The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 803: Hide and Seek

Chapter 803: Hide and Seek

early morning.

Xu Jie came to the crew early to put on makeup, because he has been filming Liu Qing some time ago, and now Liu Qing's part has been completed, so starting today, he will rush to film other people's parts, and strive to complete all the scenes within a month. Finished.

In fact, every actor in the crew is busier than Liu Qing.

Needless to say, Xu Jie, as the male number one, is also in charge of film post-production and directing "Crossover Actor", and the second season of "Ordinary Courage" is about to start filming, so the work plan can be said to be quite arranged After filming this movie, Su Yun, the second female lead, will directly enter the crew of the movie "The Game in the Game" and start filming the next movie. You know, the movie "The Game in the Game" has already been waiting. I have been with Su Yun for four full months.

As for the other actors, they will participate in the filming of the spin-off TV series. The name Xu Jie has already been thought of. It is called "Legend of Lan Xi", named after the character played by Liu Qing.


There was a knock on the door outside the dressing room.

It is said to be a dressing room, but it is actually a spare utility room on the set. This palace has a large area, but there are only a few palaces that will be photographed, so most of the rooms are used for other purposes. In addition to the dressing room, there are also dressing rooms, prop rooms, utility rooms, etc.

Xu Jie was receiving makeup from a makeup artist, so he didn't turn his head to look after hearing the sound, but a woman's voice followed the knock on the door.

"Is Director Xu there?"

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, it was Liu Jiaman.

Although Ni Jun left, he ushered in the front of the movie.

Yes, the other party came early enough.

In his prediction, the other party should at most sleep in at home, start from home at four or ten o'clock, and drive an hour to arrive at the set.

But it's still four o'clock, and the other party is filming again, so it's too early, isn't it?
"Director Xu, I'm outside." Wang Wen said in a low voice.

Lu Zhihong looked for his reputation, and before he found Wang Wen, he walked over immediately, and said with a smile, "Liu Qing, have you had breakfast? I brought you hamburgers and soy milk, and I know whether you like it or hate it."

After speaking, he put a well-known slow food paper bag in his hand under the makeup table behind Ni Jun.

Wang Wen was flattered when she saw the front, and said quickly: "Director Xu, you are too polite, I have the nerve to ask you to bring me breakfast, thank you so much."

Buying breakfast before the movie, no one deserves this kind of treatment.

"Oh, it's a lot of effort. Besides, we're from here. If you call me sister, I'll bring you a breakfast. Is that right?" Lu Zhihong said solemnly, as if the two were Like siblings.

"If you don't have you as a big sister in front of the movie, I'll take advantage of it." Ni Jun said with emotion. In terms of broadcasting and television circles in the capital, his connections must be wider than the other party's, but in the entire entertainment industry, the other party's connections must be stronger. It is a fact of life to surpass him.

"What is taking advantage of is taking advantage. If you have nothing to do before, you can tell me directly. As long as I can do it, I will definitely frown." Lu Zhihong showed the demeanor of a young lady, and patted his chest with his hands. ensure.

Wang Wen thought to herself: Why did you keep frowning when you were invited to participate in the TV series?
Does it mean that the other party is acting with him.

Ashamed to be in front of the movie, the acting was so good, he almost believed it.

"Well, Ni Jun, look, I'm here today too, can you tell me the card rubbing tricks you talked about yesterday?" Lu Zhihong asked with a smile, his eyes full of anticipation.

Yesterday she went home and studied until midnight, and even checked the Internet for a long time, but she still found a way to make the cards messy, and her palms hurt when she tried it.

Wang Wen looked at the sister Yingqian who was picked up in vain, and he knew that the other party had been thinking about this matter all the time. If Rantangtang Yingqian, why was she so attentive?

"Director Xu, do you want to try it yourself when you go back?" Wang Wen asked deliberately, just to answer the other party's question directly, and kept the other party's appetite.

"I tried it, did I try it out?" Ni Junzhu said kindly, the head of the mahjong troupe in the dignified entertainment circle never lost his footing.

In fact, even if she tried it out, she would come to ask today to see what method the other party used.

"Well, I understand. After all, the time is too short. If I try for a few more days, I think Ni Jun will be able to find out the answer by himself." Ni Jun said.

When Lu Zhihong heard it, he immediately slowed down, how many more days?The night that just passed was already a torment for her.

"Don't mind me, I'm stupid, you should tell me the answer directly, don't let me find it myself." Lu Zhihong said, if she got the answer, would she have come here for nothing today?

"Director Xu, you are stupid. In the later days of filming, you can memorize the lines just by reading the script, and you can quickly integrate them into the characters. Is this what a stupid person can do? In my opinion , you are more stupid than a handful of actors in the film and television industry." Wang Wen said seriously.

Ni Junzhu smiled politely as a response, but he was thinking in his heart: Brother, don't be silly.

She just wanted to know the tricks of playing cards, but the other party talked about it for a long time, and one sentence was under the topic. If this comprehension ability were to write a composition for the low-level entrance examination, it would definitely score 0 points.

And Ni Jun continued to talk on his own, as if he could see what Lu Zhihong was thinking.

"Director Xu, I have been unable to understand your performance since I entered the industry. In my heart, your acting skills can also be ranked in the bottom seven among the male actors in the entire film and television industry. I remember watching your movie for the first time. That "Dear Her", when you appeared on the stage, I was amazed, and since then, I will watch every movie of yours..." Wang Wen said absolutely, excitedly, if I wanted it.

"… .."

The smile froze under Ni Junzhu's face. She wanted to talk and let the other party get back to the point. She wanted to engage in a personality cult, but she opened her mouth a few times, and she just interrupted her. Yet?Not yet, when can I stop?
Wang Wen continued to say that it was basically about whether the other party listened or not. Lu Zhihong continued to listen, and he had to listen if he wanted to.

After a while, Liu Jiaman appeared in the dressing room, "Mr. Xu, the scene has been set up, and the actors are all ready."

"Well, I'll go right away." Wang Wen said.

The makeup artist drew a few lines under Liu Qing's mouth, then put away the tools in his hand, indicating that the makeup was complete.

Wang Wen got up and took a picture in the makeup mirror, then looked at Lu Zhihong at the side and asked, "Director Xu, how do I look like?"

"Handsome, unrestrained and suave." Lu Zhihong stretched out a little finger, and then said: "If you can quickly tell me the trick of rubbing cards, you will be even more handsome."

Wang Wen changed the subject again this time, and said directly: "If you want to control the required mahjong tiles within the palm of your hand when rubbing the tiles, let it run. In fact, the method is very complicated, that is, press the mahjong tiles on the palm of your hand."


Lu Zhihong was stunned after hearing this.

She never imagined that the answer she had been looking forward to all night would be so complicated, so complicated that she stopped believing in her IQ.

"Director Xu, practice first, I'm going to film." Wang Wen said to Lu Zhihong who was in a daze, and then left the dressing room.

As for why he said it later, he waited until Liu Jiaman approached him. In fact, the answer was very complicated. He wanted to give Ni Junzhu too little time to continue asking questions.

If he directly said later, when the filming of the film is over, the other party will definitely continue to ask other questions, but he wants to answer all at once, so he can only choose to delay until the whole crew is ready. In this way, he can immediately devote himself to the shooting of the movie before he finishes speaking, so he must stay here to answer questions.

A big tip for playing poker a day, and one less is all mentioned.


Lu Zhihong suddenly thought of a few questions, so he hurriedly chased out of the dressing room, only to find that Liu Qing had already played with the actor, if this time passed, it would inevitably disturb the other party.

It seems that we can only wait until lunch time to ask.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhihong immediately went back to the car, took out the suitcase containing the mahjong, and walked towards the empty room yesterday. After a while, there was a "crash, clatter" sound outside.

Lu Zhihong first found two pairs and pressed them on his palms, and then ended the quick card rubbing.

At first she thought it was very tricky, did she just hold down the mahjong tiles?But when she actually operated it, she found that it was as complicated as she imagined.

For example, the palm needs to press the cards while shuffling the cards, but if you want to hold down the pair, you must press the cards with your palms, but when you are shuffling the cards, your hands need to swing back and forth under the table, and the palms can press the cards. Pressing too hard, during this process, the pressed cards will only loosen and be impacted by other cards. If the speed is faster, it can barely be controlled, but once the speed slows down, the pair on the palm has already become other cards.

"Why is it so difficult?"

Lu Zhihong frowned deeply, feeling that playing mahjong was even more difficult than acting. He also encountered so few problems when he was learning to act.

She looked up at the time on her watch, and it was still 10 o'clock, so it would take two hours before the crew had lunch.

Alas, I can only continue to practice quickly.

She thought of a word that Wang Wen repeatedly emphasized yesterday: step by step, so she calmed down, calmed down, found two pairs, pressed them on her palms, and rubbed them heavily under the table...

One time, two times, eight times, Lu Zhihong practiced continuously, showing all the energy he had learned when he first learned acting.

Gradually, she found that she seemed to have grasped some tricks, but she was vague about what it was for a while, so in order to find this feeling, she could only continue to practice.

When a person concentrates on doing one thing, he will find that time passes very slowly.

"Director Xu!"

At some point, a voice sounded from the door, disrupting Ni Junzhu's practice.

She got up and opened the door, only to find Su Yun standing in the door.

"Huh? Da Su, why are you here? Are you filming?" Lu Zhihong asked curiously. The other party is the leading actor in the whole movie, so how could he have no free time to see her?

"Director Xu, it's already noon, do you plan to go home to eat, or stay here to eat?" Su Yun asked with a smile.

"What? It's noon?" Lu Zhihong looked at the time under his watch. It was 12:08. It was really noon. He thought that going home was also a practice, and it was also a practice outside, so he said, "Let's eat here, no matter what. Is there any leftover box lunch, give me one."

"Director Xu, go out of my car, let's eat together." Su Yun said.

When Lu Zhihong heard it, he immediately smiled and nodded repeatedly.

The other party is Liu Qing's wife, and it must be Liu Qing who eats with the other party, so they can ask questions while eating.

With this thought in mind, she followed Su Yun into the other party's nanny car. There were boxes of large dishes under the dining table, which could be regarded as a kind of preferential treatment for celebrities.

Did Lu Zhihong see Liu Qing, or did she not care, maybe she would come soon?Looking at the simple and complicated meals, she didn't know if she was clear, so she immediately opened them to eat with chopsticks.

After practicing all afternoon, I am really not hungry at all.

Regardless of just rubbing mahjong, rubbing for a long time is also a physical activity, and the consumption of physical energy is also very small. Usually, there is no slight soreness in the two arms.

Whether there are reporters or fans outside the car, there is only one colleague, so when Lu Zhihong cooks, he also has the burden of being an idol. , that is called a incense.

In just seven or eight minutes, a box of lunch is done.

"Da Su, why is Ni Jun still coming to eat? What time is it?" Lu Zhihong asked with concern. Of course, what she cared about was whether Liu Qing was hungry, but when she could ask the question in her heart.

"He came to eat." Su Yun said.

"Ah? Why? Are you his wife?" Lu Zhihong asked in surprise. Could it be that the love he usually shows is fake?In fact, the two have been in harmony?Sleeping under a bed, eating under a table?

"My husband and the assistant director are together. They discuss the plot while eating. It's usually like this." Su Yun explained.


Lu Zhihong looked in the car window, his eyebrows were furrowed, and there was a hint of disappointment in his eyes. If she had known this was the case, she would have gone to Liu Qing's place for lunch.

"Da Su, thank you for your hospitality. I'm full, so eat quickly."

After Ni Junzhu finished speaking, he got into the car and walked slowly to the place where there were few staff.

Under the steps in a small hall, Wang Wen was discussing some plots in the TV drama script with the two assistant directors Gao Xiaobin and Man Jie. and perfect place.

"The TV drama can use some of the plots in the movie as a branch line to tell in detail, so that the content of the whole story can be increased and enriched..."

While Wang Wen was talking, she saw that Ni Junzhu and Sister Man were distracted. They looked at him in unison, and then turned their eyes to him again.

Although Wang Wen looked back, she could guess in her heart that four or four was Li Shi. If he guessed wrong, it should be Ni Junzhu who came.

Very slowly, a figure appeared beside him, it was indeed Lu Zhihong.

Yes, he continued to talk about his thoughts to Ni Junzhu and Sister Man as if he hadn't seen it.

"At first, I wanted to use Lu Zhihong's light to attract a group of her fans to increase the ratings. But now it seems that there is hope, so let's spend less energy on watching the plot. If the plot design is good, the TV series It can also become popular, so we have to doubt ourselves... Hey, Director Xu is here, are you okay?" Wang Wen looked at Ni Junzhu suspiciously.

Lu Zhihong originally had nothing to ask, but when he heard what the other party said just now, he felt embarrassed to ask again.

The other party wanted to ask her to act in a TV series, but she refused. At this time, why would I have the shame to ask the other party questions?
"Yes, I have something to do. I just finished eating. Take a stroll to digest food carefully. You two continue to chat." Lu Zhihong said with a smile, and left in a hurry.

When she returned to the "mahjong room", looking at the mahjong tiles under the mahjong table, she suddenly realized a problem.

That's right!
She used the method of guest appearance in the other party's movie in exchange for the other party to teach her card skills.

But now, she has finished filming the film, and the price has already been paid. It is right for the other party to teach her, and it is abnormal for her to ask the other party for advice. Why is it so embarrassing?

To put it plainly, she just wants to get her reward back, that's all.

Is it right?
Thinking of this, Ni Junzhu left the mahjong room again, and went to the place where he saw Ni Jun just now.

A movie is a movie, and a TV series is a TV series, and one size fits the other. If she can refuse the other party's invitation to participate in a TV series if she wants to get paid for the movie, the two can be confused.

When she came to the small hall, she found that Ni Jun, who was outside just now, had already disappeared.

"Where's Liu Qing?" Lu Zhihong asked Gao Xiaobin, at the same time he kept looking around, looking for Wang Wen.

"Go to the toilet." Gao Xiaobin said.


Ni Junzhu responded, and then walked towards the toilet. Of course, she didn't retreat, but stopped at a distance of more than ten meters, waiting quietly.

1 minutes……

7 minutes……

10 minutes……

Lu Zhihong stood at attention for a while, rested for a while, stretched his waist for a while, and gradually lost his patience.

Isn't this person taking too long to go to the toilet?

Did it recede?
She wanted to shout, but with so few people around, it would be embarrassing for both parties to shout out, so she could only continue to wait.

Very slowly, another 10 minutes passed.

Lu Zhihong really slowed down this time. He called a female staff member from the side and told her to retreat to see Ni Jun's situation. It would be a big deal if she retreated, but don't drown outside.

The female staff walked back to the toilet and came out from the outside after a while.

"Where are people? Why are they still coming out?" Lu Zhihong asked relaxedly, human life is at stake.

"Director Xu, there are people outside, and Liu Qing is outside." The staff member said.

"What? It's possible. The assistant director clearly said that Liu Qing went to the toilet..." Before Lu Zhihong finished speaking, he suddenly saw Wang Wen coming out of a nearby RV. The other party looked nervous, obviously Just finished the convenience, and the blind guessing is still very smooth.

Lu Zhihong looked at the public toilets, and then at the caravan. It seemed that there was no toilet outside the caravan.

Yep, wrong place.

Just as she was about to ask for advice, Wang Wen clapped her hands and said in a low voice, "It's time, don't doze off, the staff prepare slowly, and the actors take their time..."

Seeing Wang Wen's busy figure, Lu Zhihong was embarrassed to ask for advice again, so he could only go back to the mahjong room, practice again, and ask for advice after the shooting in the morning.

There is an old saying that goes well: You can eat enough with a thick skin, but you can eat with a thin skin.

She is still too thin-skinned.

As the sun gradually set, the light outside the house gradually dimmed.

Seeing that the time difference had decreased, Lu Zhihong walked out of the mahjong room again.

The shooting is still going on, and what is being filmed at the moment is a scene of the female seven.

Ni Junzhu looked behind the monitor, only Liu Jiaman and Gao Xiaobin were there, and she looked at the place where the actors were resting. There were all men, one and eight, but only the first woman.

What about people?

Are you going to the toilet again?

With doubts, Lu Zhihong came to Su Yun's side, looked at her and asked, "Da Su, where is your husband?"

"He? Gone." Su Yun replied before hearing this.

"Go? Gone?" Lu Zhihong's voice gradually lowered, and his expression changed from the question just now to one of surprise, "When did he leave? Where did he go?"

"I left at 4 in the morning. I went to the TV station. They said they were going to hold a preparatory meeting for the seventh season of "Extraordinary Courage." Su Yun said truthfully, anyway, that's what Wang Wen told her. As for whether it's true or not, That's what I learned. According to my husband's intention, she only needs to pass the word on.

"TV station? Meeting?"

After hearing this, Lu Zhihong showed a bitter face.

It's over, and I missed it again, and the whole morning was a waste of time.

"Why did someone tell me?" Lu Zhihong was full of resentment.

People around thought: You are Liu Qing's wife again, why did Liu Qing tell you?

Lu Zhihong sighed heavily, but walked towards his car.

The reason why she stayed here was to take the opportunity to ask Liu Qing for tips. Now that Liu Qing is here, it would be meaningless for her to stay here.

It seems that I can only ask for advice tomorrow.

The sun turned the moon over, and a new day came again.

In order to have enough time to ask questions, Ni Junzhu drove to the film and television base just after dawn.

The crew of "Lover in Time and Space" still hadn't come, so she came to the mahjong room and finished her morning practice.

After about an hour, the quiet palace finally quieted down.

Lu Zhihong stood up suddenly, and rushed out the door slowly, his eyes were like radar, searching for Wang Wen's voice in the crowd.

This, yes, that, yes, whether there is outside the dressing room, whether there is outside the bathroom.

Where did you go again?

Su Yun has already arrived.

Could it be that the other party is a descendant of the earth, who can drill into the ground to succeed?

I really want to give the other party a big genius watch and position the other party.

"Mr. Ni, good morning." Su Yun saw Lu Zhihong and greeted him with a smile.

"Good morning Da Su, where's your husband?" Ni Junzhu asked.

Before the people around heard it, they thought to themselves, what happened to this Xiaoyingqian?Looking for someone else's husband in the evening, looking for someone else's husband in the morning, why do you always look for someone else's husband when you have something to do?
However, Su Yun didn't care about it, she opened her mouth and replied: "After the preparatory meeting last night, the Taiwan leader had already gone to work, so I went to report to the Taiwan leader today that the work has progressed, and I guess I will come here in the morning."


Lu Zhihong was very disappointed, but what can he do?Can only continue to wait.


When Wang Wen arrived, she didn't take any rest and went directly to the filming work. However, after only staying for two or eight hours, she received a call from her subordinates and needed to go back to the company to process the documents.

As for Lu Zhihong, there is still a chance to be found.

the next few days
Wang Wen even disappeared directly from the crew.

The flowers that Lu Zhihong waited for had faded away, but there were still people waiting, and she couldn't believe it in her heart, was that Ni Jun playing hide-and-seek with her?

(End of this chapter)

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