The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 800 Digging a pit?

Chapter 800 Digging a pit?

Xu Jie handed over the task of entertaining Liu Jiaman for dinner to Yuan Ou, and was about to receive a work meal when he saw Liu Jiaman walking towards him.

"Director Xu, where are you going?" Liu Jiaman asked with a smile on her face.

"Go to eat." Xu Jie pointed to the place where he got the boxed lunch, and then said: "By the way, I have already arranged your lunch, and I will have it with Liu Qing and Manager Yuan."

Then he winked at Yuan Ou who hadn't had time to leave.

Yuan Ou understood immediately, nodded, and said enthusiastically: "Yes, Sister Man, you come with me, let's go to the car for dinner." After speaking, he stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation.

"Director Xu, you should hurry up." Liu Jiaman said.

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, looked at the other party suspiciously and asked, "Sister Man, what's the matter?"

Liu Jiaman said: "Director Xu, didn't you promise me that you would teach me card skills? You won't forget it so soon, right?"

"Ah? No, how could I forget? But there is only one hour break at noon, too little to teach anything." Xu Jie said.

Card skills are also a kind of skill, and they need to be practiced constantly. If it can be taught in one noon, then everyone in the world will be a god of gamblers.

"It doesn't matter, how much you add up, let's play a few random rounds at noon today, and let me see if your poker skills are as superb as Qingqing said." Liu Jiaman said while speaking, There is also deep expectation in the eyes.

Xu Jie understood, the opponent wanted to test his poker skills.

Now he finally understands why the other party came so early in advance, and there are other purposes.

This movie queen has a huge addiction to playing mahjong, even bigger than Liu Qing, at least Liu Qing doesn't think about playing mahjong when she is on the set.

"But, there is no mahjong here." Xu Jie spread his hands. He was filming a romance movie, not a gambler, and mahjong is not as light and compact as poker. Who would carry a set of mahjong tiles with him?

"I brought it." Liu Jiaman said.

"I also have it in my car." Liu Qing also said.


The expression on Xu Jie's face froze immediately.

Well, he really underestimated these female stars.

"I'll eat it quickly." Xu Jie said helplessly, and then went to get the work meal. He also planned to revise the script of the TV series after lunch, but now it seems that it will not work.

"Brother Xu!" Gao Xiaobin came to Xu Jie's side and held out a thumb, "Okay, even Liu Jiaman can be invited, are you familiar with her?"

He only heard that a celebrity will play a guest role this afternoon, but he didn't expect it to be Liu Jiaman. This not only surprised the whole crew, but also the audience who watched the movie.

"I'm not very familiar with them, I only met the day before yesterday." Xu Jie replied.

"What? I just met the day before yesterday, so I agreed to play a guest role? Don't you have too much face?" Gao Xiaobin was surprised. As far as he knows, many big companies, big directors, and big productions have always invited Liu Jia Mann starred in a movie, but the result was that the other party hadn't released a new work for five or six years.

It is not easy for such a difficult female actress to agree to appear in this movie, even if it is only a few cameo scenes.

In the film and television industry, isn't the influence of Forbidden Films much greater than Beijing TV Culture?

However, he, the vice president, was standing here, and he didn't even look at him, and he didn't even say hello.

This is the actress Liu Jiaman, free and easy!
"What shame is there? How can I have such a big face? She knew from Liu Qing that I can play mahjong, so she wanted to compete with me. That's why she agreed to make a guest appearance." Xu Jie simply said Explained a bit.


Gao Xiaobin suddenly realized, and said with a smile: "Well, Liu Jiaman really likes to play mahjong, and he is very addicted. It is said that he also formed a mahjong group in the entertainment industry. He named himself the head of the group. The group is full of movie kings and actresses. The big star, ordinary artists can't get in if they want to."

This time it was Xu Jie's turn to be surprised.

He had only heard of the sister group and star class, but this was the first time he had heard of the mahjong group.

It seems that there are quite a lot of stars in the entertainment circle who like to play mahjong.

Xu Jie found Cheng Yingjie with a lunch box, and while eating, they discussed the filming plan of the TV series.

Originally, he planned to finish filming this year and broadcast it this year, but judging from the current situation, this year's filming will definitely not be finished, and the broadcast time may also be postponed to next year.

But this is also good, you can prepare more time for shooting, and enough time can provide enough creative space for the crew to ensure the quality of the plot.

"Mr. Xu."

Suddenly a voice interrupted the conversation between Xu Jie and Cheng Yingjie.

Xu Jie turned his head to look, it was Yuan Ou, who was walking towards this side, but his eyes were evasive, and he seemed hesitant to speak.

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie asked, for the sake of entertaining Liu Jiaman for dinner, his attitude was moderate.

"Mr. Xu, that, Sister Man asked me to come over to see if you finished eating, and told you that they have finished eating." Yuan Ou said cautiously, for fear of offending the man in front of him.

As for the person she least wants to deal with, this man ranks second, and no one can rank first.

"Huh? So fast?" Xu Jie looked at the time on his watch, and it was less than 10 minutes. Liu Qing usually starts eating at least half an hour.

In order to play mahjong, even the speed of eating has increased?

Xu Jie looked down at the lunch box, there were still a few mouthfuls of rice left, he quickly picked up the chopsticks and pulled it into his mouth twice, then got up and said to Yuan Ou: "It's over, let's go."

Yuan Ou secretly breathed a sigh of relief, then turned back to look in the direction of the nanny's car, and nodded towards that side.

The door of the nanny's car opened at this moment, and Liu Jiaman came out from inside, first returned to his car, took out a black suitcase from the trunk, and then walked into a room on the set.

Su Yun and Liu Qing followed closely into the room. Judging from the number of people, there are currently three missing one.

Xu Jie walked over, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw Liu Jiaman pouring mahjong tiles out of the suitcase. The table was a prop table on the set, and a layer of green cloth had been spread on it, and the chairs were also arranged. four directions.

"Director Xu, come quickly, I'll be waiting for you." Liu Jiaman said while waving.

"Sister Man, it's back to playing. When the time comes, we have to film." Xu Jie reminded, for fear that the other party would become addicted to cards and would not leave the table when it was time for filming.

"Don't worry, although I like to play mahjong, I never miss work, and today's game is just to verify, if you let me learn more, I will naturally not continue." Liu Jiaman finished After that, they began to draw directions, and after confirming, the four sat down.

Xu Jie is in the south, Liu Qing is in the west, Su Yun is in the north, and Liu Jiaman is in the east.

The four of them started to shuffle and place their cards, and then touched them.

Liu Jiaman is the banker, and she is very satisfied with the position she has drawn. As Xu Jie's boss, she can keep a close eye on the other party to prevent the other party from getting the cards they want.

She didn't believe Su Yun and Liu Qing.

Of course, it's not that they don't believe in their brands, but they don't believe in their card skills.

In the entertainment circle, she thinks that her level of mahjong is like her coffee position, which is the highest level in the pyramid. As for Su Yun and Liu Qing, when they usually play mahjong, she has never heard that these two people are good. They are all at the low end of the pyramid, or the middle level, and cannot be higher.

"Director Xu, you have to pay attention. I have played mahjong for more than 20 years. In the entertainment industry, I have never seen anyone who is better than me." Liu Jiaman reminded Xu Jie while displaying cards.

"Well, I've also heard from other artists about Sister Man's reputation as a mahjong player, but I haven't had the chance to meet her. I finally got to see it today. I look forward to the scene where sparks hit the earth." Liu Qing also became excited, her big eyes widening Light.

Xu Jie gave Liu Qing a straight look. If the other party could use his poker energy in acting, he might have already won the film queen, and he wouldn't just accompany him every time he was nominated.

"Director Xu, don't let me, or I will be unhappy." Liu Jiaman reminded, and then played the first card, a "South".

Xu Jie was about to raise his hand to touch the cards, when Liu Qing looked over, blinked his eyes wide, and asked, "Aren't you crazy? Sister Man has already played."

Xu Jie looked at Liu Qing as if he was looking at an idiot.

This is the first round, and he doesn't know Liu Jiaman's depth, so how can he display his card skills at will?Wouldn't it be embarrassing to be seen through by the other party?
At least play a few rounds first, feel the opponent's bottom, see how many catties and taels it is, and then it will not be too late to show your card skills.

Isn't there such a sentence?
Know thyself, ever-victorious.

What if Liu Jiaman is also a master?


Xu Jie played a card and ignored Liu Qing at all. Although the other party was bragging for him, he always felt somewhat idiot.

In fact, even if he doesn't do anything, he is better at playing mahjong than ordinary players like Liu Qing. Based on the cards played by each house, the cards received, the cards that went down and the cards that didn't come out, he can basically guess the cards of each house Eighty-nine is not far from ten, this is the most powerful place to play mahjong. As for those "card skills", it's okay to play casually, and you can't make it to the big scene at all.

In order to keep Liu Jiaman, Xu Jie didn't let go of the water, and played eight cards before playing the Hu, an ordinary Ping Hu.

Liu Jiaman couldn't help but feel a little disappointed seeing such playing cards. During the meal before, I heard Liu Qing say that this man can do whatever he wants, and he can easily play with big three yuan and big four happiness. He described it as a gambler alive. , but now, Pihu, can this also be called a master?To put it bluntly, she doesn't even want to play such nonsense cards, it's too small, too ordinary, and too unlevel.

Seeing Xu Jie's cards clearly, Liu Qing frowned involuntarily.

It shouldn't.

In her impression, the other party should be Hu Shisan besides Tianhu Dihu, and the last time was all the same.

Is it just a small test?

"Sister Man, don't worry, Director Xu is warming up." Liu Qing looked at Liu Jiaman at the opposite door and explained for Xu Jie.

No way, who made her boast before?
The bulls you blow out by yourself have to persevere even if you are exhausted.

"Well, I feel it, and Director Xu has reservations." Liu Jiaman said with a smile, but the interest in his eyes was not as strong as it was at the beginning.

Of course, she couldn't say that the man didn't play well, after all, the opponent played all the cards, and it was because of this that the opponent played mahjong really well when she was strictly guarding against it.

It's just that I didn't see the situation that Liu Qing said, so there will inevitably be some gaps in my heart, and I will also be slightly disappointed.

It's like someone wants to invite her to a seafood feast. She has been looking forward to it for a long time, but when she arrives at the place, she is asked to drink seaweed soup. There are only two more dried shrimps in the bowl. Who would not be disappointed?

Liu Qing is not stupid, she saw that Liu Jiaman's interest seemed not so high, so she turned her head and said to Xu Jie: "Director Xu, what's wrong with you, what about your card skills? Show it quickly? Are you not going to win? What are you talking about, can't you cheer up?"

"Shut up!" Xu Jie said angrily.

After Liu Qing heard it, she immediately felt very humiliated. She gritted her teeth fiercely. If she didn't have to learn card skills from the other party, she would not suffer from such uselessness.

Su Yun didn't say anything from the beginning to the end, her face was calm and calm, she seemed more confident than Xu Jie herself, she was still very confident in her husband, since the other party didn't do that, he must have his ideas, there is no need to go put one's oar in.

Come to the second game.

Xu Jie still played cards slowly, taking a bite or touching once in a while, depending on the situation, he was in a rhythm.

Huh, don't say you don't win anything, even if you win something, no one will worry about it, because the losses are so small that they can even be ignored.

But Liu Qing couldn't sit still, as if bamboo had grown on the chair.

It's fine to slap her in the face once, but she still has to slap her in the face. She only has two faces in total. If she gets slapped both, will she still be ashamed?

Xu Jie played a card and asked suddenly: "Liu Qing, have you considered what I told you yesterday?"

"What's the matter?" Liu Qing frowned and asked, her mind was full of playing mahjong now, and she didn't have the heart to think about other things at all.

"It's a derivative TV series of this movie. The other actors have already negotiated, and now only you are left." Xu Jie said lightly.

"I haven't thought about it yet. Didn't you say to give us a few more days? Today is only the first day, let me think about it." After Liu Qing finished speaking, she reminded Xu Jie: "Play mahjong well, don't worry about it. Think about other things, didn't you tell me that you have to be single-minded in doing things?"

"There is a spin-off TV series for this movie?" Liu Jiaman asked curiously, this kind of situation is not common in the film and television industry, and it is too risky to start preparing spin-off TV series before the movie is released, and there is no audience base.

"Well, big production, do you want to join Sister Man? To be honest, your role still has a lot of potential, and it's definitely not worse than the female lead." Xu Jie said while playing cards.

Liu Jiaman was slightly taken aback, this question sounded very casual, but it gave her the feeling that it had been planned for a long time?
"I'm in a half-retired state now, and I enjoy this kind of leisurely life. It's no problem to ask me to play a few scenes in friendship, but if I'm really allowed to act, I really don't have any plans to come out now, after all I have realized wealth and freedom, I have gained both fame and fortune, and I am not as interested in acting as before." Liu Jiaman said, and then played a five-point card.

"Eat it!" Xu Jie put down the four and six, and while playing a nine, he said with emotion: "That's really a pity, Sister Man's acting skills are so good, if she doesn't act anymore, it will be a big loss for the film and television industry. Now there are fewer and fewer actresses like Sister Man who can hold a film and television drama."

"That's right, white board!" After Liu Qing played a card, the cards in her hand were also accepted, but she was not happy at all now, but was very anxious, of course, mainly because of the man.

When playing mahjong, just concentrate on playing mahjong, talking about film and television dramas, if you don't take it seriously, she will almost go crazy.

"Director Xu, don't worry. The waves behind the Yangtze River drive the waves ahead. One generation is stronger than the next generation. People like me will have to step aside sooner or later. At such an old age, we can't occupy the position forever, right? We should also give it to the younger generations. Some opportunities." Liu Jiaman said.

When she saw the card played by Su Yun from the previous player, she hit it directly, and then played a five of a kind, which was also good in her hand.


Xu Jie picked up five pieces, and then put down a piece of four pieces and a piece of six pieces.

Liu Jiaman was speechless after seeing it.

A pair of fours and a pair of sixes, without waiting for the pair to come out, they actually had a bite?Are you mentally ill?
As for why she hit all the two fives, it was because he wanted Hu Qingyi, and there were only two fives in the water in his hand.

While rubbing mahjong, Xu Jie continued what he just said: "Sister Man's mind is really admirable. She always thinks about the younger generation, unlike some female artists who suppress this one and run that one all day long. However, now people like you There are too few seniors, so the current film and television industry is weak, and young female artists alone cannot support the entire film and television drama, if anyone can stand up and lead them to be great."

Liu Jiaman looked at the man, did he want her to help Liu Qing in the TV series?

The problem is, she seldom accepts movies, let alone TV dramas, but what the other party said just now praised her so highly, if she doesn't help, won't she become what the other party said "some female artist"?
This Director Xu is really good at digging holes, and accidentally fell into the other party's way.

"It's been a long time since I've appeared on the screen. Now that artists are changing so fast, maybe everyone has already forgotten about me." Liu Jiaman said with a smile.

"How is it possible? Sister Man, you are the queen of the movie. I don't know how many people expect you to return to the film and television industry. Didn't you guest-star in Director Wu and my movie? I think now is a good opportunity. Of course, I know Sister Man, you don't care about fame and fortune, but if you help young actresses, wouldn't it show your noble character?" Xu Jie continued to reason with the other party.

"Director Xu, let's concentrate on playing mahjong. We can talk about other things after playing mahjong." Liu Jiaman surrendered, feeling that he couldn't talk to the other party at all.

"Don't delay, let's chat while playing." Xu Jie didn't want to just let Liu Jiaman go.

Without Su Yun in the TV series, there is only Liu Qing left. Although Liu Qing ranks first among young female artists in terms of fame and traffic, it is still unknown whether Liu Qing can hold the TV series. It would be different if Jiaman could join in. Not only would there be actresses in town dramas, but there would also be an additional selling point.

"Delay, why not delay? I'm not in the mood to play anymore, and why are you always an ass?" Liu Qing on the side said dissatisfied.

Xu Jie glanced at Liu Qing coldly, doesn't this woman know what to do?

Yuan Ou, who had been standing around, understood Mr. Xu's meaning, so he stretched out his hand and gently pushed Liu Qing's back, signaling not to disturb Mr. Xu. If Mr. Xu can persuade Liu Jiaman to join this TV series , Let alone 70 episodes, even 50 episodes, I will agree.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
"Why?" Liu Qing turned to look at Yuan Ou behind her, with impatience written all over her face.

Yuan Ou was a little embarrassed, this Qingqing, as soon as she played mahjong, she seemed to be a different person, even the tacit understanding from before was gone.

Do you want her to tell the truth and pierce the layer of paper between Mr. Xu and Sister Man?

"Qingqing, talk less and concentrate on playing mahjong." Yuan Ou found a reason casually.

"I talk less? I talk less than enough." Liu Qing said loudly.

"You play the worst here." Yuan Ou said, she didn't comment on Mr. Xu's previous actions, but this time, she was definitely doing it for Qingqing's benefit, so she stood firmly on Mr. Xu's side.

Asking Sister Man to help Qingqing, this kind of treatment, the entire film and television industry can't find a second one.


Liu Qing wanted to say that she was not bad at playing, but she looked up and saw that it was not appropriate for Sister Yun, Sister Man, or Mr. Xu to say that anyone was worse than her, so she could only admit it through gritted teeth.

Xu Jie was still talking, but Liu Jiaman didn't answer directly. The two of them were like grandparents in the park in the morning, practicing Tai Chi.

The third round.

Xu Jie is stupid, ass.

The fourth game.

It's still Xu Jie who is stupid, but still a fart.

Fifth inning, sixth inning, seventh inning
Xu Jie has been bullshitting, and he's always bullshitting.

Soon, the noon time passed like this.

"Mr. Xu, there are still 3 minutes." Gao Xiaobin walked over to remind him, and at this moment around the mahjong table, many people from the film crew gathered.

Who let the next scene be filmed in this room?

This is the harem.

Playing mahjong in the harem was never done by ancient emperors.

"Ah? What fast?" Liu Qing looked disappointed, but also accompanied by a lot of resentment.

"The last round, after filming." Liu Jiaman said, she had already been persuaded by Xu Jie to be helpless, and seeing that the other party had always been just a fart, the original expectation was completely gone.

Huh, who can't be Huh?
Huh, do you still need to find someone to teach?
"Listen to Sister Man." Xu Jie said after hearing this, then rolled out the dice and began to draw cards.

Soon, fourteen cards were in his hand and placed on the table.

"Sister Man, the filming of the TV series will take a month or two. You should really think about it." Xu Jie looked at Liu Jiaman seriously and said.

"Director Xu, it's the last hand, let's play cards quickly." Liu Jiaman said with a wry smile.

"Stop beating!" Xu Jie said, then got up, left his seat, and walked out of the room. .

"Huh? We made the last deal, why are we leaving?" Liu Qing said dissatisfied.

Su Yun looked at her husband's back, as if realizing something, got up and turned over the cards in her husband's hand one by one.

One barrel, nine barrels, one strip, nine strips, ten thousand, ninety thousand, east, south, west, north, middle, hair, white, white
When the people around saw it, they were all stunned.

This is, Tianhu Thirteen!

(End of this chapter)

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