The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 747 Calling Director Xu

Chapter 747 Call Director Xu

Looking at the Jiugongge picture on the tablet, Liu Qing couldn't help showing an embarrassed expression, and even her cheeks started to turn red and hot.

The self in the picture, a cloud bun and a phoenix hairpin, has exquisite makeup and is full of the charm of a classical woman. It is no exaggeration to say that she is very beautiful, and it is only natural to be favored by the emperor after entering the palace.

However, if you look at these photos from the perspective of deducing some kind of psychological activity, then the expression on the face is undoubtedly a failure.

At the same time point, it should be the same emotion. Even if the expressions cannot be exactly the same, at least they should be similar, and the difference will not be too big.

You know, every actor will practice facial expressions in front of the mirror.

However, in the Jiugong grid in front of me, the nine expression pictures are completely different, and it is even obvious that the expression in a certain picture does not match the expression that should be shown at this time.

When I looked at the monitor one by one before, it was not so obvious, but now I put the expressions captured nine times in the same picture, and I can see the difference at once.

There really is no harm in comparison.

At first, she thought that she was very serious and hardworking, and that the man didn't understand anything, but after seeing these pictures, she realized how bad her expression was in the morning.

She looked at the picture in the center of the Jiugongge. The man said that she was quite satisfied with this picture. She couldn't help but took out a small mirror from her bag, and while looking at the picture, she looked at herself in the mirror , began to practice expressions.

If the director is targeting her, she will definitely be very angry, but if the director is doing it for her own good, she will naturally correct it seriously.

The analysis and suggestions around the picture alone are enough for her to study for a while.

Knowing mistakes can be corrected and progress can be made.

Another nanny car not far away.

"What does Qingqing say?" Su Yun looked at Xu Jie who came back with concern, and handed her hot water cup to him.

She had been watching her husband's back just now, but she didn't even get in Qingqing's nanny car. From this point, it is not difficult to see that her husband probably hit a wall at Qingqing's place. The husband told the other party about his hard work to avoid deepening misunderstandings.

"What else can I say, I'm impatient." Xu Jie said with a smile, but he didn't care about Liu Qing's attitude.

After all, he said so many nasty things during the shooting in the morning, and he would be very angry if he was reprimanded, ridiculed, or even ridiculed in public.

However, this is all his plan.

It's right for the other party to hate him.

If you don't hate him, and don't show a fierce expression, how can you play the role in the movie well?
"Do you need me to talk to Qingqing?" Su Yun asked.

Anyway, Qingqing is also the second female lead in this drama, so the importance is self-evident. If Qingqing is really angry with the crew, where can she temporarily hire an actor who can match Qingqing?
Better than Qingqing's acting skills, maybe not as popular as Qingqing, who is more popular than Qingqing, such a small salary will definitely not be able to invite people.

Therefore, you must not fall out with Qingqing.

And looking at the entire crew, only she can convince Qingqing.

"That's not necessary." Xu Jie took a sip of hot water, warmed his body, and continued: "She's just a bit stubborn, and it's not that she doesn't know what's good."

Su Yun was taken aback when she heard it. Are you so confident in what you said?
But the more the man is like this, the more curious she becomes.

Why does the other party think that after reprimanding Qingqing, Qingqing will accept his affection?
Su Yun moved to Xu Jie's side, took Xu Jie's arm and asked, "Honey, tell me, why did you keep targeting Qingqing this morning?"

After hearing this, Xu Jie looked at Su Yun with a wry smile and said, "Even you think I'm targeting her on purpose? Could it be that her acting is not good, so why don't people say it?"

"That's not what I mean. I think there are many ways to communicate. You don't have to say it in public, and you don't have to say it so badly. Qingqing also wants to save face." Su Yun explained.

"It's because you took too much care of her face, in other words, you are too used to her, so over the years, her acting skills have not improved much." Xu Jie said lightly.

"No, can't it? Qingqing's acting skills are outstanding among post-95 actors, and this is also recognized." Su Yun said.

The post-95 Four Little Stars are not in vain.

"Recognized? Who recognized it? Didn't the media and fans tout it? I admit that she has acted in many movies, but if you look at the roles she played, they are either silly and sweet, or tsundere girls. Does this still require acting skills? Yes A sweet face and a cute appearance are enough." Xu Jie said with his mouth curled.

"Ah? According to you, isn't Qingqing's acting skills in a mess?" Su Yun didn't expect her husband to have such a low opinion of Qingqing.

However, looking back carefully at the movies Qingqing has made in recent years, it seems that she really hasn't bypassed the circle of Silly Baitian.

Of course, Qingqing can't be blamed for this.

Because actors are easily "stereotyped".

For example, if an actor plays a role and has received wide acclaim in the film market, then most of the scripts that will be sent to the door in the future will be similar roles.

"It's not a mess. She can accept my script, which shows that she is still eager to improve and save, unlike some actors who like to play silly and sweet, and like to raise domineering presidents." Xu Jie said.

"Oh? Then why are you going to save her?" Su Yun asked curiously.

"It's very simple. Break her original image, crush her original self-confidence, and reshape her performance. This is called breaking and standing, understand?" Xu Jie clenched his fists tightly, and vigorously waved a few times in the air. Down.

"I didn't expect you to have a lot of ideas." Su Yun smiled, and she knew that the reason why the man reprimanded Qingqing must have his own ideas.

"Of course, the little Zhuge of Nangou Village has earned his name in vain?" Xu Jie said proudly.

Su Yun looked at the man with a smile, eyes full of love.

Just when she was about to boast a few more words, she suddenly found Qingqing walking towards her, holding the tablet that her husband had just sent her in her hand.

what's the situation?
Could it be that he was ungrateful and sent it back?
This is awkward.

"People are coming." Su Yun raised her head and pointed to the outside of the car, reminding her husband to pay attention.

She would like to see how the man will respond to Qingqing's ungratefulness, and whether he will say something like Xiao Zhuge like just now.

"Dangdang!" Liu Qing reached out and knocked on the car door.

Su Yun reached out and pressed the button, and the car door opened slowly and automatically.

"Qingqing, come in quickly."

Su Yun didn't care what Liu Qing came here for, she stretched out her hand and pulled Liu Qing into the car. At the same time, she didn't forget to push the man beside her to the back, signaling for him to make room for her.

Xu Jie sat in the back row, pulled down the cotton cap on his head to cover his eyes, then lay down on the chair, closed his eyes and rested his mind, preparing for the afternoon shooting.

If the snow can fall until the evening, then we will continue to shoot several night scenes.

So even he himself didn't know what time he could take pictures today.

No way, who let time run out?
"Qingqing, what's the matter?" Su Yun asked with great interest, and glanced at Xu Jie who was sitting in the back row from the corner of her eye, as if she wanted him to make a fool of herself.

"Well, it's really nothing..." Liu Qing said hesitantly, looking a little awkward.

"Qingqing, if you have anything to say, just speak it out, there are no outsiders here, don't worry, I will make the decision for you." Su Yun took Liu Qing's hand, posing like a big sister.

Liu Qing looked at Sister Yun in front of her, then took out the tablet computer in her hand, then pointed to the man in the back row, and said embarrassedly: "I, I'll ask him something."

"What's the matter?" Su Yun asked, of course she knew that there must be something wrong with the other party.

"It's about the scene in the morning. There are some analysis in the picture. I don't understand some parts, so I want to come and ask." Liu Qing said truthfully.

Su Yun was stunned when she heard this.

She thought Qingqing returned the tablet, but she didn't expect that she came to ask about the performance.

Could it be that Qingqing was tamed just like that?
This, is this too easy?
Su Yun even felt a little unbelievable, she still knew a thing or two about Qingqing's petty temper, even her manager Yuan Ou couldn't help her when she was stubborn.

what is it today?
Has the sun hit the west?
"Ask, ask." Su Yun came back to her senses and said, then stretched out her hand and pushed Xu Jie in the back row, "Honey, Qingqing has a question to ask you."

Well, it turned out that she was going to the back row.

"Ask who?" Xu Jie asked, but his body remained motionless.

"Ask you." Su Yun said.

"What, ask me? But, why didn't I hear anyone mention me?" Xu Jie asked puzzled.


When Su Yun heard it, she rolled her eyes and went over.

I thought to myself: Qingqing has already taken the initiative to come to you, why are you still putting it on the list?Can you accept it as soon as you see it?Is it interesting to hang on to the title?

"Okay, there's not much time for lunch break. Tell Qingqing quickly. If you don't tell me, it will be too late. You don't want to delay for another afternoon, do you?" Su Yun persuaded.

At the same time, extend your hand to the inside of the man's thigh, pinch a piece of meat with your thumb and forefinger, and rotate it clockwise to see how long the man can close his eyes.

Xu Jie took a breath and sat up straight.

If given the chance, his next movie must be a martial arts movie, and he will find his wife as the protagonist. The level of the Nine Yin White Bone Claw doesn't even need to be practiced.

"If there is anything you don't understand, just ask." Xu Jie got up and came to the front row, and changed seats with his wife.

Liu Qing turned on the tablet computer, found one of the Jiugongge pictures, pointed to the analysis text on the side and asked: "Here, you are talking about the connection of expressions at various time points..."

Su Yun, who came to the back row, squinted at Liu Qing who was asking for advice, and then at her husband who was explaining seriously, a premonition suddenly appeared in her heart.

Maybe, this movie can really become popular.

The lunch break was short and the time passed quickly.

The actors and production staff reluctantly left the car and the house. They had just eaten and warmed up, and they were about to come out again to suffer from the cold.

No way, who made this their job?

The actors were already in place, and it was still the unfinished scene in the morning.

The cameraman came to Xu Jie's side and asked in a low voice, "Director Xu, do you want to shoot this time?"

Xu Jie nodded, "Shoot."

Although the cameraman didn't understand why director Xu suddenly changed his mind again, he still followed the other party's advice. Who made the other party the director?
In the crew, the director is the boss, and the director is the sky.

"Hey Hey hey!"

Xu Jie held the loudspeaker and said: "Everyone, be more energetic, overcome the weather, and when the movie is finished, I will invite everyone to eat hot-boiled mutton."

"it is good!"

"Thank you Director Xu!" Everyone said loudly.

Although everyone knows that there is still a long time before the film is finalized, maybe a few months later, but in such a cold weather, Director Xu's words will undoubtedly leave everyone with a refreshing thought.

In fact, eating boiled mutton is nothing at all, everyone can afford it, even if Director Xu doesn't say it, everyone can find a restaurant to eat after filming, but Director Xu said it at this time, which warmed everyone's hearts.

Soon, the staff is ready for everything.

"Every department is ready, 3, 2, 1... start!"

"The 2th time of the 1th shot of the 27th game!"

Liu Qing stood there without moving, her eyes fixed on the snow, as if she didn't hear what the director and the director said.


Xu Jie stood up, frowned and shouted loudly: "Liu Qing, Liu Qing? What's the matter, you can't even walk?"

Liu Qing trembled all over, and after regaining her senses, she quickly said to Xu Jie: "I'm sorry, sorry, I was lost in thought just now, let's do it again."

"Focus, remember to focus!" Xu Jie reminded angrily, and then sat down.

"I see." Liu Qing nodded, then took a deep breath, adjusted her mood, and stood in the snow.

However, such a scene stunned everyone around him.

What's happening here?
What's wrong with Liu Qing?
He actually said sorry to Director Xu?

You must know that when this situation happened in the morning, Liu Qing would not apologize at all, and would even grit her teeth, looking at Director Xu as if she were an enemy.

What happened just now?
What happened around noon?
Could it be that Liu Qing has figured it out, and the whole person is awakened?

it's wired.

"Every department is ready, 3, 2, 1... start!"

"The 2th time of the 1st scene of the 28nd scene..."

Liu Qing appeared in the camera, and I saw her walking slowly outside the courtyard, looking in through the crack of the door, a trace of loneliness appeared in her eyes...

"Director, stop!"

Liu Qing suddenly turned around to look at Xu Jie, and said, "I forgot a mental activity just now, and the emotion just now appeared too early, can we do it again?"

The staff present were stunned again.

Liu Qing actually called a stop in the middle of the performance, and even pointed out his own shortcomings?

This, is this still the Liu Qing I saw this morning?When did the other party become so strict with him?Not even one emotion is right.

Besides, shouldn't it be the director's right to stop this kind of thing?
"Well, let's do it again." Xu Jie said lightly, but the expression on his face was not as impatient and fierce as before.

In his opinion, it doesn't matter if you don't perform well, the most important thing is your attitude.

As long as the attitude is serious, it doesn't matter how many times you do it again, but if you are not serious, he will be very angry if you do it again.

But through this incident, he felt very relieved that this woman had finally grown up.

Starting today, you don't have to worry about the other person's attitude anymore.

"All departments are ready to...start!"

Liu Qing continued the action just now, and her eyes also saw the changes in the situation on the other side of the door. Suspicion, loneliness, pain, hatred... a series of inner activities flashed through her eyes.

Although she just stood quietly and didn't stare at her eyes, it gave the impression that the expression on her face seemed to have undergone countless changes in just ten seconds.

It was completely different from the previous staring, frowning and gritting teeth.


"Well, not bad!" Xu Jie said loudly, this is the first time he has praised Liu Qing since filming this scene.

Being able to grasp the main points of the scene during the lunch break at noon, I have to say that Liu Qing is still very talented in acting.

From this point of view, Xu Jie feels that the other party is called the post-95 four little Huadan, which is worthy of the name.

"Clap clap clap!"

The manager Yuan Ou on the side clapped his hands and applauded directly.

This is the most exciting performance she has seen since she became Liu Qing's manager. Although there are no lines, the other party's eyes are worth a thousand words.

Liu Qing's eyes are notoriously good-looking, watery, and very agile, but today, they really seem to be able to talk.

"Qingqing, well done!" Yuan Ou said loudly.

Although some Wang Po is selling melons and boasting, she still wants to say this.

Relying on this acting skill, she feels that Qingqing will have a wider and wider career in the film industry in the future.

After Liu Qing heard it, she didn't say anything, and hurried to Xu Jie's side, while looking at the monitor, she asked, "Replay it again, hurry up!"

Sister Ou said yes, but she didn't believe it, because she knew that no matter what she acted, Sister Ou would say yes, but she didn't say that Director Xu didn't understand her performance in the morning?But what are the facts?The truth is, she really didn't perform very well in the morning.

"It's much better than in the morning." Xu Jie said while replaying the scene just now.

Liu Qing stared at the screen intently, for one second, two seconds, three seconds... Her brows suddenly frowned, and her expression became very serious.

"Stop, stop!"

Liu Qing rewound the video for a few seconds, pointed to the screen on the monitor and said, "Director Xu, I think it's a little bit worse here, let's do it again."

After speaking, he looked at Xu Jie very seriously.

"Okay." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

This is just a segment, and it will be cut later, just cut out the bad ones.

"I think I can do better!" Liu Qing said firmly.

Seeing Liu Qing's expression, Xu Jie thought it was good that the other party had such an idea, and he didn't want to discourage the other party's enthusiasm, so he nodded at the other party and said, "Okay, let's do it again."

Then he looked around and shouted: "Every department is ready, let's do it again."

After Liu Qing heard it, she quickly returned to her previous position.

Not far away, Yuan Ou was stunned in surprise when he saw the scene just now.

If she heard correctly, just now Qingqing called that man "Director Xu", this is the first time Qingqing called Mr. Xu as Director Xu.

In the end what happened?
Why did Qingqing's attitude towards Mr. Xu change so much?

Have you already recognized Mr. Xu?
Yuan Ou wiped the snowflakes on his eyelashes with his hand, and his eyes fell on Mr. Xu.

Could it be that that man can't be hypnotized?


(End of this chapter)

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