Chapter 801 Decoy
Everyone stared blankly at the last set of mahjong tiles left by Director Xu, and did not recover for a long time.

real or fake?

Thirteen days?
This is a card that you can't even dream of.

Everyone couldn't help looking at Director Xu who had already walked out the door. The figure of the other party looked so unpredictable.

Here comes the question, does Director Xu know?If you don't know, you will lose a lot if you leave early, but if you know, isn't it amazing?

Liu Jiaman, who had lost interest at first, also opened his eyes wide at this moment, with a face full of disbelief. Is this a card that can be drawn by luck?
Shisan Yao often has it, but Tian Hu Shisan Yao does not often have it. At least in her more than 20 years of mahjong playing career, she has never played this kind of hand, and she has never even encountered it.

However, in addition to being shocked, she was a little more puzzled.

Since the opponent has such great poker skills, why did he mess around all afternoon?

Is it intentional?

But what is his purpose in doing this?

"Haha, Tianhu Thirteen, Sister Man, I didn't lie to you, did I? He's really very, very powerful." Liu Qing said happily, finally proving that she wasn't bragging, unlike before, a series of nonsense made her Very embarrassing.

Liu Jiaman came back to his senses after hearing this, and remembered the figure of the other party when he left after drawing the cards, as if everything was under control, and he was really a little handsome by the other party.

If she can play such a trick in front of the mahjong group's ma friends, her reputation will surely spread throughout the entertainment circle.

"Excellent, if you can learn it, it's worth it to be a guest star." Liu Jiaman said.

Salary is valuable, but technology is priceless.

Some technologies, money may not necessarily be able to learn.

So this time she made a guest appearance in a movie, and she felt that she had earned it.

"Clap clap clap!"

Xu Jie stood on the open space and clapped his hands. After attracting everyone's attention, he said loudly: "Every department, actors, the shooting in the afternoon will start soon, please get ready."

The staff immediately began to set up the shooting scene, and the actors stopped the entertainment in their hands, stopped playing games, put away the poker, and cheered up to prepare for acting.

Liu Jiaman changed his clothes and stood in front of the camera, smiling and shouting at Xu Jie: "Director Xu, don't forget to teach me how to play cards."

She has already recognized the opponent's card skills.

In fact, I carefully recalled the discussion at noon. Although the other party was beckoning, but she was always beating, and except for the first hand, she was the banker, and the rest of the time was the opponent's game, from the second hand to the last hand.

You know, she didn't let the water go at all, but in the end she didn't mess around.

If a person can beard from head to toe, even if it's a butt, isn't it a kind of ability?

Of course, she still wants to learn the last hand, she is so handsome.

"Understood." Xu Jie replied.

"There's me too!" Liu Qing stretched out her hand to remind, afraid that the other party would forget.

Speaking of which, the other party has promised to teach her for a few months, but he has not taught her anything except to let her exercise her card sense all the time. She even suspects that the other party is cheating her more than once, but it's all right now, Sister Man He also joined the team of learning card skills. Even if the other party dared to lie to her, would he still dare to lie to Sister Man?
Well, I was finally able to learn something this time.

Liu Qing thought to herself.

Filming continues.

There were a lot of shooting tasks in the afternoon, mainly because Liu Jiaman only gave the crew one afternoon, so the crew had to shoot all the scenes related to Liu Jiaman within the limited time.

But as the old saying goes: plans don’t change fast.

Originally, Xu Jie only arranged a few scenes for Liu Jiaman's tailor-made role, but as the filming continued, with the continuous flow of creative ideas, the number of scenes also continued to increase, which made the expected three hours. It took more than five hours to complete the filming of the scene, and it was even dark in the end.

"Congratulations to Sister Man for wrapping up her role!"

Xu Jie deliberately sent someone to buy a bouquet of flowers and give it to Liu Jiaman to show his attention and gratitude.

"Thank you, Director Xu, thank you everyone." Liu Jiaman took the flowers, smelled the fragrance of the flowers, then looked at Xu Jie and asked, "Director Xu, since my play is finished, can you teach me card skills? "

"Sister Man, you mean. Now?" Xu Jie looked at the staff around him, then said with a wry smile: "Sister Man, we haven't finished our filming task today, and there are still many night scenes to be filmed. I can't delay the filming just to teach you how to play cards, right? You also know that our crew is very tight on time."

It seems that this actress's addiction to poker is bigger than he imagined. No wonder she came to a movie to learn poker skills. Looking at the entire entertainment circle, there is only this one.

At this time, Liu Jiaman also remembered that the other party said that the film would be released during the National Day when Director Wu was on the set, so he nodded understandingly and said, "It's okay, you continue to shoot yours, I will watch from the sidelines, Anyway, I'm fine, I have plenty of time, teach me after you finish shooting."

"Sister Man, we are expected to shoot until eleven or twelve o'clock tonight, are you sure you want to wait?" Xu Jie asked.

Liu Jiaman was taken aback.

so late?
She thought that the filming would end at nine or ten o'clock, and then she would study for an hour or two, and then she could practice at home.

What can we do now?
It's fine if you haven't seen the opponent's card skills, but now that you know how powerful the opponent is, how can you just leave?

To be honest, during the filming in the afternoon, she had been itching all the time, but she just held back it. Now that she had to wait until the filming was over, it was a bit torturing.

Seeing Liu Jiaman's hesitation, Xu Jie knew that if he didn't teach something today, he would definitely not leave easily, so he said to the surrounding staff: "Everyone, hurry up to eat and rest, and continue filming at seven o'clock. .”

It is now 6:20, that is to say, everyone only has 40 minutes to eat and play games.

No way, time is tight and the task is heavy.

At this time, Xu Jie said to Liu Jiaman again: "Sister Man, you have already come, and I am too embarrassed to let you return empty-handed. How about this, I will teach you a few hands, you practice first, how about it?"

Liu Jiaman's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he immediately said with joy, "That's great, thank you Director Xu, then let's hurry up and start."

After talking, go get mahjong and spread the tablecloth.

Seeing the situation, Liu Qing followed immediately, didn't eat dinner, and asked the assistant for a piece of bread to make do with it. How could she be missing in this scene of teaching card skills on the spot?

Liu Jiaman poured the mahjong tiles on the table and was about to place them when Xu Jie stopped him.

"Sister Man, do you know how to draw cards?" Xu Jie asked.

"Drawing cards? Of course you can." Liu Jiaman said after hearing this, she felt that it wasn't a question of whether she could do it, but that she had a hand.

Xu Jie randomly picked up a few cards and put them on the table, and said to Liu Jiaman: "You are only allowed to touch, not to look, can you find out what kind of card it is?"

Liu Qing, who was standing by the side, was startled slightly, her expectant expression immediately turned extremely disappointed, because this scene was so familiar to her, isn't this just looking at the "card sense"?Because of the so-called "card sense", she was fooled by this man for several months, and she still hasn't learned anything.

Is it
Liu Qing glanced at the man secretly. Could it be that the other party is planning to use this trick to fool Sister Man?
This, this is too immoral, right?
For her participation in this movie, at least she still has a salary of 500 million yuan and a share of the box office, while Sister Man is a purely friendly cameo, and she didn't get a penny.

Liu Jiaman suddenly realized, and said in his mouth: "So it's such a simple way to draw cards." After speaking, he reached out to pick up a card, touched the side with the words with his thumb, and a smile appeared on his face.


Slapping the mahjong tiles on the table, there are really eight tiles.

Then draw another card.

"Nine barrels!"

The mahjong tiles were slapped on the table again, it was nine cylinders, and Liu Jiaman guessed it right again.

Liu Qing opened her eyes wide in excitement, clenched her fists excitedly, and secretly cheered for Sister Man in her heart, because once Sister Man could touch all the right ones, there would be no need to train her card sense, and the teaching of card skills would also enter the next stage. A stage, and she can also take this opportunity to learn real card skills, instead of playing mahjong all day long and practicing the so-called sense of cards.

Liu Jiaman's state was immediately full, and he played out mahjong tiles one after another.

"Blank!" "Yaoji!" "Dongfeng!" "Fifty thousand"

Soon, all ten cards were touched by Liu Jiaman with [-]% accuracy.


Liu Qing cheered happily, "Sister Man, you are amazing!"

Liu Jiaman smiled slightly, and said with a relaxed expression: "It's nothing, this is just a basic exercise for me. If I don't even know how to draw cards like this, then wouldn't my 20 years of mahjong be in vain? Director Xu ,what's next?"

Liu Qing also looked at Xu Jie, looking forward to the next teaching of card skills.

Xu Jie unhurriedly picked out another ten cards from the mahjong pile, placed them side by side, then looked up at Liu Jiaman and said, "Try both hands together."

"no problem."

Liu Jiaman stretched out both hands to touch the cards together.

"Forty thousand, six barrels!"

"Two pieces, in the red!"


In a blink of an eye, the five sets of cards were drawn again, and they were all right again.

"How is it? Is it okay?" Liu Jiaman asked complacently.

Xu Jie didn't speak, pointed to the mahjong tiles on the table and said, "Wait a minute, we're shuffling the tiles and arranging them. You need to find nine pairs and put them together. Let's try."

After speaking, he sat down and started playing mahjong.

This time, he wanted to give the actress opposite him some color.


Liu Jiaman froze, looking at the mahjong tiles on the table that were being rubbed back and forth, it was difficult to find nine pairs just like this, let alone make it right while rubbing.

This test is not only about drawing cards, but also eyesight. You must be able to see clearly what the cards are at the moment the mahjong tiles are turned over, and you must also notice where the tiles are rolled, so that you can find so many pairs and put them together. .

Liu Jiaman sat across from Xu Jie. Although she found it difficult and had never done it before, she wanted to try and see if she could do it.

Liu Qing also wanted to try, but considering that her joining might cause trouble for Sister Man and make it more difficult for the other party to find a match, so she gave up the idea of ​​participating and stood quietly watching Sister Man and Director Xu observed their actions.

Liu Jiaman put both hands on the mahjong tiles and began to rub the tiles slowly. Compared with normal mahjong playing, it was like a slow motion of 0.5 times.

However, her eyeball rotation speed and gaze movement speed are much faster than usual, for fear of missing any turned over mahjong tiles.

The two rubbed back and forth seven or eight times, and finally reached the stage of arranging cards.

Liu Jiaman, who was very confident in the card drawing session before, became a little flustered at this time. While recalling the cards he saw just now, he picked them out and put them together based on his memory.

However, when it was on the front side, she remembered where the cards were, but after turning them over, the patterns on the back side were all the same, and a slight change in the position made her doubt her memory.

Is this one?
Or the one next to it?
Will it go to another location?

The more I think about it, the more chaotic my memory becomes, the more chaotic I become, the more flustered I was. I originally memorized six or seven groups, but after finishing four groups, I couldn't find who was who at all.

Liu Jiaman wanted to learn how Director Xu did it, but when he looked up, it didn't matter, and he directly met the other party's eyes.

The problem was that when she looked at the other party, her hands stopped, but when the other party looked at her, her hands kept arranging cards, and the speed was very fast, just like normal card arranging, without any pause.

In just a few glances, the opponent has already placed nine sets of cards.

"Is it finished?" Xu Jie asked, snatching the bread from Liu Qing's hand by the way, looking at Liu Jiaman while eating.

"Not yet, not yet." Liu Jiaman said.

It's okay if you don't ask, but you panic again when you ask.

She looked down at the mahjong tiles in front of her, picked up one first, touched it with her hands, felt something was wrong, immediately changed one, and kept switching back and forth between the tiles, it looked better than the ones in the supermarket. Auntie is also picky.

Said to pay back the display of cards, but it turned into picking cards. It took two or three minutes to finish picking, and I almost didn't draw all the cards.

"I'm done!" Liu Jiaman said guiltily, the previous self-confidence had disappeared without a trace, not even a trace could be found.

"Turn over and have a look." Xu Jie said.

Liu Jiaman reached out and turned over the nine sets of cards in front of him.

The first group, two chickens.

The second group, two Dongfeng.

The third group, two whiteboards.

The fourth group, one seven, one red.

Liu Jiaman frowned directly, and before Xu Jie could say anything, she muttered to herself.

"No, I clearly remembered two sevens."

She is not sure about the last few sets of cards, but she still remembers the first few sets of cards clearly.

The next fifth group, one is Jiutong and the other is Fa Cai.

The sixth group and the seventh group are all different.

The final eighth group was the same as the ninth group, two threes and two twos respectively, but they were the result of her careful selection, and it was not a display of cards at all.

Liu Qing sighed softly, and then comforted: "Sister Man, it's okay, you are already very good, if it were me, it would be great if I could get two pairs right."

Liu Jiaman looked at Liu Qing, thinking, is this comforting?Two pairs and three pairs are basically half price eight taels, there is not much difference.

She is the head of the mahjong troupe in the entertainment industry!

The younger generation's words, not only did not bring her comfort, but made her feel very humiliated.

At this time, Liu Jiaman cast her eyes on the opposite side, which is the nine sets of cards placed in front of Director Xu. She already knew how difficult it is to pick and place cards while shuffling them, so now she really wants to know that the other party has placed them correctly. how much.

Xu Jie also knew what Liu Jiaman was thinking, so he turned over all the nine cards in the first row, from one to nine, all of them.

Next is the second row, or one to nine tubes.

Both Liu Jiaman and Liu Qing were dumbfounded.

Being able to play nine pairs is already very good, but the opponent can also play two sets of straights, which is simply amazing.

Especially Liu Qing, she watched the whole battle, but even so, she didn't see how the opponent made a straight.

"How did you do it?" Liu Jiaman couldn't help asking, after a short period of disappointment, the whole person became more excited, even fanatical.

This time it was completely conquered.

She must learn this card skill.

"It's very simple. It can be summed up in four words: quick eyesight and quick hands." Xu Jie said lightly.

"Speedy eyes and quick hands? Is it over?" Liu Qing asked curiously. She had been waiting for the other party to share the secret, and almost took out a small notebook to record it, but the answer was only four words. The other party was fooling around. In her mind, the other party should talk for at least 10 minutes to half an hour.

"It's over!" Xu Jie nodded.

Liu Jiaman looked down at the mahjong tiles, lost in thought.

Quick eyesight and quick hands seem simple, but it is not an easy task to actually do it, or even do it well.

Take the arranging of cards just now as an example, she thought she had quick eyes and hands, but what happened was that she was in a hurry.

We all know the principle of the atomic bomb, but how many countries can manufacture it?

"Director Xu, isn't what you said too simple? Can you explain it in detail?" Liu Qing continued to ask, she finally got a chance to learn card skills, how could she let it go so easily?
"Details?" Xu Jie thought for a while, and then said, "Be quick with your eyes, and quick with your hands."


Liu Qing was speechless.

This is called detailed?

Do these three extra words have any practical meaning?

"Director Xu, what Qingqing means is if there are any tips for learning, or a way to learn quickly." Liu Jiaman came back to his senses, now that he knows the secrets, the next step is the method of learning.

"Apart from constant practice, there is no other way. Isn't there such a saying? One minute on stage, ten years off stage. If you don't practice, you can't do it. If you practice less, you can't do it well." Xu Jie said.

He is only responsible for teaching, as for whether he can learn, that is the problem of Liu Jiaman and Liu Qing.

At the beginning of the exchange, he only said Baojiao, not Baohui.

"Is this too troublesome?" Liu Qing said with a bitter face.

Liu Jiaman's thinking is the same as Liu Qing's. Although he understands the truth, if he really has no tricks, he will inevitably feel disappointed.

"This is already a very basic thing, and there will be more difficult things in the future. If you don't even know this, how can you get the cards you want? You have to be clear, there are four mahjong companies." Xu Jie reminded.

Liu Jiaman was taken aback, and immediately slapped his thigh and said, "That's right, there are four houses in total. Even if I set up my cards, there are still three cards. How can I control the cards of the other three houses?"

After speaking, he looked at Xu Jie, as if he was waiting for an answer from the other party.

Just knowing how to put the cards in front of him, he can't catch Tianhu Shisanyao.

"That's a higher level thing. I'll teach you other things after you have learned just this. It's like going to school. You have to go level by level. You don't understand the courses in elementary school. You can see that the courses in universities are different." What's the use?" Xu Jie said patiently.

It's not that he can't tell, it's just that he has to maintain a sense of mystery to whet the appetite of these two people. If he tells everything at once, what secrets does he have?What if I don't come to him in the future?
People, without a sense of mystery, are equal to a lack of attractiveness.

In fact, everything is like this. When you don't understand it, you are very curious. When you understand everything, you will not be so interested.

"I study well, I want to skip a grade!" Liu Qing raised her hand and said.

"It's just you? Hehe, it's pretty good if you don't repeat a grade, and skip a grade." Xu Jie angrily whitened Liu Qing, and then said to Liu Jiaman: "Sister Man, you learn first, wait for you to learn." After you succeed, I will teach you other more powerful ones, and I promise to make you shine even more in the mahjong team."

In fact, what he taught just now is already a bit over the top, but without making it more difficult, how can you tame the actress?

He is also planning to let the other party star in the spin-off TV series of "Lovers in Time and Space".

The hand that was shown just now can be regarded as teaching, or as bait, as long as it attracts the other party, and then lays some bait casually, if you don't believe the other party will not take the bait.

Liu Jiaman's whole body trembled, these words had touched her heart.

The reason why she wants to learn poker skills is to show off her skills to the mahjong friends in the mahjong team.

"I know, I will practice hard." Liu Jiaman said seriously.

If there is no effort, how can there be any return?

Without practice, how can there be results?

The old saying goes well: the master leads the door to practice in the individual.

Now is the time to look at her personally.

Xu Jie nodded, and said to Liu Qing who was beside him: "Look at Sister Man, she is not only prettier than you, but also harder than you, do you know the difference now?"

Liu Qing was confused, she was just learning mahjong, what does it have to do with whether she is pretty or not?
Xu Jie got up and left the mahjong table. After teaching for such a long time, he was about to turn on the machine. He had to eat quickly to fill his stomach. It didn't have to be the time to shoot at night.

Seeing Xu Jie coming out of the house, Su Yun brought the prepared dinner over and asked in a low voice, "How is it?"

"It's over!" Xu Jie said with a smile, took the lunch box and started eating.

Su Yun couldn't help being taken aback.


How does it sound like the meaning of dealing with it?

And when Xu Jie answered, there was a hint of slyness in his smile, and based on her understanding of her husband, it was clearly the appearance of tricksters succeeding.

Su Yun couldn't help looking back at the room where Liu Jiaman was. What did her husband do to Liu Jiaman?

(End of this chapter)

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