Chapter 738 Relocation
Seeing his brother-in-law stop suddenly, Su Lei thought it was because he was not satisfied with the size of the company, so he explained: "Brother-in-law, the company was established too hastily, and it coincides with the end of the year, so it is difficult to recruit employees, but don't worry, after this year is over , I will immediately arrange a job fair..."

"That's not necessary." Xu Jie shook his head and interrupted his brother-in-law.

Su Lei was puzzled.

How could it not be necessary?

The company has been established, shouldn't the next step be to invite industry elites to make the company bigger and stronger?
If you don't even have people, how can you develop your company's business?

Besides, there are only three people in Tangtang Film and Television Culture Company, including the general manager. To put it bluntly, the bun shop on the side of the road employs more employees than here.

Xu Jie came to the window and looked at the scenery outside. The office building is located on the edge of the East Fifth Ring Road, in a commercial area, and the surrounding environment is not bad, with complete supporting facilities.

"How much is the rent here?" Xu Jie asked.

"Forty-seven thousand a month, less than fifty thousand." Su Lei replied.

"So expensive?" Xu Jie frowned slightly.

Based on the rent of 60 a month, it would be [-] a year.

The problem is that this company is just a decoration for him. After the filming of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space" is finished and the box office share is obtained, the company will be canceled. Therefore, there is no need to invest so much.

That's not even counting employee salaries.

"Brother-in-law, take a look at the location and the environment. The price is really not expensive. The rent for the same location and the same area is more than [-]. It's just that the landlord keeps dropping it for my sake. Yes." Su Lei said solemnly, fearing that his brother-in-law would suspect him of being the second landlord to earn the difference.

"This location, this environment, and this rent are indeed not expensive. I said it is expensive because I don't think it is necessary to open the company in such a good place." Xu Jie said, thinking at the same time: Your face is worth a thousand?
"Brother-in-law, where do you think it should be?" Su Lei asked.

"It doesn't matter where you open, the main thing is that the rent is as low as possible. Is there any one under [-]?" Xu Jie doesn't want to invest too much in some insignificant things. After all, it is still unknown whether the film can make money, let alone with Zheng Guoliang's contest.

Once the box office hits the street, not only will the 2000 million investment be lost, but Zheng Guoliang will also lose tens of millions.

Adding all these together is not a small sum, and by then he will really be a prodigal son.

"Below 1000?" Su Lei heard this, and immediately showed a wry smile on his face, "Brother-in-law, are you kidding me? Now renting a basement is more than [-] yuan a month."

"You're talking about the urban area. We can open the company in the suburbs. In addition, we don't need accountants and front desks. We can find an accounting company to take care of the accounts." Xu Jie said, keeping the company's expenses to a minimum.

"What? Then I won't be a bare-bones commander?" Su Lei was stunned.

Now even scammers know how to rent an office building in a good location, and then hire dozens or hundreds of employees to act in a play. The brother-in-law is good, and the scale of an honest film and television culture company is not as good as that of a scam company.

How did my dream of being a domineering president be shattered before it even started?
"I only need a company name to invest, and I may only invest once or twice a year, so I don't need such a large company and so many employees, understand?" Xu Jie said lightly.


Su Lei was stunned for a moment, and only then did he understand the purpose of his brother-in-law in starting the company.

If he had known this earlier, he wouldn't have had to worry about it.

"Brother-in-law, I think with your current contacts and resources, you should participate more in film and television investment. Even if you don't have that strength, you can still do outsourcing, or it would be too wasteful." Su Lei persuaded.

He was really not reconciled to seeing a large film and television company turn into a small private workshop.

After hearing this, Xu Jie rolled his eyes at his brother-in-law.

Although many people did this, he didn't want to ruin his future because of this kind of thing.

Besides, is he short of that little money?

No shortage!

If you want to make money, you have to earn it openly.

"Stop talking so much nonsense, hurry up and do what I say." Xu Jie said coldly.

"Yes, brother-in-law." Su Lei replied, looking at the office that he had just rented for a short time, his eyes were full of reluctance, his dream of being a film and television boss was completely shattered, and it was still in pieces.

Xu Jie left the company, called Su Yun, and after confirming the location, got into his brother-in-law's car.

Not long after, the two sides converged.

It was noon at this time, so I found a restaurant near the temple fair, and had a rest while eating.

"What's the matter?" Su Yun looked at Xu Jie and asked, pointing her finger at her depressed younger brother, who looked completely different from when she left in the morning.

Doesn't Hu Zhen plan to help his younger brother this year?

The younger brother brought Xu Jie, Hu Zhen would lose face like this?

Besides, hasn't the relationship between the two of them always been good?
"The ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny." Xu Jie said.

Of course he knew why Su Lei was disappointed, but he couldn't tell Su Yun yet.

Su Yun was startled, thinking that Hu Zhen didn't plan to praise his younger brother, so she said, "Xiao Lei, you can't be too ambitious, you can act in so many film and television dramas in such a short period of time after entering the industry, and you can even be the third male and fourth male." An important role is already very good, do you know that many actors who come out of professional academies will not have so many opportunities after a few years of graduation? You, you have to learn with an open mind, understand?"

Su Lei raised his head and looked at his sister strangely, thinking: What are they talking about?

He was just depressed because the big brother's dream was broken, so what does it have to do with Gao Qiyuan?
But there is no way to explain this matter to my sister, because the explanation will involve my brother-in-law's opening of a film and television culture company, and this matter cannot be discussed, so I can only nod perfunctorily while eating.

Thinking of his brother-in-law's explanation, a bold idea suddenly popped up in his heart.

Since my brother-in-law wants to find a house with low rent to start his company, and it doesn’t even matter where he opens his company, then he can completely follow his brother-in-law’s request and find an old, shabby place. The brother-in-law will definitely be very disgusted, and maybe he will change his mind.

Yes, just do it!

Su Lei quickly finished his meal, then wiped his mouth and said, "Mom and Dad, I have something to do this afternoon, so I can't accompany you to the temple fair. Let my sister and brother-in-law accompany you."

"What else do you need?" Su Yun asked with a frown.

The Spring Festival Gala of various local stations has ended, and none of the studios will start work during the Spring Festival. My brother is an [-]-line actor, what can I do?

She doesn't have as much trouble as her younger brother.

"Of course it's a New Year's greeting for other people, such as some directors, producers, and acting teachers. I'm not a big star. If I don't take advantage of the Chinese New Year to get in touch with you big guys, will I still be able to film this year? ?” Su Lei said after hearing this.

After hearing this, Su Yun looked at her brother again with a satisfied expression on her face.

Brother has grown up!
In the past during the Chinese New Year, my younger brother only knew to hang out with friends and friends. He didn’t go home during the day and night, and sometimes he couldn’t even find anyone.

And now, they all know that they have contacted the boss to expand their network. Isn't this a sign of maturity?
"Well, you can go." Su Yun agreed.

"Then I'm leaving now." After finishing speaking, Su Lei stood up, bid farewell to his parents, then put on his down jacket, and walked out of the restaurant quickly.

Su Yun looked at her younger brother who drove away through the window. In order to avoid disappointing her parents, she said with a smile: "I didn't expect that Xiao Lei has changed a lot, and he has already become self-motivated."

"Yes, he has changed a lot in the past year. I wouldn't have dared to think about it before." Su Changzhi said with a look of relief.

Not only did I stop causing trouble, but I also learned to study and work hard, just like a dream.

"Thanks to Xiao Xu. If it wasn't for Xiao Xu's help, Xiao Lei wouldn't be where he is today." Zhang Simin sighed.

I am ashamed to say that after being a teacher for so many years, I have taught countless students, but in the end I failed to teach my son well, and it would be embarrassing to say it.

Fortunately, I finally found something to do now, and I seem to like it and be active.

She never expected her son to be able to honor his ancestors, as long as he didn't do things that violated the law, he could be in any industry.

"Mom, actually I didn't help Xiaolei much, I just gave him a chance, and he just took it." Xu Jie said modestly, you can't say that the kid just deserves a beating, right?

"Xiao Xu, you are too humble. Xiao Lei has been given many chances since he was a child. How did it turn out? So Xiao Lei must have been influenced by you to become what he is now. Isn't there a saying like that? With excellent people, you can also become excellent, and I can rest assured that I will entrust Xiaolei to you." Su Changzhi said cheerfully.

To him, the son-in-law is the benefactor of the Su family. He saved the future of the Su family. Not only did he bring back his son who was probing wildly at the gate of the detention center every day, but he also brought him back on the right path.

"Well, I'm also relieved." Zhang Simin echoed.

Su Yun listened but was unwilling.

"Dad, look at what you said. It seems that Xiaolei was not good before because I was not good."

"Haha, I made a mistake, I'll punish myself with a cup." Su Changzhi took a sip from his teacup.

Su Yun smiled, looked at the man beside her, picked up the chopsticks to pick up food for him, "Here, thank you."

"Small things, small things." Xu Jie said again and again.

It's just that I beat my brother-in-law a few times, and it's easy to do.

While everyone was talking about Su Lei, Su Lei was heading north all the way, passed the sixth ring road and drove a long way, and finally stopped when he passed a town.

Su Lei looked around, and then looked at the navigation on the phone. After a while, there will be a forest park. This place should be remote enough, and the rent of the house must not be very high.


Su Lei got out of the car, walked into a grocery store by the side of the road, bought two bottles of water, and asked while checking out: "Boss, how much is the monthly rent for a store like yours?"

"About three thousand, why, do you want to rent a house?" asked the owner of the grocery store.

"Well, do you have any cheaper houses here? It doesn't matter if it's old or new, it doesn't matter, it can be big or small, and the location doesn't matter, as long as it's cheap, the cheaper the better." Su Lei said.

The purpose of his trip is very simple, that is to find a house that is not the worst, but worse, and let his brother-in-law know that some money cannot be saved.

2000 million movies have already been voted in, is it still tens of thousands of yuan short of the monthly rent?
Film and television culture company, how high-end it sounds, how can the supporting facilities be poor?
You know, people in the entertainment industry are all people who order dishes.

The grocery store owner was stunned after hearing what the customer in front of him said.

Is this what someone who wants to do business would say?
It's understandable that it doesn't matter whether it's old or new, and the size is acceptable, but what's the matter if you don't choose the location?

Isn't the location of the store the most important thing in business?

The rent of the house next to the vegetable field is cheap, can it be bought and sold?
"Why are you renting a shop?" the grocery store owner couldn't help asking, while looking at the young man in front of him.

He looks clean, his clothes look expensive, and there is a sports car outside. It seems that even if he is not a rich second generation, at least he is not short of money.

But why did you say those words?

Although he is not a Chaoyang crowd, he also has a heart that is always vigilant against criminals.

"Start a company, a film and television company." Su Lei replied, standing by the door at the same time, looking at the shops across the road.

"What?" The store owner blinked, suspecting that he had heard wrong.

When it comes to film and television companies, the first thing that comes to mind is celebrities, let alone lack of money, and shouldn't the film and television companies open in the capital city?

There is neither a film and television city, nor a film and television school, and there are no celebrities, so why go here to open a film and television company?
Could it be that they are planning to use the banner of a film and television company to lure ignorant girls here?

"Why do you want to come to us to open a film and television company?" the shop owner asked calmly.

"It's cheap. The monthly rent of an office building in the city is tens of thousands. I can rent here for two or three years. Actually, I have a company in the city. Isn't the lease period up? I don't think it is necessary to spend so much money, so We are going to change places, but the business is still going on in the city, so this place is just a decoration." Su Lei said.

Only then did the shop owner understand what was going on, and the vigilance in his heart disappeared a bit.

"It's not that there are cheap shops, but it's far from here. If you drive about a kilometer or two, the place where you're about to leave the town is the junction of the town and the vegetable field. The rent of the shops there is relatively low, less than two kilometers away. You can take it if you have a thousand, you can go and ask." The shop owner said.

"Okay, thank you boss." After finishing speaking, Su Lei left the grocery store with water.

He obeyed the boss's advice and drove straight forward. It took only one or two minutes to reach the edge of the town. If he drove further, he could see the vegetable field. He could even see the mountains in the distance, compared to the forest Park it.

Su Lei got out of the car and walked into the car repair shop.

"Boss, are there any shops for rent nearby, the cheaper the better."

"Yes, yes, how cheap do you want it?" A car repairman asked.

"Below [-]." Su Lei said, and at the same time, he was ready to be scolded. After all, it is difficult to find a house under [-] these days, let alone a shop.

The car repairman looked at Su Lei, then pointed to the outside, and said, "Go inside along the side road, the shops there are cheaper."

Su Lei was confused, isn't there a vegetable field next to him?Where are you going?
He left the car repair shop and looked next door. Not to mention, there was indeed a road between the car repair shop and the vegetable field, which he would call a field path.

This road is neither an asphalt road nor a cement road, but the kind of dirt road described by Mr. Lu Xun that "there are more people walking, and there will be a road".

The dirt road is about two or three meters wide, barely enough for a car to pass. If a car comes from the opposite side, you have to go back.

Su Lei looked back at his sports car. He was worried that it would scratch the ground, so he walked inside.

Not to mention, although the road is small, there are indeed shops on the side of the road, that is, the kind of shop that didn't have a shop originally, but the wall was removed and replaced with a door, so you can do business.

Su Lei saw a grocery store, a mahjong parlor, and a shroud store. Although the store was remote and not on the main street, it was well-equipped with all kinds of internal organs, and there were street signs.

During the Spring Festival, the mahjong parlor must be the most concentrated place.

Su Lei pushed the door open and walked in, the thick smoke almost pushed him out.

"Excuse me, is there any shop for rent near here?" Su Lei asked while covering his nose, the smell here was unbearable even for a smoker who has been smoking since high school.

"Yes, what do you want to use?" An old lady who was playing mahjong asked.

"The film and television company, put up a sign, it's not usually here." Su Lei said.

The aunt saw that she was someone who had gone through a lot of wind and waves, so she was not surprised by Su Lei's words, she asked someone to replace her, and then walked out of the mahjong parlor.

"Come with me!"

Su Lei followed, walked more than ten meters, and saw the aunt stopped in front of a door on the side of the road, then took out the key from her pocket, opened the door and walked in.

The house is not big, thirty to forty square meters, empty and nothing, it can be said that it can be seen at a glance.

"The room is here, you can see for yourself." The aunt pointed to the room, because there was nothing there, so she didn't bother to explain.

Su Lei nodded while watching, broken, very broken, off, very off, but this is exactly the shop he was looking for.

"How much is the rent?" Su Lei looked out of the window, he had a very good view, and the endless vegetable fields could never be found in the city.

"One thousand per month." The aunt said indifferently.

"Can it be cheaper?" Su Lei asked.

"Six hundred for more than half a year." The aunt is a straightforward person, and she immediately discounted it by [-]%.

Su Lei saw that the aunt was so particular, and he was unambiguous, so he opened his mouth and said, "Okay, let's rent for half a year first."

The aunt was taken aback for a moment, she obviously didn't expect the business to be completed so quickly, she also said: "Well, you wait here, I will print the rental agreement."

Su Lei nodded, then took out his mobile phone, took pictures of the inside and outside of the house, and finally sent them to his brother-in-law via WeChat.

"Brother-in-law, I found the shop you want, six hundred a month, what do you think?"

Su Lei smiled secretly, brother-in-law, brother-in-law, don't you want to be cheap?Is it cheap enough this time?After all, you are a person of status. Don't you feel ashamed to open a film and television company here?
After a while, WeChat received a reply.

Only one word.

"it is good!"


Su Lei was stunned.

Brother-in-law... As expected of a brother-in-law, don't take the usual path!

(End of this chapter)

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