Chapter 805
Maybe it was because he signed a TV drama actor labor contract, or maybe he got Xu Jie's promise to accompany him to play cards, Liu Jiaman no longer looked around for Xu Jie, and no longer ran to the film crew, the whole person seemed to have evaporated from the world, He never appeared in front of Xu Jie again.

And Xu Jie no longer avoids Liu Jiaman, and shoots the last few scenes on the set with peace of mind. After all, his goal has been achieved, and he no longer needs to play hide-and-seek with the other party. He even hopes that Liu Jiaman will come to the set more, so that in the In my spare time, I can discuss the script of the new play with the other party.

However, through the fact that Liu Jiaman agreed to participate in the new drama, he also gained a new understanding of the other party. He did not want the salary of 100 million an episode, and took the initiative to reduce the salary to 80 an episode for the sake of the quality of the new drama. This is not comparable to those current traffic stars who only pursue high salaries, and the queen of the actress is the queen of the actress.

Of course, Xu Jie also knew that Liu Jiaman did this to avoid overturning the car. After all, he won so many actresses, and it was a starring role after many years of absence.

It's not like some little actresses who, not to mention high salaries, use substitutes and cutouts to blindly pursue profit and make money, regardless of the quality of the work, let alone the feelings of the audience and fans.

Xu Jie appreciates Liu Jiaman's attitude, which is exactly the same as him. Whether you are making a show or a movie, you must ensure the quality. If you are not responsible for the work, will the audience still like it?
The official media has been emphasizing over the years that the most important thing for literary and art workers is sincerity, but how few people can really do it?
Beijing TV.

Wang Wen led the entire crew back to the Art Center to return to the filming of that part of the play.

That is my character design in the movie, and it is also the linkage between "Lover in Time and Space" and "Delicious History", and it is also my explanation for leaving the program of "Delicious History".

Before the end of the first episode of "Delicious History" at the beginning of the year, the official Weibo said that the reason for me leaving the show was because of time travel. There were very few show viewers and my fans knew about it. Now is the time to solve the mystery. I gave everyone the answer.

"Xu Jie, those are the tidbits you shot. He will see which ones can be promoted and which ones can be promoted..." Wang Yunjie, the deputy general manager of Beijing TV Culture in charge of marketing business, approached Wang Wen and handed over the films just shot to him .

As the old saying goes: fat water is the field of people.

Advertising marketing and publicity promotion are also one of the businesses of Jingshi Culture, so Wang Wen naturally handed over the promotion work of the film to the marketing business department in charge of Wang Yunjie.

Jingshi Culture, as the subsidiary company of Beijing Radio and Television Station, is very good at promoting such work, and Wang Wen is also worried about entrusting it to his own person.

"The clips that have nothing to do with the content of the movie will be released for the time being. In the future, the artists will be used as publicity points. After the movie is officially produced, the promotional video will be released..." Wang Wen told Wang Yunjie her thoughts, and now it is too late to reveal the plot. As early as, there are still nearly seven months before the National Day file. It is difficult to make the audience feel tired before the anticipation is over. Let's save the surprise for the first time.

Wang Yunjie and your hands are listening carefully. Although you are also the vice president of the company, Wang Wen is in charge of a small part of the company's business and can bring huge benefits to the company. Return to the other party's arrangement.

"In addition, release the news about Ni Haijian's guest appearance in the movie. The louder the title, the better, such as Wu Kaishi's first film comeback after eight years... etc., understand?" Ni Hai said to Wang Yunjie.

The shooting part of the movie is almost finished, but for the whole movie, it's just a new ending, and then there is no pre-production, promotion, etc., etc. In short, there is not much work to do.

As Ni Hai, as the director, filming and production are my job, and as the vice president of Beijing Television Culture, I also take care of the film promotion.

And Wu Kaishi, as a pre-movie, has his own attention and traffic, how can I miss such a point of promotion for the movie?
"Xu Jie, how did you hear that after Wu Kaishi made a cameo appearance in his film, he also made a cameo appearance in director Ni Haijian's work? If counted according to the order of filming time, Liu Jiaman's "Spring" should be Wu Kaishi's first film before his comeback. If we promote the film works like that, will Mr. Xu be unhappy?" Wu Kaishi asked without worry.

Propaganda is the best shot, and once the car is overturned, it is very likely to backfire and make the audience feel resistant.

"Who said that it must be counted in the order of filming time? Can you count in the order of the film's release time? Besides, how would the audience know whose movie Wu Kaishi made a cameo first? We only doubt what we saw with our own eyes, so who? The movie released first will be your first work before paying." Wang Wen said confidently.

I am a reasonable person. What I just said is unreasonable and unfounded. Who dares to say it is true?
Even if Liu Jiaman, the director of the movie "Spring Light", came, it would be different.


Wang Yunjie spoke directly.

But Xu Jie has already said that, you are easy to refute, anyway, you are Party B now, as long as you follow the requirements of Party A.

Even if something goes wrong, there is no Xu Jie to shoulder it.

I knew it was noon, because there was no filming work in the morning, so Wang Wen directly brought the crew to the TV station's cafeteria for dinner.

Just when Wang Wen was about to cook, the phone rang suddenly. I took out my phone and looked at the caller ID. It turned out to be a call from Director Wu.

If I remember correctly, it was the first time the other party took the initiative to call me before he left the film crew. It was almost seventy days ago.

"Hello, who is it?" Wang Wen asked before answering the phone, and I was also sure whether it was Director Wu or Ni Hai on the other side of the phone.

"You, Director Wu, I heard that Director Xu will be participating in his new drama, is that true?" Director Wu's voice came from outside the microphone, sounding very concerned.

"Well, it's nothing like that, the contract has already been signed, what's the matter?" Ni Hai asked before finishing his answer, and at the same time, a smile appeared on his face.

It's still here!

Without Ni Haijian's bait, do you still worry about catching small fish?

"Really? How did you fool me, yes, how did he persuade Director Xu to refuse?" Director Wu asked in surprise, with a bit of excitement in his voice.

"Then there is no need to ask? Director Xu occasionally has very low requirements for the script. Of course, he is deeply attracted by the plot. Why does he ask that?" Wang Wen asked pretending to understand.

Director Wu was taken aback when he heard this.

real or fake?

Is the plot really so dull?More bland than a movie?
Originally, you believed in the woman's words very much, but when you think that Wu Kaishi's agreement to act is a fact, this feeling in your heart will disappear.

"You guys are back." Director Wu said suddenly.

"What did he refuse?" Wang Wen asked suspiciously, who knows what it means?
Even if I know, I still have to stretch.

How did the other party treat me back then, I will treat him in the same way today.

"Of course he refused to join his new drama, and acted as the male number one outside. Did he always hope that you could continue to play that role? You refused." Director Wu said with a smile.

If Wu Kaishi could be the supporting role, wouldn't it be reasonable for the lead actor to act?You must know that such an opportunity is something that no one can have.

"It's late, you've already contacted eight male actors, and I'll go to see you audition after the movie is finished." Wang Wen said lightly, I want the other party to know what it means: At the beginning you and he loved to answer, but now For you, he climbs low.

"Ah? No, don't tell me, did he say that you are the most suitable candidate?" Director Wu paused, how could such a good role be you?
"Yes, you did say that, but did he always agree? So you went to find someone else, and you figured it out when you came here. Anyway, it's a brand new plot. Who is the same? Besides, my actor’s salary is cheaper than him, 70 to [-] per episode is enough.” Wang Wen said.

"But, there are good ones at a low price!" Director Wu wanted to explain for himself, but he knew what to say, so that sentence popped out of his mouth.

If other actors heard it, they must have rolled their eyes.

"Yes, it is a good product. It is what he says. You will know when you try the role. Anyway, you must be treated as a wrongdoer. Is there anything else he has to do? Is he dead? You are very happy." Busy." Ni Hai said patiently.

"Don't hang up, you're fine. In fact, you can act for 70 yuan per episode, really." Director Wu hurriedly said, in fact, the salary of 70 yuan or 70 yuan per episode is already high in the TV industry. [-] for one episode is too low.

"Director Wu, you know that he's a movie star, and he's acting in a TV series, so he's going to make things difficult for himself, and you want to destroy his position and affect his future. That's fine, that's it, see you when the movie is released. .” After Wang Wen finished speaking, she hung up the phone directly.

Agree if you want to agree, refuse if you want to answer?
Who does he think he is?

"bell bell"

The phone rang again.

Wang Wen looked at the screen, it was Ni Hai calling, and I answered it that time, so I swiped my finger under the red pattern and refused to answer.

On the other side, Director Wu looked at the phone that was hung up, and stomped his feet slowly.

"Sister Ou, I hung up the phone, what did he say?" Director Wu looked up at the manager Liu Qing who was beside him, panicked.

Once there was an opportunity in front of you, but did you cherish it well, and only feel regretful when you lose it now.

"Don't slow down, let you think about it." Ni Hai looked at Ni Hai and comforted him. In fact, your heart is slower than anyone else.

Being able to cooperate with Wu Kaishi is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Ni Hai, and he can definitely watch that opportunity slip away from his eyes.

"Qingqing, how about that, he calls Su Yun and asks where Xu Jie is, and then calls you, let's go talk together, no sister Yun is here, I am worried that Xu Jie will come back." Ni Hai thought for a while Said.


Director Wu's eyes lit up, he immediately found Su Yun's cell phone number, and called him.

Very slowly, the call is connected!

"Sister Yun, it's you Qingqing. Where is he? Is he busy now?" Director Wu asked slowly, wanting to delay even a second.

"You're shooting a new movie with the crew over there in Hengdian, are you okay?" Su Yun asked suspiciously.

"What? Hengdian? He's in Hengdian?" Director Wu was startled first, and then showed a sad face.

"Lover in Time and Space" is still filming, which means that Ni Hai is still in the capital, but Sister Yun is in Hengdian, so how can I find help?Can you always let Sister Yun fly back to the capital to help you?
In fact, in ten days, the crew of "Spring Light" will also leave the capital and move to Hengdian, saying that they will definitely meet Sister Yun, but you are worried that by this time, the lead male lead of the new house has already been appointed, and it will be useful to find Sister Yun.

Yes, if you can just give up like that, you must win that role.

Su Yun thought to herself.

"Sister Yun, does he know where Yuan Ou is filming today?" Su Yun asked, even if there is no sister Yun, you still have to go find Wang Wen.

"During the call in the morning, I said that today I would go to Beijing TV station to shoot a few scenes. You think I should still be here now." Su Yun said with certainty, "Why, he has nothing to do with me?"

"Sister Yun, cough, it's like that, you've thought it over and decided to act in Yuan Ou's new play, but just now I talked to me, I said it was too late, did you listen to me, the male actor is auditioning, or Sure, so you want to see Yuan Ou, ask me for a favor, sister Yun, can he help you?" Director Wu begged.

You know that Yuan Ou listens to Sister Yun very much, if Sister Yun could speak for you at that time, Yuan Ou would definitely choose to use you.

"You were too ambiguous about that matter. Did he confirm the actor's choice?" Su Yun asked. Eight days later, your part of the scene was completed, and then you rushed to Hengdian without stopping to meet with "" The crew of "The Game in the Game" met. Although you will have a video call with your husband in those few days, you really know the situation of the new drama very well. After all, you are the actor of this new drama.

"Are you sure, Ni Hai said it himself." Director Wu said.

"Well, if you have any questions, you can call me later." Su Yun agreed to come up. You know if your husband is looking for an actor to audition, but you know that your husband really hopes that Director Wu can play the leading role in Xinjuzhong. character of.

Of course, you can guess why Qingqing suddenly agreed before thinking about it for so long.

In fact, since Ni Haijian returned to star in the TV series "The Legend of Lan Xi", they also knew who passed it on. Her husband's mobile phone often received calls from some agents and actors, hoping to play the role in the play.

That is Wu Kaishi's influence in the circle.

"Thank you, Sister Yun, she is your own sister." Director Wu said gratefully, and then chatted a few more complicated words, before starting the call.

Did you choose to sit there and wait for Sister Yun's reply, but found director Ni Haijian and asked him for a short vacation, then sat in the nanny car and left the crew, and then went to Beijing TV Station.

Asking for help is more innocent in person.

Since it was noon and the road was congested, I arrived at Beijing TV Station in half an hour.

Although Ni Hai is a star, you were stopped by the small gate because there was no invitation letter and no TV station staff came out to pick him up.

It's really not shameful that such a thing happened under the popular Dahua, but who made it happen to be a TV station in Beijing?
Director Wu took out his mobile phone again and called Wang Wen.

"Beep...beep...beep beep!"

Got hung up again.

Director Wu walked around slowly, and suddenly realized that it was impossible for the film crew to be there, so he immediately called the assistant director.

"Hello, is this Director Wang? You are Director Wu. Is the crew filming at the Beijing TV station? You have nothing to talk to Yuan Ou. Can he come out to pick you up? You can go back, okay, you wait." he."

After finishing the call, Director Wu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After a few minutes, the assistant director, Sister Man, appeared at the small gate, greeted the guard, and then escorted Director Wu and Liu Qing away.

"Director Wang, is Xu Jie busy recently?" Liu Qing asked Wang Wen's situation as she walked, because you know that Director Wang is only the deputy director of the film crew or the director of the Beijing TV Culture and Film Department. Everyone in the film crew and the company knew about Ni Hai's situation.

"Busy, usually before Sister Yun left, Xu Jie lived and ate at the company for two days, and even went home." Sister Man said before hearing this, but at the same time she still forgot to sigh in her heart, that Ni Hai is really a workaholic , even harder than when filming night scenes later.

"What about the new drama? How is the preparation of Xu Jie's new drama going?" Liu Qing continued to ask, that's what you care most about. As for working overtime at night, it has nothing to do with you.

"Everything goes well. If there is an accident, it will start up in April." Sister Man said.

"April? After that, does it mean that before the movie starts, the new drama will be filmed?" Director Wu asked curiously, that was what Wang Wen told you personally.

"The original plan was indeed like that. Did Wu Kaishi refuse to join the new drama? So Xu Jie is changing the drama for Director Xu..."

During the conversation, the eight people had already arrived at the art program center, and Wang Wen was in the office area, instructing the host Qin Yan what to do next.

Director Wu's sudden appearance immediately attracted the attention of many people in the office area. In fact, for the Beijing TV station, it is very common to meet celebrities outside the station. Have you seen any small-name celebrities?But today Ni Hai's dress is too low-key, a water pink cheongsam, which is both delicate and gentle.

Wang Wen also noticed Xiaojia's gaze at this moment, and turned her head to look in front of her. When she saw Director Wu and Liu Qing, she immediately raised her eyebrows. .

Whether Wang Wen paid attention to it or not, she continued to tell Qin Yan about the play, and immediately ended the filming before the other party understood.

Ni Hai stood aside and watched quietly, and if he dared to speak later, he was afraid of disturbing the other party's filming. If he made the other party angry, how could he beg for help later?
However, what makes you think is that the first class is two teenagers.

"The filmmakers are back, thank you Xiaojia for your cooperation. When the movie is released, don't forget to go to the cinema to support it!" Ni Hai said in a low voice.

There are more scenes on the TV station, so the filming was finished in one day.

"Worry, Xu Jie, you will definitely go!"

"You are going alone, and you have to bring relatives and friends with you. Although you only have a single line, you can be regarded as someone who has acted in a movie, haha."

"You go too, Xu Jie said, do you wear sunglasses or a mask? Will no one ask you for an autograph?"

"What do you wear? It's better to show your face in the movie. He uses sunglasses and a mask to cover it up. Who knows that he has acted in a movie?"

"Well, that's true!"

Everyone talked and laughed, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

There is a cultural program center outside, and all the people present are Wang Wen's old colleagues, old friends, and old bosses. Naturally, they are very cold with Wang Wen, and they regard me as a family member.

Wang Wen asked the crew to pack up the equipment, bid farewell to future colleagues, and then left the TV station.

"Yuan Ou!"

When Director Wu saw Wang Wen walking back from the elevator, he immediately walked a few steps slowly and squeezed back, followed by Liu Qing.

"Why is he still there? Could it be that he is going to film with Mr. Xu?" Ni Hai sized up Director Wu and asked, knowing whether the other party had completed the seventh development, and his figure felt smaller than when he first saw him. Very few, even cheongsam, which has very low body requirements, can hold up.

"Mr. Xu is filming a scene with other actors, and you also took the time to come here. Did Yuan Ou receive a call from Sister Yun at noon?" Director Wu asked expectantly.

"Is there anything, what's wrong with your wife?" Wang Wen asked.

"Yes, what's the matter." Director Wu hurriedly shook his head, thinking: Do you mean to call when you turn around?Sister Yun turned around too fast, right?
The elevator door opened, and Wang Wen walked out.

Director Wu looked at the woman's back, she had already seen her, if she left like that today, she said it was the time of the last meeting, the number one male would be confirmed, so you chased her out slowly, and said in your mouth: "Yuan Ou, can he reconsider the matter of the new drama? You are the leading actor in the movie, and the new drama is a spin-off of the movie, how can we have you? No matter how good my actor is, I can’t understand the role as well as you ?"

"You can learn from it. Could it be that he performed well when he first left the group? Besides, did he always approve of that movie and the new drama?" Wang Wen said as she walked.

"Yes, absolutely yes, if you are approved, why would you agree to act in that movie? Moreover, since you accepted his guidance, you feel that your acting skills have improved a lot, and you want to continue to learn from him , bid farewell to these silly and sweet characters." Ni Hai said solemnly.

Liu Qing on the side was stunned. It was the first time you saw Director Wu flattering others. While you were surprised, you felt very relieved.

Qingqing finally grew up.

You will usually do the work in the future.

"Even if he doesn't have any conscience, it's because of director Xu's joining, the male lead's salary has dropped much more than before. Now there is only 70 for one episode, which is enough to hire him." Ni Hai Said.

I want to say the salary reduction from my own mouth. After all, I was the one who said the salary of [-] yuan for an episode, but now the sudden increase seems to be my word.

"Is there any problem, 70 is 70." Director Wu immediately said, although the salary has increased, but the opportunity to cooperate with Wu Kaishi can be bought with money.

Before Wang Wen heard it, she didn't agree immediately, but frowned, showing a thoughtful look.

When Director Wu saw the situation, he slowed down again. After thinking for a while, he suddenly smiled and said, "Yuan Ou, why is he still determined? He sees that from mahjong, he is your master, from Yun Sister's nonsense, and he is your brother-in-law, as far as our relationship is concerned, is it reasonable for him to use you?"

Wang Wen looked at Director Wu and smiled.

"Yuan Ou, he smiled, does that mean he agrees?" Director Wu asked happily.

"You are laughing, you are laughing that he employs people backwards or forwards. It is beyond your expectation to think that he is so thick-skinned at such a young age." Ni Hai sighed, and also hurt the other party by the way.

Director Wu's mouth twitched, and he explained: "As for the matter, in fact, you have always kept those things out of your mind, but you are just good at expressing them."

"Okay, don't explain anymore, let you go back and think about it, and decide who will play the male lead before the script is revised." Ni Hai said.

I also want to let the other party experience the feeling of waiting.


(End of this chapter)

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