The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 748 That man is not easy to mess with

Chapter 748 That man is not easy to mess with

After 33 shots, the first scene of the second scene finally ended with Liu Qing's satisfaction.

At the same time, all the staff also breathed a sigh of relief, thinking to themselves: Finally, the filming is over.

For the crew, there are fixed shooting tasks every day. If the task cannot be completed, everyone can only work overtime. If the overtime cannot be completed, it can only be postponed to the next day.

But there is an old saying: tomorrow will be tomorrow, and there will be so many tomorrows.

If you procrastinate every day and cannot complete the task, then this will seriously affect the filming plan, and even affect the post-production plan and release plan.

Moreover, the longer the filming time, the more expenses will be required. With so many people in the crew, daily food, drink, lodging and transportation are not a small expense.

Most importantly, no one wants to waste time on pointless reshoots.

This is the female star Liu Qing. If she were an unknown actor, everyone would have cursed her behind her back.

"The actors are ready for the next scene..." Xu Jie shouted, standing up from behind the monitor, because it was his turn for the next scene.

This is a rivalry scene between him and Liu Qing. The content is that the male number one advises the female number two on how to please the emperor more, while the female number two is thinking about how to get rid of the male number one and the female number two. Number one, let these two people completely shut up.

This is a scene in which the female number two begins her dark-bellied journey, and it is also a very big test for Liu Qing's acting skills.

Although not as complicated as before, how to make this sweet face look ruthless will be the biggest difficulty and the biggest attraction.

"Director Xu, is the line correct?" Liu Qing took the initiative to find Xu Jie. After seeing the changes in herself, she became more active in the filming of this movie.

She is a person who is eager to improve and does not plan to play Bai Fumei for a lifetime, so after feeling that this role will help her, she began to focus on her whole body.

You know, a considerable part of the reason why she chose to take this movie was because she wanted to change her inherent image in everyone's minds and broaden her way of acting.

Although she has only filmed the scene for half a day, she feels that she has come to the right place.


Xu Jie found the script and glanced at it, and the plot and lines immediately came to his mind.

In this scene, he has a lot of lines because he has to make up for the female number two. However, despite Liu Qing's few lines, Liu Qing's handling of expressions allows Liu Qing to have a talent that is not inferior to him. role.

It is a very test for Liu Qing to show the viciousness in her heart without revealing the slightest in front of the leading man.

"Let's start..." Xu Jie looked at Liu Qing and said, and then began to speak lines.

Liu Qing just listened carefully at first, but she became restless after listening.

With so many lines, the other party can say them all, and without reading the script once, there is no one with this line skills.

This may be the only satisfactory aspect of the other party's leading role. Don't worry about the other party's lines, because the script is written by the other party.

Next, Liu Qing is like a fan in a cross talk, except for "um", it is "what do you think", if it is not discussing strategies, it will really make people laugh.

After a few minutes, the play ended.

"Director Xu, what do you think of my expression just now?" Liu Qing asked humbly, this time she put her posture very low, without the previous arrogance at all.

"That's a little bit worse." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"What's the difference?" Liu Qing asked.

"It's also vicious. The last scene was vicious after making up my mind, with some excitement, and this scene was a few days after the previous scene. At this time, the female number two has calmed down. While being vicious, A little more worried, worried about being discovered by the hero and heroine..." Xu Jie analyzed for Liu Qing how the scene should be performed through the plot.

Liu Qing thoughtfully, nodded after a while.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand it, let's take two shots first and watch the playback a few more times." Xu Jie said.

He also knows that the other party has played too many silly, white and sweet roles. Suddenly receiving such a complicated role, it is definitely impossible to enter the role immediately, so he allows the other party to make mistakes, of course, the premise is that the attitude must be serious.

The attitude of the other party was very serious just now.

After Liu Qing heard it, she couldn't help but looked up at Xu Jie, full of doubts in her heart.

Take two shots first?

Is this what Director Xu said?

You must know that when the last shot was taken, she was scolded for the bloody sprinkler in the first few shots.

How can this man turn his face faster than a book?
"What are you looking at? Do you doubt my analysis?" Xu Jie asked, frowning.

"No, no." Liu Qing quickly shook her head and turned her gaze elsewhere.

Xu Jie glanced at the other party, and did not start shooting in a hurry, but gave the other party some time to ponder what he just said.

After a few minutes.

Xu Jie felt that it was almost done, so he shouted in Gao Xiaobin's direction: "Everyone get ready, Mr. Gao..."

Gao Xiaobin nodded, then looked at the surrounding staff, and after seeing that everyone had already taken their positions, he said: "Every department is ready, 3, 2, 1... start!"

"The 3th time of the 1th shot of the 1th game!"

Gao Xiaobin looked at the monitor and the script in his hand.

Under normal circumstances, such a large part of the scene is usually divided into several times to shoot. After all, there are too many lines. I'm ashamed to stop, after all, my emotions have been mobilized.

half a minute...

1 minutes……

This scene lasted for a full minute and a half before Gao Xiaobin called a stop.

"Mr. Xu, I see that you are very devoted, so you never called to stop." Gao Xiaobin explained.

"Mr. Gao, when I was acting, you were the director. Besides, you have more experience than me, so you can do whatever you want." Xu Jie said indifferently.

Then come to the monitor and watch the replay just now.

Of course, Liu Qing is also indispensable.

Soon, play it all over again.

Xu Jie played it again, and pressed the pause button at 12 seconds.

"When you look at the male lead at this time, your eyes should have changed, do you know..."

Then it stopped again at 28 seconds.

"The expression is too obvious, you should restrain yourself..."

Xu Jie paused several times later, correcting Liu Qing every time.

However, he also realized that Liu Qing's acting skills are too high for such a long time, so he decided to divide this minute and a half into three sections, each section will have a key expression, and finally put the three sections together by switching. Together, make up a finished piece.

In this way, the number of repeated shootings can be reduced, and the shooting time is also reduced.

Seeing the harmonious picture of Dao Xu and Liu Qing, the staff were surprised but also very puzzled, because judging from the quarrel between the two in the morning, everyone generally believed that the two could fight in the afternoon. One side will still be forced to leave, but now...

Of course, everyone is very happy to see the current situation. After all, the shooting progress is much faster than before.

As for the others, it seemed that except for Liu Qing, no one dared to lose their temper with Director Xu.

Female number one is Director Xu's wife, female number three is an actor recommended by Director Xu, and male number two has always been polite to Director Xu. As for the other actors and staff, they dare not complain to Director Xu.

Now, Liu Qing's attitude has also changed. It can be said that the entire production team is doing well.

Filming proceeded in an orderly manner.

At four or five o'clock in the evening, the sky gradually darkened.

The snow is still falling, but it is smaller than in the morning.

Just when today's shooting task was completed, Xu Jie clapped his hands and said to everyone: "Everyone, don't rush to pack up the equipment. While the snow is still falling, I will shoot a few more night scenes. I will be in charge of dinner and supper. Tomorrow You can be late."

When the staff heard this, they didn't have any complaints. After all, it is common to shoot night scenes, and this is their job, not to mention supper besides dinner.

Temporary extra filming, the key depends on whether the star is willing, if the star is not willing, even if the staff agrees, it will be useless.

"I'm fine." Su Yun was the first to express that of course she would support her husband's work, not to mention adding a few night scenes, even if the filming lasted all night, she would unconditionally support her.

What's more, that's her husband, where her husband is, her home is there, so she doesn't care where she is, as long as her husband is by her side.

"I'm fine." Ding Mengni immediately followed up.

For her, staying here is more interesting than going home. When she goes home, she can only swipe her phone, but she can learn a lot by staying in the crew and by Sister Yun's side.

Other actors also expressed their opinions one after another, and in the end only Liu Qing remained.

"What am I doing? If you add more shots, you can add more shots. I am a professional, and I still have this professional attitude." Liu Qing said seriously.

Yuan Ou on the side kept blinking at Liu Qing, there is a dinner tonight, arranged by the boss, have you forgotten such a big thing?I just said it at noon.

"Sister Ou, what's wrong with you? Is it because your eyelids are cold? If you feel cold, go back to the car and stay there right now. I don't need your company." Liu Qing said to Yuan Ou.

She is an actor and has to stand outside, but the other party is an agent, so there is no need to stand outside.

The corner of Yuan Ou's mouth twitched, based on her understanding of Qingqing, she knew that the other party must have forgotten about the dinner.

"My Qingqing, have you forgotten, there is a dinner tonight." Yuan Ou reminded in a low voice.

Liu Qing was slightly taken aback, and then remembered what Sister Ou told her at noon.

However, she doesn't like the dinner party, so she has no choice but to attend.

If you want to be in the entertainment industry, you must participate in the dinner, because only through the dinner can you get to know the boss and obtain relevant resources.

Even those movie kings and movie queens are no exception.

Although it's just eating and drinking, it's not her strong point to be with people she doesn't know well, and to force a smile on her face.

Compared with those acquaintances and socialites, although she has a lively personality, she is only limited to acquaintances.

"Then what should I do? Everyone is fine. If I leave alone, won't it destroy the work progress of the crew? I don't want to be such a person, or you can tell Director Xu?" Liu Qing turned her head and said Yuan Ou pointed in Xu Jie's direction.

Yuan Ou shuddered when she heard this, she didn't dare to spoil Director Xu's good deeds, if this angered Director Xu, wouldn't she be kicked out of the crew directly?

"what's up?"

Xu Jie saw Yuan Ou and Liu Qing muttering, as if there was something wrong.

If you have anything to say, he hates people whispering behind his back, and in front of him, which makes him feel disrespected.

What's more, it's still in the crew.

"I don't know either." Liu Qing shook her head, then turned to Yuan Ou and asked, "Sister Ou, what did you just say? I didn't hear clearly, please repeat it."

Yuan Ou was stunned.

It's too neat to dump this pot, right?
Although it is also one of the job of an agent to take the blame, taking the initiative to take the blame and being hit by the blame are two different things.

This is awkward.

Do you want to say it?
Said, tonight's night scene can not be filmed.

Don't tell me, how do you explain to the boss?As the boss, even the employees of the company can't give orders. Isn't this being laughed at by the people at the dinner?Where is the boss's face?

Yuan Ou thought about it.

As the saying goes: Take people's money and do things for them.

Still work for the boss.

"Mr. Xu, it's like this. Qingqing has arrangements for tonight. I told her at noon that she forgot about it." Yuan Ou explained cautiously.

"Really?" Xu Jie frowned.

Although Liu Qing is the second female lead, she does not have fewer scenes than the first female lead. If the other party leaves, tonight's night scene will be cut in half.

The most important thing is that the next time it snows at night, you don't have to wait until that day.

"What's the matter? Is it important?" Xu Jie looked at Yuan Ou and asked.

Yuan Ou hesitated after hearing this.

In his heart, Director Xu didn't understand the truth, he said something was wrong, but he insisted on asking, isn't this inquiring about other people's privacy?Besides, if it's convenient to say it, shouldn't you say it from the beginning?

"Oh, I remembered!" Liu Qing stomped her feet suddenly, and suddenly realized: "It's a dinner, there's a dinner, isn't it Sister Ou?"

"Yes, yes." Yuan Ou glanced lightly, thinking: You're cheating me again, and then explained: "It's Mr. Chen of our company, and there are several famous producers. Isn't it the end of the new year?" ? Everyone is going to talk about the work plan for the new year."

Xu Jie looked at Yuan Ou expressionlessly, ever since Su Yun was embarrassed by Liu Jinghua and others at the dinner, he hated the dinner very much.

"Work plan? Shouldn't it be a business matter? Since it's a business matter, why do you have to talk at night? Besides, doesn't your boss know that Liu Qing is on my crew?" Xu Jie asked bluntly.

"I know, I know, but when the boss notified me and Qingqing, didn't you say that you would add a night scene?" Yuan Ou said in a low voice.

"Making a movie is not about turning screws. It's normal to change the plan. You are also a senior agent. Don't you even know about this kind of thing? Besides, Liu Qing is now on the set, and she is mine. You give her Arrange the plan, tell me?" Xu Jie asked.


Yuan Ou was so stunned that he was speechless, but he was very unconvinced in his heart.

Artists are here to make movies, and they don't sell themselves to the crew. What arrangements do artists have, should they all be told to the director?

Do you really think of yourself as the boss?
"Go and call your boss, and say that Liu Qing's filming has not finished for a while, and you have any work plans to wait for two days to talk about, and you must tell me when we talk, so as not to disturb me Will your company compensate for the shooting plan?" Xu Jie stared at Yuan Ou fiercely.

Although he said when he invited Liu Qing that he could leave at any time if there was a business event, but the dinner was not a job, and it was not a business event, so his refusal was not considered regrettable.

The people around, whether it was the staff or the actors, were all shocked by Director Xu's toughness.

This is Director Xu. If he dared to hate an entertainment company by himself, if he were any other director, he would have announced his dismissal long ago.

Yuan Ou sighed secretly, she knew that after telling Mr. Xu, it would definitely end like this, so she didn't dare to say it before.

Now it seems that this call will not work.

Yuan Ou turned around and walked to the side of the car, took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of the company boss.

Soon, the phone was connected.

"Mr. Chen, Qingqing's scene hasn't finished filming yet... I know it's 8 o'clock, but the director added a few scenes temporarily. I guess it will be filmed at least until 9 or 10 o'clock, or even later, tonight I might not be able to go to the dinner... Do you think I can do it another day... I said it, but the director said that this would disrupt the shooting plan... What? You want to talk to him? I think it's better to forget..."

Yuan Ou was trying to communicate with the boss when suddenly a voice came from behind.

"Forget it, since Mr. Chen wants to talk to me, let me do it." Xu Jie came to Yuan Ou's side, snatched the phone from the other party's hand, took it to his ear and said, "Chen Hello, I'm Xu Jie."

"Mr. Xu, you..." Yuan Ou looked worried, but didn't know what to say, so he could only stand aside and listen quietly with his ears pricked up.

"Xu, Xu Jie? Are you Mr. Xu from Jingshi Culture?" A middle-aged man's voice came from the microphone.

"Yes, Mr. Chen doesn't even know that I am the director of Liu Qing's movie, does he?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.

"Ah? I know, I know." The middle-aged man's voice was obviously a little surprised, and he was obviously lying.

"Mr. Chen, do you want to talk to me? I don't know what to say?" Xu Jie asked.

"Oh, it's really nothing, I just want Mr. Xu to tell Qingqing that she must play the role well and not embarrass the company." The middle-aged man said quickly.

"Mr. Chen, don't worry, I will definitely tell Liu Qing. Is there anything else?"



Xu Jie didn't say anything, returned the phone to Yuan Ou, and then walked towards the set.

"How is it?" Liu Qing asked expectantly.

"Mr. Chen asked me to tell you that you must play the role well and don't embarrass the company." Xu Jie said.

Liu Qing was startled, and immediately understood that there was no need to go to tonight's dinner.

I really didn't expect that the man in front of me was so powerful that even Mr. Chen would compromise.

"Director Xu, let's continue filming." Liu Qing said with a smile on her face.

Yuan Ou answered the phone, answered a few times obediently, and after hanging up the phone, he breathed a sigh of relief.

She turned to look at the set.

Sure enough, that man was not easy to mess with.


(End of this chapter)

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