Chapter 737 Company
Mahjong was played until five o'clock in the evening.

In the end, Zhang Na won big, Zhang Qi won small, and Zhang Ke lost big.

"Elder Sister is really lucky today, unlike me, who can count the number of hustles on one hand, and is always cut off." Xu Jie shook his head and sighed.

He doesn't play too many times, and it looks like he has lost a lot. In fact, because the numbers are relatively high every time he plays, and he seldom shoots, he doesn't lose overall.

"Hee hee, brother-in-law, I will give you a few more guns when you are in your birth year." Zhang Na said with a smile, she was in a particularly good mood, and she had already completely forgotten about the fact that her husband was being compared. .

"The year of birth? It seems that I have to wait another eight or nine years." Xu Jie said with a wry smile.

Zhang Qi was very embarrassed when he heard it. Originally, he was planning to play with his brother-in-law to make him happy, but instead of giving him a card, he didn’t give him a cannonball, he even cut off three times. He didn’t even feel embarrassed to ask the other party to help promote the restaurant. Say it.

"Brother-in-law, how much did you lose, I'll transfer it to you?" Zhang Qi looked at Xu Jie and asked.

He was ashamed to earn his brother-in-law's money at the dining table, but he was ashamed to win at the poker table.

He won the other party's money, and the other party was very upset, so naturally he would not help, let alone promote his restaurant.

"Second brother, what do you mean by this? Are you running on people? Do I seem like someone who can't afford to lose?" Xu Jie said with a frown, his face was full of displeasure.

"No, I definitely didn't mean to run on you." Zhang Qi shook his head quickly, but he didn't know how to explain it. Could he say: I want to ask you for help, so I dare not win your money?
Among the four, the most depressed person is Zhang Ke.

The year before last, he was the one who lost the most, and this year he was the one who lost the most. The year before last, Zhang Na and Zhang Qi were with him, but this year he has become a loner.

"Second brother, why do you always shoot Zhang Na today?" Zhang Ke couldn't help complaining, and suspected that the other party and Zhang Na were secretly colluding.

Every time he draws a card, Zhang Qi will definitely shoot Zhang Na. This has happened many times. If Zhang Qi hadn't fired, then the last one who wins the card is very likely to be him, and he won't lose today. many.

"Brother, I don't want to either." Zhang Qi looked innocent, he just wanted to shoot his brother-in-law, but every time he fired Zhang Na.

It is said that when everyone discussed it the year before last, the firing was never so accurate. I don’t know what happened today. The accuracy of the firing was too poor.

"Hey, hey, why are you targeting the second child? Even if he doesn't give me a shot, you still have to give me a shot. Who told me that this year is my birth year? Do you think I'm wearing red for nothing?" Zhang Na Standing up to defend Zhang Qi, he even pointed to the red cashmere sweater on his body, almost revealing the red underwear inside for everyone to see.

But when she said this, Zhang Ke became even more suspicious.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Qi and Zhang Na were cheated instead of being won by the brother-in-law today.

Sure enough, there are no fathers and sons in the mall, and no brothers on the mahjong table.

Since it was getting late, everyone left one after another.


Zhang Qi looked at his brother-in-law who was about to get into the car, and knew that if he didn't say anything today, it would be even harder to have a chance to say it in the future, so he mustered up his courage and shouted: "Brother-in-law, wait a minute."

Said and ran over quickly.

Xu Jie took back the foot he had just stepped into the car, looked at Zhang Qi and asked, "Second Brother, what's the matter?"

"Brother-in-law, I just heard Xiaolei say at the dinner table that you have now been transferred to Jingshi Culture Communication Company as the deputy general manager? Congratulations. In the future, you must remember to come to my restaurant for company dinners or business banquets, and I will call you eight." fold." Zhang Qi said flatteringly, and stuffed a business card into Xu Jie's pocket.

"Okay brother, I understand. In fact, our company rarely invites people to dinner. Generally, others invite us to dinner. However, the company still has a relatively large demand for work meals. For example, when organizing large-scale events, there are also filming When it comes to film and television dramas, by the way, second brother, does your restaurant sell box lunches?" Xu Jie asked seriously.

"What? Box, box lunch?"

Zhang Qi was stunned when he heard it.

The restaurant he opened took the high-end route and went for the Michelin star rating, but now he is asked if he sells box lunches?
Is it impossible to let the Michelin chef he hired with a high salary make fast food?

How many sets of boxed lunches would have to be sold to earn back the chef's salary!
"Brother-in-law, I don't have a box lunch business yet." Zhang Qi said awkwardly.

"Oh!" Xu Jie responded, with a faint expression on his face, as if saying: Don't say I won't help you, I will give you a chance, but you can't grasp it yourself.

"Brother-in-law, when you and Xiaoyun don't want to cook, you can come to my restaurant to eat." Zhang Qi made the next best thing, and if he couldn't make money from the other company, he could only ask the other party to help promote it.

The restaurant frequented by Xu Jie, the director and star of "Delicious History", and the restaurant frequented by the big star Su Yun, sounds good too.

"Okay, second brother, don't worry, Su Yun and I will definitely choose your place first when we go out for dinner." Xu Jie said, and then said in his heart: First choice does not mean that we will definitely choose.

"That's really great. After you go, don't be too polite. Just like returning to your own home, you can order whatever you want." Zhang Qi said, and finally showed a smile on his face.

"Second brother, if there is nothing else, then I will leave?" Xu Jie pointed to the car beside him.

"Let's go, drive slowly." Zhang Qi said, and then quickly retreated to the side of the road, waving non-stop at the slowly leaving car.

Su Yun turned her head and looked back. The car had already driven a long way, but Zhang Qi still didn't leave. His attitude was a 180-degree turn from before.

"What did Zhang Qi tell you just now?" Su Yun looked curiously at Xu Jie who was driving beside him.

"Let us go to his restaurant to eat when we don't want to cook at home." Xu Jie said simply.

"Is it free?" Su Changzhi, who was sitting in the back row, asked.

"Second brother didn't mention it." Xu Jie said.

"Dad, the bill will definitely not be waived. Even if he says waived, we are too embarrassed not to pay the bill, right?" Su Yun turned her head and said to her father.

"Who will go alone? When I opened, I looked at the menu. A set meal is thousands of dollars, and the amount of dishes is pitifully small. Anyway, I must not be full." Su Changzhi complained.

"Dad, that's why you don't understand. His dishes are not for people to eat, but for people to take pictures. This is popular now." Su Yun said with a smile.

Su Changzhi shook his head and said nothing more.

Not long after, the car drove into the family courtyard of the Agricultural University.

Xu Jie will live here tonight and go home with Su Yun tomorrow night.

Su Yun went upstairs first with her parents, leaving Xu Jie and Su Lei behind, holding the box, which contained the fruits and vegetables brought back from Nangou Village.

"Brother-in-law, when will your movie start?" Su Lei asked as he walked.

"Around the tenth day of the lunar new year." Xu Jie thought for a while and said.

Going to work on the seventh day, the company will have a lot of work on this day. As the deputy general manager, he can't get away. On the eighth and ninth day, all the cast and crew will be called together for a meeting, and the equipment will be prepared on another day. It's ready to boot.

This plan was made years ago, and the actors have already been notified. As long as the crew makes a call, all the cast and crew will be in place.

"Brother-in-law, I heard that you also wrote the script of the movie? Is there any role suitable for me? With my current position and our relationship, it's not too much to play the second male lead, right? The salary is negotiable." Su Lei said with a smile.

"The male number two is already occupied." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"Where's the male number three? My image is not bad anywhere." Su Lei didn't give up.

Xu Jie glanced at the other party, and then said: "In my movie, the male number three is the role of a eunuch, do you want to play it? If you want to play it, I can make the decision."

"What? Eunuch?" Su Lei thought for a while, then shook his head, and said depressedly, "Forget it."

Speaking of this, Su Lei suddenly thought of something, then looked at Xu Jie excitedly and said, "Brother-in-law, do you want to visit your company?"

"No need?" Xu Jie felt that it was unnecessary.

This film company is only temporarily registered for the convenience of investing in his films. Maybe the company will be canceled after the film is released. After all, he is not a professional film director, and this time it is just a bet. It's just for fun, I don't know if I'll have to wait until the year of the monkey to make a movie next time.

"Yes, of course, brother-in-law, you are the boss of the company, how can you not even know what your own company is like?" Su Lei said seriously.

In fact, it is false to let the brother-in-law see the company, but it is true to let the brother-in-law see the fruits of his labor.

He hopes to use this method to change his unreliable impression in his brother-in-law's heart.

"Okay, let's go and have a look." Xu Jie thought for a while and said.

"Tomorrow, tomorrow I will take you there."


The two took the elevator back home.

Xu Jie went into the room to change clothes, Su Yun came in from the outside, and then closed the door.

"Husband, why didn't you win the mahjong game today? Is there something uncomfortable?" Su Yun asked with concern.

"Didn't you win? I think I won." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Ah?" Su Yun was puzzled, she had been sitting next to the man, and the other party hadn't been fooling around today, and just relying on those dozens of tricks alone was not enough to win. .

"Although the money was not won, the goal was achieved, which is another form of winning." Xu Jie said while changing clothes.

"What purpose?" Su Yun became even more curious. Isn't the purpose of playing mahjong just to win money?What other purpose could there be?

"Didn't you notice that Zhang Qi's attitude towards me today is different from before?" Xu Jie said to Su Yun.

Zhang Qi?

Su Yun recalled it carefully, except that Zhang Qi didn't talk much today, she didn't feel anything unusual, but before leaving, the way Zhang Qi stood by the road and kept waving his hands left a deep impression on her. impression.

"Why?" Su Yun asked.

"Why else? Of course he wants me to help him promote the restaurant." Xu Jie got dressed and was ready to go out.

Su Yun dragged the man back, and continued to ask: "Did he tell you that?"

Xu Jie stopped, looked at Su Yun and said, "He didn't say anything, but everything he did was paving the way for this matter."

"What did he do?"

"When playing mahjong, I always play cards with me. I play [-], he plays [-] and [-], I play eight, and he plays nine. They don't want me to eat his cards, but they want me to be right. His cards..." Xu Jie explained.

Su Yun was startled, what else?She didn't pay attention, but felt that her husband had no rules when playing cards today, and he never played cards according to the routine.

wait, no!
Su Yun suddenly remembered something, looked at Xu Jie and asked, "You said that Zhang Qi wants you to take cards, so why does he always shoot Zhang Na?"

"Because I have been inducing Zhang Qi to make him think that I need that card, but in fact that card is what Zhang Na needs." Xu Jie continued to explain.

Su Yun was stunned when she heard this.

Mahjong can still play like this?
When she plays mahjong, all she can see are the cards in her hand and the cards played, but when the opponent plays mahjong, why does it feel like she is occupying the perspective of God, who knows all the cards?
"According to what you said, doesn't it mean that you can fool whoever you want?" Su Yun asked in surprise.

"Of course." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Su Yun stared blankly at the man, feeling incredible.

real or fake?


the next day.

Xu Jie got up early.

Today is different than before. This is the home of my father-in-law and mother-in-law. I am sorry to wake up too late.

When he walked out of the room, he found that his father-in-law was already busy in the kitchen, so he immediately walked over to help.

It didn't take long for a hearty breakfast to be prepared.

"How about going to the temple fair today?"

The five of them sat around having breakfast, and Su Yun made arrangements for today.

"Sister, don't be joking. If you go to the temple fair, if you are recognized, you won't be chased for your autograph?" Su Lei said after hearing this.

"It's winter now, I can wear more, hats, scarves, wrap myself tightly, only a pair of eyes are exposed, who can recognize me? Husband?" Su Yun said.

In her opinion, winter is the least recognizable season.

"Yes." Xu Jie nodded.

When Su Lei heard this, he frowned immediately, and winked at his brother-in-law who was sitting across from him. Later, when he saw that the other party was not looking at him, he stretched out his foot and kicked him.

At first, Xu Jie thought it was Su Yun who kicked him, thinking: I already agreed, why are you still kicking me?
But then he felt something was wrong, the direction of the kick was wrong, so he looked up and saw the brother-in-law kept blinking at him, as if his eyelids were cramped.

what's the situation?
Poison in the dish?

Seeing her brother-in-law, Su Lei seemed to have really forgotten, so he could only say: "Sister, you can go to the temple fair with your parents, but you have to lend me your brother-in-law for a while."

"What are you doing?" Su Yun asked vigilantly, worried that her husband would imitate her younger brother.

"Isn't it Chinese New Year? I want to pay New Year's greetings to Hu Zhen, the boss of our brokerage company, but I'm definitely not qualified for this position, so I want my brother-in-law to go with me. Aren't brother-in-law and Boss Hu good friends? Maybe Boss Hu will look at my brother-in-law's face and give me more resources, and I will be popular this year." Su Lei explained.

Su Yun nodded. There is nothing wrong with what she said. When she was in the prosperous economic company, she would also go to Sister Hua to get together during the Chinese New Year.

It's rare that my younger brother can propose a serious matter.

But on this matter, I have to listen to Xu Jie's opinion.

"Honey, is it okay?" Su Yun looked at the man beside her.

"Okay, this is a business, we have to support it." Xu Jie said.

"In that case, I'll go to the temple fair with my parents in the morning, and you guys go to pay New Year's greetings. Let's get in touch again at noon and find a place to meet, how about it?" Su Yun asked.

"That's it." Su Lei said quickly.

After breakfast, Xu Jie was dragged out by Su Lei.

According to Su Lei's meaning: go early and meet early.

Xu Jie got into his brother-in-law's sports car, and the kid seemed to have a grudge against the gas pedal when he drove. He kept stepping hard, and it didn't take long for him to drive into a villa area.

Because he had talked with Hu Zhen on the phone before, Xu Jie saw Hu Zhen standing outside the door to greet him as soon as he got out of the car.

The two paid New Year's greetings to each other, and then entered the house, Su Lei followed behind, with cigarettes and wine in their hands.

When employees pay New Year's greetings to their bosses, they usually don't sit for long.

Although strictly speaking, the relationship between Su Lei and Hu Zhen is not the relationship between the employee and the boss, but from a practical point of view, Hu Zhen will arrange work for Su Lei, and Su Lei also needs Hu Zhen to arrange work for him, so Hu Zhen He can also be regarded as Su Lei's boss.

During the whole process, Xu Jie and Hu Zhen were chatting, while Su Lei just sat obediently aside.

Of course, the protagonist of the chat between the two must be inseparable from Su Lei.

After sitting for more than ten minutes, Hu Zhen's cell phone rang suddenly, and Xu Jie took the opportunity to leave with Su Lei.

Got into the car.

Xu Jie checked the time, it was not yet 10 o'clock, so he said to Su Lei who was driving: "Go to the temple fair, and contact your sister when you get there."

"Brother-in-law, have you forgotten? We still have something to do today." Su Lei reminded.

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie asked suspiciously.

"Go and see the company." Su Lei said loudly, in fact, coming to pay New Year greetings to Hu Zhen today is just a cover, the most important thing is to visit the company.

"Oh!" Xu Jie remembered.

Seeing his brother-in-law's expression, Su Lei was speechless.

That's my brother-in-law's film and television culture company, with a registered capital of tens of millions, isn't that too careless?
After half an hour.

Sports cars parked outside a commercial office building.

Su Lei pointed to the building and said, "Brother-in-law, your company is on the seventh floor."

Xu Jie looked over and couldn't see anything from the outside, so he didn't say anything.

Su Lei happily led the way. After taking the elevator to the seventh floor, he immediately pointed to the right and said, "Brother-in-law, this is it."

The entire office building is divided into several areas, and the outstanding film and television culture company is located in one of the areas.

"The company has more than 300 square meters. The last company has just withdrawn, and the decoration is not bad, so I didn't spend that much money. I asked the cleaner to clean it up and use it. But don't underestimate this place. From the general manager's office to the front desk, from the office area to the tea room, everything is available. At present, there are three employees in the company, namely Su Lei, the general manager, your brother-in-law and me, an accountant and a front desk..."

When Xu Jie heard this, his footsteps also stopped.

Only three people?
It is estimated that this should be the smallest film and television culture company in the country.


(End of this chapter)

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