Chapter 745
The content of the first scene is that the female lead confides her thoughts to the male lead, and the male lead encourages the female lead.

This is a very long scene, about two minutes before and after, because there are a lot of lines, so it is a very big test for the male lead and the female lead.

Under normal circumstances, at the beginning of filming, some relatively easy scenes will be selected to help actors enter the state.

After all, with the gradual progress of filming, the continuous guidance of the director, and the actors' devotion to the characters and the plot, the later the filming, the better the performance of the actors will be.

Like "Lover in Time and Space", the first scene has such a high difficulty, which is rare in the industry.

Everyone stared intently at the male number one and the female number one sitting under the eaves. As time passed, the eyes of everyone looking at the male number one also changed from suspicion at the beginning to surprise .

No one expected that Director Xu's performance would be so natural, especially when he looked at the leading lady, every move, every look in his eyes was full of affection.

Such superb "acting skills" have exceeded everyone's expectations.

No, this is not acting at all, but the expression of true feelings.

Although director Xu is not a professional in acting, the state he is showing at the moment surpasses many actors. He is natural and unpretentious, and reveals his true feelings implicitly. No. [-] performed vividly and vividly.

As expected of a director and screenwriter, he really has a deep understanding of the characters.

At this moment, it doesn't matter whether he is a professional in acting or not, and it doesn't matter whether he is a newcomer in film and television, because the side that Director Xu has shown so far has proved that he is capable of playing this role well.

This is enough for the other actors and the entire crew.


Gao Xiaobin suddenly shouted loudly, pulling the people who had been immersed in the plot back to reality.

Huang Xiaorong immediately stepped forward and put the down jacket on Sister Yun, for fear that the boss would get sick.

You know, the highest temperature today is only 0 degrees.

Although the boss wears a lot of clothes, such as long skirts and capes, the function of props and clothing is often just to look good, not to keep warm.

If you want to resist the cold wind, you have to wear a down jacket.

On the other side, Wen Biting, who played as a temporary guest assistant, also quickly handed the green cotton coat of the same style to Mr. Xu.

If other people are sick, they can still shoot other people's scenes, but if Mr. Xu is ill, without the director and lead actor, the filming of this film will probably stop.

Xu Jie put on his coat, walked quickly to Gao Xiaobin's side, looked at the monitor, and asked, "Mr. Gao, how was the scene just now?"

As he spoke, he opened the video just now and watched it seriously.

"Mr. Xu, I only knew that you were good at variety shows and well-written scripts. I didn't expect your acting skills to be so good. You are really versatile." Gao Xiaobin patted Xu Jie on the shoulder and praised: "Okay, very good !"

At least from his point of view, he was very satisfied with the other party's performance just now.

Not to mention that they have never studied acting, many film and television stars have become monks and entered the film and television industry halfway, and some have even won the title of actor and actress. This is talent.

In some industries, hard work is not worth mentioning in front of talent.

Acting is one of them.

"Mr. Gao, now is not the time to be polite." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

At the same time, Su Yun also came behind Xu Jie, staring at the playback screen on the monitor.

"Mr. Xu, do you think I'm being polite to you? Our friendship is friendship, but work is work. I won't confuse work with friendship." Gao Xiaobin said seriously.

Although he was only invited to be a guest director, he is still very responsible in terms of attitude.

The other party asked him to be the temporary director. This was trust in him. How could he live up to the other party's trust?
Besides, as the vice president of Forbidden Films, the producer and director of many films, he is also well-known in the film and television industry. If the director is not good, doesn't it mean that his own brand is smashed?
Xu Jie watched the scene just now from beginning to end, and watched it several times. Originally, he wanted to find some faults in it and establish a serious attitude and strict style of work in the crew. Picking faults there because...

The acting was really good.

Even he himself was conquered by his acting skills, and he kept sighing in his heart: How can I be so talented!

It's all right now, there's nowhere to go.

"Okay, then let's hurry up and start the next shot." Xu Jie said to Gao Xiaobin, not to find fault with himself anymore.

"Okay." Gao Xiaobin nodded.

Xu Jie and Su Yun returned to the shooting scene, took advantage of the time when the staff cleaned up the footprints and leveled the snow, matched the lines needed for the second scene of the first scene, and paid close attention to every minute.

Soon, the second shot started.

At this time, the surrounding staff looked at the male lead and the female lead in front of the camera, and they were all full of envy.

In reality, she is talented and beautiful. In movies, she throws dog food wildly. At work, she cooperates seamlessly. Who dares to say that Director Xu is not qualified to be the leading man?
Drag it out and spank it!
Due to Xu Jie and Su Yun's extremely smooth cooperation, a scene that was expected to be filmed in half a day was finished in less than two hours.

Next comes the second play.

However, apart from Xu Jie and Su Yun, the actors who starred in this scene also had Liu Qing.

"Do you know the characters and the scene?"

Before the filming started, Xu Jie found Liu Qing. Because the filming was in a hurry, Liu Qing was not given much time to familiarize himself with the script, and he didn't know how the other party was preparing.

"Understood, I've been watching it all morning." Liu Qing said with a very confident expression.

"For the character Ni, this scene is the most important scene in the whole movie, and it is also a turning point. You will transform from a woman with a kind heart to a woman with a black belly. This process is very complicated. You must The entanglement and struggle are shown, especially the envy, jealousy and hatred of women towards women in the end, understand?" Xu Jie explained worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'm a professional. Even you can act well. Could it be that I can't act well?" Liu Qing curled her lips. In her opinion, the other party's instructions were a question of her professionalism.

She has been acting since she was very young, and later she was admitted to the Film Academy. She has a serious professional background. If she can't even figure out the characters in the script, what kind of drama is she acting?

"Thank you for affirming my acting skills." Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing this, and finally heard a human sentence from the other party's mouth.

"I mean, my acting will definitely be better than yours, hum!" Liu Qing turned her head with a proud expression on her face.

"I hope you can do what you say," Xu Jie said.

Although there are three people in this scene, it is actually Liu Qing's one-man show.

The daily love behaviors of the first male and the first female can only be regarded as the background board. What is really important is the change in the second female's heart after seeing the scenes of affection.

There are no lines, and there are no rival scenes with other actors. It is all performed by Liu Qing's face, and it is also the place where an actor's acting skills are really tested.

"All departments prepare, start!"

Following Gao Xiaobin's order, the three actors immediately entered the state.

The scene didn't last long, more than [-] seconds before and after, but what really belonged to Liu Qing was only more than ten seconds, so how to adjust the emotional changes in such a short period of time really tested the actors.

Although Liu Qing left the house, the scene finally ended.


Liu Qing breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Gao Xiaobin and asked, "Director Gao, how are you doing?"

Gao Xiaobin smiled and said, "It's okay."

After hearing this, Liu Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Jie came to the back of the monitor and found out the clips that were shot just now to watch, because he and Su Yun were at the same location as Liu Qing was separated by a door, so he didn't know how Liu Qing was doing.

At first, Xu Jie didn't have any expression on his face, but when he looked at it, his brows frowned. When the whole paragraph was over, he turned his head to face Liu Qing, and asked, "Is this what you told me?" Can you act well?"

"What's wrong?" Liu Qing was puzzled.

"Look for yourself." Xu Jie directly replayed the clip that he just shot, and after the film was finished, he looked at Liu Qing and asked, "Have you finished watching it? I don't know how you feel?"

"Not bad, not bad." Liu Qing used Gao Xiaobin's comment just now, and when she saw that Xu Jie was still frowning and staring at her, she finally couldn't help but said, "If you have any questions, just ask me." Honestly, what are you staring at me for?"

"You also know that it's uncomfortable to be stared at? Then why are you staring at your eyes in front of the camera? May I ask if you usually stare at your eyes when you are entangled? Or when you are envious or jealous?" Xu Jie asked bluntly.

Liu Qing was taken aback when she heard it, blinked her eyes, and looked at the monitor.

Xu Jie played it again for Liu Qing, pointing at the screen again and again, and said again and again: "The front is not bad, but if you look at the back, I am worried for you, and I am worried that your eyeballs will fly out."

Liu Qing's pretty face flushed. In the clip played just now, her eyeballs were indeed a little wide open.

"If it's not good, it's not good. What are you in a hurry for? Just do it again." Liu Qing said, and then walked back.

Xu Jie saw that the other party's attitude was not bad, so he stood up and re-shot the scene just now.

Gao Xiaobin looked at Xu Jie's back, and couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart, the other party's request is really high.

You know, "stare" is now standard for young actresses, angry stare, angry stare, sad stare, even excited stare, presumably this is Mr. Xu's first time making a movie, and he has not yet adapted to the acting skills of an actress.

"Every department is ready, start shooting!"

Liu Qing tried her best to control her eyes this time, not to open them as wide as just now. To be honest, when she watched the replay video just now, she was embarrassed by her acting skills, otherwise she would have been embarrassed by the man's attitude. Just go back and let the other party be arrogant in front of her?

After half a minute, the shooting ended.

Liu Qing quickly came to the monitor, she was more anxious than the director, and wanted to see how she performed the second time.

Xu Jie found the clip just now and played it.

And this time, the face drooped at the very beginning.

He suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart, watched the content, and then played it again, pointing to the face that appeared on the screen and said: "What's the matter with your expression? Can you focus a little more on filming?"

Liu Qing took a look at it. At that time, she only thought about not staring at her eyes, and she neglected the expression management a little bit. As the old saying goes: eyes are the windows to the soul. clear.

"Come again!" Liu Qing was also dissatisfied with her state.

"Mr. Xu, don't be angry." Gao Xiaobin on the side whispered, "It's the first day of filming today, and the actors haven't gotten into shape yet. This kind of thing is normal."

In his opinion, it is normal to shoot a scene repeatedly more than a dozen times, and there is no need to be angry. If an actor gets angry because of a bad performance, then after making a movie, a director will have to die, and he will be angry to death. .

"I'm not angry, I'm just dissatisfied with her current state, Mr. Gao, if she is still like this later, you can just stop and stop wasting everyone's time." Xu Jie instructed.

Isn't this a waste of his relationship with Su Yun?
No matter how much the two love each other, the same love scene has been filmed several times, and I feel a little embarrassed in my heart.

His acting is more about pursuing nature, just like when he was filming "Delicious History".

If a scene is reshot repeatedly, it will make him feel unnatural.

"Yes, I see." Gao Xiaobin nodded, secretly thinking that Mr. Xu is mighty.

You must know that for a female movie star like Liu Qing, even if she is not in good condition, the director will be polite, and even take the initiative to ask if she wants to rest and adjust her condition. It's like training your grandson, you're really welcome.

"Every department is ready..." Gao Xiaobin said this, and suddenly turned his head to look at Liu Qing not far away, "Qingqing, are you ready? Do you need to adjust your mood?"

He knew that Xu Jie was making a movie for the first time, and he was also the leading actor, so the work of communicating with the actors, at present, can only be done by him.

Don't look at variety show directors and movie directors as directors, but the difference between the two is still very big, and it can even be said that they are not next to each other.

Liu Qing took a deep breath, patted the snowflakes on her body, then looked in Gao Xiaobin's direction and said, "I'm ready."

After Gao Xiaobin heard it, he took the walkie-talkie and said: "Every department is ready, start!"

In the camera, Liu Qing appeared again.

Gao Xiaobin looked at the monitor, staring intently at Liu Qing's expression.

Twenty seconds passed very quickly, and passed in a blink of an eye.

Gao Xiaobin looked up at Xu Jie who was walking over, he knew that Xu Jie would definitely not be satisfied this time.

Because he could tell from the previous two reshoots that Xu Jie has very high requirements for actors, and Liu Qing's performance just now can only be regarded as quite satisfactory, and he did not show enough surprises.

Xu Jie came to the monitor. As for Liu Qing, she didn't ask any more questions this time, and hurried to see the results.

Video playback.

Xu Jie looked at it for a while and couldn't help sighing.

"Eyes, pay attention to your eyes, not your eyeballs, I know your eyes are big, don't always think about letting the people of the whole country know, can you be careful, if you have feelings in your heart, it will naturally show in your eyes, don't control you Eyeballs..." Xu Jie gritted his teeth and said to Liu Qing, his clenched fists showed that he was trying to control his emotions.

If the other party is just an ordinary actor or a group performer, he will patiently explain how to perform, even if it is retaken a dozen times, it doesn't matter.

But the problem is that the other party is a movie star and has acted for so many years, so he shouldn't understand.

In order for the actors to play the roles well, when he wrote the script, he wrote the characteristics of each character in great detail, and even added inner activities next to each scene.

The characters cannot be guessed accurately, but the text can always be understood, right?
But Liu Qing's current performance made him suspect that the other party might not know how to read.

Rather than saying that he was dissatisfied with Liu Qing's performance, it would be better to say that he was disappointed with Liu Qing's performance.

After all, after he confirmed that Liu Qing could appear in this role, he added a lot of scenes for the other party, making the character's personality more distinct and making the story more exciting.

And the reason why he did all this was because he believed that Liu Qing could do it.

Professional actors, who have acted in so many movies, must be better than ordinary actors.

But now...

"Come again!"

Xu Jie sat in his original position and said to the cameraman, "This time I will only shoot Liu Qing."

"Understood." The cameraman nodded.

Xu Jie signaled his wife to go into the house to rest, then looked at Liu Qing and said, "Before the filming starts, think about what you want to act in a moment, how to act it, and go through it several times in your mind. We have plenty of time, and I'm not in a hurry. , so don't worry, understand?"

Xu Jie forced himself to treat Liu Qing as an ordinary actor.

Liu Qing didn't speak after hearing this, but turned and walked into the set.

She was depressed and angry.

Obviously he has performed very well, why is the other party still dissatisfied?
She even suspected that the other party was targeting her deliberately, but there was no evidence.

"Mr. Xu, I think Qingqing performed well just now." Manager Yuan Ou came behind Xu Jie and said with a smile, she already felt that Liu Qing was angry.

"What do you know, go away!" Xu Jie said angrily.

Yuan Ou froze, with embarrassment on his face, hesitated for a moment, and finally had to retreat to the back, who let the other party be the director?

This is the set, and the director is the boss.

Xu Jie waited for a few minutes to give Liu Qing some time to self-adjust, and then asked: "Liu Qing, how are your preparations going? If not, I can wait."

Liu Qing glanced at it and nodded reluctantly.

Xu Jie frowned slightly, then came to the cameraman and said in a low voice: "You don't need to turn it on, just put on a show."

The cameraman was taken aback for a moment, nodded in understanding, and thought: Director Xu really saves money and saves home.

Xu Jie returned to his seat, pretending to say: "Every department is ready, start!"

Xu Jie didn't look at the monitor, but looked directly at Liu Qing at the scene.

Liu Qing saw the play record and immediately started to perform.

But just two steps away, I heard a voice.


Liu Qing stopped and looked at the director suspiciously. She didn't do anything yet, why did she stop?

Retaliation, definitely retaliation, this is the real deal.


(End of this chapter)

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