The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 809 The Aggrieved Female Star

Chapter 809 The Aggrieved Female Star
The capital city is still beautiful late at night, and the colorful neon lights make the whole city glow with a different vitality from the daytime.

Outside the gate of Lantian International Hotel, a nanny car slowly stopped, and then the door opened, and a young beauty wearing sunglasses got out of the car.

She turned her head and kept looking around, as if she was looking for someone, but after looking for a while, the expression on her face gradually cooled down.

"Qingqing, are you sure it's here?" Yuan Ou asked in a low voice, there were occasional people coming in and out of the gate, but no one was standing here waiting for someone.

"Well, it's here." Liu Qing said with certainty, there must be a location map sent by Xu Jie in the phone, it must be correct.

"Let's go in, maybe inside." Yuan Ou pointed to the inside of the hotel, the star stood outside the gate, it was too high-profile.

Liu Qing nodded, walked into the door with a sullen face, her pink cherry mouth kept muttering: "I flew back from a long distance, and there is no one to meet me, so I don't take me seriously."

"It was agreed to teach me how to play mahjong, but there was no movement after the movie was shot. You are simply a big liar."

"Isn't it just to invest in a TV series? What's so great about it? If it wasn't for Liu Jiaman's sake, I wouldn't care about it."

"When I finish filming this TV series, see if I still talk to you, hum!"


Yuan Ou, who followed closely beside him, couldn't help showing a wry smile after hearing Qingqing's words.

When I finished filming that crappy movie, I said I didn’t care about it, but what happened now, for a TV series, I first came to express my sincerity, and then flew back to the capital from Hengdian overnight, just to avoid offending the other party, I was absolutely manipulated Yes, who is ignoring whom now?

I hope that Qingqing will really have such ambition in the future.

"Hello, is the "Ordinary Courage" program team here?" Assistant Yao Yao came to the front desk and asked the waiter in the hotel.

"Excuse me, who are you...?" The female receptionist looked at Yao Yao and the others with a smile, with some doubts in her eyes.

Because of the entry of the "Ordinary Courage" program group, fans have been coming here since the evening, and even the occupancy rate of the rooms has risen linearly.

However, in order for the program to be recorded normally, and for the stars living in the hotel not to be disturbed, the hotel not only strengthened the security measures on the floor where the program group is located, but also kept the entry of the program group confidential, requiring the hotel staff not to tell anyone disclose.

To put it simply, if someone asks about the "Ordinary Courage" program group, the waiter will not answer, but if someone wants to open a room, they will not refuse.

"Oh, we are here to record the program at the invitation of Director Xu. This is Liu Qing. Didn't the program team tell you?" Yao Yao asked.

When the female receptionist heard this, she immediately picked up the phone from the table, found a photo saved from the Internet, and looked at Liu Qing while looking at the photo.

"Can you take off your sunglasses?" the female receptionist asked. The wide sunglasses covered half of the other person's face, making it impossible for her to make comparisons.

Although she knew Liu Qing and had seen his movies, but now it was work, so she should be careful.

Liu Qing looked around, maybe it was the middle of the night, and there were not many people in the lobby, so she took off her sunglasses.

The female receptionist looked at it and asked the colleague beside her. After getting a definite answer, she was relieved and put the phone away.

"The program team has already explained, please come with me." The female receptionist said with a smile, and then stretched out her hand to make a gesture of please, pointing in the direction of the elevator, and then led the way in front.

Liu Qing put on the sunglasses again, she still had that cold face, of course, it was not aimed at the waiter, but at Xu Jie.

The elevator rose slowly and stopped after a short while.

With the opening of the elevator door, the first thing that came into view were four security guards in uniform. Their eyes were full of vigilance, and they relaxed after seeing the female receptionist.

The female receptionist took Liu Qing and others to the first guest room next to the elevator. The door of the room was open, the lights inside were brightly lit, and there were constant conversations.


The female receptionist knocked on the door and said, "Everyone from the program group, Liu Qing is here."

Everyone in the room was taken aback for a moment, and Qiqi looked up at the door. When they found out that it was really Liu Qing, some were surprised, some were puzzled, and finally looked at Xu Jie again.

Although everyone knew that Liu Qing would be the guest star tomorrow, but no one thought that Liu Qing would suddenly appear in the hotel.

In the middle of the night, the other party is not at home to have a good rest, what are you doing at the program crew's residence?
Talk about shooting content?
But it's not too late, is it?

It's already past one o'clock.

Liu Qing walked into the room, glanced around, and finally locked on to the target.

"Director Xu, I'm back." Liu Qing took the initiative to say, although there was a lot of dissatisfaction in her heart, but at this moment, she could only hide it all, and wait until the contract of the TV drama lead actress was settled.

Thousands of words are combined into one sentence, bear the humiliation.

Xu Jie raised his head to look at Liu Qing, and said lightly: "Well, yes, let me see your attitude, but don't think I'm torturing you, you have also seen it, it's so late, everyone is still there Busy, not only you do not have a rest."

"No, I don't feel tormented." Liu Qing said after hearing this, but she was thinking in her heart: You didn't take a break because you had unfinished work, and I didn't take a break because you threatened me. Can I have the same interest?

Xu Jie glanced at Liu Qing out of the corner of his eye, it seemed that the other party had confessed.

Well, it's right to admit it.

In front of the master, you have to obey even if you are obedient, and you have to obey if you are not.

"It's getting late, hurry up and rest, are you going home to rest, or are you resting here?" Xu Jie asked.

"Here." Liu Qing thought for a while and said.

In fact, she wants to go home, and she doesn't want to be here, but the hotel is half an hour's drive from her home, and it takes an hour to go back and forth. It's already 01:30, so let's take more time to rest.

Of course, there is the most important point. She is worried that this man will not know when he will have another convulsion. A phone call asks her to come to the hotel to gather. At that time, she will have to run this way.

Living here is also to avoid being tossed by the other party.

If you can get her back to the capital from Hengdian, you can get her from home to the hotel.

Xu Jie took out a room card from the drawer and handed it to Liu Qing, "This is a suite for you and your assistant to rest. As for the manager, there is no extra room prepared."

Yuan Ou was shocked, with an embarrassing expression on his face, thinking that Mr. Xu still had a problem with her, and he would take revenge when he found the opportunity.

"It's okay, I'll open another room downstairs." Yuan Ou said with a smile.

"Oh, hurry up, there's no room left at night." Xu Jie kindly reminded.

The corner of Yuan Ou's mouth twitched, isn't 01:30 in the morning not late enough?
Liu Qing looked at Xu Jie, and then at the other people in the room. She thought someone would lead the way, but after waiting for a while, no one came forward.


Liu Qing felt very hurt.

Is it too embarrassing to be a big star?
To the hotel, no one picked up.

Open the room, no one will take it.

She even began to wonder if she was cold, otherwise why would she ignore her so much?

Unlucky for me!

Liu Qing thought to herself, then turned and left the room.

After filming that TV series, I will definitely never cooperate with this man again, because I don't treat her like a wrist.


the next day.

Before dawn, some artists got up and went to work.

As for the program group, a filming team headed by the assistant director was also dispatched to film the artist's every move throughout the process.

Compared with the first season, the program team of the second season has been greatly supplemented. Some people are responsible for the follow-up during the day, and some are responsible for the editing at night. up.

Hey, who made the sponsorship fee sufficient for this season?

In Xu Jie’s opinion, if you have money, don’t spend it for nothing, spend it to your death if you can, anyway, you can’t put it in your pocket, there is no need to overdraw your health and life to save money for Taiwan, if someone dies suddenly At work, the first responsible person must be him, the chief director.


Xu Jie walked into the command room while yawning, looked at the staff of the program group and asked, "Is everyone gone?"

"Director Xu, except for the two who were on the night shift, everyone else has already left." The staff member said.

"Well, during the day, you should keep an eye on it and contact the various groups. I'm going back to the company. Call me in time if you need anything." Xu Jie said.

He wants to return to Jingshi Culture to complete the post-production work of the film.

As for "Ordinary Courage", apart from following the artists during the day, there is no other work, and the filming team of the second season has continued to use the filming team of the first season. He is not the chief director to direct.

He was needed more in post-editing at night than during the day.

"Alright Director Xu."

"By the way, Director Xu, what about Liu Qing? Aren't we filming her cameo today?" someone asked.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback when he heard it, and the steps he had just taken also stopped.

That's right, and Liu Qing, I almost forgot about this person.

I slept too late last night, and now I am still a little dazed, and I don't remember Liu Qing at all in my mind.

"Where's Liu Qingren?" Xu Jie asked.

"Still in the room." The staff member said.

Xu Jie nodded, turned and left the temporary command room.

He came outside Liu Qing's room and reached out to press the doorbell twice. After a while, he saw no one opened the door, so he pressed it twice again. This time it was effective. After seven or eight seconds, the door finally opened .

It was not Liu Qing who opened the door, but Liu Qing's assistant, Yao Yao, who still looked sleepy and was still wearing pajamas.

Obviously, the moment before Xu Jie rang the doorbell, the people in the room were still sleeping.

"President Xu, what's the matter?" Yao Yao asked while rubbing her eyes.

She flew from the capital to Hengdian yesterday afternoon. Just as she was going to sleep at night, she was told by Liu Qing that she had to rush back to the capital. Then she accompanied Liu Qing and flew back to the capital from Hengdian overnight. After arriving at the hotel, she took a shower. It was past two o'clock in the middle of the night when I lay in bed.

This is not over yet, Qingqing has been talking bad things about Mr. Xu after lying down, and as an assistant, she can't sleep first, so she can barely support the eyelids that are constantly fighting, echoing twice from time to time, until more than three o'clock, Qingqing was tired of cursing and fell asleep, so she closed her eyes.

It is 07:30 in the morning, that is to say, she only slept for four hours at most last night,

How can anyone not be sleepy?

"Where's Liu Qing?" Xu Jie asked.

"Still resting." Yao Yao said.

"I'll see her in the command room in 5 minutes." Xu Jie said lightly, then turned and left.

Yao Yao's whole body trembled. Looking at Mr. Xu's leaving back, she came to her senses. She quickly closed the door, ran back to the room, and shouted to Liu Qing who was still sleeping soundly on the bed: "Qingqing, Get up quickly."

"No, I'm still sleepy, let me sleep for a while." After Liu Qing finished speaking, she turned over, turned her back to Yao Yao, and continued to sleep.

"Qingqing, don't sleep, I really can't sleep anymore, Mr. Xu just came here, and he wants you to meet him in the command room within 5 minutes." Yao Yao said anxiously, seeing Liu Qing still not getting up, hurry up Go to the window and draw the curtains to let the sunlight in.

"Ah? It's him again? It's annoying. I've never seen such an annoying person. When I finish filming that TV series, if I still talk to him, my name will not be Liu Qing." Liu Qing struggled to get out of bed He got up and walked out unsteadily.

Yao Yao stepped forward and grabbed the other person's arm, and reminded: "Qingqing, you haven't changed your clothes yet, are you going to go all dressed up?"

Liu Qing looked down at herself, she was only wearing a nightdress with suspenders, and it was the kind that was very low on the top and short on the bottom. Although she didn't show anything, it wasn't suitable for going out to meet people.

Yao Yao hurriedly found a set of underwear and a dress from the suitcase and handed them to Qingqing, and then began to change clothes by herself.

"Knowing that I went to bed so late and asked me to meet him so early, this despicable, shameless and cold-blooded man, does he know what is caring and what is compassion? I really don't know what Sister Yun has taken a fancy to him." Liu Qing While muttering, he began to change clothes.

Yao Yao thought to herself, Mr. Xu is Sister Yun's husband, not yours, why should he feel sorry for you?
Moreover, it may not be a good thing for a male director to be too considerate of a female artist.

Although Mr. Xu is indeed torturing people, it at least shows that Mr. Xu is always a decent person, he doesn't care about him everywhere, and he doesn't flirt everywhere.

Four minutes later, Liu Qing came to the command room with his assistant.

"Director Xu, what's the matter so early?" Liu Qing asked resentfully, giving the impression that Xu Jie didn't recognize anyone after he put on his pants.

"It's still early? What time is it? Does the early bird get the worm?" Xu Jie frowned.

"I only know that early worms are eaten by birds." Liu Qing said expressionlessly.

"So, you think you're a bug?" Xu Jie asked.

"Don't you think you are a birdman?" Liu Qing asked in a low voice.

"Is this the attitude you spoke to me?" Xu Jie opened his eyes wide and stared fiercely at the other party.

When Liu Qing heard this, the corners of her mouth turned up, her face turned up, she squeezed out a smirk, looked at Xu Jie and said, "I was just joking with you just now, how dare I treat you like that, look how sincere my smile is now? I also Only when I see you can I smile so brightly. By the way, when will you give me the contract for the female lead in "Legend of Lan Xi"? I think choosing a day is worse than hitting the sun. Today is sunny and cloudless today. What now? Sample?"

Xu Jie looked at the other party's smirk coldly, so he still wants to play the lead actress in "Legend of Lan Xi"?Hmph, that's a good idea.

"This is your task for today." Xu Jie threw a script to Liu Qing.

Originally, he planned to let Liu Qing accept the beatings of the society together with the actors, but he was worried that Liu Qing would not be able to hold on. If this had a negative impact, not only would it not be able to promote the movie, but it would also affect the growth of the box office, so After much deliberation, he decided to assign the other party the role of a customer, to pose problems for the artist, and see how the artist solves them.

Liu Qing flipped through it briefly, and found that there was only a plot in the script, no lines, and it had only one purpose, which was to make trouble for the artist.

After reading it, Liu Qing couldn't help smiling confidently. She didn't dare to say anything else, but she was very good at finding trouble.

"Director Xu, what if the artist can't fulfill my request?" Liu Qing asked, since he can't vent his anger on the man in front of him, he should vent his anger on the artist invited by the other party.

"That's bad luck for them!" Xu Jie said.

"I understand." Liu Qing nodded cheerfully.

After Xu Jie and Liu Qing finished explaining, they introduced the filming team following the filming to each other, then greeted other staff members, and walked out of the command room.

"Where are you going?" Liu Qing asked suspiciously.

"What's your business?" Xu Jie said angrily.

"No, you called me to record the show, and then you left, what's going on?" Liu Qingxiu frowned, suspecting that the other party was being lazy.

"I'm the chief director. I don't need me for filming. Don't think I don't know what you think. I'm going to work on the post-production of the film. Otherwise, the film Year of the Monkey will be released?" Xu Jie gave Liu Qing a hard look. .

Liu Qing was stunned, that's why.

That's right, it's already July. If we don't pay attention to the post-production of the film, it is really unknown whether it will be able to catch up with the National Day file.

No wonder the other party was still here in the middle of the night last night. It turned out that he was busy with movies during the day and shows at night.

Although she had many complaints and dissatisfaction with this man in her heart, she admired this serious and responsible work attitude.

Perhaps, this is the only strength of the other party.

Thinking of this, Liu Qing's heart is no longer so unbalanced.

She originally thought that the other party was torturing her, but she didn't expect that the other party even tormented herself.

is a cruel man.

"What did I think? I didn't think about anything." Liu Qing said, she would not admit to suspecting the other party's lazy thoughts, wouldn't that be a villain's heart to judge a gentleman's belly?

"Hmph!" Xu Jie snorted coldly, and ignored Liu Qing, he had no extra time to waste on Liu Qing now.

Looking at the back of the man, Liu Qing suddenly felt that the atmosphere in the room was much lighter, her back could straighten up, and even her voice became louder.

"Let's go, let me toss and toss those contestants!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand and found someone to vent his anger on!

(End of this chapter)

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