The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 741 Dream linkage?

Chapter 741 Dream linkage?

The eighth day.

Although this is the second working day after the Spring Festival, there are still many people who are immersed in the holiday syndrome and cannot extricate themselves.


At the moment, in Jingshi Cultural Communication Company, the two beauties at the front desk are complaining to each other.

"It's Sunday, why do you still have to go to work?"

"Yes, taking time off is simply playing hooligans, knowing that others don't want to accept it, but still forcing it on others."

Because of the Spring Festival holiday, Saturday and Sunday have become working days, plus five days next week, which means that you need to work for seven consecutive days.

"Well, it would be great if the Spring Festival holiday could be held for ten days."

"Ten days is too little, it's better to rest for half a month until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month."

Just as the two of them were seriously discussing how many days off they should have for the Chinese New Year, a car slowly stopped outside the company, and then they saw a familiar figure get out of the car.

The two people sitting at the front desk immediately stood up and put the mobile phone in their pockets.

As people from outside entered the company, bright and sweet smiles appeared on the faces of the two receptionists, and they shouted enthusiastically, "Hello, sister-in-law."

"Sister-in-law, welcome to the company."

After Su Yun heard this, she nodded to the two of them with a smile, and then said, "Hello, I'm here today to attend the film crew meeting."

Today is the day when the film "Lovers in Time and Space" holds a crew meeting before the filming starts, and the main cast and crew will appear here.

Su Yun is the heroine, so naturally she is no exception.

"Sister-in-law, I'll take you there." One of the receptionists, Yang Xiuyan, immediately came out from behind the desk, pointed to the direction of the elevator, and said as she walked, "Sister-in-law, there are still more than 20 minutes before the meeting, you are going directly to the meeting room, or go to Mr. Xu's office?"

Su Yun didn't want to disturb the man's work, so she said, "Go to the meeting room."

"Good sister-in-law."

Yang Xiuyan led the way and soon came to the conference room.

Because it was still early, the conference room was empty and there was no one there.

"Sister-in-law, please drink water." Yang Xiuyan took out two bottles of mineral water, put one bottle in front of Su Yun, and handed the other bottle to the assistant, and then said: "Sister-in-law, if there is nothing else, then I will go down."

"Yeah." Su Yun nodded.

Yang Xiuyan exited the conference room and closed the door gently. However, she did not return to the front desk immediately, but came to the office of the deputy general manager, and knocked on the half-hidden door.


Xu Jie, who was looking at the documents, raised his head, saw Yang Xiuyan standing outside the door, and asked curiously, "Come in, what's the matter?"

Under normal circumstances, if someone is looking for him downstairs, the front desk should call the company's internal number.

"Mr. Xu, my sister-in-law is here, and I have already taken her to the meeting room." Yang Xiuyan said with a smile.


Xu Jie looked at the time on his watch. He agreed to hold a meeting at 10:9 am, but now it's just past [-]:[-], which is actually a bit early.

"I see, thank you." Xu Jie said.

"Mr. Xu, then I'll go down first." Yang Xiuyan said, and then walked out.

Xu Jie thought for a while, got up and left the office.

When he came to the conference room, there were only Su Yun and Huang Xiaorong in the room.

"Are you here so early?" Xu Jie asked.

Su Yun stood up and said softly, "Anyway, there is delicious food in the studio, so I came here."

Xu Jie held his wife's hand and said as he walked outside, "This is your first time here, right? Come on, I'll take you to my office."

In fact, Su Yun also wanted to see what her husband's workplace looked like, so she nodded and followed the man.

Huang Xiaorong followed silently, she was already full of the boss and Teacher Xu's dog food.

Xu Jie led Su Yun to his office, pointed to the room and said, "This is my office, how about it, isn't it good?"

He knew that it couldn't be compared with his wife's office here, but it was much better than the office in the Arts Program Center. Not only was the area larger, but it was also more comfortable.

In fact, the size of the house is not important, what is important is the famous brand hanging outside, that is what countless people are chasing crazily.

Su Yun looked around, and when she passed the desk, she found a photo on it. She reached out and picked up the photo frame. Inside was a photo of the two on their honeymoon.

Under the sun and on the beach, the sweet and happy smiles of the two made Su Yun feel as if everything happened yesterday.

"Very good." Su Yun said, and then put the photo back.

"Xiao Xu, this afternoon..."

At this time, Jiang Hai suddenly came in from the outside. When he saw the people inside the room, he was stunned, and then said with a smile, "Sister and sister are here, when did you come?"

"Hello, Mr. Jiang, I just arrived and I'm here to attend the film crew meeting." Su Yun replied after hearing that, she knew that Xu Jie could not have today without the help of this person in front of her. When dealing with Jiang Hai, she was very polite and polite.

"Oh, what is the name Mr. Jiang? It's too outlandish. From now on, you can just call him Brother Jiang." Jiang Hai said.

Su Yun looked at Xu Jie, saw Xu Jie nodded, and said, "Okay Brother Jiang."

"Well, it's almost there." Jiang Hai said with satisfaction, then looked at Xu Jie and asked, "Are you doing anything this afternoon?"

"It's okay." Xu Jie shook his head.

The main task today and tomorrow is to prepare for the day after tomorrow's start-up, and as a director, he only needs to order the work, and he doesn't need to do those small tasks.

"It's okay to go to the TV station with me. Isn't Beijing Satellite TV rated as the 'Most Influential Provincial Satellite TV of the Year'? Today the director will hold a commendation meeting, and the station informed me and you that we must go." Jiang Hai explained .

"Really? I'll go!" Xu Jie said immediately.

Since it was a commendation meeting for the honor of being the most influential provincial satellite TV of the year, he must be one of the people to be commended.

For him, this is a good thing. It can not only show his face in front of Taiwan leaders, but also add a lot of color to his resume, which will be of great help to his future promotion.

After experiencing the benefits of power, his ambitions for his position have also increased.

Of course, his desire to gain power is not for what he wants, but to protect Su Yun. The higher his position, the safer Su Yun will be in the entertainment circle.

Just like Liu Jinghua and Zhou Yuanqing blocked Su Yun some time ago, if he is not the deputy director of the art program center, if he is not the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture, can he still fight back against Liu Jinghua and Zhou Yuanqing?Can you still guarantee that Su Yun will not be affected?
Having said that, why did Liu Jinghua, Zhou Yuanqing and others dare to join hands to block Su Yun?Isn't it because his position in Beijing Radio and Television Station is not high enough?

If he was the deputy editor-in-chief, if he was the deputy director, would Liu Jinghua and Zhou Yuanqing still dare to do that?

They dare not borrow their courage.

It is a law of nature that the weak eat the strong.

It is the nature of animals to bully the soft and fear the hard.

So for Xu Jie, the only way is to keep getting promoted and stand in a higher position, so that no one dares to provoke him, and no one dares to bully his wife.

And all of this requires the continuous accumulation of honor.

Otherwise, you can only live in obscurity for a lifetime.

"Okay, I'll come to you when the time comes." After Jiang Hai finished speaking to Xu Jie, he turned to look at Su Yun, "Sister and sister, I'm leaving, you continue to chat, and coming here in the future will be like going back to your own home, don't be polite. "

"I know Brother Jiang." Su Yun said after hearing it.

As the time passed by every minute and every second, the time for the scheduled meeting was getting closer and closer.

When it was almost 10 o'clock, Xu Jie brought Su Yun to the meeting room.

At this time, many people had already come to the conference room, several leading actors Liu Qing, Ding Mengni, Fang Yi, etc. were all present, as well as Gao Xiaobin, the representative of Forbidden Films, and Wang Wen and Lu Zhihong from Jingshi Culture.

Seeing Su Yun, Liu Qing immediately waved to Su Yun, then pointed to the chair beside her, and said loudly, "Sister Yun, come and sit here."

Su Yun nodded, smiled and walked over.

Xu Jie and Gao Xiaobin greeted each other, then looked at the people present and counted them roughly, they were all there, so he said, "We're all here, let's start."

Xu Jie paused for a moment, and then continued: "Let me introduce to you first to facilitate future communication. The person next to me is Mr. Gao Xiaobin, the vice president of Forbidden Pictures, who will be the producer of the film this time. It's Zheng Hong from Forbidden Pictures, the film's art director..."

"Wang Wen, Director of the Culture and Film Department of Jingshi, and Cheng Yingjie, Director of the TV Program Department, are the assistant directors of this movie..."

"The actors are the first female lead Su Yun, the second female lead Liu Qing, the third female lead Ding Mengni, the second male lead Fang Yi, the third male lead Wang Zijian..."

After Xu Jie introduced everyone present today, he began to get into the main topic of today's meeting, "I believe everyone has received the news, right? The purpose of inviting everyone here is to provide everyone with an opportunity to communicate, and if you have any needs or ideas, you can express them here."

The filming this time can be said to be time-tight and task-heavy.

On the surface, the film was released on the National Day file, leaving them with eight months, but in fact, excluding the time for publicity, there is also content review and technical review, plus the time required for post-production, leaving them Xu Jie's time for filming is really running out.

It is also because of this that he wants to solve some miscellaneous things quickly before starting the machine, so as to avoid delaying the shooting, delaying the shooting work, and affecting his mood.

"I have a question." Liu Qing raised her hand suddenly.

"Please tell me." Xu Jie looked over.

"You promised to teach me how to play mahjong, when will you fulfill it? Now that the year is over, you don't want to use the excuse of practicing the game to fool me, do you?" Liu Qingliu frowned, folded her hands in front of her, The look of waiting for an answer.

Hearing Liu Qing's words, everyone in the conference room was stunned.

Play majiang?
Isn't today a study about filmmaking?How did it get involved with playing mahjong?
Is "playing mahjong" a slang term?
Xu Jie didn't expect Liu Qing to talk about this matter in public, so he coughed and replied: "We'll talk about this matter later, let's talk about the movie first."

"What, I paid the tuition fee!" Liu Qing said dissatisfied.

"Then tell me, how is your card sense training?" Xu Jie knew Liu Qing's character, and he was worried that the other party would not let him go, so he had to change his mind and deal with the other party first.

"It's not bad, the success rate is around 60.00%." ​​Liu Qing thought for a while and said.

"I haven't learned how to walk yet, but still want to learn to run? Card sense is the foundation of everything. When you reach [-]%, come to me again." Xu Jie said.

After hearing this, Liu Qing felt dissatisfied, but could only accept it. After all, the actors' contracts had already been signed.

Xu Jie saw that Liu Qing stopped talking, so he looked at the others with a smile and asked, "Everyone talk, I don't believe that you are all ready. Let me put it in front of you. There are some problems that could have been avoided, but don’t blame me for turning my face and denying people.”

Xu Jie's complexion changed, and his expression also became serious.

This is his first time making a movie, and everyone here knows it, so he must show a certain majesty, otherwise he will not be able to convince the public in the future.

It's okay to say that the staff at home, the key is the staff of Jingshi Culture.

Although Gao Xiaobin has a good relationship with him, what about the others?People like those art directors, photographers, artists, and costume designers all play very important roles in the crew.

"Director Xu, I have a question." Costume designer Gao Yi said.

"Please speak." Xu Jie looked at the other party.

"Director Xu, the clothes you ordered are ready. When will the rest of the money be paid? The clothing store has already urged me."

"I'll check it out tomorrow. If there's no problem, I can send the final payment tomorrow. Is there any problem?" Xu Jie asked.

"No problem." Gao Yi said.

As long as the money is in place, all problems are not problems.

With Gao Yi's question, other people also spoke at this time.

"Director Xu, your requirements for the props are too high. Many of the props prepared before do not meet your requirements. We need to customize them ourselves..."


"Director Xu, the Chinese New Year has just ended, and many extras haven't come back yet. Can you postpone it for a while, until after the fifteenth day?"

"Don't worry about the masses, I have already contacted you, and you can have as many as you want."


What's the biggest problem with making a film?
One is money and the other is people.

With enough investment and finding the right actors, the two biggest problems are solved, and there is no problem in making movies.

As for the shooting technique...

This is the photographer's problem, and it is also a test for the photographer, so it is not Xu Jie's problem.

In fact, the problems you mentioned just now should be the problems of the producers, but this time the situation is quite special.

The entire crew is organized by Xu Jielai, and he also represents the investor, so before the start, he needs to be a guest producer, and after the start, he will devote himself to the filming, when the time comes The filmmaker's work will be handed over to Gao Xiaobin.

But through this incident, Xu Jie also understood a sentence, that is: if you are not in charge of the family, you don't know how expensive it is.

Most of the questions you ask are related to money.

Although on the surface he "does it well" and "definitely", but in fact his heart is bleeding all the time. After all, for every 7 yuan he spends, 2 yuan will belong to him.

This time, he really experienced what it means: spending money like running water.

7000 million, it takes a few months, this is really a happy trouble.

Happiness is having so much money to spend, and worry is not knowing whether the money is enough to spend.

"Director Xu, I have something to do too." After hesitating for a long time, the male number two, Fang Yi, couldn't help but speak.

"What's the matter, tell me." Xu Jie thought to himself, could it be that he felt that the salary was too low and suddenly wanted to go back on increasing the salary?
"You introduced so many actors just now, but you didn't mention the leading actor. I want to ask, who is the leading actor?" Fang Yi asked curiously.

Hearing this, many people were taken aback.

Yes, when introducing male actors, the second and third males were introduced directly, but the first male was not mentioned. Could it be that the first male did not come?
Even Su Yun and Liu Qing are here, who will be so famous?

Of course, there are people who know, so after hearing Fang Yi's question, he immediately looked at the man sitting at the front.

"The number one male..." Xu Jie looked at the people present, and then said, "The number one male is me."


Everyone opened their eyes wide, full of shock, and there seemed to be four words written on their faces: unbelievable.

Everyone knows that Xu Jie is the director and screenwriter of this movie, but they did not expect that he is actually the number one male in this movie.

So many celebrities have been invited, but the male lead is neither a star nor an actor. So, can this movie be any good?

"I object!" Liu Qing raised her hand again, and said loudly: "You are not an actor, why do you play the leading role? Are you trying to ruin this movie?"

"Who says I'm not an actor? I've acted in "Delicious History", okay? Objections are invalid." Although Xu Jie didn't want to act, he was very unconvinced when he heard others say he couldn't do it.

"'Delicious History' is a gourmet show, not a film and television drama." Liu Qing emphasized.

"The movie I made is the prequel of "Delicious History"!" Xu Jie said.

"What?" Liu Qing frowned, not understanding what Xu Jie meant.

Others present are also question marks.

"I will travel through time with the character in "Delicious History", and there is also a scene in which the heroine cooks in the script..." Xu Jie simply explained.

"Ah? Why didn't I see it? Did I receive a fake script?" Liu Qing asked suspiciously.

"This is a play between the male lead and the female lead. It has nothing to do with you. You don't need to know." Xu Jie said lightly.

At the same time, I thought: Not only did you receive a fake script, Fang Yi also received a fake script.

In order to get Liu Qing and Fang Yi to agree to appear in this movie, Xu Jie gave them different scripts. Liu Qing's script did not include intimate scenes, while Fang Yi's script included a few more scenes with Liu Qing. Intimacy.

Anyway, he is the director or screenwriter, so what to shoot at that time, is it up to him to decide?

Everyone looked at Xu Jie in surprise, traveling as a character in "Delicious History"?

Is this going to be a fantasy linkage?


(End of this chapter)

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