Chapter 743 You fool me!

When Xu Jie came to the stage again, his eyes swept over the faces of the five leaders one by one. After meeting the director's gaze, he immediately knew that the person who presented him with the award was the director.

Although the five leaders all awarded outstanding individual awards, the level of leadership positions represents the importance of the winners to a certain extent.

The one issued by the director must be the most important.

"Thank you, director." Xu Jie saluted, and then took the certificate of honor from the director.

"Xiao Xu, let's meet again. I found that as long as our station presents awards, you must be indispensable." Zhao Juncheng joked with a smile.

There are not many people who can win both excellent program and outstanding individual honors, and there are only two in the whole station, and the young man in front of him has won two outstanding program awards, which is the only one in the station.

"Thank you Taili for your recognition of my work. I still have a lot to learn." Xu Jie said modestly, keeping his posture very low.

"Well, it's good not to be arrogant or impetuous." Zhao Juncheng patted Xu Jie on the shoulder, and then asked with concern: "Is the work at Jingshi Culture going well?"

"Successful, everyone is very supportive of my work." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"I heard that you still plan to make movies? Not bad, young people should be brave enough to try and dare to challenge. By the way, when I watched the CTV Spring Festival Gala during the Chinese New Year, I found out that the director and creator of several sketches are your name. Is it really you?" Zhao Juncheng asked suspiciously.

"It's me." Xu Jie nodded.

"Haha, very good..."

The other four winners have finished chatting with the leaders of the awards, only Xu Jie and the director are still chatting.

Others just chat for a few words, but they chat for a long time.

Seeing this scene, everyone showed envious and jealous eyes. Being able to chat with the director for such a long time is obviously appreciated by the director, otherwise the director would not ask this question, after all, the entire Beijing Radio and Television Station has million employees.

In fact, among so many people, it is not easy to be remembered by the director.

At this moment, Xu Jie is undoubtedly the most beautiful boy in the conference room.

Probably realizing that everyone was waiting, Zhao Juncheng said a few words of encouragement to Xu Jie, and then began to applaud.

Applause immediately erupted in the meeting room.

"Wow hoo hoo!"

Xu Jie walked off the stage holding the certificate of honor.

Jiang Hai clapped and extended a thumbs up to Xu Jie, because of the director's concern, Xiao Xu must have a bright future in the stage in the future, and it will be a matter of time before he surpasses him.

In the end, the director delivered another speech to encourage everyone, and the commendation meeting ended with applause.

"Xiao Xu, congratulations." Jiang Hai turned his head and said to Xu Jie. He has only won the "Most Influential Provincial Satellite TV of the Year" Outstanding Individual Award once in the Arts Center for so many years.

You must know that such selections are generally more inclined to social programs, such as entertainment programs, which rarely win awards.

This time, the Excellent Program Award was awarded to "Ordinary Courage". Apart from being a large-scale documentary reality show, the popularity of the show after it was broadcast was unprecedented, and it was broadcast at the end of the year. , It also played a very critical role in the selection of the "Most Influential Provincial Satellite TV of the Year".

It is precisely because the variety show produced by Xu Jie is too influential, the ratings are too high, and it has been searched countless times, so it also won the Outstanding Individual Award.

Among the five outstanding individuals, only Xu Jie is engaged in variety shows.

"Thank you Mr. Jiang, without your support, I would not be able to make such an excellent program." Xu Jie was as humble as ever.

"You come less, I have more people supporting me, and I haven't seen anyone come up with the number one show. It's your credit, so don't put money on my face." Jiang Hai said after hearing it.

Xu Jie smiled and said nothing more.

In fact, if Boss Jiang hadn't pushed him hard, he wouldn't be directing a new variety show.

It is true that people are forced out.

"Xu Jie!"

At this time, Qin Yan came over and handed the certificate of honor to Xu Jie.

"Here, your certificate of honor for the excellent program."

Xu Jie glanced at it and knew it was the honorary certificate of "Delicious History", so he said: "This honorary certificate is for the program team, not for me personally, so you should take it back."

"Ah? This, isn't this good?" Qin Yan hesitated.

Although what Xu Jie said makes sense, everyone knows that Xu Jie is the creator of the program "Delicious History". Without Xu Jie, this program would not exist, and the reason why this program can be successful is also related to Xu Jie. There is a great relationship.

Xu Jie knew what Qin Yan was thinking, and said with a smile, "What's so bad about it? You don't know that in the past year, I haven't participated in the show at all except for the filming of the show." Production, besides, since it is an honorary certificate for an excellent program, it naturally belongs to the program team, so you can take it back to Song Huanhuan and the others, anyway, I still have two here."

Xu Jie showed Qin Yan the excellent program certificate and excellent personal certificate in his hand. This action made the envious eyes of the people around him turn red.


Qin Yan put away the certificate, but then heaved a heavy sigh.


"What's the matter?" Xu Jie looked at Qin Yan curiously and asked.

Could it be that you are not satisfied with your job at the Arts Program Center?

its not right!
Since the other party hosted the program "Ordinary Courage", she has become one of the most popular hostesses in the station. Even if her fame has not spread across the country, at least anyone who has watched the program "Ordinary Courage" knows it.

Moreover, at the Beijing TV Spring Festival Gala that just passed, the other party was one of the hosts, and his career should be booming, so why not?
"Did you forget? Next month's "Delicious History", the protagonist will be replaced by me." Qin Yan said with a bitter face.

She was already under a lot of pressure, but now that "Delicious History" has won the Outstanding Program Award, her pressure has become even greater.

"Isn't this great? You are one step closer to being the hostess of our station." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Xiao Xu is right. What a great opportunity this is. Others don't want it yet." Jiang Hai on the side also said.

Why is Xiao Xu so famous in China?A big part of it is that he starred in "A Tasty History" and was an absolute protagonist.

If the quality of the program is high, the protagonist will naturally be popular, but if the quality of the program is poor, the protagonist will also be disgusted by the audience.

"Aren't I worried about the performance? After all, the starting point is too high, and I'm afraid the audience won't be able to accept it for a while." Qin Yan expressed her worry.

"If you can't accept it for a while, you can accept it the next time, especially those house husbands, who can finally look at beautiful women in a legitimate way." Xu Jie said.

After Qin Yan heard this, she rolled her eyes directly, as if she had to use her beauty to attract the audience, but then again, it is still very happy to be praised for her beauty, at least it made her feel a little heavy The mood has become a lot easier.

"I would like to borrow your good words." Qin Yan sorted out her mood and cheered up again.

"By the way, you have to do me a favor." Xu Jie said suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Qin Yan asked suspiciously.

"Didn't I want to make a movie? I was recommended as the leading actor by the sharp-eyed crowd. Therefore, I would like to use the role in "Delicious History" to take a time-travel, and bid farewell to the audience of this show. Another group of audiences will be drawn for my movie, and after you change the leading role, the audience will ask me where I have been, and you can tell them that I have traveled through time."

What Xu Jie said to Liu Qing in the morning was not just words, he really planned to do it.

Whether it's Su Yun, Liu Qing, or Fang Yi, they all have fans.

But what about him as the hero?Not a single fan left.

Therefore, in order to increase the movie's box office, he planned to draw those audiences who liked him into the movie theater. Although he didn't know how many people there were, mosquito legs were also meat, and anyone who could attract them was counted as one.

"What?" Qin Yan was stunned for a moment.

Putting a character from a TV show in a movie?
This is really a different time travel.

Skilled people are bold, she guessed, only Xu Jie dared to play like this.

"Well, I think it's a good idea." Jiang Hai kept nodding his head. If he can successfully convert the ratings into box office, then not only will Xu Jie's movie not hit the market, but it may even make a lot of money.

Qin Yan looked at Jiang Hai, then at Xu Jie, and felt that these two people were crazy.

However, she did not object to this idea. After all, audiences who like "Delicious History" can give an explanation for changing the protagonist, even if this explanation seems absurd and dramatic.

"Okay, let me know in advance when the filming will start." Qin Yan said, she never dreamed that she would be on the big screen one day.

"It's going to be April or May anyway, don't worry." Xu Jie said.

Now that the film is turned on, it is filming scenes in winter, and the beginning of the movie is in spring, a beautiful season when everything is revived and the grass grows and warblers fly.

People in the conference room left one after another, and Xu Jie was also preparing to return to Jingshi Culture with Boss Jiang.

However, just as the elevator was halfway down, before reaching the first floor, he was dragged out by Boss Jiang.

Xu Jie saw that it was the floor where the satellite TV program center was located, and he immediately guessed why Boss Jiang came here. He must be seeking benefits from Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

It was the first time in many years that Beijing Satellite TV won the honor of "The Most Influential Provincial Satellite TV of the Year". The Art Program Center provided Beijing Satellite TV with so many excellent programs. How could Boss Jiang let go of such an opportunity?


Jiang Hai came outside the office of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and knocked on the door.


The door opened from the inside, and it was Lu Hong who opened the door.

"I knew that you would definitely come here to find me, come in." Lu Hong said with a smile.


Jiang Hai walked in the door while laughing, then sat down on the sofa and said slowly: "Since you know I will come, why don't you give me the things you have prepared?"

"What?" Lu Hong asked puzzled.

"Remuneration, although I am now in Beijing TV Culture, but when I was in the art program center, I did not help you a lot, like variety shows, and various evening parties. Now Beijing Satellite TV has regained the title of "Most Influential of the Year" Of course, I have contributed a lot to the title of Provincial Satellite TV, don't you deserve to thank me?" Jiang Hai said with a smile, as if I was determined to eat you today.

"You deserve the credit? It's obviously Xiao Xu's credit, okay? The certificate of honor in his hand is the best proof, right, Xiao Xu?" Lu Hong sat down and looked at Xu Jie.

"You are right, Editor-in-Chief Lu, but it is inseparable from Mr. Jiang's strong support that I have been able to obtain these honors." Xu Jie smiled faintly, neither denying the words of Editor-in-Chief Lu, but also bringing out Thanks to Boss Jiang's contribution, neither side will be offended.

"Listen, this is the voice of the people." Jiang Hai said proudly.

Lu Hong smiled. He also knew that Xu Jie didn't want to get involved, so he looked at Jiang Hai and asked, "Okay, then tell me, how do you want me to thank you?"

Whether Beijing Satellite TV can win the title of "Most Influential Provincial Satellite TV of the Year" this year, the role of Beijing Television Culture cannot be ignored.

On the one hand, the two year-round variety shows "Crossover Actor" and "Ordinary Courage" require Xiao Xu to direct;

As for the TV series, he didn't have much hope.

"Old Lu, can you be a little sincere? What you said seems like I came to ask you deliberately. Am I that kind of person?" Jiang Hai took a sip from the teacup on the table.

Lu Hong thought to himself: You are that kind of person.

He knew that if he didn't take out something today, he would definitely not be able to send the other party away, so he got up and went behind the desk, took out a box of tea from the cabinet below, and said, "This is the best Tieguanyin. Not willing to drink, how about sincerity?"

If it was in the past, Jiang Hai would definitely have taken it into his pocket unceremoniously, but today, he just glanced at it lightly, then looked away, and said: "I only drink wolfberry now, and I don't drink any Tieguanyin. Just keep it to yourself."

Lu Hong was taken aback, obviously he didn't like the reward he offered.

Well, he knew it would be so.

Lu Hong smiled wryly, went to the desk again, and took out a bottle of wine, "Here, should you be satisfied now?"

Jiang Hai shook his head and said, "Don't you know, I quit drinking now."

After Lu Hong heard this, his eyes immediately widened, "Lao Jiang, don't go too far."

Jiang Hai said nonchalantly: "Old Lu, I don't accept your tea and wine, how can I go too far? I don't want to make mistakes."

Lu Hong stared at Jiang Hai for a long time, and finally frowned and warned: "What do you want, tell me quickly, after this village, there will be no such shop."

Seeing Lu Hong's angry look, Jiang Hai laughed twice, and then said slowly: "This year, our Jingshi Culture will provide many excellent programs and evening parties for the station, so correspondingly, should you also take care of it?" What about my business here?"

Lu Hong was stunned for a moment, and then quickly understood what the other party meant.

This is to exchange with him.

Beijing Satellite TV needs good entertainment programs, and Beijing TV Culture needs a good financial report.

For a long time, the development of Jingshi Culture has been very dependent on Jingcheng TV Station. Take last year as an example, more than half of the business came from Jingcheng TV Station.

Therefore, if Beijing TV Culture wants to increase revenue, then Beijing TV Station must increase its support for Beijing TV Culture, such as introducing more businesses, increasing cooperation, and so on.

A smile gradually appeared on Lu Hong's face. It seemed that Lao Jiang went to Jingshi Culture not only to be the general manager, but also wanted to make some achievements and make further progress.

"It's okay to take care of the business. I've always taken care of your Beijing Television Culture business. When there are good programs, when have I bargained with you?" Lu Hong said.

After figuring out Lao Jiang's intentions, he knew what to do.

Jiang Hai didn't appreciate it.

good show
How can a good program be made so easily?
Just like a variety show, if there is one popular show in ten years, it is already very good, and if there is one popular show in five years, it is all smoke from the ancestral grave.

However, Beijing Satellite TV now has two variety shows, so he is not going to bargain with Lao Lu on this one. He needs to increase the company's revenue from other businesses.

"You don't need to take care of good programs. What I need you to take care of now are TV dramas." Jiang Hai said.

"TV drama?" Lu Hong was startled.

"That's right, I will give you the exclusive right to broadcast TV dramas. When you buy TV dramas, you can increase the price appropriately. Anyway, Beijing Satellite TV is now the most influential provincial satellite TV. Not only does it have high ratings and great influence, but even advertising fees You are also high, you are definitely not at a loss," Jiang Hai said.

Lu Hong laughed directly when he heard Jiang Hai's words.

"Lao Jiang, Lao Jiang, your wishful thinking is really good. As far as the quality of TV series produced by Beijing TV Culture is concerned, do you need me to say more? Which one's ratings are not below the average ratings of the annual TV series? Which one? A TV drama that doesn’t drag down the overall ratings? To be honest, it’s already pretty good if it can be broadcast on the TV station, but you’re still ashamed to ask me for more money?”

"Old Lu, have you forgotten? I am the general manager of Jingshi Culture now." Jiang Hai emphasized.

"So?" Lu Hong asked.

"So under my wise leadership, the quality of TV series produced by JingTV Culture this year will definitely be higher than before, and will definitely not hold back the stage." Jiang Hai said seriously, almost patted his chest.

"Come on, you don't know how to make TV dramas, and besides, the people in Jingshi Culture Company have not changed, those who make TV dramas are still the same people, it's strange if there is any improvement." Lu Hong curled his lips with a look of disdain.

"You..." Jiang Hai sat up straight from the sofa, looked at Lu Hong who was not ready to compromise, suddenly thought of something, and said loudly: "Even if you don't believe me, you should believe Xiao Xu, he is now in charge of the company Can the TV series he supervised be bad for his content business?"

Lu Hong looked at Xu Jie in surprise. He knew that the other party was going to make a movie, but he had never heard that the other party was going to make a TV series. He is really versatile.

Xu Jie was also confused.

He really wants to make adjustments to the TV drama department, focusing on quality and reducing quantity, but no one knows if it will be effective.

He looked at Boss Jiang, and finally chose to remain silent.

Silence is gold!

Isn't that the same as exposing Boss Jiang?

"Old Lu, if you want to say that you don't believe Xiao Xu, then just pretend that I didn't say what you said today," Jiang Hai said.

Lu Hong frowned, isn't this provoking the relationship between him and Xiao Xu?

"Okay, if it's a TV series produced by Xiao Xu, I can raise the price appropriately, if not, then don't blame me." Lu Hong said seriously.

"No problem." Jiang Hai smiled.

However, Xu Jie was about to cry.

He is so busy this year, how can he have time to supervise TV series?

Could it be that Boss Jiang wanted him to make a name for himself?If so, it doesn't matter.

"I believe Xiao Xu, he will never smash his own brand." Lu Hong said.


Xu Jie was speechless.

Come on, he also blocked his escape route, even if he wanted to make a name for himself.

But Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu was right.

What does he rely on to walk the rivers and lakes, that is, a good reputation. If his reputation is ruined, who will buy him in the future?

Lu Hong was worried that Lao Jiang would have one thing on the outside and another on the other side, so he deliberately mentioned it like this.

He also knows that Xiao Xu has a lot of work this year, and he has to make movies and direct two variety shows. With such a workload, there is no other person in Taiwan.

But time is squeezed out.

People are forced out.

"Then it's settled!" Jiang Hai stood up happily, holding tea in one hand and wine in the other.

"Hey, what are you doing? Didn't you quit tea and alcohol?" Lu Hong wanted to snatch it back, but his hand was still slow, watching the tea and wine being held in Jiang Hai's arms.

"I don't drink it, I'll take it back and give it to my daughter-in-law." Jiang Hai said with a smile.


Lu Hong's eyes widened.

I believe you a ghost!
"Lao Jiang, Lao Jiang, you are really... a rascal!" Lu Hong said angrily, both angry and helpless.

But then again, if the TV series is really supervised by Xiao Xu, then this box of tea and this bottle of wine will not be a loss if you give it away. After all, the quality of the project Xiao Xu is in charge of is still guaranteed.

"Xiao Xu, thank you for your hard work!" Lu Hong changed his face and looked at Xu Jie with a smile.

He hates Jiang Hai very much, but he likes Xu Jie 1 times.

"Do your best." Xu Jie said, other than that, he didn't know what to say.

He was already busy and kicked the back of his head, but now, he found something for him.

Is this for fear that he will be idle?

Out of the TV station.

Jiang Hai put the wine and tea in the trunk, and showed it to Xu Jie before putting them in.

"Xiao Xu, do you want it? If you don't take things from Lao Lu, you won't take them for nothing."

"No." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

If you don't take it, you don't take it for nothing, as if you didn't pay.

"Boss, the next time something like this happens, can you communicate with me in advance, there is an extra TV drama project for nothing, you think I am the Monkey King, and you can create a clone by pulling a root hair?" Xu Jie This time, he was not polite to Boss Jiang, and complained directly to the other party.

"Isn't this just to fool Lao Lu into paying?" Jiang Hai said embarrassedly.

"Boss, you are fooling the editor-in-chief Lu, you are clearly fooling me." Xu Jie said weakly.

"Xiao Xu, don't be humble. I've heard that when you set up the creative department, you also reformed the TV drama department. This time, it's just an experiment. I believe you." Jiang Hai patted Pat Xu Jie on the shoulder, and then got into the car.

Xu Jie looked at Boss Jiang, you believe me, I don't even believe myself this time!
Xu Jie sighed deeply, and finally could only accept the reality.

Who made the other party the boss?

(End of this chapter)

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