Chapter 812 Embarrassed!
the next day.

Xu Jie came to Beijing TV Station as usual and continued to guide the post-production of the variety show "Ordinary Courage".

Of course, it wasn't that he was worried about the other staff members of the program group, but that he was worried about the upcoming meeting with the theater boss tonight.

Man, it is easy to think wildly when he is idle, so he came to the program group, hoping to use work to divert his attention.

In the evening, Xu Jie's mobile phone rang suddenly, and he quickly took out his mobile phone to check the incoming call. It was Zhang Di, the general manager of Xingye Publishing Company.

"Mr. Zhang, are you here?" Xu Jie asked after connecting.

"Yes, Mr. Xu, I'm here, just outside the gate of the TV station." Zhang Di replied.

"I'll go down right now."

Xu Jie hung up the phone, explained to other staff, and then left the office.

When he walked out of the TV station building, he saw Zhang Di at a glance. He stood beside a Mercedes-Benz car, stretched his neck and kept looking into the TV station compound until he saw him, and immediately waved excitedly.

"President Xu, I'm here." Zhang Di shouted loudly.

Xu Jie nodded at the other party, indicating that he saw it, and then walked towards the parking lot.

Just after walking a few steps, he stopped.

Tonight's dinner must be accompanied by drinking, drinking and not driving, driving and not drinking, so he turned back and walked towards Zhang Di.

"Mr. Zhang, I'll take your car." Xu Jie said.

Zhang Di was taken aback when he heard it, and immediately guessed what Mr. Xu meant, and immediately said with a smile: "It's an honor." After speaking, he pointed to the Mercedes-Benz car behind him.

Xu Jie got into the car, Zhang Di started the car immediately, and slowly drove away from Beijing TV Station.

For this dinner, Xu Jie arranged it in a five-star hotel. After all, he was meeting with the bosses of various cinemas, so the class must not be low.

"Mr. Xu, it should be my job to talk about arranging films, but now I have to trouble you to do it yourself. I'm really sorry." Zhang Di looked at Xu Jie who was sitting in the back row through the rearview mirror, feeling very sorry.

"Mr. Zhang, if you're really embarrassed, you can charge me less publishing agency fees." Xu Jie said lightly after hearing this.

Just like what the other party said just now, talking about arranging films is what the distributor should do, but now he has to stand up for the distributor. If the accounts are divided normally, wouldn't he be at a loss?
"Well, it's easy to say, easy to say." Zhang Di smiled awkwardly.

Of course, if Mr. Xu can really persuade the four theater executives to increase the schedule tonight, he doesn't mind reducing it by two or three points. Anyway, the more box office, the more distribution agency fees he can get when splitting the accounts.

"By the way, today I saw a list of movies released on National Day on the Internet. There are a total of [-] movies, including some blockbuster movies, as well as some comedy movies and action movies. The situation is grim." Xu Jie looked out of the car window Said while looking at the scenery.

In recent years, blockbuster movies with the main theme have always occupied an absolute advantage in the film market, and their status is unshakable by other movies. Comedy and action movies also have a large number of loyal fans, and they are the first choice and second choice of many people. Under the circumstances, romance movies can only be regarded as younger brothers in front of the first three types, and sometimes they are not as good as cartoons. After all, romance movies are usually watched by one or two people, while cartoons are usually watched by two or three people. For those who have three children, that is five people.

So under such circumstances, it is no less difficult to win a good rate of filming than a tiger's mouth, and besides him and Zheng Guoliang, there is actually a romance film.

It's been a year since he bet with Zheng Guoliang, and it's no longer news in the entertainment industry. Under such circumstances, there are still people who dare to set a romantic movie on the National Day file. Isn't this sincere trouble?
It seems that some people have the same thoughts as him, and they are also ready to snatch food from the tiger's mouth.

That's a little careless.

Originally, two people were competing in the ring, but suddenly a person appeared beside him and made a sneak attack. He simply didn't talk about martial arts, and he didn't pay attention to the two contestants in the ring.

"Mr. Xu, in fact, this is the case every year for the National Day screenings. A few days ago, two films announced their withdrawal from the National Day screenings. Otherwise, there would be more films released." Zhang Di said.

As an insider, he has long been accustomed to this kind of situation. When the popular schedules like Spring Festival and National Day are not crowded?In which year were there not many cannon fodder?
"Do you know what is the screening rate of the film "The Most Heartwarming" directed by Zheng Guoliang?" Xu Jie asked.

"I'm not too sure about this, but in the past years, when Director Zheng's films were released on Valentine's Day, the screening rate would reach 15.00 or even [-] or more. However, the competition for the National Day file is so fierce that the investors of some films are themselves theaters. So I guess that the filming of "The Most Heartwarming" should not exceed [-]%." ​​Zhang Di thought for a while and said.

"15.00%..." Xu Jie couldn't help but frowned. The goal he set for himself tonight was 15.00%.

While waiting for the red light, Zhang Di glanced at Xu Jie in the back row, and said, "Mr. Xu, there are many theaters in our country, so there won't be one or a few theaters dominating. There is still a chance, in fact, besides the executives of the Thinking Academy that I will meet later, I also know a few people, but I don’t know them that well, how about I give you their contact information?”

Although there are several entertainment companies behind him, many theaters don't buy it at all. Unlike Mr. Xu, he is also a member of Beijing Radio and Television Station. The old saying is good: If you don't watch the face of the monk or the face of the Buddha, at least you can make an appointment Have a meal.

"Well, later on, send me the contact information of all the bosses of the theaters you know. No matter what their attitude is, you have to give it a try." Xu Jie said, he didn't want to miss any opportunity, so this opportunity is very slim .


Soon, the car stopped outside the five-star hotel.

Xu Jie and Zhang Di came to the private room that was reserved yesterday, and took a look at the environment here. The overall private room is mainly luxurious and elegant. In addition to the spacious dining area that can accommodate 20 people, there is also a rest area beside it. For guests to rest and chat after eating, the layout is very thoughtful.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door outside.


Zhang Di hurried over to open the door when he heard it, and saw two people standing outside, one was a waiter in a hotel uniform, and the other was a middle-aged man in his early fifties who was slightly bald.

"Mr. Li is here, please come in." Zhang Di immediately turned sideways to get out of the way, and politely stretched his fingers into the private room.

For him, these theater bosses are his gods of wealth. If he doesn't know these people and can't get a film arrangement, how many people will come to him for publicity?
Xu Jie stood up slowly at this time, looked at the person and said, "Hi, Mr. Li, let me introduce myself. I am Xu Jie, the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture Communication Company." After speaking, he took the initiative to extend his hand to the other party.

"Hello, hello, in fact, even if Mr. Xu doesn't introduce himself, I still recognize you. You are a celebrity. My parents like to watch your gourmet shows, and my daughter likes to watch "Crossover Actor" directed by you." Li Kangyong shook Xu Jie's hand tightly, with a hearty smile on his face.

"Really? Then I would like to thank Mr. Li's family for their support and their love for me." Xu Jie said with a smile. It would be even better if this support can be translated into film scheduling.

"Haha, thank you for bringing them such a wonderful show. Huh, Mr. Wang, Mr. Zhang, and Mr. Zhao haven't arrived yet?" Li Kangyong turned his head to look at the private room, and there were only the three of them now.

"The appointment is seven o'clock, and it's still a few minutes away. It should be soon. Mr. Li, please sit down." Zhang Di turned into a waiter, and he didn't have the slightest complaint in his heart. After all, all the big bosses were present today, and he was the worst.

Li Kangyong sat down, his buttocks were still warm, when there was another knock on the door outside.

As soon as Zhang Di opened the door, this time besides the waiter, there were three other men.

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Liu, and Mr. Zhao, are you here together?" Zhang Di asked as he stepped forward to receive him.

"It's not a couple. We just met at the entrance of the hotel, so we came up together. Hey, Mr. Li, you're here too. This should be Mr. Xu from Jingshi Culture. He's really young and promising."

"Yes, at a young age, he is already the vice president of Beijing TV Culture, and he is also the director of a popular variety show. The future is limitless."

"Well, that's right."

The bosses of the three cinema companies praised Xu Jie so much that Xu Jie even wondered if these three old guys liked men, and their hobbies were out of the ordinary.

"Compared with the four bosses, I'm still far behind, and my future is all in the hands of the bosses now." Xu Jie said seriously.

Li Kangyong, Wang Dekun, Liu Ye, and Zhao Youzhong immediately understood what Xu Jie meant. They said that if they called the four cinema bosses together, what else could they do besides arranging films?It will definitely not be a team to fight the king.

Zhang Di didn't expect Xu Jie to talk about business as soon as he came up, so he said quickly: "Mr. Wang, Mr. Liu, and Mr. Zhao, please sit down. I'll let the waiter serve the food. Let's chat while eating."

After finishing speaking, he kept winking at Mr. Xu who was at the side. How can there be a dinner where we can talk about business right after we meet?

Then what are you doing in a five-star hotel? Wouldn't it be better to go directly to the fast food restaurant on the side of the road?Everyone is very busy.

Xu Jie understood Zhang Di's meaning, but in fact, he just hinted at it, so as not to mention it later.

Everyone sat down, and since the dishes were arranged in advance, the waiter immediately started serving the dishes after receiving instructions.

Naturally, delicacies from mountains and seas are indispensable for entertaining guests.

Of course, the main thing is the wine. The protagonist of the meal is never the rice and the dishes, but the wine.

Xu Jie first picked up the wine glass, looked at the four invited people and said: "Thank you, Mr. Li, Mr. Wang, Mr. Liu, and Mr. Zhao for accepting my invitation in spite of their busy schedules. I respect you all."

"Mr. Xu, you are too polite." Li Kangyong picked up the wine glass while speaking, and Wang Dekun, Liu Ye and Zhao Youzhong were not behind either.

Xu Jie clinked glasses with the four of them, then drank it all in one gulp, then poured another glass for himself, and continued: "Everyone, I have just been transferred from Beijing Television Station to Beijing Television Culture for less than a year, and I am not familiar with some of the company's businesses. I understand very well. I learned from Mr. Zhang Di Zhang yesterday that we used to cooperate with all the bosses in the movies of Jingshi Culture. On behalf of Jingshi Culture, I would like to express my gratitude to the four of you and hope that our cooperation can last for a long time. , I did it, bosses feel free to do so.”

After speaking, it was another glass.

In Xu Jie's opinion, it's better to take the initiative if you have to drink anyway. After all, the more you drink, the easier it is to do business.

The general managers of the four cinema companies looked at each other. To be honest, the previous cooperation was not very good. The films of Beijing Television Culture had never made them any money. The reason why they agreed was Zhang Di's stalking. In addition to treating guests and giving gifts, it is also to fill the vacancies of off-season movies.

Blockbuster movies usually choose to be released on holidays, such as Spring Festival, Labor Day, National Day, New Year's Day, and winter and summer vacations, so what about other months?We can only use small and medium-cost movies to deal with it, otherwise who will be responsible for a series of expenses such as theater rent, employee wages, equipment maintenance fees, etc.?
Movies losing money?

It has nothing to do with the theater chain, anyway, regardless of whether the movie earns or loses, the theater chain and the theater will get a share of the account.

And as long as there are movies, other consumption can be driven, such as popcorn, drinks, etc. These things are extremely profitable and have become the main income of theaters.

Continued cooperation?

no problem.

Even if it's a bad movie, it can be arranged, not to sell movie tickets, but to sell popcorn. As for the National Day file...

Xu Jie put down his cup, didn't continue to drink, but pointed to the dishes on the table, and said, "Bosses, eat the dishes."

When Li Kangyong and the others heard this, they didn't say anything about arranging the film, and smiled again on their faces.

While eating, several people chatted all over the world, from the dishes on the table to the characteristics of various places, and from domestic to foreign countries. During the period, they did not forget to drink a few cups, and the atmosphere was very good.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Xu Jie felt that the time was almost up, so he asked, "Everyone, what do you do with this year's National Day stall?"

As soon as the four directors of the theaters present heard this, they immediately knew that Mr. Xu was going to talk about something serious.

"This year's National Day file competition is very fierce, and the number of movies released has exceeded that of previous years. Many movies have even been announced to be withdrawn. Some have been moved to the summer file ahead of time, and some have been postponed to the New Year's Day file." Wang Dekun sighed.

It is not a good thing for their theaters and theaters to release movies together. Although this can trigger a movie-watching frenzy in the market and increase the income of theaters and theaters, but the fierce competition among movies and the uneven distribution of film scheduling, It will cause the box office of many movies to be lower than expected, and virtually make them lose a lot of points.

To put it simply, when there is food, there are too many dishes, which can make people dead. When there is no food, there are only one or two dishes, and they are still served in soy sauce dishes. Not only is it not enough to eat, but you will even be hungry after eating.

"Mr. Xu, I know what you're asking us for. If it's the usual schedule, let alone improve the filming a little bit, it's fine even if you mention 23 Ten, but there's really no way for the National Day file." Liu Ye said with a wry smile.

Xu Jie thought to himself: There's no way you didn't say it earlier, why don't you come here to eat and drink?

Thinking about it, he wasn't angry at all. Isn't it just to have a talk with these people?If you don't talk about it, how can you know if you can improve?

"Mr. Liu, I wonder how many movies you can line up for me?" Xu Jie asked.

Liu Ye looked at the others, hesitated and said, "Three percent, up to three percent."

Zhao Youzhong on the side said: "Mr. Xu, it's not that we don't want to add more to you, but that you set the file too late. Some movies were already scheduled for this year's National Day last year, and the publicity work started half a year in advance. , and you are only [-] days ahead of schedule, and the film schedule is already full at this time, if I squeeze in another one or two for you, some films may disappear from the theater after a day or two of release."

In fact, judging from the performance of the films produced by Beijing Television Culture over the years, it is impossible to make it into the National Day file, but this time the cast of the film is not bad, which is why it gave [-]% of the filming.

And this screening rate is not the meaning of his family, but the consensus of most theaters.

"Three percent is too little, thirteen is about the same." Xu Jie frowned involuntarily, it was too different from what he imagined.

"Thirteen? Mr. Xu, don't even think about it. Thirteen is absolutely impossible. Let me break it down for you. Among the movies released on National Day this year, the two main theme movies are 20.00% five respectively. That's it." It occupies half of the film schedule, the comedy film accounts for 15.00%, and the two action films account for 35%. This is [-], and the remaining [-] is divided among all the remaining films. Your film can Three percent is pretty good."

Xu Jie was taken aback for a moment, hearing what the other party said, three percent was indeed a lot.

and many more!

There is also a movie for one person.

"Where is Zheng Guoliang's film, how much is his schedule?" Xu Jie asked.

Zheng Guoliang is a well-known director of romantic films in China, and he also has a top-tier celebrity starred in it. With this appeal, the screening rate should not be low, but Zhao Youzhong didn't mention it just now.

"Director Zheng's films in several of our theaters are not high, probably between three and five, but as far as I know, two of the investors in Director Zheng's film have their own theaters and theaters, so Zheng In these two theaters, the percentage of the movies directed by him will never be less than 20.00%, and even comedies and action movies have to give way to him.” Li Kangyong said.


Xu Jie's face turned blue all of a sudden.

This, isn't this equal to cheating?
It was Xu Jie's first time making a movie, and he didn't have much experience. He knew that theaters were needed, and he also recruited several theater companies to invest... Uh, it seems that no one is willing to invest in his movies, otherwise he wouldn't pay for it himself. , and also pulled a milk seller.

This is awkward.

There is so much difference in the number of screenings from Zheng Guoliang, how could it be possible to beat him at the box office?
Once the other party is shameless and raises the film schedule to 50.00% or even higher among the two theaters of the investor, is he still a fart?

Sure enough, a layman is a layman.

Even if he has confidence in the movies he makes, but he is not familiar with the operation of movies, wouldn't that be a stretch?

He still remembers that a few years ago, a highly rated movie was not recognized by theaters and theaters because of the subject matter, resulting in a very low production rate. In the end, the producer even knelt down to the theaters, hoping that the theater managers Can take more pictures.

Although the box office increased by tens of millions in the end, it also reflects the importance of film scheduling from another aspect.

How to do it?


(End of this chapter)

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