The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 740 Establishing a New Department

Chapter 740 Establishing a New Department

"Boss, I want to ask you something."

Xu Jie stopped suddenly when he walked to the door. He would leave the company to make a movie in two days, so he planned to reorganize all the departments under him before leaving, so that employees can better serve the company. Thereby enhancing the company's product competitiveness.

"Why are you being polite to me? Just talk if you have something to say." Jiang Hai said with a smile.

"It's like this. In order to concentrate our efforts on big things and improve the company's core competitiveness, I want to gather all the screenwriters from various departments together and set up a screenwriting group, which can also be regarded as a creative department, which is responsible for the production of content. Including the planning of film and television projects, as well as the writing of scripts for related projects, giving screenwriters more creative space." Xu Jie said.

In fact, long before he was transferred to Beijing Television Culture, he had contact with the screenwriters here, such as "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage", so he still knows the excellent ability of these screenwriters very well. .

Then the question arises, why is JingTV Culture unable to produce excellent works when it has so many excellent screenwriting talents?

Needless to say, movies and TV shows, not even a decent variety show, as a company whose main business is TV shows, it's a bit outrageous.

Therefore, he had the idea of ​​setting up a creative department.

"Oh? Do you think it's useful?" Jiang Hai asked.

Although he has been in Jingshi Culture for half a year, he has never thought about this issue. Now that Xu Jie has brought it up, it means that this matter is very important.

"I think it's useful." Xu Jie replied.

"Okay, I approve, and you will be responsible for this matter." Jiang Hai said.

As long as it is conducive to the development and growth of the company, no matter how much Xiao Xu tosses, he will agree.

When I invited Xiao Xu to come to Jingshi Culture with him, besides his ability, didn't he just like him because he was young and full of drive?

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, but he didn't expect Boss Jiang to agree so readily, which surprised him and moved him, maybe this is trust.

"Thank you boss." Xu Jie said, and then walked out of the general manager's office.

Jiang Hai looked at Ai Jiang's figure and couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Finally shot!
He has never been afraid of Xiao Xu's opinions, because the other party's opinions are good. He is most afraid that the other party will not raise opinions, because the other party's silence often means that they don't take things to heart.

Xu Jie didn't go back to the office immediately, but came to the program department and said to the people here: "All scriptwriters gather in the small meeting room."

After hearing this, the employees of the program department had various expressions on their faces.

Although Mr. Xu himself said before the morning meeting that he would set up a screenwriting group, everyone thought it was just talk, but they didn't expect it to be true.

As a result, the screenwriters of the program department stood up one after another.

All fools know that if you hang out with Mr. Xu, you must be popular and hot. The key is to be valued, which you can't get from the head of the department.

After Xu Jie went to the program department, he went to the TV drama department, then went to the film department, and finally went to the performance department. In short, all the four departments under him were not overlooked.

As for the ministers, they could only sit and watch in the office, and no one dared to have any opinions.

In fact, it's useless even if you have an opinion. Who would let someone be the deputy general manager?

Soon, all the screenwriters in the company gathered in a small conference room.

Xu Jie sat down at the front. Many of the people present are old acquaintances, and seeing everyone's anticipation and excitement, they obviously already know about the establishment of a screenwriting group, and they all think it is a good thing. Otherwise, I wouldn't be so active.

Boss Jiang agreed, and the person involved did not object, so the matter of the screenwriting team was settled.

Xu Jie looked at the twenty or so people in the meeting room, and said, "Our Jingshi Culture is a content-oriented export-oriented company. As content producers, everyone here is undoubtedly the most important asset in the company, so In order to improve work efficiency, give full play to everyone's strengths, and get rid of the previous departmental restrictions, the company decided to gather all screenwriters to set up a creative department. I don't know what opinions do you have?"

"President Xu, I agree!"

"I agree too." Everyone said one after another, their faces full of excitement.

Listen to what Mr. Xu said?
You are the most important asset of the company!
Just listening to it makes me feel very comfortable.

This feeling of being valued makes everyone very happy.

As an employee, who doesn't want to be valued by the leader?

Seeing everyone's reaction, Xu Jie nodded in satisfaction, and continued: "Since everyone agrees, I announce that the creation department will be established from today. In the future, everyone will not only make plans and scripts for TV programs and film and television programs , usually also create a lot of scripts to accumulate content library for the company, whether it is movie scripts, TV drama scripts, TV program scripts, or short drama scripts, whoever passes my review can get a bonus. If it is used in the future, the bonus There will be more..."

All jobs that don't talk about money are hooligans.

Xu Jie came from a low-level reporter, so he knows what everyone needs.

And monetary rewards are undoubtedly the best incentive for employees.

Everyone goes to work to support their families and improve their lives. No one generates electricity for love.

This can also be regarded as mobilizing everyone's enthusiasm for work.

When the people in the conference room heard the word "bonus", their eyes immediately lit up.

You must know that there were no bonuses for script writing and creation in the past, and it is precisely because of this that everyone is not very motivated.

Just imagine: whether you write or not, whether you write well or poorly, you are paid the same salary. Who would devote themselves to creating?
However, with bonuses it is different.

Who goes to work not to make money?
Now that there is an opportunity to make money, who will continue to fish?
"Mr. Xu, where is the office of the creative department? Also, who is the head of our creative department?" Someone raised his hand and asked.

After hearing this, everyone immediately looked at Mr. Xu with concern in their eyes.

"I remember that the office area on the right side of the third floor is empty. It will be the office of the creative department in the future. As for the minister..."

Xu Jie glanced around in the conference room, and finally set his sights on Qian Cheng.

"Qian Cheng, you will be the first director of the creative department."

Xu Jie and Qian Cheng have known each other longer than other people here, even dating back to the first season of "Crossover Actor", when he was the chief planner of the show, and Qian Cheng and Gu Yan of New Era Media were the planners, the three of them Having had a very good cooperation, Xu Jie is also very satisfied with Qian Cheng's ability and performance.

"Me?" Qian Cheng was a little dazed, obviously he didn't expect that he could become the director of the creative department, and he never dreamed of it.

"Why, don't you want to be in charge?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked with a smile.

After hearing this, Qian Cheng finally realized that this was reality, not a dream, so he stood up and said seriously: "Mr. Xu, please rest assured, I will definitely do well."

"En." Xu Jie nodded, and then said: "Without affecting the normal work, the tasks of your creative department this year are two TV drama scripts, two movie scripts, two program planning, and two short drama scripts each. One, this is a hard target, and half of it must be completed in the middle of the year, if the requirement is not met, sorry, the year-end bonus will be cancelled.”

If there are rewards, there will naturally be punishments.

The reward is to stimulate everyone's enthusiasm for work, and the punishment is to warn every employee not to be passive and neglect their work.

"Yes, Mr. Xu." Qian Cheng nodded.

It sounds like a lot of work, but it's a whole year's work, plus there are 21 people in the entire creative department, so it's not much to distribute to everyone.

"Okay, today's meeting is over here, you can move to the creative department." Xu Jie stood up from his chair, looked at all the screenwriters and said, "I hope you can create excellent books for the company, and I hope everyone Being able to get bonuses and get soft hands.”

After speaking, he walked out of the conference room.

Seeing Mr. Xu leave, there was a burst of cheers in the room. Excitement was written on everyone's face. Everyone clapped hands and hugged each other, celebrating that they were finally reused and could finally create freely.

Next, everyone ran to their respective departments like wild horses running wild, wishing they could move to the creative department earlier and devote themselves to work earlier.

Seeing this scene, Xu Jie didn't say anything, but thought to himself: don't be too happy, if you can't produce a work by then, just wait and cry.

When he returned to the office, he saw Cheng Yingjie, director of the program department, Lu Zhihong, director of the TV drama department, and Zhang Qize, director of the performance department, standing outside from a distance.

"The three ministers made an appointment to come together?" Xu Jie asked with a smile, then opened the door and walked into his office.

"No, we don't have an appointment."

"Coincidentally, I just happened to meet here."


The three of them explained while following Mr. Xu.

Xu Jie sat down, looked at the three ministers in front of him, pointed to the chairs and said, "Please sit down, you three, do you know what I can do for you?"

"Mr. Xu, let me ask you about the work plan and goals of our TV program department for this year." Cheng Yingjie said immediately.

Even the film department, which was at the bottom of the business, was going to make movies, and his TV program department naturally couldn't lag behind.

"Mr. Xu, I also want to ask you for instructions." Lu Zhihong said immediately afterward.

"And I..." Zhang Qize echoed.

Xu Jie laughed after hearing this.

Not only did they happen to meet outside his office, but they also happened to have the same purpose. The three of them were really destined.

However, he could fully imagine the mood of the three of them at this moment.

"Minister Lu, the work of your TV program department is very simple. In addition to the themed programs on Beijing TV, the most important ones are "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage", especially the third season of "Crossover Actor". , we will be fully responsible for the third season of this year, Jingshi Culture, and your TV program department must do a good job in the related work of this program."

"Yes, Mr. Xu!" Cheng Yingjie said seriously.

Xu Jie turned to look at Lu Zhihong and said, "Minister Lu, your TV drama department's work in the first half of the year is to assist the film department to complete the filming of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space"..."

When Lu Zhihong heard this, he was very disappointed, so he assisted the film department to make a movie?Is this what the TV drama department should do?Isn't this the rhythm of merging the TV drama department into the film department?
"In the second half of the year, the film department will assist your TV drama department to shoot a TV drama. The script has already been prepared by the creative department." Xu Jie continued.

In his view, the film department and the TV drama department are the same, both for film and television dramas.

Obviously they are all colleagues, but they have to be divided into two departments.

If there is a movie, make a movie, if there is a TV series, make a TV series, isn't that bad?
Lu Zhihong was stunned for a moment, feeling much more at ease.

"President Xu, I understand." Lu Zhihong said.

"Minister Zhang, your performance department..." Xu Jie looked at Zhang Qize and said, "You don't need me to make work plans for you, do you? If there is a performance, the TV station will naturally come to you, what do you think?"

Zhang Qize was taken aback, that's right.

Does the performance department have any work plan?Isn't it all about business coming to your door, and then making large-scale performances based on the content?

There's really no way to predict this kind of thing in advance.

You can't just finish the Spring Festival and start preparing for the New Year's Eve party at the end of the year, right?
As for cultural festivals and international symposiums, it has not yet been decided when they will be held. Whether the organizer will cooperate with JingTV Culture is still unknown. How to prepare?

"Mr. Xu, I see. I'll contact the TV station later to see if there are any large-scale performances recently." Zhang Qize said.

"Are you all right? Can we all go now?" Xu Jie asked.

"President Xu, let's go back first."

The three looked at each other, and after greeting Xu Jie, they walked out in a team.

Xu Jie shook his head. He must have seen a project in the film department, so everyone was anxious.

It is estimated that everyone has also seen at the morning meeting Boss Jiang's determination to increase the revenue of Jingshi Culture this year, so they don't want to be compared.

This year is Boss Jiang's first year in Jingshi Culture as the general manager. If anyone makes trouble for him, he will definitely not have a good life in Jingshi Culture in the future.

Xu Jie quickly left his office and went to the office of the deputy general manager Liu Feng. The other party was the person in charge of the functional management department, and matters such as personnel, finance, and administration were all under the control of the other party.

"Dangdang!" Xu Jie knocked on the door politely.

"Come in." Liu Feng's voice came from the office.

Xu Jie opened the door and walked in. Liu Feng inside was surprised when he saw the person coming in, and then stood up from behind the desk with a smile, and said, "Mr. Xu, what brought you to my place?" coming?"

"Oh, I'm sorry to say, but it must have something to do with money when you come to Mr. Liu's place." Xu Jie said with a sigh.


Liu Feng was taken aback, and asked suspiciously: "Mr. Xu, haven't you already called you for the film shooting funds? Didn't you receive it? I'll call the accountant right away."

As he spoke, he was going to get the phone on the desk, but was stopped by Xu Jie first.

"Mr. Liu, listen to me. The filming funds have been received. I came to you today to talk about another matter." Xu Jie said quickly.

"Oh, Mr. Xu, tell me." Liu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he was shocked just now.

That's 3000 million!
If something goes wrong, he, the deputy general manager, will be the boss.

"Mr. Liu, it's like this. The company has added a new creative department, and I have arranged it in the work area on the right side of the third floor. Can you add something to it to give employees a sense of belonging..."

Liu Feng frowned when he heard this.

Is this trying to redecorate the workspace?

As the saying goes: If you want to get rich, build roads first.

When a new official takes office, the first thing to do is to repair roads, good roads must be repaired, and bad roads must be repaired even more.

Only by cultivating can a group of people become rich.

Although Mr. Xu is not building roads, the essence is the same as decorating an office.

He knew that the work area mentioned by the other party was at least two to three hundred square meters. If it were to be renovated, it would cost hundreds of thousands, or even millions.

"Mr. Xu, you, aren't you too obvious?" Liu Feng reminded, he really didn't expect that the other party was such a person.

Isn't the other party's family situation very good?

Isn't the wife a big star?

Is there still some money missing?

What the other party is going to shoot next is a movie with a total investment of 7000 million. Even if they want to get some benefits, they should get it from the movie.

Is it a bit hungry to earn money by decorating the office?

Fly legs are also considered meat?
"Wouldn't it be nice to be obvious? Otherwise, who would know?" Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Ah? Do you still want everyone to know?" Liu Feng opened his eyes wide. Isn't this person too crazy?
"Yes, what's the problem?" Xu Jie looked at Liu Feng, who had such a strong reaction, in doubt. As expected, he would not see a good face when he asked the money manager to withdraw money.

Liu Feng swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then said earnestly: "Mr. Xu, I'm ten years older than you, and I really want to have a good talk with you. It's not long since you came to Beijing Television Culture, and some things should be kept low-key. It's better, otherwise, even if people don't dare to say it in front of you, they will talk about you behind your back, which will affect your prestige... Mr. Xu, don't blame me for being troublesome, I am also thinking of you."


Xu Jie stayed where he was, thinking: Isn't this person too stingy?Isn't it just spending some money?It's fine if you don't come out, as for explaining the truth to him?
This reminded him of when he was a reporter at a TV station, every time he asked the financial accountant for reimbursement of the car and accommodation expenses, he not only had to be interrogated, but also looked at with cold faces.

"Mr. Liu, didn't I just want you to make a few nameplates and put them in the office of the creative department? Why are you making such a high profile? Forget it, I'd better go outside and do it myself."

After Xu Jie finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave.

Liu Feng was stunned, looked at Xu Jie who was about to leave, and immediately reached out to grab the other's arm, "Mr. Xu, wait, what did you just say? Office nameplate?"

"Yes, yes, there is also a work card." Xu Jie said.

Liu Feng stared blankly at the young man in front of him. It turned out that he wanted to add a new office nameplate to increase the sense of belonging. He thought it was to redecorate the office.

"Mr. Xu, don't leave. Tell me what famous brand you need. I'll let someone do it." Liu Feng said.

"Ah? Mr. Liu, didn't you tell me to keep a low profile?" Xu Jie asked.

"Cough, no, I didn't mean that, I mean, I thought, misunderstanding, misunderstanding!" Liu Feng waved his hands embarrassingly, wishing he could find a hole in the ground to get in.

Xu Jie looked at Liu Feng suspiciously, what happened to this man?

(End of this chapter)

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