The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 810 Pleasure creates sorrow?

Chapter 810 Pleasure creates sorrow?

Xu Jie has never been so busy since he started working.

Busy with movies during the day, variety shows at night, half a day of recording on Friday, and even no time to visit Su Yun in Hengdian.

He gets up earlier than a chicken every day, goes to bed later than a dog, and works more than a cow. Others work in two shifts, but he is the only one who is busy with three heads. According to Qin Yan, who makes you irreplaceable? ?

The cause you sow, the fruit you bear, no matter how bitter it is, you have to eat it.

After all, these are the jobs that Xu Jie took on by himself, so he can't blame others.


From July to August, Beijing also ushered in the hottest period of the year.

As high as the temperature, there is also the audience's enthusiasm for the third season of "Crossover Actor".

After several rounds of competition and elimination, the finals of the third season of "Crossover Actors" finally ended on the first Saturday in August.

In the end, Hu Yangguang stood out from [-] competing artists and won the championship of the third season.

At the same time, the ratings of the finals also created a record high, reaching 4.788, becoming the finals with the highest ratings among the first three seasons.

In addition, the third season of "Crossover Actor" is also the season with the highest average ratings, and the ratings on a certain valve have also surpassed the first and second seasons, and even surpassed 90.00% of the second reality show, and achieved ratings and ratings. A double harvest of word of mouth.

For such a result, the happiest party must be the sponsor, producer and broadcaster. The sponsor has gained popularity, the producer has gained income, and the broadcaster has gained ratings and influence.

As for Xu Jie...

He is also very happy that he can finally have one less job.

Of course, although the number of jobs has decreased by one, the total amount of jobs has not changed, but the energy has been allocated to the other two projects.


In mid-August, the shooting phase of the second season of "Ordinary Courage" was completed and entered the post-production phase.

In late August, the post-production of "Lovers in Time and Space" was completed and sent to the General Administration for review.


Bid farewell to the hot August and enter the cool September.

As comfortable as the weather is, there is also Xu Jie's mood.

Now, he only has the post-production work of the second season of "Ordinary Courage" left in his hands. Compared with the previous few months, it is not too easy.

5 number.


Xu Jie drove to Beijing TV Station.

He's been here for the last few days, but in a week or so, "Ordinary Courage" will be finished, and he won't have to come here every day.

Xu Jie walked into the editorial room and was about to say hello to everyone, but found that all the people in the room were gathered together, and those standing on the outermost edge were still standing upright, not knowing what they were looking at.

"Hey, what are you doing? Is it too much to start fishing early in the morning?" Xu Jie pretended to be serious and said.

Everyone turned their heads when they heard the voice, and after seeing Xu Jie, instead of dispersing, they waved at him.

"Old Xu, you are finally here, come and watch, Zheng Guoliang's movie has released a promotional video." Qin Yan said while pointing to the video clip that was playing on the computer screen.

But Liu Jinbao, Lu Zhanpeng, Zhao Gang and others beside them looked a little serious, and even worried.

Originally, as TV workers, Zheng Guoliang's films had nothing to do with them, but they all appeared in Xu Jie's films, so it didn't matter but it became related.

And in their hearts, Xu Jie is their own, Xu Jie's movie is their movie, Xu Jie's business is their business, now Zheng Guoliang's movie promotional film has come out, and after Xu Jie's movie is submitted for review, until now There is no movement, may they not be in a hurry?

The movie has not passed the review, so it cannot release an official promotional video. Just a few news reports that Su Yun, Liu Qing, and Fang Yi mentioned the name of the movie by the way, can it attract attention?
Even if it can, attention is very limited.


Xu Jie walked over after hearing this, and cast his eyes on the computer screen. Although he had seen some promotional news about Zheng Guoliang's movie before, it was only limited to some promotional pictures. This is the first time he has seen such a formal promotional film. See, this also marks the official start of the publicity competition for National Day movies.

Liu Jinbao replayed Zheng Guoliang's promotional video. Although he hadn't watched Xu Jie's promotional video yet, Zheng Guoliang, as a well-known director of romance films in China, had very high expectations for this promotional video. Yes, this also made him feel a little bit shaken by Xu Jie's film. After all, it is the first time for the other party to make a film. In any industry, novices will inevitably give people a feeling of insecurity, even if this person is a friend around him. .

Xu Jie stared at the promotional film intently. Zheng Guoliang's film is called "The Most Heartwarming". The name is very straightforward, and people can tell it is a romance film at a glance.

Moreover, the male and female protagonists are both popular first-line traffic artists, and the fans of traffic artists are quite terrifying. With this alone, the box office of "The Most Heartwarming" will definitely not be low.

In contrast, although his "Lover in Time and Space" also has a star lineup, it is not an opponent in terms of traffic. , All the male actors together are not as good as other male protagonists.

"Well, not bad." Xu Jie nodded after watching it, "As expected of the leading director of love movies in China, you can tell that it must be very good just by watching the promotional film."


The people around looked at Xu Jie in surprise. Didn't these words mean that he would destroy his own prestige by making other people angry?
"Old Xu, what are you talking about? This is Zheng Guoliang's movie, your opponent, how can you say that?" Qin Yan said with a frown, and she still rolled her eyes at Xu Jie.

Everyone didn't have much confidence at first, but now that the other party said this, they felt even more empty.

"It's because he is my opponent, so I have to take it seriously. Besides, there are no outsiders here, so why should I say those self-deceiving words?" Xu Jie said after hearing it.

When evaluating a person and his works, one should start from an objective point of view. Strategically, one can despise the enemy, but tactically, one must pay attention to the enemy.

Qin Yan was slightly taken aback, and immediately felt that what the man said seemed to be true. If he still talked big in front of his own people, it would be meaningless.

"Old Xu, how do you think our movie compares with his?" Qin Yan asked.

She has only filmed a few scenes, and she doesn't know the whole movie, or even the plot, and there is no way to make comparisons, so she can only ask the director himself.

"It's hard to say. Although they are all romance movies, one is a modern romance movie and the other is a time-travel romance movie. There is no way to compare them. Those who like to watch modern romance movies will definitely choose Zheng Guoliang's movies. Those who like to watch ancient romance movies , will definitely choose our movie." Xu Jie said.

In fact, Xu Jie is still very calm in his heart. No matter how exciting the short film he saw just now, it is just a promotional video. May I ask which movie's promotional video is not exciting?
The promotional video of "Lover in Time and Space" is also very exciting.

So Xu Jie was not empty in his heart, nor did he feel depressed. After all, who is good and who is bad is not up to him, nor is it up to Zheng Guoliang, but the audience, the market, and the box office.

It's like two armies confronting each other. It's useless to talk too much, and you have to do it with real swords and guns. If you don't fight to the last person, who will win and who will lose? Who knows?

Big directors also have their car overturned, and small directors also have a chance to become a god.

What's more, Xu Jie's movie box office does not need to exceed Zheng Guoliang's box office, as long as it reaches half of the box office of the other party's movie, this is what the other party said.

"Director Xu, hasn't the movie been submitted for review? Hasn't it passed yet?" Liu Jinbao asked, the sooner it passes the review, the sooner it can be promoted.

Although the publicity was not as early as Zheng Guoliang, but he must not lose in the publicity offensive.

Publicity is very important to a movie. Even if it is a bad movie, if it is properly publicized, as long as it can lure fans into the cinema, it can make over [-] million at the box office in just a few days. On the contrary, no matter how good a movie is, if there is no publicity , no matter how exciting the content is, the box office may not be able to break through [-] million on the day it is released.

There is a saying that goes well: Those who can speak are not as good as those who can sing, and those who can sing are not as good as those who can shout.

This point, even the great director is not immune.

Look at those big directors and big productions, which promotional fee can't be hundreds of millions?

This is called building momentum!

In layman's terms, it is fooling people.

Whoever can fool more people into the cinema will have a higher box office.

"I haven't received any news yet," Xu Jie said.

Under normal circumstances, the review takes 25 working days, plus rest days, it takes about a month, and it is less than ten days since he submitted the film for review, which is still early.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

While speaking, Xu Jie's mobile phone rang suddenly. He took out his mobile phone and glanced at the caller ID, his expression immediately became serious.

It's Guo Chuan, the general manager of Forbidden Films and the producer of Lovers in Time and Space.

Xu Jie asked the other party to handle the matter of submitting the film for review and handling the release license. After all, the other party is very familiar with the people in the General Administration.

Isn't there such a sentence?
People are familiar and easy to handle.

"Morning Mr. Guo, I met a magpie when I went out this morning. At that time, I had a premonition that someone would definitely come looking for me today. When I saw Mr. Guo call just now, I knew that my hunch was right." Xu Jay said.

When the people around heard it, they immediately fell silent.

President Guo?It must be Guo Chuan from Forbidden Pictures.

"Haha, Mr. Xu was joking, but something good happened. I just received a notification that your movie "Lover in Time and Space" has passed the review and obtained a release license. Congratulations Mr. Xu." Guo Chuan said with a smile.

"Really? Then I would like to thank Mr. Guo. Without Mr. Guo's hard work, the film would not have obtained the release license so quickly. Thank you so much." Xu Jie said hastily.

"Mr. Xu, don't be so polite. You and I are not outsiders. It's just a matter of raising your hands. But Mr. Xu, even if you get the license, you can't relax. The next announcement is the key point." Guo Chuan reminded.

Propaganda and distribution are publicity and distribution. Although they are connected together, they are two different jobs.

Propaganda is to increase the popularity and topicality of the film. It can even increase the word-of-mouth of the film through various media reports, so that everyone is willing to go to the cinema to watch the film after it is released.

Distribution refers to meeting audiences through various copyright channels, and the channel for film docking is theater companies, which manage movie theaters across the country, and need to negotiate with theaters to determine the number of films to be scheduled. The more screenings, the higher the box office.

Just imagine, when you want to watch a movie, or walk into a movie theater, and find that there are only one or two movies in this time period, what would you choose to do?
Look at the girlfriends around you, and then watch the movies, one is a romance movie, the other is a cartoon, you don’t have to think about it, you will definitely choose a romance movie.

"Thank you Mr. Guo for reminding..."

Xu Jie thanked Guo Chuan again, and then hung up the phone.

"Old Xu, have you passed the review?" Qin Yan asked happily. Although she didn't hear what Mr. Guo said on the phone, from Xu Jie's words, she could already guess the general idea.

"En." Xu Jie nodded heavily. The film has reached the stage of announcement, which indicates that the competition with Zheng Guoliang will really start at this moment.

The box office is open, but the announcement is private.

"Director Xu, what can we do for you?" Lu Zhanpeng asked.

"That's right, Mr. Xu, if you have anything to do, just tell us, you are all on your own, so don't be polite to us."

"Just say it, we all listen to you."

Everyone expressed their opinions.

Among the people present, some were from the Art Program Center, and some were from the Satellite TV Program Center. Although Xu Jie had been transferred to Beijing TV Culture, his influence was still there.

Not to mention that these people in the art program center are Xu Jie’s old colleagues, old friends, and old subordinates, even those in the satellite TV program center. The usual salary and year-end bonus depend on Xu Jie’s face. After all, "Crossover" "Actor" and "Ordinary Courage" are currently the most lucrative programs on Beijing Satellite TV. Who wouldn't want to join these two program groups?
Talking about chicken soup and ideals are all nonsense, only money is the most real thing.

Xu Jie looked at everyone, and he really needed the help of these people in promoting the movie.

"Old Qin, I have made a reservation for the issue of "In-depth Film and Television Talk" at the end of the month, and I will lead the crew of "Lover in Time and Space" to participate." Xu Jie said to Qin Yan.

"No problem." Qin Yan said, gesticulating an OK rating, saying that this show was originally created by Lao Xu, and promoting the other party's movies, isn't that what it should be?
"There is also the "Daily Literature and Art Broadcast" of the Literature and Art Channel, which increases the report on the leading actors of the movie, and then contacts the familiar media to report and recommend the movie..."

"Yes, Director Xu!"

"Director Xu, the post-production of "Ordinary Courage" will be finished soon, you should hurry back and work on your movie, and leave the rest to us." Assistant Director Li Li said.

She is an old man from the first season, and she has worked with Xu Jie for so long, so she has basically mastered the other party's routines.

Moreover, the first few episodes of "Ordinary Courage" have already been produced, which also adds about two months to the production time of the next few episodes, so there is no need to rush for a while.

"Yes Director Xu, just trust us." Lu Zhanpeng said.

Others also joined in.

Seeing the situation, Xu Jie didn't show politeness to these people, because the issue was too important, so he said, "Well, please, call me if you need anything."

In fact, he already had the idea of ​​handing over the work to these people, but the film was sent for review, and he didn't have a suitable reason, so he stayed here all the time.

And the words of these colleagues are exactly what he wants.

After Xu Jie said his goodbyes, he left Beijing TV Station and drove to Beijing Television Culture, which is the main battlefield for film promotion.

When he arrived at the company, he didn't go back to the office, but went directly to the film department, because everyone in the film department was waiting for the news of the film's submission for review.

"Clap clap clap!"

After Xu Jie entered the door, he clapped his hands vigorously, and after everyone had seen it, he said excitedly, "Everyone, I have some good news for you, Mr. Guo from Forbidden Films just called, and our film has already been approved." It's time for a release license."




Everyone stood up and cheered excitedly.

Everyone was happy not only that the film passed the review and got the release license, but also because this was the first independent film produced by Jingshi Culture since its establishment, which can be said to be of great significance. As the film department, can they be unhappy?

Xu Jie raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then continued: "I will hand over the work of the publicity part to Vice President Wang, and the work of the distribution part is up to you. Do you have confidence?"

Hearing Xu Jie's words, the originally joyful atmosphere fell silent by the way.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, each with a very embarrassed expression.

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie looked at the crowd in confusion and asked, shouldn't it be the time for these people to show their talents?

"Mr. Xu..." As the director of the film department, Wang Wen stood up and said with a wry smile: "You also know that the film department is a department established later in the company. Although many movies have been made over the years, they are all based on cooperation. Lord, in terms of production, we can barely get by, but in terms of distribution, the company really can't."

The film department can be said to be the most dispensable department in the entire company, and because of this, the former general manager Yu Kuan didn't care about the life of the film department at all.

Wang Wen was transferred here from the Forbidden Films, and she managed to maintain the film department by relying on her previous relationship. Otherwise, the film department would not be able to make movies, even the salary would not be paid.

"No? Hasn't the company made movies before?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

"It's true that I have filmed, but when working with a big film company, the producer will find a special distribution company, and when working with a small film company, I will find a few old acquaintances from the past, but the filming rate is not high enough. To guarantee, so most of the movies are losing money, and it is already very good to be able to pay back." Wang Wen said.


Xu Jie stared blankly at Wang Wen, speechless.

He thought that the company had a dedicated film department and had experience in making films, so there would be absolutely no problem with distribution, otherwise he wouldn't have come here as soon as he learned that the film had passed the review.

But now...


Xu Jie took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you can't blame Wang Wen for this matter, it's because he took it for granted.

Knowing that the performance of the company's film department is the worst, and even making a movie requires the TV drama department, he still wants to entrust them with such an important job of distribution. Isn't this his fault?

Alas, this broken company really trains people!


(End of this chapter)

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