Chapter 744 Movie Start

In the anticipation of countless people, the tenth day of the lunar new year finally arrived.

Early in the morning, Xu Jie came to the company, and after meeting all the cast and crew, dozens of cars drove to the film and television base.

The reason why Xu Jie was in such a hurry to start the film was that on the one hand, there were many winter scenes in the script, as well as snow scenes, especially learning, which happened to be able to capture all the snow scenes during the end of winter. As for the artificial snow, The cost is too high, and if God gives it for nothing, it is not stupid to spend money on artificial snow?

On the other hand, the tenth day of the Lunar New Year represents perfection and everything goes smoothly. I want to start the machine on this day to get a good start. Sometimes the influence of psychological factors on a person far exceeds the influence of external factors. This is also the meaning of the existence of faith.

After more than an hour's drive, the convoy finally arrived at the Lima Film and Television Base.

The car slowly stopped outside the gate, Xu Jie opened the door and got out of the car.

"President Xu, welcome."

Zhang Maoting, the general manager of the film and television base, stepped forward enthusiastically and held Xu Jie's hand tightly.

Because of the filming of "Delicious History", the two are already old acquaintances and old friends, which is also an important reason why Xu Jie chose the shooting location here.

With this relationship, he can get a friendly price when renting the venue, and he can save a lot of money for the crew. After all, the crew's money is his money, which should be spent and saved.

"Brother Zhang, I'm here to trouble you again." Xu Jie said with a smile, with a hint of gratitude in his voice.

In fact, Zhang Maoting not only saved him a lot of venue rent, but also provided him with a lot of convenience and helped him a lot. For example, Zhang Maoting helped solve the most difficult extras at this time.

"Mr. Xu, it's too outlandish for you to say this. Whoever we are with, your business is my business. Come, I will guide you." Zhang Maoting said, and then got into the car.

Xu Jie gestured to the convoy, motioning everyone to follow, and then got into Zhang Maoting's car.

"Mr. Xu, everything needed for the start-up ceremony has been prepared, and it can be carried out when you go." Zhang Maoting said while driving.

He turned his head and looked at the young man sitting in the co-pilot, feeling filled with emotion for a moment.

Speaking of it, the two of them had known each other for a short time, just a little over two years. However, he never expected that such a small program director back then would now be the deputy general manager of JingTV Culture.

This is the fastest rising speed among the people he knows. You must know that many people can't reach this height in ten or twenty years or even a lifetime.

For this, his heart is full of admiration.

"Delicious Food", "Crossover Actor", "Ordinary Courage" and so on, etc., if you pick out any one, it has caused a frenzy of ratings.

Just for this, he made a deal with this young man.

And not only to make friends, but also to make good friends.

Nowadays, film and television bases are growing like a blowout, and they are all over the country. They compete fiercely with each other, and making good friends with each other will also help their own film and television bases to a certain extent.

"Thank you, Brother Zhang. This is my first time making a movie, and there are many things I don't understand. When I ask you in the future, don't take it too troublesome." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

During this period of time, he has been looking for actors to change the script, and he has never thought about the opening ceremony. This matter was brought up by the other party when he asked Zhang Maoting about the extras. Here comes the joke.

"Don't worry, as long as I can do it, I will never be ambiguous." Zhang Maoting said with a smile.

Not long after, the car stopped in an open place, surrounded by a towering wall, and on the other side of the wall was the Royal Garden, which was also rented by Xu Jie.

There are snowflakes floating in the sky, and a thick layer has already fallen on the ground.

Everyone got out of the car, and although it was cold, they all looked happy, probably because snow can bring happiness to people.

Zhang Maoting began to direct the staff to build the stage used for the opening ceremony.

It is said to be a table, but it is actually a table covered with a red cloth.

Of course, offerings and incense burners are also indispensable on the table.

Behind the altar, a red banner was pulled up, with a few words written on it: I wish the movie "Lovers in Time and Space" a good start.

It can be described as full of ritual.

After everything is ready, the opening ceremony officially begins.

Wang Wen, director of JingTV's culture and TV department, and also the deputy director of the film, now serves as the host.

Because all the cast and crew were present today, no guests were invited, so Wang Wen just briefly introduced the main personnel of the film, and then it was the most important part, burning incense and worshiping God.

Burning incense and worshiping gods is the focus of the opening ceremony. All film and television dramas are indispensable, even big directors and big stars are no exception.

All the cast and crew were well received, and the director, producer, and leading actor stood at the front, respecting the heaven, earth, ghosts and gods, ancestors, masters, and... In short, respect whoever you believe in.

After all, there are too many gods, and there are still many passing gods. If I really want to respect them, I may not be able to talk about them in a day.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't believe in ghosts and gods, then respect your ancestors and ask them to bless the filming smoothly...

After burning the incense, the next step is to uncover the red cloth for the camera.

You must know that the reason why the story can be presented on the big screen depends entirely on the camera, so this link is absolutely indispensable.

After this set, the opening ceremony was successfully completed, and then all the cast and crew entered the set to prepare for shooting.

"Auspicious snow heralds a good year, good omen, Mr. Xu, your movie will definitely be a hit at the box office!" Zhang Maoting came to Xu Jie's side and said with a smile.

"Haha, thanks to Brother Zhang." Xu Jie also smiled, hoping that the other party would open his mouth.

Everyone came to the set in mighty force.

The venue had already been cleaned up in advance, and it was obviously very clean. The prop masters, artists and other staff got busy at this moment, and began to arrange the scene according to the content of the scenes to be filmed later.

The makeup artist and costume artist are also busy.

Nowadays, audiences have higher and higher requirements for movie quality, and are no longer satisfied with watching stars, but have extremely high requirements for props, costumes, hairstyles, and even makeup.

There is a saying that is good, it is called: the master is among the people.

Not everyone can make a movie, but who is not an expert in picking faults?
Therefore, if you want to satisfy the audience and make people willingly spend money to go to the cinema to watch a movie, the script and actors are just one aspect, and the props must also keep up. .

Don't look at Xu Jie's willingness to spend money on hiring actors, but in terms of props, he is still very generous. For example, actors' costumes are basically all custom-made. Liu Qing's clothes alone, It cost millions, and even the quilts used in the play are all custom-made.

Don't look at the fact that not a single shot has been shot yet, but the money has already been spent more than 1000 million.

That's not counting the actor's salary.

In the past, Xu Jie often heard people say that making a movie cost money, but at that time he just laughed it off, thinking that the other party was exaggerating. Ye Chu spent less than 300 million at the beginning, didn't he also make a movie?

But when he started to do this, he realized that filming is really expensive, but Ye Chu's film is a literary film with realistic themes, so the various expenses are relatively small, and the actors don't even need to deliberately prepare costumes. It is enough to buy more than a dozen pieces of clothes from the street stall. If Ye Chu is asked to make a costume film, 300 million is not enough to make a whole movie, even if the props are not enough.

"Director Xu, do you think it's okay now?" the makeup artist stopped and asked.

Xu Jie looked at himself in the mirror and nodded in satisfaction.

Although he traveled to ancient times as a modern person, makeup is indispensable for the shooting effect, at least it will be more photogenic after makeup.

He got up and walked out of the dressing room, put on a down jacket and went outside, while the other actors were still putting on makeup, he approached the producer Gao Xiaobin.

"Mr. Xu, you look good." Gao Xiaobin smiled and looked at Xu Jie who was dressed in ancient costumes. You must know that not everyone can control ancient costumes.

Some people wear it very handsomely, and some people don't look like fish or fish.

This is why some actors are suitable for acting in costume dramas, and some actors are not suitable for costume dramas.

"Really?" Xu Jie opened his down jacket and looked down at himself, probably because he often wore ancient costumes in "Delicious History", so he didn't feel anything special.

It's just that the material and style of the clothes are better, after all, they are clothes in the "palace".

"Mr. Gao, there are a few scenes of mine today. When I perform, the task of directing depends on you." Xu Jie said to Gao Xiaobin, and then handed over the script.

Compared with the assistant director Wang Wen and the assistant director Lu Zhihong, Gao Xiaobin has more experience in directing films and is more sophisticated. Moreover, as the vice president of Forbidden Pictures, he has not only directed films, but also supervised many films. After being a producer, his understanding of movies is naturally a level above others.

"Don't worry." Gao Xiaobin said as he took over the script, flipped through it briefly, and knew roughly what was going to be filmed today.

Xu Jie explained a few more words to Gao Xiaobin, emphasized the point he wanted to express, and then walked to Su Yun's dressing room.

At this time, Su Yun had already changed into her clothes. Wearing a long white silk patterned dress on her body, she looked like a fairy descending from the earth. Xu Jie's eyes were straightened when he saw it.

Although Su Yun also had many ancient costume looks when she participated in "Crossover Actor", such as Hua Mulan and White Lady, she is still more beautiful than before.

Tailor-made clothing is really different.

Xu Jie sighed.

Originally, he still felt a little distressed, but when he saw Su Yun at this moment, he immediately stopped feeling distressed.

It's worth the money!
It's all about spending money on clothes for my wife.

Aren't those international big names tens of thousands of 10,000+?
Soon, Xu Jie came back to his senses.

He came to see Su Yun, not to admire her appearance.

"Come on, check the lines of the first scene." Xu Jie came to Su Yun and said.

"Okay." Su Yun said.

Huang Xiaorong at the side heard this, and immediately held the script in front of Sister Yun.

"Okay." Su Yun only took a few glances, then signaled Huang Xiaorong to take the script away.

It's not that she's playing big, but that the makeup artist is styling her, and she really can't move around.

Xu Jie nodded, and then talked about the lines of the first scene.

Although he held the script in his hand, he didn't glance at it from the beginning to the end, and kept it behind his back. After all, the whole script was written by him, not to mention the lines of his character, even the lines of the female lead, he can remember clearly .

Soon, the first scene ended with words.

The whole process didn't get stuck or grab lines, it was very smooth and silky.

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun, and the two smiled tacitly.

It fits perfectly!
At this moment, the door suddenly opened.

"Sister Yun!"

A gust of cold wind blew into the house, and then Liu Qing was seen walking in from the outside.

The other party was wearing a long down jacket, and because it was open, he could clearly see the ancient clothes inside the other party.

It was a set of pink ancient clothes, embellished with golden patterns, very delicate, wearing it on Liu Qing's body, it was bright and charming.

As far as the ancient costume is concerned, Liu Qing is really good-looking, but her current expression is seriously inconsistent with the character in the script.

"Can you put away your expression, please? Your play today is not silly and sweet." Xu Jie said to Liu Qing.

If Su Yun's appearance is like a fairy, then Liu Qing's appearance is more like an elf.

"Haven't you acted yet?"

Liu Qing gave Xu Jie a blank look, and then took off the down jacket on his body. Just when Xu Jie thought that the other party was about to do something to him, he saw the other party standing in front of Su Yun, holding the skirt with both hands and turning around in a circle.

"Sister Yun, this is my first time acting in a costume drama, what do you think of my look?" Liu Qing asked Su Yun, with excitement and joy in her eyes, obviously very satisfied with her look.

"How could it be the first time? Didn't you still take makeup photos yesterday?" Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"I didn't wear this suit yesterday, nor did it look good," Liu Qing said.

"It's up to you to say, this suit cost 10,000+, you have to be careful when filming, don't blame me for claiming compensation from you if you break it." Xu Jie reminded, talking about this matter, still It hurts a little.

Fortunately, Liu Qing looked good in her clothes. If she didn't look good, all that money would be wasted.

"Hmph, cheapskate!" Liu Qing said with her lips curled up.

"Stingy? If I were stingy, I would rent clothes for you, and I wouldn't make all of them custom-made." Xu Jie retorted, and at the same time secretly sighed in his heart: It's really useless for this woman to wear such good clothes.

Liu Qing didn't say anything, but the range of movements was obviously not as big as before.

"It's beautiful." Su Yun evaluated Liu Qing while looking at him: "Qingqing, I found that the ancient costume style is very suitable for you. You can definitely watch more ancient costume movies in the future, such as martial arts and fairy tales. It depends on you to carry the big flag."

"Really? Sister Yun, are you telling the truth?" Liu Qing opened her eyes wide, and Mei's big snot bubbles were about to flow out.

"Of course it's true." Su Yun said with a smile.

"Actually, I also think my ancient costume looks good. Sister Yun, I will consider your suggestion." Liu Qing said seriously.

"How about it, is it right to pick up my play? Even the play path has been broadened." Xu Jie looked at Liu Qing and said.

"That's because I have good hardware, and I have half a dime relationship with you? It's you, don't hold back Sister Yun later, you know?" Liu Qing warned.

"Hmph, take care of yourself." Xu Jie said with a sneer, and then left the dressing room.

Makeup in ancient costumes is more troublesome. After all the actors got ready, almost two hours had passed.

Fortunately, the crew came early today, otherwise, they would have lunch right after putting on makeup.

Because there were only Xu Jie and Su Yun in the first scene, so before the filming started, Xu Jie told Su Yun the key points of the scene again.

Su Yun also listened very seriously. First, Xu Jie is the director and screenwriter, and no one knows the characters in the play better than him; second, when Xu Jie was in "Crossover Actor", he often gave her lectures, She also often practiced with her, so she could accept and be convinced of the other party's explanation from the bottom of her heart.

The people around secretly paid attention to the two people standing in front of the camera, to be precise, they were secretly listening to Director Xu's lecture to Su Yun.

Everyone knows that Director Xu is making a film for the first time, so many people are skeptical about Director Xu's ability. Now that they can hear Director Xu speaking about plays, they can't help but want to know what Director Xu is talking about and whether he is competent The position of the director.

"Is this really the first time for you Mr. Xu to make a movie?" Gao Xiaobin asked Wang Wen in a low voice, for fear of disturbing Xu Jie and Su Yun who were present.

"Mr. Gao, there's nothing to hide, it's all written in the encyclopedia." Wang Wen said after hearing this, because she had worked in the Forbidden Film Industry for a while before, so when communicating with Gao Xiaobin, it was more natural, Not as stiff as others.

"When I was filming the movie "Mulan" the year before last, I saw his screenwriting ability. I didn't expect his director ability to be so good. It's amazing." Gao Xiaobin said with emotion.

He just heard what Xu Jie said to Su Yun. Although they were not so professional, they were easy to understand, and people could understand them immediately.

This is the most basic condition that a director should have, and it is also the most difficult to achieve.

"I heard that many of the short plays in "Crossover Actors" are directed by Mr. Xu. I think he should have no lack of experience in directing actors." Wang Wen thought for a while and said.

Gao Xiaobin was taken aback, yes.

Although the performances in "Crossover Actors" are all short plays, the guidance to actors is the same.

And isn't the so-called movie just a collection of short plays?

If you look at it from this aspect, then Xu Jie's director experience is still very rich.

After all, there are dozens of short plays in one season of "Crossover Actor", and two seasons of "Crossover Actor" have been broadcast.

"Okay, let's start!"

Xu Jie said loudly, then took off the down jacket he was wearing, and stood where he was supposed to stand.

He is an actor now, so the scene will be handed over to Gao Xiaobin to direct for the time being.

Gao Xiaobin nodded, then sat behind the monitor with a walkie-talkie in his hand.

"All departments are preparing..."


At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on the couple standing in front of the camera.

Although it was very cold, other actors also came to the snow.

They just want to know how the male lead's performance is.

Whether it can support the actor of this movie.

If not, can everyone go home on vacation?


(End of this chapter)

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