Chapter 811
"Mr. Xu, what should we do now?" Wang Wen asked in a low voice. As the director of the company's film department, it is really embarrassing in front of the deputy general manager that she can't even handle such a trivial matter.

Xu Jie looked at Wang Wen and thought: What should I do?Salad!

But as the vice president of the company and the director of the film, it will inevitably make people feel negative, and the whole team will be finished by then.

So he cheered up again, looked at Wang Wen and asked, "How did you do it before?"

"When I was working in the Forbidden Film Industry, I knew several small distribution companies. The previous films were basically handed over to them for publicity and distribution, and they came forward to negotiate with various theaters." Wang Wen explained.

"No, if I remember correctly, the business of Forbidden Films also includes film distribution, why didn't you find them?" Xu Jie asked suspiciously.

The other party has the experience of working in Forbidden Pictures, shouldn't it be normal to find cooperation with his old company?

Moreover, Forbidden Pictures has an official background, so if they go to the theaters to talk to them, they can give a little favor, and the screening rate will not be too low.

To be honest, if he knew that the film department couldn't even do such a simple thing, he would have handed over the distribution work to Mr. Guo of Forbidden Pictures.

"Ahem, I thought so too at first, but our films don't have a big director, and secondly, we don't have a big star, plus the shortage of funds, most of the time, Forbidden Films is unwilling to be the distributor, even if it's hindered by brothers. I did it for the sake of saving face, and I was very casual when talking with the theaters, and I didn't care about the screening rate at all." Wang Wen said.

As the saying goes: when people go, the tea is cold.

When she was in Forbidden Films, she was only the deputy of a department. Although her adverbial was removed after being transferred to Jingshi Culture, she went downhill.

Just imagine, in the new unit, the department she leads has no sense of existence, let alone what the situation is in the eyes of colleagues in the original unit.

So gradually, she would rather go to those small distribution companies than her old colleagues from the Forbidden Films. The feeling of being rejected by others is not good.

Who doesn't have a good face?
After Xu Jie heard it, he nodded as if he had realized something.

To put it bluntly, Forbidden Films doesn't like these low-budget films produced by Jingshi Culture and Film Department at all, and even thinks that distributing these bad films will damage the company's reputation.

In fact, this is the case in any industry. Small companies accept any business, but even if a large company finds a business, it will carefully choose whether to accept the business.

Forbidden Films is definitely one of the most powerful film and television production companies in China's film industry. In contrast, the entire Beijing Television Culture has to rely on Beijing TV Station for food, let alone a small film department.

Yu Kuan, Yu Kuan, is your general manager just a display?
Xu Jie sighed inwardly.

In his opinion, Yu Kuan, the former general manager, is definitely the master who played a good hand and played a good pair.

Xu Jie pulled a chair and sat down, thinking carefully about the issue.

According to Wang Wen, there is no shortage of distribution companies, the key is the cinema.

In the film industry, distribution belongs to the midstream, and theaters belong to the downstream, and the theater chain is the link between the midstream and the downstream. How to negotiate with the theater chain to obtain a sufficient film scheduling rate has also become a top priority before the film is released. Heavy.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of thing is the responsibility of the distribution company. A large distribution company has a wide network of contacts, knows more theaters, and wins more films, while a small distribution company has fewer contacts and can produce more benefits. It is very limited, and the film placement rate is naturally low.

Unless the audience likes the movie after its release, the word-of-mouth is overwhelming, and the theater chain and the theaters below increase the number of movies in order to make money, it will disappear in the theater in a few days.

Then here comes the problem. He used to work at Beijing TV Station and had never had any contact with theaters. In this regard, it can be said that his eyes are smeared. Unlike TV programs, he can go directly to Beijing TV Station. There are even people vying for it. Then ask him to do the show.

How to do it?

"Mr. Xu, why don't you try to find Mr. Guo?" Wang Wen asked.

"Didn't you say that Forbidden Pictures is unwilling to distribute our company's films?" Xu Jie looked at Wang Wen. When Guo Chuan called him before, he only said that the film had passed the review and reminded him to do a good job of publicity. It is not difficult to see from this point that the other party is still skeptical about the film.

If you really think the movie is good and has a promising box office prospect, should you ask him about the release and then take the initiative to take over it?
"Mr. Xu, I'm sure I can't go, but it's different if you go. You are the deputy general manager of our Jingshi Culture, and you have a reputation. Can they not give you face?" Wang Wen said.

Xu Jie thought to himself: If I really have a card, will I still worry about it here?
Since Guo Chuan didn't want to get involved, he should be more conscious.

To be honest, the other party was already giving face if he was willing to name him as a producer. After all, he was the real boss, and he was just the deputy general manager of a small broken company.

"You go to a distribution company you are familiar with. I want to talk to them about the theater chain. Of course, the bigger the better." Xu Jie thought for a while and said: "As for Forbidden Pictures, although it is a brother unit, it is still a small company. It’s better to bother people, let’s figure out a solution first, and then go to Mr. Guo if it doesn’t work, we will continue to make movies in the future, we must develop our own resources, and strive to get rid of our dependence on brother units.”

The people around were all stunned when they heard it. Before, everyone generally thought that Mr. Xu would make movies because of the competition with Zheng Guoliang, but what the other party said just now gave people a sense that he wanted to flex his muscles in the film industry. .

If that's the case, then the future of their film department...

Just thinking about it is exciting.

"Yes, Mr. Xu, I'll contact the distribution company right away." Wang Wen said immediately, with a hint of excitement in her voice.

Although she is from the Forbidden Film Industry, she is very eager to make a career in the Jingshi Culture and Film Department and show those colleagues in the past.

And Mr. Xu's words just now undoubtedly brought her more confidence.

Just do it.

After Mr. Xu left, Wang Wen immediately called the CEO of a distribution company he had cooperated with before. When the other party heard that the vice president of Jingshi Culture wanted to see him, he immediately said that he would leave immediately.

For big names in the film industry, Beijing TV Culture may not be a big deal, but for some small and medium-sized companies, Beijing TV Culture is also a regular army backed by Beijing TV Station, so it should not be neglected.

In less than half an hour, a Mercedes-Benz car parked outside the building of Jingshi Culture, and immediately saw a middle-aged man get out of the car and hurried towards the gate.

"Mr. Zhang, you came so fast."

Wang Wen, who was sitting in the hall, saw the middle-aged man entering, and got up to greet him.

The other party's name is Zhang Di, and she is her former colleague. The two worked together in the Forbidden Film Industry for a while, and later the other party resigned from the Forbidden Film Industry, and established a film and television distribution company, specially for those who are not favored by big companies. Small and medium-budget film services are unremarkable in the industry.

"Wang Wen, don't be too polite, please take me to see Mr. Xu." Zhang Di said impatiently. It is definitely a big deal for him and his company to cooperate with Jingshi Culture.

"Well, come with me." Wang Wen said and led the way.

in the elevator.

Zhang Di saw no one around, so he looked at Wang Wen and asked, "Hey, what is the total investment of Mr. Xu's movie?"

The publicity and distribution fee of a movie generally accounts for 15.00% to 30.00% of the film's total investment. The higher the total investment, the higher the publicity and distribution fee, and the more money he will naturally get.

"This time, there is a high probability that I just want to find you as a distribution agent. We, JingTV Culture, will be responsible for the publicity." Wang Wen briefly explained the situation.

Compared with Zhang Di's media resources, Beijing Television Culture's media resources are superior, so Zhang Di is not required to be responsible for the promotion.

Zhang Di was slightly taken aback when he heard this, why don't he promote it?Isn't this a lot of money missing?
But being a distribution agent is also good, you can get a share of the box office from the movie, the more box office, the more he will share.

"I checked on the way here. Mr. Xu's movie is also a star-studded movie. Su Yun, Liu Qing, Fang Yi, and even Liu Jiaman's surprise cameo. Why didn't you find Forbidden Films?" Zhang Di asked suspiciously.

"On the one hand, Forbidden Films has always been reluctant to see the films of our Jingshi Culture. You know this. On the other hand, we, Mr. Xu, want to open up the film market and get rid of our dependence on Forbidden Films." Wang Wen said.

"Oh? I didn't expect you, Mr. Xu, to be very courageous. It's just based on the situation of your Jingshi culture, can you do it?" Zhang Di is not optimistic about the so-called opening up of the film market, revealing doubts inside and outside the words.

Regarding the situation of Jingshi Culture, he has learned a little about the cooperation with Wang Wen in the past few years. The company itself mainly produces TV programs and evening parties, and its annual revenue is not ideal. If it is not backed by Beijing As a big tree like a TV station, it is estimated that it can't even pay the salaries of its employees.

Although Jingshi Culture has a film department, it has not been taken seriously these years, and the annual investment in movies is pitifully small.

As we all know, movies need to throw money into it. Sometimes hundreds of millions may not be able to make a big splash, and 90.00% of movies lose money. It is not an easy task to open up the movie market. Not only does it require a lot of money, but it also needs to be accumulated with good works.

Which one does Jingshi Culture have?
There seems to be none.

"You don't know, Mr. Xu is different from Mr. Yu before. He is very serious about movies." Wang Wen retorted. She can not only see this, but also feel it, a woman's sixth sense.

"There are some things that can't be achieved with seriousness and hard work." Zhang Di shook his head and said, he didn't expect Wang Wen to be so naive after working in the film industry for so many years.

To put it bluntly, the film market is the capital market, without capital, nothing can be done, and there is not even a chance to be an empty-handed wolf.

"Hmph, just wait and see." Wang Wen snorted coldly, she trusted her intuition and judgment.

Zhang Di looked at Wang Wen, and the other party's words made him very curious about Mr. Xu, who he was about to meet later.

What exactly did Mr. Xu say that made Wang Wen believe the other party's words so hard?
Could it be that Xu is always a master of chicken soup?

The elevator stopped.

Wang Wen and Zhang Di walked out.

The two came to the door of the deputy general manager's office. The door was open, and Xu Jie was sitting inside.


Wang Wen knocked on the door.

Xu Jie raised his head, only to see Wang Wen standing outside the door, and a strange man, who must be from the distribution company.

"Come in."

After Xu Jie finished speaking, he stood up.

Wang Wen walked in, pointed to the man beside her, and introduced actively, "Mr. Xu, this is Zhang Di, the general manager of Xingye Film and Television Distribution Company." Then she said to Zhang Di: "Mr. Mr. Xu Jie, Deputy General Manager of Shihua Culture."

"Mr. Xu, I have admired your name for a long time." Zhang Di took the initiative to stretch out his hand and walked forward respectfully.

Whether you don't like it or not, you still can't show it in person.

"Hi, Mr. Zhang." Xu Jie held the other's hand, then pointed to the opposite chair, "Please sit down."

The three sat down.

"Mr. Xu, do you want to hand over the film distribution business to our company? Please rest assured that our company has rich experience in this area and we guarantee that you will be satisfied." Zhang Di expressed his opinion first.

"I want to get 30.00% of the screenings in the major theaters, can you do it?" Xu Jie didn't beat around the bush, and directly stated his request.


Zhang Di was stunned when he heard it.

30.00% of film arrangement?

Isn't this a joke?
Only those films with relatively good market expectations will get about 30.00% of the filming. Under normal circumstances, a film that can guarantee [-]% of the filming is already very good.

"Mr. Xu, this, this may be a bit difficult." Zhang Di's face that was still swearing just now collapsed in an instant.

He usually operates some unknown small and medium-sized movies, and the highest film schedule is only [-]%, and it is still the off-season. If you meet the National Day and Spring Festival files, it is already very good to be able to get [-]%.

He had only encountered this kind of situation in his dreams.

"If it doesn't reach thirty, it's okay to guarantee 20.00%." ​​Xu Jie thought for a while and said.

"Twenty is difficult." Zhang Di said, with embarrassment written all over his face.

"What about fifteen?"

"Cough, up to five."


Xu Jie looked at Zhang Di in astonishment. Wang Wen had made an advance call before, so he also knew that there would be very few films scheduled, but he didn't expect it to be so few.

"Isn't it a bit difficult to reach thirty? Isn't your 'a little bit' too watery?" Xu Jie asked.

"Mr. Xu, please understand that we are a small distribution company and cannot be compared with big companies like Forbidden Pictures." Zhang Di said after hearing this.

For the movies he usually operates, the film studios don’t have any requirements on the screening rate at all, as long as they can be released. As for the screening rate, he strives for it himself, because the screening rate is generally linked to the distribution agency fee.

Although a little impolite, Xu Jie couldn't help frowning.

5.00% of the film schedule is really too little, and the film is scheduled for this point. Before the film is released, it has already lost to Zhang Guoliang.

If I had known that the small distribution company Wang Wen mentioned was so bad, I would have stopped bragging in the film department just now. What is getting rid of dependence, this is getting rid of a fart.

Xu Jie rubbed his forehead fiercely with his hands, and soon it turned red.

The bull that he blows out by himself has to bite the bullet.

Well, you have to rely on yourself.

"Mr. Zhang, can you invite people from the theater company to have a talk?" Xu Jie asked.

There is no problem with the normal release of the movie, but the problem is that there is no guarantee that the film will be scheduled, so why not talk to the theater company directly?
Those big distribution companies are nothing more than cooperating with theater companies and closely linking each other's interests through joint investment. In this way, theater companies will naturally increase the film scheduling rate in order to reap more revenue. .

And he is also willing to cooperate with theater companies.

Isn't it just a few more people who share accounts?

As long as the filming rate can go up, so what if some are distributed?
"This..." Zhang Di couldn't help hesitating.

Because there are distribution companies behind many theaters now, he is worried that once he introduces the other party to the theater company, what will happen if his company is not used for distribution?At that time, wouldn't he be in vain to fetch water from a bamboo basket?

Xu Jie immediately saw Zhang Di's concerns, so he said: "Mr. Zhang, don't worry, the film is still handed over to your company for distribution. I mainly want to talk to the theater company about the film scheduling rate, and see if it can be improved. .”

After Zhang Di heard this, he suddenly felt embarrassed. Isn't this using the heart of a villain to measure the belly of a gentleman?

"Okay Mr. Xu, I'll help you make an appointment with the bosses of various cinema companies. As for whether they can come, I can't guarantee it." Zhang Di said.

"Wait." Xu Jie stretched out his hand to stop the other party from calling. After thinking for a while, he looked at Zhang Di and said, "Don't ask them to come now, just ask them to have dinner at any time and place."

Some things are too formal to be discussed in the office, but they are more intimate when discussed at the dinner table.


Zhang Di nodded, then stood up, and was about to go out, when he suddenly realized that this is Jingshi Culture, and it seemed a little impolite to do so.

"Go and fight." Xu Jie said empathetically.

Zhang Di breathed a sigh of relief, and then walked out of the office.

He didn't go far, just stood in the corridor, picked up the phone, found the number and called.

Soon, the first person connected.

"Hi Mr. Li, I didn't bother you. Are you busy these days? I want to ask you out for dinner... Besides you, there are a few bosses from other theaters... Yes, there is a new movie to come." It's released, and Mr. Li must give you a face... This time the movie is different, there are big stars, and there are other people who want to invite you to dinner... It is Xu Jie, the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture...Okay, I will send it later. The time and place will be sent to you..."

Zhang Di hung up the phone and heaved a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, it is good to lean on the big tree. I didn't agree to it at first, but when I heard that it was Xu Jie from Jingshi Culture, I immediately agreed.

Next, he called the bosses of several other theaters. The situation was the same as that of Mr. Li. When he heard that Xu Jie from Beijing Television Culture invited them to dinner, they all agreed.

Zhang Di returned to the office, looked at Xu Jie who was sitting in the back of the office, and said, "Director Xu, I have made appointments with the CEOs of the four cinema companies I am familiar with, because one of them is still out of town and won't be back until tomorrow, so The time is scheduled for tomorrow night, and the location is up to you."

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang. By the way, tell us about their situation, especially their preferences." Xu Jie said, knowing the preferences of those people, can prescribe the right medicine.

Zhang Di thought to himself: All the hobbies in the world can be boiled down to one word: money.

But after thinking about it, he still told what he knew in detail.


(End of this chapter)

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