Chapter 813
Xu Jie stared at the wine glass in front of him, feeling extremely depressed. Does he have to kneel down to the theaters like that producer?

Behind him is the Beijing Radio and Television Station. Doing so will not only damage his own image, but also the image of the TV station.

What would the leaders of Taili think?
What will your subordinates think?
What if a villain says behind his back that he has discredited the stage?If it is not done well, it will become a stain on his career.

It's okay to treat guests to dinner, and it's okay to sing and take a bath, but it's really impossible to ask him to kneel down.

Xu Jie glanced at the four cinema bosses sitting opposite him, and it seemed that he could only use that trick.

"Bosses, if you can improve the schedule of the movie "Lovers in Time and Space", I promise to give you a 5.00% rebate." Xu Jie said seriously.

When Li Kangyong and others heard this, Wei Wei's slightly drunk eyes lit up immediately.

There is an old saying: the prosperity of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit.

Everyone is a businessman, and businessmen are the most profit-oriented and profitable. Who is not interested?

Today's movies have a box office of hundreds of millions, and a 5.00% rebate is not a small amount. You must know that for ordinary movies, a promise of [-]% is already a lot.


Mr. Xu is magnificent!
The general managers of the four theaters looked at each other. Although they didn't speak, they communicated with each other with their eyes.

This kind of thing, a look can know each other's meaning.

Xu Jie stared at these people intently, trying to find answers from their faces.

Having trouble improving film placement?
Then give more benefits and bind each other together. In order to get more benefits, these people will take the initiative to increase the number of games without him saying anything.

Zhang Di on the side was already surprised from ear to ear.

In order to improve film scheduling, it is normal to increase rebates for theaters, but the 5.00% film scheduling rebate has exceeded the industry's average level.

The result of this is that if the box office is high, Mr. Xu will earn less than before, and if the box office is low, Mr. Xu will lose more than before.

He also guessed that Xu would always increase the rebate, but he didn't expect to give so much. I have to say that this is really a ruthless person.

Xu Jie also knew that the rebate he gave was very high, but it was not good if it was not high. How could these people increase the number of films for him if it was not high?

He just wanted to use high rebates to stun the other party at once, and with a little alcohol, he was not afraid that the four would not agree. At the same time, he also believed that such a high rebate could not be given by other movies. As for the reason...
very simple.

He didn't make this movie to make money, even if the rebates were given to the theaters, as long as he can win Zheng Guoliang, it will be worth it.

Moreover, he can represent both the producer and the producer, and has the absolute right to speak. He doesn't need to listen to anyone's orders or look at anyone's face, he can do whatever he wants, and he doesn't have to worry about uneven distribution among multiple parties.

"Everyone..." Xu Jie continued: "I know that you don't have confidence in my movies. I can understand this, but movies are movies, and attendance is attendance. A good movie does not necessarily have a high attendance. My The movie does not necessarily have a poor attendance rate. In fact, there are still a lot of things to watch in my movie. In addition to the husband and wife status of Su Yun and I, Liu Qing also bid farewell to the previous silly and sweet image in the movie this time. Playing a black-bellied and ruthless character, and actress Liu Jiaman's first guest appearance after six years away from the film industry, also added a lot of highlights to this movie, I believe it will definitely attract many fans..."

Li Kangyong and the others nodded involuntarily. Although they hadn't seen the movie yet, they just learned about it through the news before coming back, but now that Mr. Xu said so, there are indeed many things to watch in the movie.

For their theaters and theaters, the quality of the movie has nothing to do with them, the most important thing is the high attendance rate, and the high attendance rate is not necessarily due to the quality of the movie, but may also be due to the movie's highlights.

There are many things to watch, such as celebrity scandals, controversies, etc., which will bring attention to the film, thereby indirectly increasing the number of viewers and increasing the attendance rate. This is why many stars usually have no news, and when there is a new work Appearing, either breaking the news to play a big name, being criticized for poor acting skills, or having an affair with a certain actor because of the play, etc., etc., are actually means of hype.

I am not afraid that the actor will be controversial, but I am afraid that the actor does not pay attention. For an actor that no one pays attention to, no matter how good his acting skills are, the movie box office will end in a dismal ending.

Just like Mr. Xu said just now, the other party is starring in a movie for the first time, and he and Su Yun are husband and wife, so they are still very popular in the movie market. The change of Liu Qing's role can also attract a group of fans. Liu Jiaman's Although there are not a few guest scenes, fans are looking forward to it.

In fact, with such a lineup and topicality, if you put it in the cold and summer files, you will definitely get a good film schedule, but the problem is that the competition in the National Day file is too fierce, and the producers of the films do not have the backing of theater companies. A three-thirds film screening rate is already very good. Zheng Guoliang has been famous for so many years, and the film has the blessing of traffic stars. Isn't it only about [-]% of the film screenings in theaters other than the producer?
Xu Jie looked at the four directors of the theater, and continued: "There is another piece of news about the movie, that is, Beijing TV Culture decided to shoot a derivative TV series based on this movie, with Liu Qing and Liu Jiaman as the leading actresses. ..."


This time, before Xu Jie finished speaking, Li Kangyong, Wang Dekun, Liu Ye and Zhao Youzhong showed surprised expressions.

Liu Qing has followed the route of being a movie star these years, and returning to the TV screen is already very exciting, not to mention that even the actress Liu Jiaman will also film a TV series. This news is really explosive .

"Mr. Xu, you said that Liu Jiaman will be the heroine of the TV series. Is it because you are talking to her, or is it just an idea?" Liu Ye asked curiously.

Nowadays, Liu Jiaman seldom even accepts movies, and he is even mentioned in TV dramas. Just hearing it is incredible. If this is said on the street and heard by others, they will definitely think it is nonsense.

"The contract has been signed, and it was originally planned to be released at the end of September, that is, before the movie is released, but the four bosses are not outsiders, so it's okay to tell them first." Xu Jie said.

The general managers of the four theater chains suddenly became restless.

If this news is reported, it will definitely arouse the expectations of many people, which will drive the number of viewers of the movie.

"Mr. Xu, what method did you use to get Liu Jiaman?" Li Kangyong asked curiously, and the other three also looked in disbelief.

There are too many companies that want to invite Liu Jiaman to return to the film industry, but none of them succeeded.

But now, they were hired by the deputy general manager of Jingshi Culture, who has no presence in the film and television industry, and even agreed to appear in a TV series. If they hadn't seen Mr. Xu on TV, they would definitely have reason to suspect that this man is a liar .

"This is a commercial secret and cannot be disclosed to everyone." Xu Jie said apologetically.

That was the secret between him and Liu Jiaman, what if the news got out and others followed suit?
When Li Kangyong and others saw Xu Jie, they became even more curious, but just imagine, even they were curious, so what about movie fans?Will definitely be curious too.

Curiosity often makes fans choose this movie after hesitation of multiple movies.

"Mr. Xu, what do you think about raising the film schedule to [-]%?" Zhao Youzhong asked tentatively, and the other three also looked over.

With so many things to watch, it’s no problem to add some filming.

As for why [-]% is mentioned, this is not a casual talk, but a plan to transfer [-]% of the comedy film and the other two action films to Mr. Xu's film.

"Mr. Zhao, can't you see my sincerity?" Xu Jie asked.

Zhao Youzhong was taken aback, it seemed that he was dissatisfied with the [-]% of the filming.

But think about it carefully, 5.00% more rebates, but only [-]% increase in film placement, really disproportionate.

"Then what do you think is [-]%?" Zhao Youzhong gave another figure. The number of viewers of comedy films has always been large, and the entire National Day file is just such a comedy film. It can't be downgraded any more. If you want to downgrade, you can downgrade action movies. .

Xu Jie shook his head lightly.

Wang Dekun was impatient and couldn't help asking: "President Xu, how much did you say?"

Xu Jie thought for a while, and then said: "Fifteen, at least fifteen."

When Wang Dekun heard this, he immediately shook his head, "No, such a high-level film schedule is definitely not possible. Do other films still need to be scheduled?"

"It's up to people." Xu Jie said: "Well, you guys give me seven days to prove it. If the box office is not good in the first seven days, then in the remaining 20 days, you can reset the schedule of my movie to [-]%. , How about returning the film schedule to those movies with good box office?"

The corner of Wang Dekun's mouth twitched, thinking: This person is too a thief.

The first week of a movie's release is usually regarded as the golden seven days of the movie, which means that the best time for a movie's box office is the first seven days.

Generally, after the first week of a movie, the box office will drop sharply, and even the remaining 20 days combined are not as good as the first seven days, or even the first two or three days.

Moreover, the National Day is usually a seven-day holiday. Although the Mid-Autumn Festival and the National Day are together this year, they are only released for eight days. file in this time period.

Now Mr. Xu just wants seven days to prove it, and the most precious seven days are gone. What is the difference between this and the whole month?
"Mr. Xu, you are too calculating, aren't you? The seven days you want are better than others' one month." Liu Ye said with a wry smile.

The eight-day National Day holiday this year is also the eight-day period that every film must compete for. Who cares about the film schedule after the eight-day period?

"Mr. Liu, look at what you said, isn't the rebate I give you higher than other movies?" Xu Jie said with a smile.

"How about Mr. Xu, how about I increase the film schedule for the next three weeks to 20.00%? You can settle for the first week." Liu Ye suggested.

"That won't work." Xu Jie shook his head and said.

"How about this, Mr. Xu, I heard that you made a bet with Zheng Guoliang, how about we make a bet too?" Li Kangyong asked suddenly.

"Oh? What bet?" Xu Jie asked with interest.

"Just bet on whether your film can exceed [-] million in three days. With a [-]-year screening rate, I will give you a chance to prove it in three days. If it can exceed [-] million in three days, this film will be maintained until the end. If it can't be broken in three days [-] million, we decide whether to arrange six or three films, how about it?" Li Kangyong said the content of the bet.

The other three general managers of theater chains couldn't help but start to think in their hearts when they heard Li Kangyong's words.

Breaking [-] million in three days is nothing for a blockbuster movie, let alone breaking [-] million in three days, even breaking [-] million in one day is no problem, but for ordinary movies, breaking [-] million in three days is still somewhat difficult, let alone when the competition is abnormal. Intense National Day file.

If it can't exceed [-] million in three days, it means that Mr. Xu's film is not competitive compared with other films, and it is a waste to arrange more films. It is better to withdraw the film and give it to those films with better performance.

During the eight-day National Day holiday, it is acceptable to give three days to Mr. Xu after thinking about it.

Several people looked at the opposite Mr. Xu, waiting for the other party's reply, and at the same time they acquiesced to Li Kangyong's proposal.

"Okay, that's it." Xu Jie said happily.

Li Kangyong and others were all stunned.

Agreed so soon?Don't you need to think about it carefully?This is related to the fate of the entire movie.

Li Kangyong looked at Xu Jie worriedly. Although he proposed the bet, he still felt that the other party was too reckless and shouldn't be so impulsive.

Xu Jie was not impulsive, and the quickness to agree did not mean that he was thoughtless.He's just not indecisive like some people are.

The cost of his movie is 7000 million, and the box office needs to reach at least 2 million if he wants to pay back the cost. The movies released on the National Day file are mainly watched during the holidays. If his movie can’t break the [-] million in three days, then the payback is possible. Some difficulties.

Not to mention the competition with Zheng Guoliang.

Zheng Guoliang's movie box office in the past few years has been around [-] million. If it is difficult for his movies to pay back, then let alone win Zheng Guoliang.

Xu Jie agreed to this bet, but also wanted to break the boat and use this method to obtain a short-term high screening rate. If he won, then the screening of his films in these four theaters would be guaranteed, and he would crush Zheng Zheng. If Guoliang loses in the lineup, even if he continues to maintain such a high lineup, he will not be able to win against Zheng Guoliang in the end.


The film market is still very realistic and cruel. Counterattacks are not uncommon, but they are very rare. With a lineup like Su Yun, Liu Qing, Fang Yi, and Liu Jiaman, if they are not popular at the beginning, Then the possibility of a counterattack in the future will be very difficult.

"Mr. Xu, think again!" Zhang Di couldn't help persuading him, and at the same time winked at Mr. Xu. In his opinion, it is still necessary to be stable in the film arrangement. If [-]% can be won, judging from the market situation , should be better than breaking [-] million in three days.

"President Xu, are you sure?" Li Kangyong asked.

"I'm sure." Xu Jie said seriously, then smiled, looked at Li Kangyong and asked, "President Li doesn't want to go back on his word, does he?"

Li Kangyong was taken aback, is this going to reverse his army?
Well, then do as the other party wishes.

Li Kangyong looked at the three bosses of the theaters around him. Small theaters like them usually unite to form an alliance. Otherwise, those big productions don’t take them seriously at all. This is also a way for them to fight for their own interests. means.

A single dish is a plate, and together it is a table. A plate is nothing, but a table is enough to attract people.

Wang Dekun nodded lightly, and Liu Ye also agreed. Zhao Youzhong saw that the other three agreed, and he had no objection. They always advance and retreat together.

After receiving the answer, Li Kangyong looked at Xu Jie with a smile and said, "Mr. Xu is courageous, so let's make a deal. This time, I would like to offer a toast to Mr. Xu. I wish your movie a big hit at the box office."

Xu Jie picked up the wine glass, looked at the other party and said, "Thank you Mr. Li, and Mr. Wang, Mr. Liu, and Mr. Zhao for their success. No matter what the result of this cooperation is, I would like to thank you for your support and hope that we will have more success in the future." More opportunities for cooperation..."

He invited Li Kangyong and others tonight, but it wasn't just about arranging the film. If it was purely for the arranging of the film, he could just ask Forbidden Films directly, so why bother to toast here?
Arranging films, he wants.

But this contact, he also wants to make friends.

The film arrangement is for this competition with Zheng Guoliang, and the network is for the diversified development of Jingshi culture in the future.

It is normal for movies to lose money, 90.00% of movies are losing money, but as long as the relationship with the theaters can be maintained, there will always be times to make money in the future.

If you fall down, you can still get up, and you won't be beaten to death with a stick. There are so many tricks these days, who hasn't been tricked yet?

When Li Kangyong and others heard this, not only a smile appeared on their faces.

This is said to make people feel comfortable.

"Mr. Xu, I like to deal with straightforward people like you. I think we will cooperate in the future." Zhang Ye picked up the wine glass.

"Not only straightforward, but also courageous. Mr. Xu will definitely achieve great things in the future." Wang Dekun said, more or less admiring the young man in front of him in his heart.

"I wish Mr. Xu a prosperous career..."

Everyone raised their wine glasses and drank it in one gulp. The previous bet was settled.

After talking about the film arrangement, the atmosphere in the private room immediately became more relaxed, and this time the topic was no longer about those messy things, but all related to the movies that will be released on the National Day file.

Xu Jie also clinked glasses frequently, and learned a lot about other movies from the mouths of the four theater executives, and gained a new understanding of this year's National Day file.

The dinner didn't end until after ten o'clock in the evening.

Xu Jie and Zhang Di sent the four theater bosses away, and soon there were only two of them left.

"Mr. Xu, my driver is here. Where is your home? I'll take you home first." Zhang Di said to Xu Jie beside him. Through today's dinner, he also had a new understanding of this Mr. Xu .

Such courage at such a young age is really admirable.

"No, I'll just walk around by myself." Xu Jie said after hearing this, "By the way, don't forget to give me the contact numbers of the people in charge of other theaters."

"Okay Mr. Xu, do you really not need me to send it?" Zhang Di was a little worried. Today at the wine table, the other party drank a lot.

"Don't worry." Xu Jie smiled, and then walked along the road outside the hotel.

It's rare to have time to go out and walk alone, just to think about something.


(End of this chapter)

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