Chapter 802
The filming of "Lover in Time and Space" is proceeding in an orderly manner. Except for Xu Jie who will take half a day to go to the Grand Theater of Beijing Radio and Television Station to record the third season of "Crossover Actors" on Friday, the rest of the time is filming, acting, and imagining on the set. Movies, racking their brains to think about how to make the movie better.

For Xu Jie, if he didn’t do it, if he did it, he must do his best to do it well without leaving any regrets. This is his first film...

Well, to be honest, he just wants to win, not lose to Zheng Guoliang.

You know, his entire net worth is bet on this movie, if he loses to Zheng Guoliang in the movie box office competition, then in addition to the agreed [-]% of the box office jackpot, his net worth will also be lost.

Of course, money is only one aspect. He also gambled on his own reputation and Su Yun's bright future, including Boss Jiang, Ding Zhenye, Liu Qing and Liu Jiaman. Too much, and the consequences are very serious.

So in this gamble, he absolutely cannot lose, nor can he afford to lose.

In a blink of an eye, Liu Qing had already been on the set for fifteen days. According to the original agreement between Xu Jie and Wu Kaishi, he would be released tomorrow.

In fact, if the filming plan at the beginning was followed, Liu Qing's scenes should have been filmed long ago, but during the filming process, Xu Jie kept changing the scenes, which led to a large increase in Liu Qing's scenes, so it was delayed until Last day.


Xu Jie found Liu Qing with the lunch box, and seeing the other party smiling and beaming while chatting with Su Yun, it felt as if he was about to escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

"I said Liu Qing, your drama is over in two more episodes, and you don't need to come here anymore. Should you give me a sweet word today, whether to act in that TV series or not?" Xu Jie was by his wife's side , sat down opposite Liu Qing.

I agreed to think about it for two or three days, but it turned out that after three days and three days, I have been thinking about it for more than ten days, and now I am about to leave, but I still haven't given him a clear answer. I have already met other female artists.

Like this kind of big production that has been scheduled to be broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV in advance, female artists in the film and television industry are all vying to be the number one female.

"Why are you in a hurry, let me think about it seriously." Liu Qing took out the argument from the previous few days again.

"My application for the college entrance examination has not been considered for as long as yours. Whether you will accept it or not, I will find someone else. Don't think that I can't do it without you. There are more actresses who are suitable for this role than you. I think if it was not For my wife's sake, you won't be able to get the second female lead in the movie." Xu Jie said while eating his boxed lunch.

"Really? Can you name a few actresses who are more suitable than me?" Liu Qing asked with a smile. Maybe she will leave tomorrow. Today, she is in a particularly good mood. No matter what the man says, she They don't even care about each other.

"Huang Qian, Jiang Liying, Chen Yingxue, these have all won the Most Popular Actress Award. No matter in terms of acting skills, popularity, or influence, not only are they not inferior to you, they even surpass you." Xu Jie opened his mouth and said Name a few female artists.

These female artists have all cooperated with her and have always kept in touch. If he asks, I believe no female artist will refuse his invitation.

In his opinion, this Liu Qing simply didn't know what was good and what was wrong.

"Really?" Liu Qing asked suspiciously, she had been fooled by men too many times, and she no longer believed what the man said.

"Okay, stop talking, can't I find someone else?" Xu Jie took a few pieces of meat from the lunch box in front of Liu Qing and put them in his own lunch box, then got up and left.

"Hey, Mr. Xu, don't rush away." Yuan Ou, who had been watching, suddenly stepped forward to stop Xu Jie, and said cheerfully, "We have something to discuss. Isn't the TV series still in the preparatory stage and not started?"

"Who said it's still in preparation?" Xu Jie looked at Yuan Ou coldly and said, "Let me tell you, the preparations have already been completed. It's still these staff members, or these actors. As long as the filming is over, it can be seamlessly connected. Directly start filming TV dramas."

There are two sets of people for shooting and post-production, so continuing to shoot will not have much impact on post-production. Even if there is an impact, it may only be due to lack of personnel, but with Gao Xiaobin, it is entirely possible to coordinate some people directly from Forbidden Pictures. come over.


Yuan Ou was a little surprised, seeing the other party's full confidence, it didn't seem like he was fooling people.

At this time, an off-road vehicle drove over from a distance and parked next to Liu Qing's nanny car, and then Liu Jiaman was seen getting out of the car.

Xu Jie's eyes lit up, and at the same time he was somewhat proud.

It's finally here!

He ignored Yuan Ou, walked straight to Liu Jiaman, and greeted Liu Jiaman happily, "Sister Man, what brought you here?"

"I'm bored, come and take a look casually, won't it delay your crew's filming?" Liu Jiaman asked.

"No, no, you are also a part of our film crew. Don't just come to see it casually, even if you come to see it every day, I will applaud and welcome you." Xu Jie said with a smile, and then looked at the other party's face. , suddenly asked in surprise: "Sister Man, you probably learned the trick I taught you, so you came here to let me teach you other card skills?"

Hearing this, Liu Jiaman immediately showed a wry smile on his face, sighed softly and said, "Oh, Director Xu, to tell you the truth, I came here because I didn't learn anything. Relaxed."

In the past ten days or so, she has practiced almost every day. Although she has made some progress, it is very limited, and she is far behind the opponent.

"Sister Man, why are you still sighing? Playing mahjong is just a kind of pastime. If you worry about it all day, it's boring." Xu Jie comforted.

Liu Jiaman understood the other party's meaning and agreed with the other party's words, but playing mahjong brought her not only sorrow, but also joy.

And she felt that whenever she met something she really liked, she would be happy and worried about it, and it was precisely this kind of mood that made people most likely to be enchanted.

"Director Xu, I've been able to make nine pairs now, but the problem is, I can be seen every time, what do you think should I do?" Liu Jiaman couldn't help asking.

If others can't see it, it's called skill, and if others can see it, it's cheating, not only a loss of character, but also a loss of brand name, and it's not called showing off skills, it's called embarrassment.

Xu Jie felt happy when he heard it. If he could learn it easily, he wouldn't have known how to teach it back then.

Ah, very good.

This is exactly what he wanted to see.

"Being seen by others can only explain one problem. What you did was not concealed enough, it was too obvious." Xu Jie pretended to conduct a serious analysis for the other party.

"Well, that's right, that's what they said too, and that I'm always picking cards when I lay out cards, even a fool can see it, but if I don't pick cards, I can only make up to six pairs at most, and I can't succeed every time, alas, four people play mahjong together, the cards are too chaotic, the variables are too big, I can't master it at all." Liu Jiaman sighed again as he spoke, practicing so hard for himself Disappointed that days haven't worked out.

She even began to doubt whether she had the talent to play mahjong.

If a person wants to succeed, hard work is very important, but it is talent that plays a decisive role.

Isn't there such a sentence?
Effort determines the lower limit, and talent determines the upper limit.

Her current upper limit is six pairs.

Although there are only three pairs away from the passing line of nine pairs, these three pairs stand in front of her like an insurmountable gap.

"Four people? Are there four people when you practice?" Xu Jie asked.

"Otherwise?" Liu Jiaman didn't understand what the other party meant.

"Of course it's difficult for four people. You can do it like we did when we played cards. You can play with two people first, or even by yourself. After you master it, you can gradually increase the difficulty with two or three people. Have you seen Kung Fu movies? ? Master taught me to practice, and then find someone to try my skills, first fight one, then two, and finally fight a group, if you fail to practice and rush into the crowd, isn’t that going to die?” Xu Jie said with a wry smile .

Before he could increase the difficulty for the opponent, the opponent had already increased the difficulty for himself.

When he was teaching the other party back then, he considered that the difficulty would discourage the other party's enthusiasm for learning, so he just played cards with two people, and did not pull Su Yun and Liu Qing over. However, the other party was fine, and he turned around to find three people. Can this be done?

If you don’t do the primary school math homework, you have to do the junior high school math problem, and you can imagine the result.

"Practice alone?"

Liu Jiaman frowned slightly, and began to think carefully about Xu Jie's words.

Practicing alone means that there is no external interference when rubbing the cards. Not only can you remember where the mahjong tiles are, but you can also speed up the speed of picking and placing tiles and increase the success rate.

When you have finished your practice, go to another person, find one more interference, and after you get used to it, you can find another one, and continue to practice with two interferences until you reach the third one.

This is a process of gradually increasing difficulty, and it is also a process of her training and adapting. Learning is from easy to difficult. Like her directly challenging the most difficult, she does not think she can succeed.

"Oh, I know what to do!" Liu Jiaman nodded, and a smile finally appeared on his face.

"There's an old saying: You can't become fat if you eat one bite, so you have to take things slowly and step by step, understand?" Xu Jie said.

"Understood!" After Liu Jiaman finished speaking, he suddenly thought of something, looked at Xu Jie suspiciously, and asked while looking at him: "Didn't you say that there is no trick? What's the matter with the reminder just now?"

At the beginning, I kept saying that there was no way to learn quickly. Now, isn’t it a good way to teach one by one?

"Can this be called a trick? Isn't this a normal thing?" Xu Jie said indifferently.

"That's the trick!" Liu Jiaman said seriously.

How can the teacher tell the students the answer directly after listing the questions?Shouldn't the method and process of solving the problem be written out in detail one by one?
In her opinion, what Xu Jie said just now is the method and process of solving the problem.

"No way, such a simple truth, didn't Sister Man think of it?" Xu Jie asked pretending to be surprised.

"I, how could I think of it? If I can think of everything, do I still need to learn card skills from you?" Liu Jiaman was a little embarrassed, why did he feel like an idiot in the eyes of the other party?

"Sister Man, you need to sum up some learning methods by yourself, so you can't let me teach you by hand?" Xu Jie said.

Liu Jiaman was taken aback when he heard it, and then his eyes burst out with excitement, "Hand in hand? This is a good way, come quickly."

"Sister Man, you should spare me. My wife is still here." Xu Jie looked at Su Yun who was beside him. He just mentioned it casually, but he didn't expect the other party to take it seriously.

This is playing mahjong, not golf. How can there be hands-on teaching?

Liu Jiaman was slightly taken aback, and then realized that Su Yun was still at the side, and it was indeed easy to misunderstand a married man.

"Su Yun, don't get me wrong. I just want to learn poker skills quickly. There is no other meaning." Liu Jiaman quickly looked at Su Yun and said.

"I understand." Su Yun smiled lightly, but didn't take it seriously.

"Well, you guys have dinner, I'll go home and practice again." After Liu Jiaman knew the tricks of the practice, she couldn't wait to go home and practice.

and many more!

Why go home and practice?
Can't you just practice here?
Maybe when you encounter a problem, you can get the reminder from the other party.

Yes, practice here.

"Director Xu, are there any rooms and tables that are temporarily unused?" Liu Jiaman asked.

"Yes." Xu Jie pointed to the imperial palace not far away. He has rented out the whole area, but there is no show there today.

Liu Jiaman immediately returned to the car, took out a black suitcase, and walked into one of the rooms. Soon there was a "crash, clatter" sound from inside.

She firmly believed that if Director Xu could tell one trick, there would definitely be seven or eight more in her belly, but she didn't know how to express it.

This is like martial arts masters and rookies in the rivers and lakes. What the master center thinks is not worth mentioning may be martial arts secrets to rookies.

She understood, so she didn't blame the other party. If the other party really planned to hide it, she wouldn't have guided her just now, wouldn't she?

Liu Qing looked at the room where Sister Man was practicing mahjong, and couldn't help thinking.

It turns out there really is a trick!

In fact, during these days, although the filming will be very late every day, after she returns home, she will leave Sister Ou and her assistant to practice pairing with her, but she is worse than Sister Man, so she can only pose Three sets of pairs.

After listening to the conversation between Sister Man and Xu Jie just now, she suddenly realized that her practice method was also wrong. This made her feel very depressed while overhearing the tricks of practice.

Looking at Sister Man's situation, it seems that she plans to stay here to practice her card skills, but she will leave here tomorrow to go to director Wu Kaishi's crew, that is to say, she will never hear Director Xu's words to Sister Man again. Guided.

This is how to do?
Looking for an opportunity to let Director Xu guide you in the future?

At that time, the other party will definitely let her practice her card sense again.

And now she can't even draw cards with one hand, let alone use two hands like Sister Man.

Thinking about it carefully, if Sister Man hadn't come to the set here, she might not even have heard the elementary tutorials on pairing.

Alas, it seems that her senior sister is about to fall behind that junior sister Man.

After lunch, the crew took a short break and started shooting in the afternoon.

"All departments are preparing..." Xu Jie shouted loudly, and the set immediately fell silent.

However, at this moment, bursts of "crash, clatter" came from a palace not far away, where Liu Jiaman practiced mahjong.

After everyone heard it, they were all speechless.

Although the sound of playing mahjong is not very loud, what should I do once it is recorded in the movie?
The audience was watching the movie, when they suddenly heard the sound of rubbing mahjong. Those who knew it came from the movie, but those who didn’t know it thought the movie theater was haunted.

"Sister Man, it's filming, your voice is too loud." Xu Jie shouted.

The sound of rubbing mahjong stopped abruptly, and then I saw Liu Jiaman showing his head, smiled embarrassedly, and closed the gate of the palace.


Well, it's much better now.

Shooting continues.

Since there are only two scenes left, Liu Qing is also very serious. The originally estimated three-hour shooting time was finally completed in two hours.


Xu Jie gave Liu Qing a bouquet of flowers symbolically. No matter how much unpleasantness there was during the shooting, he finally completed the shooting task satisfactorily.

"Clap clap clap!"

There was also warm applause on the set, whether it was the staff or other actors, they were all applauding for Liu Qing.

"Thank you."

Liu Qing took the flowers and bowed to thank those who applauded.

I can finally get out of here.

She originally thought that she would be very happy, but when this moment really came, she was not as happy as she imagined, and instead felt a sense of loss.

She has filmed many scenes, and it is normal for her to join and leave the group, but for some reason, this time she feels this way.

Is it because he failed to learn card skills?

Well, it must be so.

"Director Xu, my role has already been completed, when will you teach me poker skills? Shouldn't it be time to fulfill your promise?" Liu Qing looked at Xu Jie and asked.

"How is your card drawing practice going?" Xu Jie asked.


Liu Qing was speechless.

She knew it would be like this.

Xu Jie ignored Liu Qing, and shouted towards the set: "Get ready for the next scene, the actors change their costumes quickly."

After a short break, the entire crew started to get busy again. Liu Qing's part was finished, but the other actors' scenes were not finished, and everyone still needed to continue filming.

"Director Xu!" Liu Jiaman pushed the door out, and while Xu Jie was preparing for the next play, he came to the opponent and said, "Mahjong tiles are easy to mess up when rubbing the tiles. Is there any way to remember the tiles?" If you know where the cards are, you can remind me?"

"The cards are chaotic, won't it be easy to remember if you keep the cards from being chaotic?" Xu Jie reminded.

"Yeah, I'm not asking you right now?" Liu Jiaman was overjoyed, and pointed at what he said just now, the other party must have related tricks.

It was right to stay here.

Liu Jiaman thought to himself.

"I've reminded you so much, but you still ask? Some things, if you don't say it, it's a card skill, but if you say it, it's cheating." Xu Jie showed a embarrassed look.

The so-called card skills are actually similar to the previous tricks, all of which are tricks.

When you don't understand it, you feel amazing, but once the truth is exposed, you may not only not be praised, but give people a low-level feeling.

Of course, he doesn't care whether he is low-level or not, what he cares about is how to catch big fish and maximize the value of his poker skills.

Even the low-level tricks of making pairs have already been taught, does he still care about other things?

Things like skills can only reflect their value when they are exchanged. If they can't reflect their value, they are useless.

It's not that Xu Jie doesn't teach, it's just that it's not time to teach.

"Director Xu, you can't say that. It's cheating to be found out, and ability to be found out. So just tell me, I'm so old that I can't turn my head. Don't you have any sympathy? Is it?" Liu Jiaman said pitifully, while pretending to be sad.

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard this. For women, age is the last thing they want to mention, and the other party can even say "such an old age". It seems that there is no lower limit for learning poker skills.

"Okay, then I will tell you a little trick. When you are shuffling the cards, don't you just control the cards you want within the palm of your hand? When you place the cards, just pick up the cards under your palm Just put it on." Xu Jie said in a low voice, as if afraid that others would hear.

Liu Jiaman was stunned for a long time, then stomped his feet suddenly, and said loudly: "Yeah, why didn't I think of that, hey, no, when shuffling the cards, the hands move and the cards move, especially when there are many people Under such circumstances, how can we ensure that the mahjong tiles are controlled within the palm of the hand?"

"Sister Man, I'm going to be filming soon, go back and practice yourself first." Xu Jie pointed at the staff around him, and stopped answering their questions.

"Don't, just tell me about one sentence, and it won't take too much time for you." Liu Jiaman was in a hurry, how could he stop in the middle of a sentence?

I am so anxious to death!
"Sister Man, it's not that I don't tell you, but that there are some things that you have to ponder and experience on your own, so that you can grasp them better. After reading the questions, you can see the answers. Can you really do it? How about this, I'll talk about it tomorrow. I'll tell you." Xu Jie said.

"Tomorrow? Really?" Liu Jiaman asked.

"Of course." Xu Jie said seriously.

One little trick a day, so that the other party will always have questions, never finish learning, always want to know the answer, and think about coming here to ask her every day.

At that time, won't the fish take the bait by itself?

Liu Jiaman sighed softly, "Okay, tomorrow will be tomorrow." After speaking, he walked back to the palace.

Xu Jie was about to leave when Liu Qing caught him.

"What about me?" Liu Qing asked, with a hint of dissatisfaction in her voice.

"What's the matter with you? Isn't your play finished? You can go, no one is stopping you." Xu Jie said, even showing a look of impatience.

Liu Qing frowned, what the other party said felt like killing a donkey.

"Can you tell me first?" Liu Qing asked.

"That won't work. If you secretly tell Sister Man, won't that hurt her? I can't let you hurt her." Xu Jie said solemnly.

"I won't tell her, I swear." Liu Qing said with a serious face.

"I don't believe it." Xu Jie snapped back.

I thought: tell you?I tell you, will you still come to beg me?If you don't come to beg me, how can I handle you?Can't handle you, will you still accept TV dramas?


(End of this chapter)

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