The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 746 Saying I cried!

Chapter 746 Saying I cried!
"What's the matter?" Liu Qing asked loudly in the direction of the director indignantly, and there seemed to be a blazing anger in the originally agile eyes at this moment.

Obviously, her patience has reached a critical point, even a little more sparks can ignite her and explode.

"You said that you are a professional." Xu Jie looked at Liu Qing coldly, not acting humble just because the other party was a big star.

Although this is his first time making a movie, it is not the first time he has been in contact with a celebrity. He has worked with celebrities who are bigger than the other party, and even suppressed a large number of them. Will he be afraid of this woman in front of him?
After Liu Qing heard it, she didn't understand the meaning of the other party for a while, but she still puffed up her chest and said confidently: "I'm a professional, what's wrong?"

"Since you are a professional, you should know that a professional actor should not bring his personal emotions into the shooting. Look at you just now, with dead fish eyes and drooping face, as if someone owes you money. If you can shoot, we will continue to shoot, if you can't, I will shoot other people first, don't waste everyone's time here."

Xu Jie gave a blunt output, and almost pointed at the other party's nose and scolded him.

The shooting scene fell silent instantly, no one spoke, and no one dared to speak.

No one thought that Director Xu, who usually looks gentle and elegant, scolded the actors until the first day of the filming, and the object of the reprimand was the female number two, the female star Liu Qing.

One must know that a female star like Liu Qing is not allowed to be favored by any crew?

Liu Qing gritted her teeth fiercely, her petite body was trembling with anger, and at the same time, there was a little grievance in her heart.

Because she has acted in so many movies since she was a child, no one has ever said that to her, which made her feel targeted and insulted.

And with so many people around, she couldn't hold back her face.

"What are you looking at me for? Tell me if you can continue filming!" Xu Jie showed an impatient look.

Liu Qing really wanted to walk away, but in that case, it would make her even more unprofessional, and she might be said to be playing big names.

Moreover, she refused to accept it.

To put it bluntly is stubborn!
The more others say she can't do it, the more she has to prove to others that she can do it and slap him in the face.

"It can be filmed." Liu Qing said firmly, but she looked at Xu Jie with a bit of fierce eyes, so cruel that if she wasn't filming a movie, she would probably scratch her in the next moment.

"Hurry up if you can take pictures. In such a cold day, you want everyone to accompany you to survive the cold?" Xu Jie turned around after speaking, and went back to the monitor and sat down.

Gao Xiaobin on the side didn't even dare to speak anymore, he didn't expect Xu Jie to be so angry when he was filming the movie, he felt as if he had a big grudge with Liu Qing.

As for Liu Qing's manager, Yuan Ou, she had already hid far away, for fear that Xu Jie's anger would burn on her, but she still felt a little gloating in her heart.

Qingqing, Qingqing, I told you a long time ago, don’t take this movie, but you just don’t listen, how are you doing now, are you at a disadvantage?

See if you still listen to me in the future!

Su Yun, on the other hand, didn't know why her husband suddenly became so angry and said so many ugly things to Qingqing. It wasn't like this when he directed the show before.

She left the house, came to the man's side, and said in a low voice: "Maybe it was the first day when the machine was turned on, Qingqing hasn't found the status yet, I believe it will be fine if you take a few more shots, so..."

Although he didn't say anything later, the meaning he wanted to express was already obvious.

After Xu Jie heard it, he shook his head slightly towards his wife, and then said loudly: "Don't beg her, why can't you tell her if the acting is not good?"

Su Yun was taken aback, what she said was obviously intended for Liu Qing to hear.

Husband, what do you want to do?
You're not holding back any bad ideas again, are you?
As a husband, the other party must be good, but as a director, the other party is very...evil.

In order to let her play a good killer, she went to the horror city, played bungee jumping, and went to the slaughterhouse to kill pigs. Isn't it all the other party's fault?

So now as soon as I hear my husband's words, I immediately know that the other party is "teaching" Qingqing.

Is it the aggressive method?

But this scene of Qingqing is very complicated, there is a process of transformation, if it keeps being so exciting, how can Qingqing calm down?

Didn't Qingqing bring her personal emotions into the filming just now?
Not far away, Liu Qing paused after hearing this, her teeth clucking loudly...

Xu Jie looked at the cameraman and winked at him.

When the cameraman received the signal, he immediately understood the meaning of not shooting.

Xu Jie stood up at this time, and said to the surrounding staff: "It's very cold, everyone hold on, let's rest and eat after filming this scene."

"it is good!"

When they heard that it was time to eat, everyone was very happy.

I left too early today, and with the bad habits developed during the Chinese New Year, many people did not eat breakfast. It is freezing cold, and more calories are urgently needed to resist the severe cold, so everyone is already hungry. If you can eat at this time A hot meal is a happy thing for everyone, even if it is just a box lunch.

Xu Jie sat down, tightened the coat on his body, and said: "Every department prepares, actors pay attention to emotional management, let me see your professional attitude, 3, 2, 1... start!"

In the camera, Liu Qing walks outside the yard...


Hearing this voice, Liu Qing closed her eyes immediately, took a deep breath, and tried her best not to run away violently.

"The actor's expression should not be so serious, you haven't turned jealousy into hatred yet, start again!" Xu Jie said with a loudspeaker.

Liu Qing turned around and returned to the position just now.

"Get ready, 3, 2, 1... start!"

"The 2th time of the 1th shot of the 4th game!"


Liu Qing walked out of the yard again, and looked in through the crack of the door...


"It's too early to show jealousy. You need to watch it for a while before showing such an expression, and there was still a process of entanglement before. Isn't it clearly written in the script? Did you read it seriously? Start over."

"The 2th time of the 1th shot of the 5th game."

"Glaring again, didn't I tell you not to stare?"

"The 6rd time."

"The 7rd time."


"The 26rd time."

"I figured it out. I asked you not to act, and I didn't ask you to test one by one. Forget it, come here first, let's have dinner." Xu Jie stood up and said.

The staff present breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this.

It's finally time to eat.

Director Xu said before that after filming this scene, he can rest and eat, but the filming lasted nearly an hour.

During this process, some people even despaired, thinking whether to postpone lunch until evening.

Fortunately, Director Xu is still sympathetic to the people.

Otherwise, you will be cold and hungry, and you will die.

Just when everyone was excited about eating, Liu Qing turned around and walked into the nanny's car with a sullen face.

It's too suffocating!

A scene has been filmed more than 20 times, which is the most times she has filmed a scene since she started filming. Before that, she only filmed a dozen times at most.

I know, it's because the director is deliberately finding fault, but I don't know, I think her acting skills are too bad.

"Qingqing, it's time to eat." The assistant said cautiously, and then placed the prepared meal on the table.

There are fried chicken breasts, steamed fish, fried vegetables, mixed cold dishes, and fresh fruits. They are all packed in a single box, a total of six, with the staff eating a meat and three vegetarian boxed lunch outside. In comparison, it can be said to be very rich.

"What to eat, I'm full of gas, don't eat." Liu Qing said angrily.

As soon as the words fell, the sound of "gurgling" sounded in the stomach.

I haven't eaten all morning, and I've been out in the cold for so long, how can I not be hungry?
I'm just so angry that I don't want to eat.

"How can I not eat? I have to continue filming in the afternoon." The assistant whispered.

"Whatever to shoot, that man obviously doesn't understand anything, so he will find faults and direct blindly. Such a person dares to come out as a director. He is really beyond his control." Liu Qing said angrily.

"Well, you're right." The assistant echoed, and then handed over the chopsticks, "It's all the director's fault, because of this, you should eat more, or else you'd starve to death for such a person, how many Not worth it."

When Liu Qing thought about it, she was right.

So I picked up the chopsticks and started to eat in big mouthfuls, and I chewed very hard, as if what I was eating was not the food, but the director.

Turn anger into appetite!


At this time, the car door opened, and the manager Yuan Ou walked in from the outside.

Seeing Liu Qing eating, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, then sat beside her and advised, "Qingqing, eat slowly, you, don't argue with Director Xu, it won't make sense, he's making a movie for the first time, and he's talking to other people After making a bet, the requirements for actors are naturally very high, how would he know that there is a difference between what he imagined in his mind and what he actually performed?"

When Liu Qing heard this, the chopsticks in her hand immediately stopped in mid-air, and she turned to look at Yuan Ou who was beside her and asked, "Sister Ou, do you mean that my acting was mediocre and I failed to meet his high requirements?"


Yuan Ou was stunned, and quickly waved his hands to explain: "No, I didn't mean that, I meant that he was too harsh, he was picking fishbone in tofu, picking bones in eggs, it's not your problem, it's his problem."

Liu Qing looked at Yuan Ou, then continued to eat.

Yuan Ou secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with concern: "Qingqing, it was cold outside just now, is there any discomfort, do you want me to talk to Director Xu and ask him to suspend the shooting?"

After hearing this, Liu Qing felt upset.

"I'm fine, I don't feel uncomfortable, I can continue to shoot!" Liu Qing said with a cold face.

The director already had thoughts about her, if she found a reason not to shoot, wouldn't he scold her for being spoiled behind her back?
Besides, she went on strike on the first day of starting the business. If word of this got out, how would she be able to hang out in the film industry in the future?What do the gods who worshiped early in the morning think?
This is not to disrespect the director, but to disrespect the gods.

"Qingqing, you have to think about it, Director Xu asked so much, maybe he would find fault with you in the scene just now, and shoot a scene all afternoon." Yuan Ou reminded.

"A lot of demands? Then I will satisfy his demands one by one, leaving him speechless." Liu Qing took a hard bite of his flesh as he spoke.

Yuan Ou saw that Qingqing was so persistent, so he didn't say anything more, the road was walked by himself, and the blisters were worn by himself, since the opponent didn't bump into the south wall and didn't turn back, let the opponent continue to hit.

Liu Qing continued to eat.

However, he lowered his head while eating, and his mood became depressed.

I can say that I have worked very hard, but why can't I meet the requirements?

As for what Sister Ou said about being harsh, she doesn’t think being harsh is a bad thing. The director is harsh on the actors, which is a responsible attitude towards the movie. ?
But the more she thought about it, the more wronged she felt.

Because she felt that she had failed to meet the director's high standards and demands.

This is obviously not a director's problem, but an actor's problem.

"Could it be that I acted really badly?"

It was the first time that Liu Qing doubted herself so much since she started working.

She has been acting in movies since she was a few years old. As a child star, she has always felt that she is very talented in acting, and she was allowed to enter this circle because she was rewarded with food.

However, the confidence accumulated before was all shattered today.

It is indeed possible to say that she was deliberately targeted, but in more than 20 filmings, didn't she have any problems at all?
Nor is it!
Like at the beginning, the expression of staring at Zhuzi really made her feel very embarrassed, and when she was stopped several times later, she really brought her dissatisfaction with the director into the filming.

Gradually, Liu Qing's eating movements slowed down.

Thinking of what the director said, the circles of his eyes turned red.

"Qingqing, what's wrong with you, Qingqing..." Yuan Ou noticed that something was wrong with Qingqing, so he hurriedly asked, and even touched the other person's forehead with his hand to check if he was sick.

"It's okay, I'm fine." Liu Qing shook her head, then turned to the side, trying hard to control her emotions.

But the more Liu Qing hid, the more Yuan Ou wanted to watch.

After Yuan Ou saw the red circles under Qingqing's eyes, he was taken aback for a moment. This, is this being cried by Director Xu?
As Qingqing's manager, it's not that she hasn't seen Qingqing cry before, some for practicing exercises, some for exams, but it's the first time she's been trained to cry by the director.

Firstly, when Qingqing was making movies, she always performed well, otherwise she would not have become one of the four young actresses; secondly, no director would be willing to reprimand Qingqing for her beauty.

"Qingqing, if you don't want to act, we won't act. Don't be shy, I'll talk to Su Yun." Yuan Ou said, she felt that the reason why Qingqing planned to continue filming was entirely because of Su Yun's relationship. .

"Act, as I said, I will definitely act." Liu Qing turned her head, looked at Yuan Ou and said, "Sister Ou, I'm fine, but I feel a little uncomfortable because I failed to meet the director's requirements. I can only run with him, it turns out that my acting skills are not good enough."

"Qingqing, don't say that. Among the post-95 actors, your acting skills are obvious to all. How can you call your acting skills bad?" Yuan Ou said seriously.

When Liu Qing heard this, she felt even more uncomfortable.

Post-95 actors?

There are not many famous actors born after 95, and there are not many who have good acting skills. Putting her in the 95 group, isn't this the same as pulling out a big one from the pile?

Even if she is an actor born in the 90s, she can feel more comfortable in her heart.

"As for not winning the award, that's because I didn't come across a good script. To win an award, besides your own strength, you also need a certain amount of luck." Yuan Ou continued.

After hearing this, Liu Qing smiled wryly.

Didn't come across a good script?

Doesn't this mean that she has a bad eye for picking scripts?
If she was picked by the script when she first entered the industry, then she has been the one who picked the script for the past five or six years.


Was she out of luck?

She joined the industry when she was less than ten years old, and her development has been smooth until now. The box office of the movies she starred in has reached more than one billion and two billion. If she is called unlucky, is it true that other actors have to go through ninety-nine 20 hardships to become famous? ?

Liu Qing looked at Sister Ou with a resentful face, thinking: Can you comfort people?

After a simple lunch, Liu Qing picked up the script again and began to study it seriously. She couldn't believe that she couldn't meet the director's requirements.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly there was a knock on the window outside the car.


Liu Qing looked up, and it turned out to be Xu Jie. She was thinking about the role, but her face immediately became gloomy.

Instead of opening the door, she lowered the car window, looked at the other party coldly and asked, "What are you doing? Isn't the filming started yet?"

It was very cold, and the staff were either in the car or in the house, and only a few people were cleaning the snow from the props outside.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" Xu Jie looked into the car.

"There's no place." Liu Qing rolled her eyes, "Speak quickly if you have something to say, and play if you have anything to say, I still need to read the script."

"Really? I didn't expect you to work hard." Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing this, completely lost the seriousness before.

"Of course, my current achievements are inseparable from my talent and my hard work." Liu Qing raised her head with a proud face.

"It's just that the learning efficiency is a little bit worse." Xu Jie said.

"You..." Liu Qing looked at the man fiercely, and said angrily, "You didn't come here to find fault, did you?"

"Of course not, I don't have that leisurely mind." Xu Jie arched his head into the car window and rested his hands on the window frame.

"You, what are you going to do?" Liu Qing leaned back, her face full of surprise and vigilance.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in you." Xu Jie showed the tablet in front of Liu Qing, pointed to it and said, "This is the photo and video of your filming in the morning. I sorted it out. Poor, but for a few moments, I am still very satisfied..."

With that said, Xu Jie clicked on a picture.

"I made a few pictures of your Jiugongge emoticon pack, which are the same shooting node, your performance appearance, the first one is when you come out, the second one is when you hesitate, and the third one is when you are jealous, take a look Compare your own performance, and I also analyzed each of your expressions, and by the way, I am more satisfied with the one in the middle."

Xu Jie handed the tablet directly to Liu Qing, then turned and left the nanny car.

Liu Qing looked at her Jiugongge emoji package, and then at the man's back. She didn't expect the man to be so careful. Before, she thought that the man was targeting her, but now it seems...

It does not seem.


(End of this chapter)

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