The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 807 Not very friendly

Chapter 807 Not very friendly
The second season of "Ordinary Courage" is expected to be the same as the first season, with a total of twelve episodes.

There will be no guest artists in the first episode and the last episode, that is to say, there will be ten episodes where guests can be arranged.

According to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu's intention, the ten guest artists will be divided equally between the TV station and the director, so Xu Jie will get five guest spots for guest shows.

Don't underestimate guest appearances, with the ratings of the variety show "Ordinary Courage", even if you only participate in one episode, it can attract enough attention.

Especially for the current Xu Jie, although he doesn't have any stars to promote, and he doesn't have any relatives, but he has movies that need to be promoted. "Lover in Time and Space" will be released on the National Day file, and "Ordinary Courage " will also be aired after the National Day, doesn't this just give him a chance to promote the movie?
By arranging several leading actors in the program, with the increase of personal attention, people will definitely become interested in the works of guest artists when they walk into the cinema, and the potential audience will be activated?
"Hey, what are you thinking?"

Qin Yan found Xu Jie and saw him standing there motionless, so she stepped forward to ask.

After Xu Jie heard it, he came back to his senses. He was thinking about how to join the guest artists, whether to experience with the six artists, or to appear as a customer.

If this link is well designed, it will not only increase the focus of the show, but also increase the ratings of the show, and even make the audience look forward to the mysterious guest in the next episode of the show, but if this link is not well designed, it is very likely Lost part of the old audience.

"It's nothing, what's the matter?" Xu Jie looked at Qin Yan and asked.

"The artists have arrived and are putting on makeup backstage. Would you like to say a few words to them?" Qin Yan asked. Although there was a meeting before and a brief explanation of the show, today is the first time recording. As the chief director of the show, he should say something to the artist, such as a welcome speech and the like.

"Make-up? They came here to be beaten, not to participate in the art performance, so they don't look good, come here to gather." Xu Jie said angrily.

"Ah? You don't need to be so harsh, right? Today is the first episode of the show, and a good image can give the audience a good impression." Qin Yan said.

How can there be no makeup on the show?It's not a street interview.

"Okay, then let them continue to make up. How glamorous they are today, they will be so miserable when they are beaten up tomorrow." Xu Jie said after hearing this.


Qin Yan was speechless.

This man is really bad.

But isn't this contrast one of the highlights of the show?
Xu Jie sat down in the auditorium on the side, but at this moment he was not in a hurry, and while waiting for the artists to gather here, he was thinking about the guests.

By the way, this matter needs to be explained to Qin Yan. The other party is the host of the show. No matter what form the mysterious guest will appear in, he needs to use the host to introduce him.

"Old Qin, let me tell you something." Xu Jie said to Qin Yan.

"What's the matter?" Qin Yan asked.

"About the program, there will be some changes in the content of this season's program. Except for the first and last episodes, there will be mysterious guests appearing in the other ten episodes." Xu Jie said.

"Mysterious guest? What kind of mysterious guest?" Qin Yan was stunned. The program team had held five or six meetings before, but she had never heard from the other party. Now that the program is going to be recorded, why are there suddenly more mysterious guests?
"To put it simply, it is to arrange other artists to participate in one episode of our program and interact with six fixed artists." Xu Jie said.

Qin Yan nodded understandingly. This method of inviting celebrity artists to guest shows is very common in today's variety shows. It can not only increase the fun of the show, but also increase the attention of the show. The most important thing is , can bring freshness to the audience.

"How to interact?" Qin Yan asked curiously.

"I haven't thought about it yet." Xu Jie said truthfully.

"Ah?" Qin Yan was stunned.

The idea of ​​adding celebrity guests sounds good, but what's the matter if you don't think about the interactive content?

She thought that such an important decision, although the other party raised it a little suddenly, must have been well thought out, but the other party's answer made her feel powerless.

play?What about trouble?
"Brother, what are you doing? Playing house? The show is about to be recorded. According to the plan, the second episode will be filmed tomorrow. Now you tell me that the content of the filming has not yet been decided? I know that you are very skilled and bold. But you can't do such nonsense, right?" Qin Yan couldn't help but said.

This is a variety show that will be broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV, and countless viewers are waiting for the second season to start broadcasting. How can the other party be so willful?

"It's not me who wants to mess around, it's Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and Deputy Director Wu who want to mess around. What can I do?" Xu Jie spread his hands, showing an innocent expression.

He wants the benefits, but he won't take the blame.

Qin Yan was taken aback, thinking that she had indeed seen Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and Deputy Director Wu coming just now, and immediately understood what Xu Jie meant.

"Will the station arrange people for the show?" Qin Yan asked.

"Well, our show is too popular, there are too many people watching this show, but there are too few artists, so this idea came up in the station." Xu Jie said.

Qin Yanxiu frowned, isn't Taili too irresponsible?

The show was about to start recording, and at this time, people were suddenly inserted into the show, and they simply wanted to ruin the show.

Even if it was said earlier, it would be better to give the program team some research time.

"Old Xu, what should we do?" Qin Yan was fidgeting, feeling a mess in her head for a moment, and the entire program plan was disrupted.

It's exactly what the saying goes: When a leader moves his mouth, his subordinates break their legs.

"Think about it!" Xu Jie looked calm. It wasn't the first time he had encountered such a thing. Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu had already regarded him as a firefighter.

"But the recording of the show is about to start, what should I say? How can I explain to those artists?" Qin Yan asked anxiously. She had prepared the lines for a long time and memorized them by heart, but now, everything is messed up.

"You don't need to explain, just record according to the original plan. As for how to interact, let's think about it overnight and reveal it tomorrow." Xu Jie said.

"Is this okay?" Qin Yan asked anxiously. She was the kind of person who would prepare everything before doing something, so the sudden change made her feel at a loss.

"I'm the director, so I'm not worried. What are you worried about as a host? It's true that the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry. Don't worry about it. Just do your hosting task well." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"Aren't I worried about you?" Qin Yan said dissatisfiedly, isn't this dog biting Lu Dongbin and not knowing good people?
"I need you to worry about me? Besides, do you think I look anxious?" Xu Jie gave Qin Yan a white look.

It's a good thing for him to be able to put his own people in this show, so why would he be worried, why would he be in a hurry?Besides, can you figure out a way in a hurry?If it can, shouldn't the other party have figured out a way just now?
Qin Yan looked at Xu Jie, he really didn't seem to be in a hurry.

This is strange.

The other party is the chief director of the show. Could it be that he is going to break the pot?Or is the other party confident that they can come up with a good solution?
never mind!

Or leave everything to this man.

After a while, six artists finally appeared on the stage one after another. They wore exquisite makeup and beautiful clothes, showing the glamorous side of the star to the fullest.

At this time, Xu Jie was still sitting in the auditorium, holding a pen and a notebook in his hand, writing something non-stop, as if he didn't see it.

"Director Xu, everyone is here." Assistant director Li Li came to Xu Jie's side and reminded him in a low voice.

"En." Xu Jie responded, but the pen in his hand did not stop, and continued to write.

He's writing down several possibilities for guest appearances, and then he's sifting through them to pick the most interesting one, or just use one for each episode.

When everyone saw Director Xu's appearance, they couldn't help but look at each other in blank dismay. Whether it was the staff of the program crew on the scene or the celebrities on stage, there was a hint of doubt in their eyes.

What is Director Xu writing?
Is there anything more important than recording a show?

Only Qin Yan roughly guessed what Xu Jie was thinking.

These celebrity artists have made the other party wait for so long, and the other party must also want the celebrity artist to have a taste of waiting.

Soon, there were whispers in the theater.

"What's the situation?"

"I don't know."

"Aren't you here to record a show today? Why isn't Director Xu in a hurry?"

"I don't know what Director Xu is writing, why don't you go and have a look?"

"Kao, why don't you go and have a look!"

"I can not!"

"Do you think I dare?"


After a few minutes, an artist on the stage couldn't help but speak.

"Director Xu, Director Xu? Is it time to start recording the show? We are all here." Jiang Tong said with a smile.

"No hurry, wait until I finish writing." Xu Jie said lightly.

Jiang Tong was taken aback.

Not urgent?
When I informed the artists yesterday, didn't you say that today's shooting tasks are many and heavy?Not only do you have to shoot all day long, but you also have to shoot late at night. Why is it suddenly not in a hurry?
However, Director Xu had already said it, and she didn't ask any more, so she could only continue to wait.

1 minutes……

5 minutes……

10 minutes……

Fortunately, the staff present said that Director Xu was their leader, and he did what the leader said, but the artists on the stage showed deep dissatisfaction between their brows.

After standing for such a long time, their legs are a little sore. When will the recording of the program start? Given the exact time, they can find a chair to sit down and rest.

Just as a female artist was about to step off the stage and sit and rest in the auditorium below, Xu Jie closed the notebook in his hand and pinned the pen to the notebook.

"Let me say a few words." Xu Jie looked at the six artists on the stage, and said lightly: "I know that you are all stars, and I know that you have financial backers behind you. I don't care what you look like when you participate in other programs. , but when you come to me, you must abide by my rules, or you will leave me."

The more Xu Jie spoke, the more severe he became, and even the expression on his face turned cold.


The scene was silent for a while, everyone's face was full of surprise, no one thought that Director Xu would say such a thing when he opened his mouth.

You must know that today is the first day of recording the show, isn't it too unfriendly?

The staff was terrified when they heard it. The recording has not started yet, so why is it full of gunpowder?Where did these celebrity artists offend Director Xu?
After being surprised, the six artists were also very puzzled.

Is this a warning to them?

Is this vaccinating them?
Even if it is, the attitude doesn't need to be so bad, right?The previous meeting was not like this.

Some people were dissatisfied, some were angry, and some were dismissive, but no one said it out. After all, the other party was the director of the show, and it was not a last resort, so it was not easy to tear your face.

Xu Jie continued: "You should have watched the first season of the program, right? Let me tell you straight, the original intention of this program is to torture you, there is no script prepared for you, and there is no special treatment outside the screen. The six artists who participated in the first season lost an average of seven or eight catties after the recording of the show, so I hope you can prepare yourself both mentally and physically. It’s not too late to quit.”


Everyone was shocked again.

For torture?

This is too straightforward, right?Can't you be a little more tactful?For example, for exercising...

"Don't worry, Director Xu, I will definitely be able to persevere until the end." male artist Zhang Qikun said.

"Me too." The female artist Jiang Shiyu said afterward.

Other artists also joined in.

How can it be!

They spent a lot of effort to get the opportunity to participate in this show. Some donated money, some performed art, and some dedicated themselves. If they quit before the filming started, wouldn't it be a big loss?

The big deal is when weight loss comes.

"Okay, I like how confident you are, and I hope that you can still look like this after the shooting is over. Okay, the recording will start right away, and all departments are preparing..."

As Xu Jie's voice fell, the staff at the scene immediately took action.

The recording of the second season of "Ordinary Courage" has officially started.

In order to bring freshness to the audience, and to prevent artists from adapting to work in advance, Xu Jie excluded the occupations used in the first season in the career selection of the second season.

Of course, among the [-] options, most of the occupations are impossible to be directly qualified for, so these occupations can also be understood as land mines. Xu Jie predicts that the artist will not step on it, so as to guide the artist to choose the program group that has been arranged Those six occupations are severely beaten by the society.

Soon, the six artists determined the occupations they would be engaged in. Then the program group led the six artists to various companies to receive short vocational training, and did not return to the hotel until evening.

"so tired."

"I'm more hungry now than tired, host, what's for dinner tonight?"

Facing the artist's inquiry and expectant gaze, Qin Yan smiled slightly, "Don't worry, I'll know soon."

The entertainers returned to their respective rooms after hearing this. If they couldn't eat immediately, they chose to take a rest first.

Soon, boxes of fast food were placed on the table at the elevator door.

"Come and get dinner." Qin Yan shouted into the corridor.

"Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!"

The door of the guest room opened quickly, and six artists came out of the room impatiently. However, when they saw the boxed lunch on the table, they all frowned.

"Host, is this our dinner?" female artist Chen Yitong asked.

"En." Qin Yan nodded.

The six artists looked one by one, and finally found that the six lunch boxes contained the same dinner, rice, fried shredded potatoes, fried Chinese cabbage, fried cauliflower, and scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

"Why isn't there even a dirty one?" the male artist Huo Zhenyu asked.

"Didn't you see the egg?" Qin Yan said loudly.

"Eggs are considered meaty?" Huo Zhenyu asked back.

"Eggs hatch out to be chickens, do you think it's meat?"


Huo Zhenyu was speechless.

The six artists reluctantly picked up their boxed lunches, and before leaving, they heard Qin Yan say, "This boxed lunch is 15 yuan, and it will be deducted from your wages tomorrow."

When everyone heard that it was only 15 yuan, they didn't take it seriously. Isn't it only 15 yuan? Usually playing games to buy skins costs more than 15 yuan.

The door of the guest room was closed, and the recording of the program was also suspended.

While the artist was eating in the room, the staff of the program team also began to eat. The artist can rest after eating, but they still have a lot of work to do after eating, such as editing the content shot today.

"Director Xu, have you figured out how to deal with the guests and artists? How about telling everyone that everyone is making a lot of effort." Qin Yan said while eating.

"What guest artist?" The other staff members asked in confusion.

Seeing that Xu Jie was cooking, Qin Yan explained: "The station has arranged some artists for our program, and they will participate in our program as guests, and now I am worried about how to arrange these people. "

"Ah? There is such a thing? The stage is too unreliable, isn't it?" Assistant Director Qin Zheng said.

"Yes, isn't this a scam?"

Just when everyone expressed their dissatisfaction, they found that Director Xu had been cooking.

Are you so attentive?Is it that delicious?

"Director Xu, do you have an idea?" Li Li couldn't help asking.

Qin Yan couldn't believe it, the task given in the morning, came up with a solution so quickly?

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

"Really? What way?" Qin Yan asked curiously.

"Except for the partner and the target, there are only these two situations, so I decided to let the first guest tomorrow target these six artists." After Xu Jie finished, he directly put the day's notebook on the table.

Everyone looked at it, and saw that it recorded the shooting content temporarily added tomorrow, and even who would be in charge of following the guests had already been arranged.

While everyone was amazed at Director Xu's work efficiency, they couldn't help feeling secretly that Director Xu is indeed the most trustworthy person. If you were the director of other programs, you would definitely have to hold a meeting overnight to study.

"Director Xu, why is there no guest's name on it? Who will come tomorrow?" Qin Yan asked.

Xu Jie thought for a while, and then slowly said a person's name.

"Liu Qing."


(End of this chapter)

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