The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 808 This is a test

Chapter 808 This is a test
Xu Jie wasn't sure if Liu Qing had time to record the show, because he hadn't gotten in touch with the other party yet, but he believed that the other party would not be ignorant of such a good thing.

Of course, he didn't choose Liu Qing casually, but after careful consideration.

He wants to use the attention brought by star guest shows to promote the movie, so he naturally invites the actors in the movie. Among the leading actors in the movie "Lover in Time and Space", he doesn't have many movie fans. Although Su Yun has one, he is currently in Filming in Hengdian is very busy. Although Ding Mengni is a little famous now, it is not enough to affect the box office market. Fang Yi is a second-tier male artist in all aspects, but he is still slightly inferior to Liu Qing, a movie star.

Therefore, he planned to shoot Liu Qing first, then Fang Yi, his wife Su Yun next, and Ding Mengni for the fourth guest spot. As for the fifth guest spot, he hasn't thought of who to look for yet, but that's not important anymore Yes, because only the second, third, and fourth episodes can really play a role in promoting the movie during its release. After October, the movie will be released. No matter how lively the promotion is, it will not have any impact on the box office.

Su Yun, Liu Qing, and Fang Yi, these three artists are the most famous and have the most fans in the movie. It can be said that it is the most reasonable to use them to promote the movie.

Of course, except for actress Liu Jiaman.

In fact, Xu Jie also thought about inviting Liu Jiaman to come on the show. Although the other party only appeared in the movie as a friend, there were not many scenes in total, but the other party's reputation as a queen is there.

However, he also thought about it over and over again. The movie has already been promoted under the banner of the first movie after the actress Liu Jiaman's comeback. If he bothers the other party again, he will always feel that he is going too far.

Su Yun, Liu Qing, and Fang Yi are enough.

If the movie is not popular with everyone, let alone inviting Liu Jiaman to participate in the show, even if Liu Jiaman is invited to participate in the road show, what is the use?
After Xu Jie finished his meal, he came outside the hotel and sat in the car to send a video call to his wife.

Probably because the phone was by my side, it was quickly connected, but a dark face appeared on the screen of the phone.

Xu Jie froze for a moment, and soon understood what was going on.

This is putting on a mask.

In the entertainment industry, whether it is a big star or a small star, or whether it is a female star or a male star, everyone pays great attention to the maintenance of facial skin. After all, stars rely on this face for food, which is why many stars are The reason for frequent visitors to beauty salons.

But when celebrities are busy, they cannot guarantee to go to beauty parlors for skin care every day, so facial masks have become the simplest and most convenient skin care method for celebrities.

There are white masks, black ones, and animal pattern ones, and what Su Yun is using is a black mask, even Xu Jie himself has used it.

"Husband, have you been busy outside for another day, and you look tanned again?" Su Yun on the screen said, perhaps because of the black mask, the two rows of teeth looked particularly white.

"Really? Maybe it's dark in the car. I think it's okay. It's far worse than you are now." Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing this.

He works behind the scenes, so it doesn't matter if it's black or white, even if he's starring in a movie, he's a capable person, so it doesn't matter if it's black or white.

"Well, I did get tanned. Do you know what the temperature is in Hengdian today? It's 36 degrees. I feel like I'm getting sunburned," Su Yun said.

Even the best sunscreen is useless in hot sun like this.

"Pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling down. If you feel uncomfortable, tell the director immediately, don't hold on." Xu Jie said with concern.

Since successfully entering the film industry, the other party has started the desperate three-mother mode, not afraid of hardship, tiredness, heat, or cold.

From the director's point of view, Su Yun's performance like this is indeed very dedicated, but from the husband's point of view, Su Yun's behavior made him very distressed.

"Honey, don't worry." Su Yun said with a smile.

With this smile, the flat mask on his face also wrinkled.

Su Yun quickly smoothed it with her hands, for fear that a certain piece of skin on her face would not be moisturized and maintained.

"By the way, do you have any plans to return to the capital?" Xu Jie asked.

"What, did you miss me?" Su Yun approached the screen and asked with a smile, the mask on her face wrinkled again.

"Well, I think so." Xu Jie nodded vigorously.

"There are a lot of shooting tasks this week. Next week, I will ask the director for a day off next week." Su Yun thought for a while and said, why did she miss him.

"Next week or the next week, you can come to my show for a guest appearance." Xu Jie said.

Su Yun was slightly taken aback, and immediately understood the other party's intention to return her to the capital.

Is it a cameo by the way, or miss her by the way?

Of course, she didn't expose the other party. Since her husband wanted her to be a guest on a show, he must have his intentions. It's a big deal, and she doesn't need her to increase attention and ratings.

Moreover, "Crossover Actor" has been out for two seasons, and "Ordinary Courage" has been out for one season. I haven't seen these two programs have guest appearances by artists.

"Which program?" Su Yun asked.

"Ordinary Courage." Xu Jie said.

"How come? Don't you have enough artists, are you going to let me be beaten?" Su Yun asked curiously.

"I guessed half right..." Xu Jie said, and then told the idea of ​​deputy editor-in-chief Lu and his plan to use the program to promote the movie.

Su Yun nodded while listening, it turned out to be the case.

In order to get more people's attention, many movies and TV series will participate in some variety shows before they are released or broadcast. Some are single stars, and some are the entire crew. This is also a routine operation of film and television drama promotion, and the effect is really good.

"I see, then I will set aside a day to go back next week. By the way, is one day enough?" Su Yun asked, as a wife, it is her duty to promote the movie directed by her husband, let alone she is the director of that movie. The heroine, once the box office hits the street, it will also have a certain impact on her.

"One day is enough, but I don't know the exact date. It depends on the recording situation. I will notify you a few days in advance." Xu Jie said.

"Okay, I'll wait for your news. By the way, didn't you say that there are five places, why did you only mention four people just now?" Su Yun asked.

"I haven't thought about the remaining one." Xu Jie said truthfully, if he really can't find anyone, he plans to give this spot to Hu Huzhen, how can the other party also give him the opportunity to make a movie? Some help, mutual benefit and cooperation can last long, anyway, he won't lose anything.

"Husband, if you really can't find someone, then give me this spot." Su Yun said.

"Huh?" Xu Jie was taken aback, one of the four had a wife, and the other wanted another one. Could it be that he wanted to appear in two episodes of the show?He doesn't mind, but does the other party have time?

Seeing her husband's puzzled look, Su Yun explained: "It's like this. The movie "Stranger Road" directed by Xu Shenghua will be released on New Year's Day. I know, the films directed by Xu Shenghua have always been well-received, and she even added your name to the list of screenwriters..."

"I understand, no problem. I'll broadcast Zhang Chuanxing's program around New Year's Day." Xu Jie thought for a while, and felt that this was not enough, and said, "Well, your program will be filmed a little later, and we will wait until the end of the year." It will be played around New Year's Day, so Ding Mengni's cameo will be played one episode earlier."

Originally, Ding Mengni was the fourth guest artist, and the show would be arranged after Su Yun, Liu Qing, and Fang Yi, that is, the first week of November, which was beyond the film's release period. Now, the number of episodes of Su Yun's guest appearance After the delay, Ding Mengni will enter October and shoulder the important task of promoting the film.

"Ah? Why?" Su Yun blinked in confusion.

"I think from the perspective of an actor's career, the movie directed by Xu Shenghua is more important to you. No matter how good the box office and reputation of my movie are, it is just a commercial love movie for everyone to entertain and pass the time. , but the films directed by Xu Shenghua are different, thoughtful, sophisticated, and connotative, they are works that can win awards, once you get a best actress?"

Xu Jie expressed his thoughts in detail.

Although my wife has won numerous awards in the music industry, she has never won an award in the film industry, and this time starring in the film directed by Xu Shenghua is a very good opportunity, and even for a long time in the future, she may not have another award Such an opportunity.

Why does he think so?
Firstly, there are only a handful of great directors in the entire film industry who can compare with Xu Shenghua, and it is still unknown whether he will have the opportunity to cooperate with those great directors; secondly, Director Xu Shenghua will only release a work in a few years, even if Director Xu intends to continue to His wife cooperates, and when the next work starts shooting, it doesn't have to wait until the year of the monkey.

In contrast, his popcorn movie can't bring Su Yun anything.

When Su Yun heard Xu Jie's explanation, her heart was filled with emotion.

"But what about your movie? Don't you need to promote it?" Su Yun asked with concern.

"If you have made a movie, you should be very clear that the box office of a movie mainly depends on the first half of the month. If the box office in the first half of the month is not satisfactory, it will be useless to promote it later, so Liu Qing and Fang Yi are enough. " Xu Jie said in a relaxed tone.

He knew that Su Yun would definitely feel sorry, so he said this on purpose, not wanting to add psychological burden to Su Yun. In fact, this is not consolation. After all, what he said is true, unless it is a hit movie, every day for the next half month. There can still be tens of millions of box office, otherwise a few million is already very good.

Moreover, literary films can't be promoted like commercial films. If he doesn't help Su Yun in this way, how many people will pay attention to the works of the great director Xu Shenghua?Literary and artistic youth alone cannot save literary and artistic films.

"Husband, for a movie, one man, one woman, and one woman don't go out to promote it, but use two men and two women to promote it. Is it really okay?" Su Yun felt a little ridiculous, and she had never seen a film promoted like this.

"Isn't there still a promotional video? Wife, don't worry, the way of doing publicity on the show is just icing on the cake. The decisive factor is to watch the movie itself." Xu Jie said confidently.

In fact, if he was really not worried, he might not have accepted Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu's proposal.

Some things have to be traded off.

Everything is for my wife's career.

"Husband, thank you!" Su Yun said emotionally, wishing she could fly back to the capital right now, give her a warm hug and a passionate night.

"Thank you, I'm your husband." Xu Jie said, the other party has married him and given him his whole life, this is the best gift, what else can I thank you for?Thank you, he is also thanking the other party, thank you for your trust in him.

The two talked for a while about things that would give goosebumps to outsiders, and then they ended the call.

Xu Jie smirked at the phone for a while, then found Liu Qing's phone number in the contacts, and called the other party.

"Beep... beep... click!"

"Hey, it's so late, what's the matter?" A woman's impatient voice came from the microphone.

"Pay attention to your attitude!" Xu Jie changed his image of a warm man just now, and said coldly to the phone.

And it's only 8:[-], which isn't too late, and for many night owls, the nightlife hasn't even begun.

"Ah? What's wrong with my attitude? I...uh, it's Director Xu, I misread the caller ID." Liu Qing quickly changed her words, and she came to her senses.

In fact, she did not read the caller ID wrongly, but suddenly remembered that the matter of the leading actress in the TV series had not yet been decided, and she had been fighting for this role, and she must be a dwarf if she asks for it.

"I'd like to tell you a good thing. I'll come to the Blue Sky International Hotel tomorrow to film an episode of "Ordinary Courage". You don't need to prepare anything, as long as the person comes, one day is enough, thank you." Xu Jie said.

"What?" Liu Qing was dumbfounded, "But, but I just arrived in Hengdian!"

The crew of "Spring Light" came to Hengdian today, and the filming will start tomorrow, and she was also tired all day, so she went to bed early, and she didn't even contact Sister Yun.

"Then stop talking nonsense and come back quickly. There is still time to catch the last flight." Xu Jie said that when Su Yun was filming "Mulan" in Hengdian, he ran there every week, so the flight time What's very clear.

"But, why should I go back? There is no such arrangement in my itinerary, and I am not planning to participate in this program." Liu Qing said.

"No, there is this arrangement in your itinerary, and you must participate in this program." Xu Jie's voice was full of majesty that could not be refuted.

"Why?" Liu Qing asked puzzled.

He decides her work, even when the company arranges work, he will listen to her opinion.

What is the other party?

It is neither a boss nor a parent. In layman's terms, it is nothing.

Besides, how can someone suddenly find someone to record a program, and make a decision without asking other people's opinions?Isn't this too overbearing?The domineering president didn't order people like that.

"Because you need to use this program to promote the movie "Lovers in Time and Space", which is also included in our contract. You need to promote the movie unconditionally, otherwise it will be a breach of contract." Xu Jie said.

The wife's episode will be broadcast around New Year's Day, which means that the shooting time will be greatly delayed, so Liu Qing has to shoot this episode, she must.

"But how can there be such a rush? Shouldn't we have notified in advance?" Liu Qingxiu frowned and showed a bitter face at the same time.

Propaganda, no problem, it's an actor's job, but you can't be on call, right?Are there any human rights anymore?

"That's right, shouldn't you be notified one night in advance?" Xu Jie said bluntly. In fact, he didn't expect that the other party would go to Hengdian, or he would have called the other party during the day.

That's the size.

"I'm not in the capital now, what's the use of you telling me so late?" Liu Qing said loudly, her tone full of dissatisfaction.

"Didn't I tell you? It's still time to go back to the capital, don't worry, the air ticket crew will come out." Xu Jie said grandly.


Liu Qing was speechless.

Is this a flight ticket issue?

Is she short of that money?
The fundamental reason is that she doesn't feel respect from the other party's words.

"I can't go back." Liu Qing said angrily, if he could go back, he wouldn't go back, how could he be so troublesome?

"Are you sure?" Xu Jie asked.

"Sure!" Liu Qing said loudly, to show how firm her attitude was.


Xu Jie sighed suddenly, "I just wanted to test you, but I didn't expect it to be like this. The master and brother-in-law, and being on call are all deceitful. It's alright, I understand your attitude now." ..."

Liu Qing trembled all over when she heard it, and she felt bad in her heart!
Just now I was so angry that I forgot about the TV series.

And what the other party is saying, isn't it what she said when she went to Beijing TV station through the back door a few days ago?

This is a test?

"Director Xu, that, I was joking with you just now, how could I not listen to your arrangement? Besides, you are also doing it for my own good, for my movie's good, so I will leave immediately and go back to the capital..."

As soon as Liu Qing changed from the clank and iron bones just now, she was as humble as a licking dog.

Although she also felt that it was embarrassing, but in order to cooperate with actress Liu Jiaman, she became a dog licking.

Speaking of which, isn't flattering the director an essential skill for an actor?

To be honest, it’s not shameful to flatter a leader, it’s shameful to miss a good opportunity. How many artists are ridiculed by their peers because of their well-crafted scripts?

"Can you really come?" Xu Jie asked.

"It's really possible." Liu Qing said with certainty.

"Then I'll wait for you here, don't let me down." Xu Jie hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Liu Qing looked at the phone, feeling out of breath.


She shook her head, tossed her hair, and slapped her hands on the bed like crazy.

"Piss me off, piss me off!"

She shouted loudly to vent the dissatisfaction and anger in her heart, but after everything, the dissatisfaction and anger not only did not disappear, but also became more depressed.

Alas, when people are under the eaves, don't talk about bowing your head, you have to do kowtow as well.

No way, who will let the resources be in the hands of others?

(End of this chapter)

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