The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 804 I'm Serving You

Chapter 804 I'm Serving You
May passed by in a hurry, and with the approach of June, the filming of "Lover in Time and Space" has also entered the final stage.

So far, the ancient costume part of the script has been filmed, and starting today, the crew will shoot the modern part of the script to wrap up the entire filming.

"Old Lu, you didn't tell Liu Jiaman where the movie was filmed today, did you?"

On the shore of an artificial lake in a certain park, Xu Jie asked assistant director Lu Zhihong while putting on makeup. Because it was a modern part of the play, the entire crew had already left the film and television base and started shooting in the urban area of ​​Beijing.

Another advantage of filming modern dramas is that it is relatively simple to put on makeup. This drawing, that painting, can be done quickly, and it can be done within 10 minutes.

"No." Lu Zhihong replied after hearing it. Although Mr. Xu didn't say it clearly, everyone in the crew knew that Mr. Xu was hiding from Liu Jiaman. Mr. Xu was not only the director of this movie, but also their leader. Who would take the risk? What about leaking the leader's itinerary to others at the risk of offending the leader?

Of the entire crew, only Su Yun dared to do that. Who would let her be Mr. Xu's wife?
"That's good." Xu Jie nodded reassuringly, with a smile on his face, but there was a hint of cunning in this smile.

It's not that he doesn't want to teach Liu Jiaman how to play mahjong, it's just that he deliberately whets Liu Jiaman's appetite.

You don't want to take part in "Legend of Lan Xi", do you?
Then I will teach you slowly.

As for how slow it is, I’m sorry, I’m right. I’ll tell you when I’m free. As for when I’ll be free, I don’t know. Anyway, I’m not free right now.

Jiang Taigong's fishing volunteers took the bait.

What he has to do now is to remain calm, absolutely not to be disrupted by the text messages from Liu Jiaman, he doesn't care about anything mean or dishonest.

Isn't there such a sentence?
Those who achieve great things do not stick to small details.

May I ask which one who achieves great success is not despicable?

The actions of the losers are despicable, and the actions of the successful are called tricks.

He is now using tricks to deal with Liu Jiaman, but he has been misunderstood by the other party.

Speaking of it, he is still quite great, Xu Jie was moved by himself for enduring humiliation for the development of the company.

"Everyone prepare quickly, and try to finish the filming as soon as possible..." Xu Jie kept telling the staff, and at the same time checked the surrounding situation to make sure whether the onlookers were outside the shooting range.

This is not a good thing about filming in the city. People will always come to watch, and once there are people watching, there will only be more and more people gathered, and they all want to come forward to see what is going on.

Therefore, before filming, an area is usually designated. As long as you stand outside the area, there is no problem for onlookers. Once you enter this area, you may enter the camera and affect the filming work of the crew.

In order to ensure that the shooting can proceed normally, seven or eight staff members stood in the enclosure to prevent anyone from breaking into the shooting scene and interfering with the normal work of the crew.

"All departments are ready..." Xu Jie shouted loudly, then looked at Gao Xiaobin and Lu Zhihong who were sitting in front of the monitor, and handed over the rest of the work to them.

He will be filmed next, so Gao Xiaobin and Lu Zhihong are temporarily in charge of directing.

"Director Xu!"

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded from the crowd, interrupting the shooting that was about to start, and then a figure was seen crossing the fence and entering the shooting area.

The surrounding staff all stood still, and no one went up to stop them. To be precise, no one dared to go up and stop them.

Because of this person, they couldn't afford to provoke him at all.

When Xu Jie saw the person coming, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, then he frowned and looked at Lu Zhihong, as if to ask again: Didn't you say you didn't tell?Why is it still here?

Lu Zhihong panicked at first, and then showed an innocent and blank expression, as if answering: I really don't know, and I don't know either.

The person who came was none other than actress Liu Jiaman.

At the same time, the onlookers also recognized Liu Jiaman, screaming one after another.

"Liu Jiaman, it's Liu Jiaman!"

"Why did Liu Jiaman come here? Is she here to film a movie, or to visit the set?"

"Visiting the class, she hasn't made a movie for a long time."

"Sister Man, I'm your fan, can you take a photo with me?"


As a actress who has been in the film industry for more than 20 years, Liu Jiaman has fans who like her all over the three generations, whether it is the parents who are holding their children, or the uncles and aunts who are out for a walk, they all take out their mobile phones at the moment and take pictures , Recording videos, some posting on Weibo, some posting on Moments, very busy.

"Director Xu, long time no see!" Liu Jiaman said as he walked towards Xu Jie, his slightly squinted eyes were slightly smiling and murderous.

Gao Xiaobin, who was sitting behind the monitor, saw the situation and immediately felt that the visitor was not friendly, so he raised his hand high, signaling all departments to stop their work and observe the situation first.

After Xu Jie heard it, he immediately stopped eye contact with Lu Zhihong, turned his head and said with a smile: "Sister Man, what a coincidence, we meet again, why are you here?"

"I'm here for a walk. I saw a lot of people passing by here, so I came here to join in the fun. I didn't expect to meet you here. It's really fate." Liu Jiaman looked at Xu Jie with a half-smile, feeling It seems to be considering whether to steam or braise.

In fact, she didn't come for a walk at all.

Before coming here, she had already gone to the film and television base, and only after she arrived did she know that the lease period had ended and the crew had also evacuated. Later, a manager of the base told her that she heard that the crew of "Lover in Time and Space" talked about it, today She was going to shoot in a certain park, so she just drove there.

It's too bad, there are so many people in the production team, but none of them is expressing her, is she still human?
Although she only made a cameo appearance in a few scenes, she is still an actor in this movie, so to treat her like this now is simply killing a donkey.

Departments ready?
Get ready!

She just wanted to interfere with the filming today and let out such a bad breath.

Stop pretending, what kind of empathetic actress, showdown, I just don't have the famous mahjong bully in the entertainment circle.

"Really? The capital is big or small, and we can meet each other. It seems that our sister and brother are not only destined, but also destined." Xu Jie said with a smile.

No matter how you hide behind the scenes, you must show enough enthusiasm on the surface.

"That's what I said, but why do I feel that Director Xu has been avoiding me recently?" Liu Jiaman asked Xu Jie directly.

Although every time we meet, the other party treats her very politely, and even when replying text messages, even in the face of her accusations, the other party is also polite, but the other party always disappears, so even if he is polite , It also looks like a hypocritical perfunctory.

It's like asking someone to do something, just being polite, not doing anything, what's the point?I didn't come to find someone to chat with to relieve loneliness.

"Oh, Sister Man, there must be some misunderstanding here. As far as the relationship between our siblings is concerned, how could I hide from you? I'm not afraid of my wife's misunderstanding. I really want to be with you every day, film together, and... Let's film together." Xu Jie said seriously, his seriousness almost raised his hand to swear.

The corner of Liu Jiaman's mouth twitched, and she knew that the other party was playing hide-and-seek with her to force her to agree to participate in the TV series produced by the other party.

This is to lure her into the bait on purpose.

In fact, if it weren't for this, she wouldn't be so angry.

To force her into another movie for the benefit of a cameo is not only despicable, it's outrageous.

Alas, it's a pity, these words have already been said in the text message, but the other party is too thick-skinned, it doesn't work at all, otherwise she wouldn't have chased here.

"Director Xu, don't we have anything else to do between the two of us besides filming? Did you forget something?" Liu Jiaman asked.

"Well, let me think about it." Xu Jie pretended to be thinking, and suddenly said after a while: "By the way, we can also discuss scripts and delve into characters together. Sister Man, you have made so many movies. Having played so many characters, I must understand the characters better, and..."

"Director Xu!" Liu Jiaman directly interrupted Xu Jie, looked at the other party and asked: "Ming people don't speak dark words, so just speak up, when will you teach me card skills!"

"Can Sister Man make nine pairs now?" Xu Jie asked.


"Didn't I tell you? When you can make nine pairs, I'll teach you the next lesson."

"What I'm talking about is not this, but when will you teach me the tricks and guide me to practice, and I can only do it in the year of the monkey by myself?" Liu Jiaman said angrily, feeling that the other party was pretending to be confused.

"Guiding? Oh, I don't have time. It's not like you don't know. I've been running around these days. I have to make movies, record "Crossover Actors", and prepare "Ordinary Courage". There is one more job, to find suitable actors for the role in the TV series "The Legend of Lan Xi", not because I don't want to guide you, but I am too busy, um, too busy." Xu Jie sighed while counting on his fingers , Be a reasonable person.

Liu Jiaman couldn't help sneering, the last extra job the other party offered was almost tailor-made for her, as if it was because she didn't agree to participate in that TV series that the other party became so busy now .

Isn't this Zhu Bajie's turning back...a backlash?

Xu Jie continued: "Actually, I want to teach Sister Man from the bottom of my heart. How nice it is to play mahjong with you. I can get close to idols and relax, but isn't this too busy?"

"There are several jobs to do, it's just too busy."

"I'm so busy that I don't have time to go home and spend time with my wife."

"too busy!"


Liu Jiaman looked at the man in front of her expressionlessly. She didn't know if he was busy recently, but she knew that his acting skills had indeed improved a lot recently.

"Okay, stop pretending. When I was acting, you were still wearing crotch pants to pee and play with mud." Liu Jiaman gave Xu Jie a blank look, and said angrily, "You just want to use me to show you Does your opportunity to learn card skills force me to join your TV series?"

"No, absolutely not!" Xu Jie immediately shook his head and denied, "Sister Man, this is a misunderstanding, it is definitely a misunderstanding, I never thought of it, I swear, if I think so, I will never be able to drink soy milk .”

Liu Jiaman was startled, can't drink soy milk?What is this swearing?
The surrounding crew members were also speechless.

Others swear that they will never find a partner, always five seconds, at least they will always buy instant noodles without seasoning packets, what kind of punishment is never able to drink soybean juice?
Director Xu, Director Xu, can you be more serious when you swear? Even a fool can see that you are not sincere.


Liu Jiaman snorted coldly, wanting to scold the other party for being mean, but she also knew it was useless, so it's better to save some saliva.

In fact, strictly speaking, the other party is not mean.

At the beginning, she said that the condition for a cameo movie was to teach card skills.

Did the other party teach it?

It's just that the card skills are too profound, and there are too many things to ask for advice, so it can't be said that the other party didn't honor it, it can only be said that they didn't make it clear when they negotiated the terms.

"Director Xu, let's stop playing hide-and-seek, don't you want me to be in your movie? Okay, but you also know that I haven't starred in a movie for many years, let alone a TV series, and this time The second female lead, right? Naturally, the salary can’t be low, because of our relationship, I’ll give you a brother-in-law price, 100 million yuan per episode, how about it?”

After Liu Jiaman finished speaking, the demonstrators looked at Xu Jie, because she knew very well that in today's TV drama actress market, even first-line actresses are only paid about 70 yuan per episode, and women who are paid one million yuan per episode Actors, looking at the entire entertainment industry, are also one of the few.

And the reason why she quoted this price was not that she was short of money, nor that she was worth the price, but that she deliberately opened her mouth, in order to let the other party quit in spite of difficulties, and don't always think about letting her participate in TV dramas in the future. As long as the other party gave up, he would naturally continue to guide her.


When the others heard Liu Jiaman's quotation, they all showed surprise on their faces. Is this the sibling price?I'm afraid they are plastic siblings.

"One million for one episode? Well, it's a deal, and no one is allowed to go back on his word." Xu Jie said suddenly, without even thinking about it, he just made a decision.

"You, what did you say?" Liu Jiaman was shocked, his smug expression froze on his face before he even fully unfolded it.

Is it because the other party has a problem with her ears that she didn't hear the episode 100 million clearly, or is there a problem with her ears and she misheard the other party's answer?

"Sister Man, don't worry, as a representative of the investor and producer, I can settle this matter, and with your celebrity and acting skills, the absolute value of an episode is 100 million." Xu Jie said with a smile.


Liu Jiaman was in a daze.


Groove, it shouldn't be!

How could the other party agree to such a high salary?This is completely different from what she imagined.

Liu Jiaman swallowed unconsciously, originally wanting the other party to back off, but now it's all right, it's self-defeating.

Although the salary of 100 million yuan for one episode is very high, it is not a matter of money at all, and she never thought of participating in the filming of this TV series.

"Director Xu, I said 100 million for one episode, not 100 million for one episode." Liu Jiaman repeated it, for fear that the other party might have misheard.

"I know, our TV series is initially set at 6000 episodes, so your salary will be 6000 million." When Xu Jie talked about the amount of film salary, he looked calm, as if [-] million was to him Talking about it is just a drop in the bucket, without blinking an eyelid, let alone feeling distressed, and even relying on bargaining.

Just one word: trench!

The actor who proposed the salary was caught off guard.

In Xu Jie's view, as long as Liu Jiaman can star in the TV series "The Legend of Lan Xi", the salary of 100 million yuan per episode is totally worth it.

Actress Liu Jiaman once again starred in a TV series after 20 years. This gimmick alone can attract countless attention to the TV series, and he can also increase the price of the TV series when selling films to TV stations.

In fact, his purpose of filming this TV series is not to make money, but to raise the reputation of Beijing Television Culture in the film and television industry. Therefore, the more actors he invites, the greater the attention of the TV series. The fame will also rise, let's see who dares to underestimate the film and television dramas produced by Jingshi Culture in the future.

Therefore, Xu Jie dared to do this as long as he could get his money back, and even a small loss would be acceptable.

Xu Jie waved to Lu Zhihong and snapped his fingers.

Lu Zhihong immediately understood, picked up the bag beside him, rummaged for something, and ran towards Xu Jie.

When he came in front of Xu Jie, he already had an extra contract in his hand, then he handed both hands to Xu Jie, and said, "Director Xu, this is an actor's labor contract."

Xu Jie turned his head, pointed to Liu Jiaman in front of him, and said, "What are you doing for me, for Sister Man, didn't you hear that Sister Man has agreed to join "Legend of Lan Xi"?"

After Lu Zhihong heard it, he turned around and handed the actor's labor contract to Liu Jiaman, and said politely: "Sister Man, take a look at the content. If there is no doubt, I will add the labor fee to it and print it out later, and you can Signed."

Looking at the contract, Liu Jiaman was not happy because of re-employment, nor was she excited about the 6000 million salary. On the contrary, she showed a sad face, like a mute who has eaten Coptis chinensis, unable to express her suffering.

How did things turn out like this?
Let's say she was fooled, the salary was proposed by herself.

Say you didn't fall for it, but you always feel like you've been tricked by the other party.

This is how to do?
Otherwise, how many more conditions should be raised to make it difficult for the other party?

Well, just do it.

Although it is a bit despicable, compared with the other party, it is far behind.

"Director Xu, don't worry, 100 million yuan per episode is just a normal performance fee, there are other conditions, such as a nanny car to pick you up when you go in and out, it must be more than a million yuan, otherwise it's not comfortable to sit..."

"no problem!"

Before Liu Jiaman could finish speaking, Xu Jie agreed.

The corner of Liu Jiaman's mouth twitched, and he continued: "When filming, you have to live in a five-star hotel and bring eight assistants..."

"Okay, only when Sister Man has a good rest can she devote herself to the filming work in a better state. Even if Sister Man doesn't say this, I will do it. In addition, I will arrange a few bodyguards for you to ensure your safety." Safe." Xu Jie said seriously.

Liu Jiaman gritted her teeth, and continued, "If I'm going to film in another place, I won't be acclimatized. I usually wash my face and take a bath. You have to prepare mineral water for me."

"No problem, just let me make a spring for you."

"Can't be too tiring, dangerous moves, and intimate scenes, need a double, at least two."

"I'll prepare three for you, and give you one more!"

After listening to Liu Jiaman, he was not calm at all.

"Director Xu, I said so much, yet you agreed to all of them. Are you kidding me, or is there something wrong with your mind?" Liu Jiaman couldn't help asking.

Even she herself felt that these conditions were too much.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have brought it up.

"Sister Man, I just want to express my sincerity to you." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he looked to Lu Zhihong and asked, "Have you written everything down?"

Lu Zhihong took a pen to write on the contract, nodded cooperatively and said, "I have written it all down."

Seeing that the other party was serious, Liu Jiaman immediately snatched the contract and said anxiously: "Wait, wait, listen to me."

"Sister Man, if you have any other requests, just ask." Xu Jie said.

"There is no request. What I mean is that what I mentioned just now is a joke, and the one million yuan in one episode is also a joke. Director Xu, you can just bypass me. Can't I convince you?" Liu Jiaman said with a bitter face. Said.

Over the years, she has worked with many directors, but she has never seen such a director.

She just wanted the other party to teach her card skills, why is it so difficult?Almost put myself in it.

"Sister Man..."

Xu Jie looked at Liu Jiaman. In fact, he knew that the other party was deliberately embarrassing him just now, but he didn't go to poke it after hearing it. Now seeing the helplessness on the other party's face, it's time to be more honest.

"What's the matter?" Liu Jiaman asked listlessly.

"The work I just mentioned, "Crossover Actor" will end in July, "Ordinary Courage" will end in September, and the movie "Lover in Time and Space" will be released on National Day, which will also end in September. That is to say, in October, I only have the work of "Legend of Lanxi" on hand, how about I play mahjong with you after filming? Until the end of filming." Xu Jie asked.

Liu Jiaman, who was originally in a negative mood, suddenly straightened his back, his eyes lit up, and he looked at Xu Jie with burning eyes and asked, "Is everything you said true?"

"Really, I swear by the box office of the movie "Lover in Time and Space." Xu Jie stretched out his hand.

When Liu Jiaman heard this, the oath seemed to be a little bit.

"It's a deal!" Liu Jiaman also stretched out his hand.

"It's a deal!" Xu Jie high-fived the opponent.

A smile appeared on Liu Jiaman's face immediately, and then he raised the contract in his hand and said: "This is the first time I have appeared in a TV series. I don't want the producer to make the whole TV series shoddy in order to pay the actors' salaries. One million yuan per episode I don’t need the film salary, maybe 100 per episode.”

She has acted in so many movies, and she has achieved financial freedom long ago, and she is not short of this little money. As long as the production of TV dramas is promoted, it is fine not to let her lose her security at the end of the festival.

She is not short of money, errands.

Since the other party agreed to play cards with her, and continued to play until the end of the filming, she also felt complacent, didn't she?
"Sister Man is so powerful!"

Xu Jie gave the other party a thumbs up, and the cast of the TV series in his mind had already formed.

As for the female number one...

Liu Jiaman has already agreed to join, will that girl Liu Qing be far behind?


(End of this chapter)

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