Chapter 739

The Spring Festival holiday is like the fireworks lit on New Year's Eve. It is lively and lively, but it is very short-lived. Before you can experience it with your heart, it has disappeared.

On the first working day after the Spring Festival, everyone's spirit seemed heavy, and the mood of going to work was the same as going to a grave, and it was with a very sad heart to see off the Spring Festival holiday.

It was the same with Xu Jie last year.

But this year, he has changed a lot.

The most important reason is that he is currently the deputy general manager and second in command of Jingshi Culture Communication Company. He just comes and leaves whenever he wants. particularly noticeable difference.

In fact, as far as he is concerned, he is still looking forward to going to work after the next year.

To be precise, I am looking forward to the filming in the next year.

The end of the Spring Festival holiday indicates that the movie "Lovers in Time and Space" will officially enter the filming stage.

For him, this is a completely unfamiliar field, full of freshness.

Although there are stories in "Delicious History", the proportion of the story is very low, and the duration is less than one-tenth of the movie. concept.

Therefore, he hopes that this day will come soon.

Morning meeting.

From top to bottom, all the staff of Jingshi Culture are gathered in the large conference room. This is also the day when the company has the most staff in a year.

"Mr. Xu, I heard that your movie is about to start shooting. I wonder how your preparations are going?" Wang Yunjie, the deputy general manager sitting in the front row, looked at Xu Jiexun, who was also the deputy general manager.

After learning that Xu Jie, the deputy director of the cultural program center of Beijing TV station, will be transferred to the company as the deputy general manager in charge of content, everyone thought that this person's first fire after taking office as a new official would be on variety shows.

After all, the other party's achievements in variety shows are obvious to all.

However, no one expected that the other party would start with the business film that the company was least good at, and even direct it himself.

This gave everyone the feeling that it was not only a surprise, but also a shock.

Don't do what you are best at, but do what you have never done before. Isn't this just killing yourself?
Therefore, the company is generally not optimistic about it.

But who made him the deputy general manager?

The point is, people have also attracted investment.

This can be regarded as ability.

After all, not everyone who makes a movie will be invested, and the investment is tens of millions.

"Get ready. If there are no accidents, the opening ceremony will be held on the tenth day of the Lunar New Year. Then I will ask Mr. Wang to help us promote it." Xu Jie said with a smile.

The other party is mainly responsible for the marketing business in the company, such as brand promotion and advertising marketing, which are helpful for film promotion.

Most importantly, save money.

My family, even if it can't be free, at least they can enjoy a very favorable discount.

Xu Jie is now a diligent and thrifty man who manages his family.

"Mr. Xu, you are too polite. We are not outsiders. Shouldn't we help you promote?" Wang Yunjie suddenly asked curiously: "By the way, I don't know who the leading actors in the movie are? I heard that there is a wife who Su Yun, and Liu Qing, is it true?"

"Well, there are Fang Yi and Ding Mengni." Xu Jie said.

As for himself, Xu Jie was not ashamed to say.

"Fang Yi? Well, just judging from the lineup, I know the movie must be good." Wang Yunjie said after hearing this.

Although the box office appeal of the male actors is indeed a bit weaker, the box office appeal of the two actresses is very strong, which invisibly adds two selling points to the movie. Where will it go? As for whether it will be able to recover the cost, it is hard to predict, after all, the investment is indeed a lot.

The members of the film department sitting behind Xu Jie were extremely excited. Among all the departments in the company, this department was the least likely to visit a grave.

After being at the bottom for so many years, he is finally about to stand up.

After being ignored for so many years, he is finally about to counterattack.

May I ask who is not happy?Who isn't excited?
They have never been so eager to go to work as they are now, and they have never been so active before the New Year's benefits before the Spring Festival.

"Director Xu, what new work instructions do you have for our TV drama department this year?" Lu Zhihong, director of the TV drama department, couldn't help looking at Deputy General Manager Xu in front of him and asked.

The performances of the TV drama department and the film department are not very good. They are equal to each other. If the performance of the movie department is ranked first in the company, then the performance of the TV drama department is second to last.

Now watching helplessly as the last-to-last film department is about to take off, can he, the second-to-last, not be in a hurry?

Xu Jie looked back at Lu Zhihong, and found that the staff of the TV series were looking at him expectantly, so he said: "Your TV series filmed a total of three TV series last year, and the response was very mediocre, so I decided to start from this year. To increase the quality and reduce the quantity, even if only one TV series is released every year, it must be made into a classic and ranked in the top three TV dramas of the year on Beijing TV..."

After hearing this, Lu Zhihong was a little disappointed. He thought Mr. Xu would make a TV series himself.

"And..." Xu Jie continued: "I plan to set up a screenwriting group this year, and gather all the screenwriters in the company here, so that everyone can discuss and study together."

Xu Jie has been thinking about this matter for a long time.

He is the deputy general manager in charge of content resources in Jingshi Culture, that is to say, he is responsible for all the content products produced by the company.

The company's main business is content output, such as TV programs, TV dramas, movies, and large-scale performances. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the hard power of content in order to benefit the company's business development.

In the past, the screenwriters in the company were scattered in various departments, and each took care of a piece of content. This would severely limit the creation of screenwriters. Even if they have good ideas, they may be discouraged because of the different departments they work in.

And if all the screenwriters are concentrated in one department, then there will be no creative restrictions, and the screenwriters will be given a lot of creative space.

Another point is that there is strength in numbers.

If there is any urgent task, such as filming a tribute drama or a variety show, the screenwriter team will discuss it together, and the work will get twice the result with half the effort.

All the people present were surprised when they heard it.

Is Mr. Xu planning to set up a new department in the content resource department?

In this regard, some people are happy, some people are worried.

Joyful is the screenwriter of each department.

Mr. Xu wants to set up a screenwriting group alone, which shows that Mr. Xu attaches great importance to the work of screenwriting, and this is also an excellent opportunity for their future development.

As for those who are worried, it is the ministers of various departments.

Because the establishment of a new department will inevitably transfer people from various departments, and then there will be fewer people under their hands.

In the past, more than 30 people were in charge, but now they are in charge of more than 20 people. Who is not depressed?

While everyone was discussing with each other, the door of the conference room suddenly opened, the general manager Jiang Hai walked in from outside, and the originally noisy conference room became quiet in an instant.

"Happy Chinese New Year everyone." Jiang Hai said cheerfully, and finally went to the front seat and sat down, facing everyone in the conference room.

"Happy New Year, Mr. Jiang." Everyone said one after another.

Xu Jie looked at Boss Jiang. He hadn't seen him for a week, but he seemed to have gained a lot of weight.

Everyone else gained three catties during the festive season, but Boss Jiang gained at least five catties.

However, it is also understandable.

Boss Jiang is now the general manager of Jingshi Culture, an upright official in Xinjiang, without those small and complicated jobs in the art program center, he is naturally generous and fat.

"It seems that this holiday has not been enough for everyone, but since you have come back to work, you should hurry up and take care of yourself. The new year is a new beginning. I also hope that everyone can have a new atmosphere, a new look, and welcome A new job, a new mission..."

Jiang Hai gradually put away the smile on his face, and his expression became serious.

Although he has been in Jingshi Culture for several months, today is the real beginning for him.

He joined Jingshi Culture in the middle of last year. At that time, Jingshi Culture's plan for the second half of the year had been formulated and implemented. As the new general manager who had just arrived, it was not easy for him to interfere.

In addition, Yu Kuan left him a mess, and he had been cleaning up this mess for a long time, so he had no time to develop the company's business.

But this year is different.

This is his first year in Jingshi Culture, he will formulate the company's development plan, and the company's performance is naturally his achievement.

So starting today, he must show his courage and strength as the general manager of the company, and strive to hand over a financial statement that satisfies Taili by the end of the year.

Everyone listened to Mr. Jiang's speech, and soon felt that Mr. Jiang today was very different from Mr. Jiang in normal times.

In the past, when Mr. Jiang held meetings, most of what he said was clichés, and the meeting time was very short. I felt that Mr. Jiang was more anxious than them to get out of the meeting.

But today's Mr. Jiang not only has a calm momentum, but also reveals in his words that he will flex his muscles and do a big job. Although he has no actual plan, the people who listen to him are excited, and he feels like a pool of stagnant JingTV culture. Suddenly set off like a storm.

For a while, everyone sat upright and listened carefully to Mr. Jiang's speech.

Although everyone came to work with the mood of going to the grave, but now Lord Yan has spoken, whoever behaves well, I will bless whoever is popular and spicy, who can not work hard?

This is to appear!

The morning meeting, which usually ends in half an hour, lasted for more than two hours today.

"Vice President Xu, come to my office."

After the meeting, Jiang Hai called Xu Jie before leaving.

Xu Jie closed the notebook, got up and left the conference room.

Jiang Hai returned to the office, pointed to the notebook in Xu Jie's hand, and asked curiously, "What were you recording when I was in a meeting? You seemed to be serious about what you wrote."

"I'm recording the main points." Xu Jie said solemnly.

"The main points? Show me." Jiang Hai stretched out his hand to Xu Jie.

"Boss, I write fast, and the handwriting is not good-looking. You'd better not read it. By the way, do you have any work orders for me?" Xu Jie quickly changed the subject.

Any record points are pure nonsense.

He just felt bored, and was just drawing some stick figures. Of course, he was not just drawing casually, but drawing the contents of a few classic movie scripts that he considered to be classic, which can be regarded as drawing movie shots.

As soon as Jiang Hai heard it, he knew that Xu Jie was talking nonsense just now, but he didn't mind, and went straight to the topic of today's conversation.

"How's the movie going?"

While Jiang Hai was asking, there was also a concerned expression on his face.

For him, Xu Jie's project is the company's project.

Moreover, the company invested 3000 million in this movie. As the general manager of the company, he couldn't turn a blind eye this time.

That's 3000 million!
All the funds for the film department's activities throughout the year have been bet on this film.

"Get ready, the filming will start on the tenth day of the lunar new year." Xu Jie said.

"Do you have confidence?" Jiang Hai continued to ask, but after asking, he felt that this question was farting. What's the use of the director's confidence?Movie fans will buy it.

How many movies have the director's confidence, but the box office hit the street?

Not to mention, the directors of the three films that Jingshi Culture invested in last year were not confident, but when the films were released, their hearts were blown.

"Forget it, I don't want to ask anymore." Jiang Hai shook his head, and then asked: "Is the script for the third season of "Crossover Actor" ready? We are going to hire actors."

"Don't worry boss, everything is ready." Xu Jie said with a smile.

In order to be able to shoot movies with peace of mind, he had already prepared all the scripts for the third season before the Spring Festival.

After hearing this, Jiang Hai breathed a sigh of relief.

Whether the company's performance can achieve growth this year, and by how much, depends on the third season of "Crossover Actor".

After all, as a variety show that has been popular for two seasons, isn't it easy to sell hundreds of millions?

You know, the revenue of Jingshi Culture last year was only [-] million yuan.

Jiang Hai has set a small goal for himself this year, and the revenue will exceed one billion.

"Are you sure you can spare a day to come back to rehearse the program when making "Crossover Actors"?" Jiang Hai was worried, so he made a final confirmation.

"Sure." Xu Jie nodded.

"That's good, by the way, which stars do you think we should invite for the third season?" Jiang Hai asked.

"I really haven't thought about this matter. Boss, who do you plan to invite?" Xu Jie's current thoughts are all on the movie, so he naturally ignored "Crossover Actor".

Jiang Hai originally wanted Xu Jie to talk about a few related households. After all, the other party has done so many variety shows and is very close to the entertainment industry, so there must be some kind of human relationship.

Putting a few related households in the program can not only repay favors, but also expand contacts, hello, hello, hello, everyone, why not do it?
But now that he heard that the other party hadn't thought about it, he opened the drawer, took out a document and handed it over.

"Here are some candidates' information. You can see who is suitable. If you have good candidates, you can also arrange them." Jiang Hai said.

Xu Jie was considered to be a veteran in the workplace, so he immediately understood what Jiang Hai meant.

But the singers he knew were all through "Crossover Actors", and if he didn't know them, why did he put them in the show?
"I haven't." Xu Jie said while flipping through the pages.

But looking at it, he suddenly thought of one thing.

"Boss, I have something to report to you. Although I don't have a specific person to put in, in terms of invited artists, I need to lean towards Mr. Hu Zhenhu's Bright Star Brokerage Company, because I use far lower Because of the salary in the market, I hired an actor from Mr. Hu, and I owe him a favor, so..."

Xu Jie did not forget to promise Hu Zhen.

The salary of Fang Yi, the second actor in the movie, was around 500 million yuan, but he forced it down to 500 million yuan, so he agreed to Hu Zhen to exchange resources from variety shows.

"No problem." Jiang Hai said.

He wished that Xu Jie could install a few more people, because the more people he installed, the more interested the other party would be in this show.

"I took a look, and there are still many artists from the prosperous brokerage company here, let's give her a spot this time." Xu Jie thought for a while and said.

Not giving one of them is not good-looking. Giving one is also to give Deputy Director Wu face and prevent Liu Jinghua from going to Director Wu to complain again.


Jiang Hai took out a few photos from the information, and these were artists from the prosperous agency.

In fact, this artist information sheet was not made by himself, and many of them were stuffed in by related households.

Variety shows are a very important resource for entertainment companies and celebrities. They not only have high remuneration, but also have good exposure.

Because of this, variety shows are not available to anyone who wants to.

This is also one of the important reasons why entertainment companies and celebrities dare not offend TV stations.

Offended, it is tantamount to losing the resources to be exposed on this TV station.

What you lose, someone else gets, and when one goes up and the other goes up, the gap will widen.

Xu Jie and Boss Jiang worked together for a while, and finally determined the list of [-] invited artists, and also drew up a backup list. Once there are artists in the top [-] list who have no schedule, they can choose from the backup list.

After finalizing the artist list of "Crossover Actor", Xu Jie was about to leave.

"Xiao Xu, are you sure you have invested enough in the movie?" Jiang Hai couldn't help asking.

"Boss, are you planning to invest in this movie?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.

"What I mean is, if it's not enough, I can introduce you to a few film companies. They all have more or less business contacts with our Jingshi Culture. Yes." Jiang Hai said.

Why are 90.00% of movies losing money, and why are there still so many movie companies investing in making movies?
Bet, just one of them

And the most important point is to repay favors.

There are two ways for film companies to return favors, one is to pay money and invest in movies, and the other is to send people and send contracted artists to make movies, even if the movie is bad.

This is why some movies have many investors, and why some movie stars make bad movies.

Take the invitation list of "Crossover Actors", if some related households squeeze people in, they will naturally owe him, Beijing Television Culture.

This is the same as the resource exchange between Xiao Xu and Hu Zhen.

"Thank you boss, the budget is enough now, and I don't need it for now, but if it's not enough in the end, I will definitely come to you as soon as possible." Xu Jie said with a smile.

He knew that if the film investment was really not enough, Boss Jiang would never let it go.

After all, Jingshi Culture is also one of the investors.

He, in fact, has dragged Boss Jiang into the water.


(End of this chapter)

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