei said loudly, although he can't do anything, but he is definitely the No. 1 fan.

Although the Zhang family was a little reluctant, they still walked over.

As in previous years, there is a table for the elders and a table for the younger ones.

"Hey, brother-in-law, it looks good." Zhang Qi looked at the dishes on the table and praised with a smile.

In fact, he wanted to play mahjong with this brother-in-law today, not because he made a lot of money last year, but because he wanted his brother-in-law to take care of his business.

Although when the restaurant first opened, many people came here because of the photo of him and his sister-in-law, and it became popular for a while, but after a long time, it became deserted again.

"Thank you, brother, for your compliment." Xu Jie said

"It's just good? Second brother, once you eat it, you'll know that my brother-in-law's cooking skills are better than your restaurant's chef." Su Lei said after hearing it.

In his opinion, Xiao Kua's brother-in-law is disrespectful to his brother-in-law, and Rainbow Kua is the only way to do it.

"The tone is not small, so let's try it!" The aunt said in a strange way.

Everyone sat down and began to move their chopsticks.

The eldest aunt took a bite of the cold dish, then frowned and said, "This is called delicious? I'm afraid you haven't eaten delicious food?"

"Which dish doesn't suit my aunt's taste?" Xu Jie looked over and asked.

"It's this cold dish!" The aunt pointed with her chopsticks.

"Oh!" Xu Jie responded without saying anything.

Tian Rongrong looked at the dishes on the table, and immediately blushed, because the dishes on both tables were the same, so naturally she knew which dish her mother-in-law was talking about.

When the others tasted it, they burst out laughing one by one.

"Sister, your son-in-law's craftsmanship is very average." Zhang Siqiang said, looking at his sister sitting opposite.

"Yes, it's sour and salty, how do you eat it?" Zhang Sisheng followed closely.

"I heard that the food on the food show only pursues good looks, not delicious food. From this point of view, it is true, but this cold dish doesn't look very good. Could it be that a filter was added when filming the show?" Zhang Siping Spitting out the cold dish in his mouth can be regarded as saving some face for his son-in-law who didn't take the initiative to cook.

Zhang Simin looked at the eldest brother, second brother and eldest sister, and also took a bite. It's really not very good, but it's not the level of a son-in-law at all.

Tian Rongrong finally couldn't listen anymore, put down the chopsticks in her hand and said, "Mom and Dad, I made this cold dish. I'm sorry, it doesn't suit your taste."

After speaking, he stood up and hurried back to the room.

When the people at the two tables heard this, they were immediately stunned, especially those who had just commented.

It was only then that everyone remembered that before the Su family came, Tian Rongrong had been busy in the kitchen, and as I said before, there were still a few dishes left, which meant that a few dishes had already been prepared.


Wrong person!


(End of this chapter)

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