The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 736 Don't Blame Me

Chapter 736 Don't Blame Me
Inside the restaurant.

The atmosphere was very awkward.

Several uncles and aunts wanted to vent their anger by mocking the Su family's son-in-law's craftsmanship, but they didn't expect to accidentally hurt their own people.

Seeing his daughter-in-law running away, Zhang Ke quickly stood up and said, "Dad, Mom, eat first, I'll go and see Rong Rong." After speaking, he walked towards the house.

Zhang Siqiang looked embarrassed, turned his head to look at his wife, and gave her a dissatisfied stare, as if to say: Eat as soon as you eat, what's wrong with you?
When the wife saw it, her face was stern, and she rolled her eyes angrily, as if to say: What are you looking at, don’t you think the craftsmanship is mediocre?

Zhang Siqiang was slightly taken aback, but lost his temper immediately.

Did you say it yourself?
Hmm, it seems to be true.

The father-in-law and mother-in-law said in public that the daughter-in-law is not good at workmanship. Although it is true, it will inevitably hurt people.

He could almost imagine that his daughter-in-law would definitely not be in a good mood during the next few days of vacation.

"Yeah, delicious!"

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded, it was Su Lei.

I saw him eating big mouthfuls, pointing to the dry croquettes on the table, and said: "Uncle and aunt, if you don't like cold dishes, you can try this dry croquettes. The outside is burnt and the inside is tender, and it is very good Eat, if you don't believe me, try it."

Zhang Siqiang held my chopsticks tightly. Is this giving them eye drops?
Don't like it?

Who doesn't like it?

It just feels normal.

He looked at the dozen or so dishes on the table, hesitating for a while, who knew which one was made by the Su family's son-in-law and which one was made by his own daughter-in-law?
If the evaluation is wrong again, it will be really embarrassing.

"Everyone, keep eating, keep eating." Zhang Siqiang forced a very reluctant smile on his face.

The crowd continued to eat.

It's just that no one commented on how the dishes were cooked this time, for fear of accidentally hurting Tian Rongrong again.

Of course, not talking about food doesn't mean not talking about other things, otherwise how can I swallow the breath in my heart?
"Actually, no matter how good a man cooks, it's useless. At most, he's just a cook. The key still depends on his career. Second brother, do you think so?" Zhang Siping looked at Zhang Sisheng beside him, hoping to help the eldest brother regain some face.

When Zhang Qi at the other table heard it, he immediately raised his head and winked at his father, but Zhang Sisheng was only focused on talking to his sister and didn't pay attention to his son.

"Well, that's right." Zhang Sisheng nodded.

Zhang Siping looked at her younger sister, Zhang Simin, and asked, "Little sister, is your son-in-law still working as the deputy director of the TV station? To be honest, there is no big development in public meals, and they can't make much money. Nowadays, capable young people are popular." A big company, like my son-in-law, is now the deputy general manager of a listed company. If your son-in-law wants to go out and develop, but there is no way, you can find my son-in-law. Why don't you arrange a department director? Zhou Sheng?"

He said and looked at the other table.

Zhou Sheng thought to himself: I'm just the vice president of the company, not the chairman, can I arrange people casually?

But in order not to embarrass the mother-in-law, she finally nodded and said, "Well, it's fine if mom says so." Then he looked at Xu Jie at the same table, and smiled apologetically at him.

In the Zhang family, the identities of the two are the same, so he sympathizes with Xu Jie very much. If his mother-in-law didn't take the initiative to ask, he wouldn't be able to speak.

Xu Jie smiled, but didn't care, and deliberately picked up the cup and gestured to the other party.

After Zhou Sheng saw it, he also picked up the cup in front of him, and drank the juice inside.

In fact, as a man, he is very envious of this cousin-in-law. He is a rich second generation and married a celebrity wife. Although he earns more than her, the work pressure is very high.

Although Xu Jie didn't say anything, it didn't mean that no one spoke for him.

"Auntie, what you are talking about is the old calendar. My brother-in-law is no longer the deputy director. He has been transferred to Jingshi Culture Communication Company as the deputy general manager. By the way, even the director team of China Television Spring Festival Gala invited My brother-in-law has gone."

Su Lei jumped out again, he already regarded himself as the spokesperson for his brother-in-law.

Everyone was taken aback when they heard this, and then they all focused their eyes on Xu Jie.

Although everyone doesn't know the size of Jingshi Culture Communication Company, it sounds like a very powerful company.

And I also received an invitation from the director team of the China TV Spring Festival Gala.

Although everyone here considers themselves cultural people, they have never received an invitation from CTS Spring Festival Gala.

It was pretended by this person again.

"What does Jingshi Culture do? Why have I never heard of it? Is it a listed company?" the aunt asked persistently.

"Auntie, you are not in our circle, so you don't know about it. This Jingshi Culture is a big company under the Beijing Radio and Television Station. It also shoots programs, TV series, and movies, like those New Year's Eve parties held in our capital. , cultural festivals, etc., are all in charge of this company, although it is not a listed company, but the annual revenue is more than one billion, right brother-in-law?"

Su Lei talked non-stop, his face was full of pride, if his brother-in-law hadn't told him to hide it, he would have wanted to tell about the establishment of the film and television culture company.

"Not that much, last year it was only [-] million." Xu Jie corrected.

"If you go, don't you have more than a billion?" Su Lei said.

Xu Jie just smiled and said nothing.

Everyone thought: [-] million, not a lot!
The corners of Zhang Siping's mouth twitched, didn't this put her son-in-law down again?
It's over, another accidental injury!
"Eat, eat quickly, the food will be cold if you don't eat!" Zhang Siqiang said again.

They have accidentally injured two of their own people one after another. If the comparison continues like this, it is estimated that no one at the table next to the younger generation will be spared.

Forget it, don't shoot yourself in the foot.

"Yes, yes, eat quickly and play mahjong after eating." Zhang Qi quickly changed the subject, fearing that the elders would compare him again.

You know, he was still counting on Xu Jie to give him a few more bites of food.


The restaurant was exceptionally quiet, no one spoke, and everyone was eating in silence. Although the atmosphere was a bit depressing, it was better than before.

Not long after, everyone left the dining table one after another.

Although I didn't eat much, I ate a lot of Qi, and I was full of Qi.

Of course, Su Lei didn't eat less, and made two bowls of rice in total to show his respect for his brother-in-law's craftsmanship.

"Big brother, big sister, come and play mahjong." Zhang Qi shouted at Zhang Ke and Zhang Na.

Zhang Ke didn't want to play at first, because in the mahjong game the year before last, he always felt that his brother-in-law was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. Determined to find the place on the mahjong table.

As for Zhang Na, when she heard that her husband was being compared, she was a hundred unconvinced in her heart, but more of it was jealousy, and she had to vent her anger on the mahjong table today.

The opponent who played mahjong the year before last had shit luck, but she didn't believe that the opponent would continue to have shit luck this year. The old saying goes well: Feng Shui takes turns, and it's her turn this year.

You know, this year is her birth year, and she is dressed in red inside and out, and she must be the one who is flourishing.

"Brother-in-law, come quickly, now three are missing and one is waiting for you." Zhang Qi saw Xu Jie standing by the window looking at the scenery, and quickly waved at him.

"Second brother, I don't know how to play. I remember that the last time I played all afternoon, I only messed around three or four times. You guys messed around the rest of the time." Xu Jie said.

Su Yun almost laughed, thinking: You can't play, but you can fool.

However, as an actor, her acting skills are still online, so she has been trying not to laugh.

After hearing this, Zhang Ke and Zhang Na thought to themselves: You only played three or four times, but those three or four times you won more than we won a hundred times.

"It's just for fun, to pass the time. Besides, we are so busy, we can only play once a year." Zhang Qi persuaded, and then pulled him over without waiting for Xu Jie to reply.

"Well, since the eldest brother, the second brother and the eldest sister don't dislike me as a stinky card basket, then I will play with everyone." Xu Jie said with a simple and honest face.

"Brother-in-law, let me do the math, you will definitely mess up a lot today." Zhang Qi said with a smile.

He has already made up his mind, he will light a few more cannonballs for his brother-in-law today, when the time comes when his brother-in-law is in a good mood, why don't all the dinners come to his restaurant?

With a turnover of [-] million yuan a year, can the dinner be less?

If you lose at the poker table, don't you just earn it back at the dinner table?
This is called reluctance to let children not be caught by wolves. How can there be any profit if you don't spend some capital?There will be no pie in the sky.

Four people sat down on the four sides of the card table, Zhang Na was in the east, Zhang Ke was in the south, Zhang Qi was in the west, and Xu Jie was in the north.

Su Yun moved a chair and sat beside Xu Jie. This could be regarded as on-site learning.

After the mahjong is set, Zhang Na throws the dice first.

After Xu Jie touched the thirteen cards, he gently raised his hands on both sides, and the thirteen cards lying on the table stood up instantly.

This is not a trick, but anyone who has played mahjong a few times will know it.

Su Yun was looking forward to Xu Jie's cards very much. In her heart, even if it wasn't thirteen, it must be all of them.

However, after reading thirteen pictures, the whole person was immediately stunned.

Not one color, no one, not even a pair, let alone three or four. The popular description is: this card is broken!
They couldn't get together at all, and they were said to be playing cards.

Su Yun looked at the man suspiciously, what's going on?
Not to mention that the opponent is a master, even ordinary people rarely get such a bad card.

Could it be the first one?
Do experts also believe this?

With this suspicion, Su Yun looked at it for a while, but the more she looked, the more confused she became.

It is said that men do not want to play cards, and the opponent will keep them when they draw a pair. It is said that men want to play cards, but they will play some useful cards inexplicably.

In short, it's three words: I don't understand.

Is this the way masters play cards?

Ordinary people can't guess the other party's intentions at all.

Xu Jie played a piece of "eight barrels", and Zhang Na, who was next to him, immediately ate it, and Xu Jie played a piece of "nine sticks", and Zhang Ke, the opponent's player, immediately matched up.

And Zhang Qi, who was in Xu Jie's upper house, saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart.

He had already dismantled the cards in his hand, just to make his brother-in-law eat them, and hurriedly played the cards. However, no matter what he played, his brother-in-law would never take it, especially stubborn.

Although he is not a master, he can guess what everyone needs by observing the cards played by everyone, but he has repeatedly overturned his brother-in-law's cards.

What do you mean?
Could it be that the brother-in-law doesn't take the usual path, doesn't take the usual cards?
After several attempts, instead of giving my brother-in-law a bite, I gave Zhang Na a shot instead.

Although it's just a fart, it also hurt my brother-in-law, so I feel a little embarrassed.

"Are you a fool? It's so boring!" Zhang Qi said deliberately, so as not to affect his brother-in-law's mood.

At the same time, I thought: In order to make some money, is it easy for me?
Only when I open a restaurant do I know how important personal connections are in the catering industry.

At the beginning, he thought he could do it, so he came out to do it alone, but it turned out that those people who seemed to have a good relationship with him were actually going after the former boss.

The network is not good, and now we can only take the marketing route.

How to market is naturally a star.

Otherwise, why would he, who used to be arrogant, be so humble and try to get his brother-in-law to win?

"A fart is also a mustache, and a mosquito is also meat." Zhang Na said with a smile.

As for the first thing to do, it's all feudal thinking, and she never believes it.

"I'm not ashamed to talk about anything like that," Zhang Qi said.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you to mess around." Zhang Na didn't take it seriously. Facts have proved that this year is her birth year. The red underwear is not in vain, and everyone here is not good at it.

This is not feudal superstition, it is traditional culture.

Come to the second game.

Su Yun felt that the first fight was over, and it was time for her husband to start killing all directions, and she agreed when she was under the covers this morning.

As soon as the thirteen cards stood up, Su Yun closed herself immediately.

It is almost the same as the first hand, and there is nothing you want.

What's the situation?
Do you want to do it just three or four times, dozens of times at a time, like the year before last?

If so, she would learn nothing.

Su Yun couldn't understand it, and Zhang Qi couldn't understand it even more.

Why doesn't my brother-in-law eat anything?Why not eat it?

The problem is, not only does my brother-in-law not eat, but he always feeds others.

After a few rounds, he even fired another shot at Zhang Na.

"Second brother, why do you always light the cannon today?" Xu Jie asked while rubbing mahjong.

"Bad luck, bad luck." Zhang Qi quickly explained.

"It's not that you're unlucky, it's that I'm very lucky." Zhang Na said with a smile on her face, all the unhappiness before had disappeared, and she was completely immersed in the good luck of both.

For the next few rounds, Zhang Qi kept shooting at Zhang Na. Even Zhang Qi himself felt that today was a bad day. He obviously wanted to make his brother-in-law slap him. Why did Zhang Na get slapped every time?

In order not to shoot Zhang Na, he deliberately paid attention and was careful, but it turned out to be impossible to guard against. The last round of cards played by others, but it was his turn to play again, so he fired Zhang Na.

When the three of them teamed up to cheat on their brother-in-law the year before last, they didn't have such a tacit understanding.

Could it be that he wants Zhang Na today?

That doesn't work.

If he wants Zhang Na, who wants him?

"Second Brother, have you discussed with Eldest Sister that we are going to harvest me and Eldest Brother together, but you are not as accurate as you are when you look at the cards." Xu Jie said with a slight frown.

Zhang Ke also felt strange when he heard it. At the same time, he remembered the secret joint game between the three of them the year before last, and then looked back and forth between Zhang Qi and Zhang Na's faces.

Although he was not short of the money, it was a bit too much for the two of them to not add him after discussing it.

"Brother-in-law, you have to admit one fact, that is: I play well." Zhang Na said with a smile on her face.

Don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts calling the door.

If this matter was put to the year before last, she might still feel guilty, but this year, she is not guilty at all.

Zhang Na played seven hands in a row until the eighth hand, when Xu Jie made a winning hand, adding a concealed kong to Zhang Na's cannon.

"Finally it's my turn to mess around, thank you sister for being so humble!" Xu Jie said to Zhang Na with a smile.

"Brother-in-law, don't be too polite, try to take this opportunity to play a few more games." Zhang Na encouraged, because this brother-in-law is really good at playing cards, what she wants to eat, the other party can play whatever she wants, and she can't do it. It's time to let others mess up after seven times.

At this moment, Zhang Qi looked both depressed and angry.

What's depressing is that he wasn't the one who fired the cannon for my brother-in-law; what's annoying is that instead of being able to get closer to her brother-in-law, he has become more and more distant.

Zhang Qi secretly warned himself that he must work hard next time, try hard to feed his brother-in-law, try hard to light his brother-in-law, this limelight must not be taken away by others.


Xu Jie played a "eight barrel", Zhang Qi hesitated, and finally called out "yes", Xu Jie played a "three barrels", Zhang Qi called "yes" again, Xu Jie then played a "yes". [-]", Zhang Qi put down two more cards with difficulty, and it was still right.

"Second brother, you can eat whatever I want?" Xu Jie frowned and asked.

"Yes, are you still letting me draw cards?" Zhang Na was also very dissatisfied.

After hearing this, Zhang Qi was embarrassed.

Actually, he doesn't want to eat it either, but he has a pair in his hand, can he not eat it?

After a few rounds.

Zhang Ke played a nine-of-a-kind.

The corner of Zhang Qi's mouth twitched, and finally pushed down the cards in his hand.


"What?" Xu Jie pushed down the cards in his hand with a bitter face, and said loudly: "I also have nine sticks, so I asked my second brother to cut the beard."

"Ah?" Zhang Qi was stunned. After a while, he turned his head and looked at his brother-in-law's card. It was really Hu Jiutiao, and it was a very rare Thirteen Yao.

You know, he only plays seven pairs and four times.

And thirteen Yao, it is forty fan.

It's over, it's over!
Zhang Qi felt a chill in his heart.

Not only didn't he get a card for his brother-in-law, he didn't give his brother-in-law a shot, but he also cut off his brother-in-law's thirteenth year, and the feud was settled.

This is the [-]th fan. If it were him, he would be angry and depressed.

"Haha, the old erhu is good. You can save me a lot of money by doing this." Zhang Na clapped her hands happily, even if she lost, she was happy.

Zhang Qi felt bitter in his heart, but he couldn't express it, so he could only pretend to be happy, thinking in his heart: Zhang Na, Zhang Na, don't add fuel to the fire, okay?

"Ah!" Xu Jie sighed deeply, his face was full of disappointment, even when he was rubbing mahjong, he was very hard, the mahjong tiles were scattered, as if he was not rubbing the tiles, but throwing them.

"Brother-in-law, don't be angry, I'll give you a cannonball to make you happy." Zhang Na said jokingly.

Zhang Qi felt even more bitter when he heard that his brother-in-law was being teased.

Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, don’t blame me!

(End of this chapter)

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