Chapter 815
Zhang Di stared blankly at the ten cups of Lao Mao on the table, swallowed involuntarily, and didn't know what to do for a while.

It sounds very simple to exchange a glass of wine for [-]% of the wine. Who can drink a few glasses, but don't forget that everyone has already drank a bottle of Lao Mao just now.

This kind of cup, one cup is two and a half, ten cups is two and a half catties, plus the one catty I drank before... In other words, if he wants to get [-]% of the slices, he and Mr. Just drink more than a catty.

Zhang Di turned his head to look at Xu Jie beside him, and asked him what he thought with his eyes.

Or, give it a try?
If each person drinks another three or four cups, they shouldn't fall down.

He was fine. Anyway, he used to talk about filming with theater companies before, and he was also forced to drink. This time, Mr. Yang directly linked drinking with filming. Although he was a bit rough, at least he didn’t have to worry about filming after drinking. He was a little worried that Mr. Xu would not be able to bear it. After all, he was a member of Beijing Radio and Television Station, so he probably had never been treated like this before.

Xu Jie looked into Zhang Di's eyes and immediately understood the other party's meaning. In fact, with his drinking capacity and current state, he would only drink two or three more glasses at most, but it was worth fighting for the sake of filming.

After all, with Yang Anfei as a shit-stirring stick, this may be his only chance to get a film arrangement from the other party tonight.

"What do Mr. Wang and Mr. Zhou mean?" Xu Jie looked at Wang Zhaoqiang and Zhou Jiang on the other side.

drink, no problem.

But he had to figure out in advance whether Yang Anfei was representing himself or their three-person alliance.

If you can only get the filming of Yang Anfei's one theater company, then the wine on the table is not very interesting to drink, but if you can get the filming of three theater companies, what's the problem?

"Mr. Yang's idea is a bit interesting. Count me in. How about you, Mr. Wang?" Zhou Jiang looked at Wang Zhaoqiang beside him after speaking.

"Well, to be honest, I'm also curious about Mr. Xu's drinking capacity, so let's follow what Lao Yang said." Wang Zhaoqiang said with a smile. He likes drinking, and he likes small games related to alcohol. This game is very good, by the way Look at the determination and sincerity of this young man in front of him.

After hearing Wang Zhaoqiang's and Zhou Jiang's replies, Xu Jie had a solid foundation in his mind, and as the three theater bosses, he shouldn't regret it afterwards.

"Since the three of you think this is interesting, then I'll try my drinking capacity." Xu Jie stood up after speaking, and then looked at Zhang Di beside him.

Zhang Di naturally understood what Mr. Xu meant, and was about to stand up and fight against the enemy together with Xu Jie, when Yang Anfei suddenly said: "Mr. But it doesn’t matter, you and Mr. Zhang discuss who will drink.”


Zhang Di was shocked, and the expression on his face froze instantly.

Drink alone?
The one catty in the stomach, plus the two and a half catties on the table, add up to three and a half catties.

The key is liquor, not beer, three and a half catties will kill you.

"Yang, Mr. Yang, you're not kidding, are you?" Zhang Di asked in embarrassment.

Isn't this difficult for the strong?

Even if he was an alcoholic who drank every day, he might not be able to drink three and a half catties of white wine for a meal?
Since he left the Forbidden Film Industry and established his own distribution company, he has invited the directors of theater companies to drink frequently. He can drink at least 360 tons in [-] days a year. Sometimes he drinks at noon and at night. Drink in the middle of the night, but just practice like this, the amount of baijiu is only a catty and a half, add a few bottles of beer at most.

Three and a half catties of liquor... He has never challenged it before, let alone seen anyone who can drink so much.

"Who is joking with you? I've never joked." Yang Anfei said with a serious expression on his eyes.

"But, how can you drink alone?" Zhang Di said with a wry smile.

Neither of them may be able to finish the drink, let alone one person. Now he feels like throwing up just seeing the wine on the table.

"Can't drink? Then don't drink it." Yang Anfei said with a sneer.

If it could be done easily, he wouldn't bet on such an important matter as filming, because he knew that the other party had already drunk a bottle of Lao Mao, so he proposed such a thing that would make him happy, and also make the other party hesitate and embarrass him. drinking method.

If there are no actresses to add to the fun, then you can only entertain the host. Who made the host fail to entertain the guests?
Zhang Di clenched his fists tightly. If he didn't drink, wouldn't that mean he wouldn't even get one percent of the film?
If you can't get a film arrangement, what's the point of this dinner tonight?

He wanted to drink, but with his little drinking capacity, he would only disappoint Mr. Xu.

Zhang Di looked at Xu Jie, full of apology, and even a bit of guilt.

He knew that the people in charge of these large theaters were not easy to talk to, and were willing to drink people, but he still put his hopes on Mr. Xu with the idea of ​​giving it a try, and the result was like this, being humiliated and played by others.

"President Xu, how about we..."

Zhang Di wanted to say forget it, and try to find the person in charge of other theater chains. After all, there are so many theater companies, not just the three in front of him, so why risk his life?

Accompanying wine, no problem.

Humiliation can be tolerated.

But playing around with people is unacceptable.

But just as he was halfway through speaking, Mr. Xu raised his hand.

"It's okay." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Mr. Xu, you..." Zhang Di looked over in shock, Yang Anfei was obviously embarrassing them, couldn't Mr. Xu see it?

"I knew Xu was always a cheerful person, come, drink." Yang Anfei pointed to the wine glass on the table.

Xu Jie looked at Yang Anfei, of course he knew that the other party was trying to embarrass him deliberately, but the other party did not say that he must drink up all the wine on the table, since a drink can exchange for [-]% of the film, then he will try Once you try it, you can continue drinking if you can drink it, and don’t drink it if you can’t. To be honest, he still likes such a simple and direct way, so as not to waste his tongue here. After all, his heart is really unwilling to follow Dealing with people like Yang Anfei.

"Mr. Zhang." Xu Jie called out.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Di asked.

Seeing Mr. Xu's unrestrained appearance, he probably guessed what the other person was thinking. In this way, the worry in his heart gradually dissipated.

"Help me count the cups in a while, I'm afraid I won't be able to count if I drink too much." Xu Jie confessed.

"Yes." Zhang Di nodded quickly. It's better to have a drink than now.

"Thank you!"

After Xu Jie finished speaking, he picked up a wine glass and drank it without hesitation. The two-and-a-half old Mao had bottomed out in a blink of an eye.


Xu Jie put the cup on the table, and there was a strong smell of alcohol in his mouth and nose. Take the second cup and continue to pour it into your mouth.

Now I am not tasting wine or accompanying wine, so I must not stop. Once I stop, my head will easily get dizzy, so I must use this energy to drink as much as I can before my body reacts, otherwise Might not even be able to hold a wine glass.

Soon, the second cup was also drunk.

"it is good!"

Wang Zhaoqiang couldn't help but applaud loudly, he likes this kind of people who drink happily, and he doesn't even want to look at people who wink after taking a sip.

"Two percent!" Xu Jie looked at Wang Zhaoqiang and said, then picked up the third cup.

Standing aside, Zhang Di raised his hand nervously, always paying attention to Mr. Xu's situation.

The other party's face was completely red, and even the eyeballs were full of red blood, and the appearance even made people feel scared.

He was really afraid that the other party would fall to the ground.

But at the same time, he cheered for the other party, hoping that the other party would have a few more drinks.

In short, the heart is very contradictory.


Drink up the third cup.


The fourth cup was also drunk.

At this time, Xu Jie, who had been pouring vigorously, suddenly stopped. He supported the table with both hands, his body shook slightly, his head felt dizzy, and his body was gradually out of the control of his brain.

The limit, this should be the limit!
Xu Jie thought to himself.

He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. He felt as if his whole body was burning. Not only was his whole body hot, but there were also many beads of sweat on his forehead.

In fact, these are secondary, the key is that the wine in his stomach is churning non-stop, and from time to time it will rise up, as if he can't wait to get out of his mouth quickly.

Anyone who has drunk alcohol knows that this taste is very uncomfortable.

However, Xu Jie kept clenching his teeth, pressing back the churning wine again and again. He knew very well that the four glasses of wine just poured into his stomach with great difficulty. If he spit it out again, even if it was just One shot, all previous efforts will be wasted. As for Yang Anfei, he will definitely not even recognize a cup.

"Not bad!" Wang Zhaoqiang said appreciatively.

Anyone can drink slow wine, even if it lasts half a night, there is no problem, but drinking one cup after another like this is not something everyone can do.

Moreover, this is the other party's second catty of wine.

Even if it was him, he would still be confused after drinking two catties.

Not only was the other party able to stand there, but he could also hold his breath. From this young man, he saw the other party's determination.

Not bad!

"It's only four cups, that's 800% of the film. If it's released nationwide, it's only seventy-eight million yuan a day. To be honest, this amount of money is not enough for those blockbuster movies. Mr. Xu, don't you think so?" Yang Anfei looked at Xu Jie, and kept provoking him with words.


What's the point of this?
What he wants to see is for the other person to spit, fall, and make a fool of himself.

Standing upright like now will only make him feel that the other party is provoking him.

As soon as Xu Jie heard Yang Anfei's words, his eyes opened immediately.

That's right, a [-]% filming rate is too little, too little. If you want to win Zheng Guoliang, you must at least keep the total filming rate above [-].

Even if it doesn't reach fifteen, at least it must be close, otherwise there is no chance of winning.

"Mr. Xu, are you okay? If not, forget it." Yang Anfei said with a smile, as if to take the wine away.

Without further ado, Xu Jie picked up another glass from the table and drank it down in gulps.

The fifth cup!
"Mr. Xu!"

Zhang Di was so frightened that he couldn't help crying out.

If you continue to drink like this, I'm afraid something will happen.

Xu Jie ignored Zhang Di, or in other words, he didn't hear Zhang Di's voice at all. At this moment, he only had one thought in his mind, and that was to drink it.

The sixth cup...

The seventh cup...

The eighth cup...

There was no expression on Xu Jie's face, it looked like he was drinking water.

This time, not only Zhang Di, but also Wang Zhaoqiang, Zhou Jiang, and even Yang Anfei, who raised the problem, were dumbfounded at the moment.

I have seen people drinking, but I have never seen people drinking like this. Before Wu Song beat the tiger, he drank two mouthfuls of sauced beef.

Gradually, Yang Anfei and others began to feel a little scared. If this really killed people, let alone how bad the impact was, the Beijing Radio and Television Station would definitely not let them go.

Although this person is a newcomer in the film industry, he is a well-deserved Nanbowan in the field of domestic variety shows, and he is also the ace program director of Beijing Satellite TV.

Nothing happened, so it's easy to say anything, who doesn't know a few friends from the TV station, the leader of the radio and television?But if something happened, the nature would change completely.

What's more, this person is still for work?

"President Xu, it's almost there, I think it's still..."

As soon as Wang Zhaoqiang opened his mouth, Mr. Xu swayed, and immediately collapsed under the wine table with his wine.

"Mr. Xu!"

Zhang Di shouted anxiously, and immediately rushed towards Xu Jie.

In fact, he had been paying attention to the other party's situation, but his movements were still a bit slow and he didn't catch it.

Wang Zhaoqiang, Yang Anfei, and Zhou Jiang on the opposite side were also confused, and they quickly got up and came to Xu Jie's side, looking at the unresponsive person, their faces were anxious and their hearts were confused.

I'm really afraid of what's coming!
I was afraid that something would happen to the other party, but I didn't expect something to happen.

"Are you drunk?" Yang Anfei asked in a low voice.

Others heard, but no one answered his words.

Falling down after drinking one catty is called drunkenness, but falling down after drinking three catties, can it be called drunkenness?

"Mr. Xu? Mr. Xu!" Zhang Di shouted loudly. His face, which was still red, was now pale with fright. He had participated in so many wine games, and this was the first time he encountered such a situation.

"Stop shouting, call 120 quickly!" Wang Zhaoqiang said, even if the other party was really drunk and fell asleep, he had to go to the hospital to sober up. .

Zhang Di reacted immediately, and quickly took out his mobile phone to make a call.

"Hey, someone here fainted from drinking too much..."

After Zhang Di briefly explained the situation, he said the name of the hotel and the room number.

Not long after, the ambulance arrived, and Zhang Di got into the car and left the hotel quickly.

Standing outside the hotel gate, Wang Zhaoqiang, Yang Anfei, and Zhou Jiang looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a while.

Especially Yang Anfei, after being blown by the little night wind outside, he became much more awake. Even if an actress was lying beside him, he couldn't stand up now.

"Let's... go home and wait for the news?" Yang Anfei looked at the other two and asked.

"But what if something happens to Mr. Xu?" Zhou Jiang asked worriedly, already regretting coming to this dinner.

"He wanted to drink it himself, and I didn't let him drink it all." Yang Anfei said weakly, with no confidence in his heart, as weak as a kidney.

"That's the case, but people were taken away by 120. If we just go home like this, if something happens, it doesn't matter, and it will change to have something to do with us. Let's go and have a look." Wang Zhaoqiang thought for a while and said .

Everyone drinks together, and someone has an accident, can it be okay with them?
Even if you drink and drive these days, the people at the same table are jointly and severally liable, not to mention drinking to death.

Yang Anfei and Zhou Jiang nodded after listening, then got into their respective cars and asked the driver to drive to the hospital.

The three arrived at the emergency center, asked the nurse, and finally saw Zhang Di in a corridor.

"Xiao Zhang, how is Mr. Xu?" Wang Zhaoqiang asked out of breath. He walked too fast just now, and now he is a little out of breath.

"The doctor said it was alcohol poisoning, and he is undergoing emergency treatment." Zhang Di replied, then picked up his mobile phone and searched for the number.

"What are you doing?" Wang Zhaoqiang asked after seeing it.

"Call the people in Mr. Xu's unit and ask them to contact Mr. Xu's wife and family." Zhang Di said anxiously.

"Don't fight yet!" Wang Zhaoqiang hurriedly stopped Zhang Di.

Once the other party makes this call, it means that all the people in Beijing TV Station know about it. When the station leader comes, they will have to go around without food?
Theater companies are indeed awesome, but they are limited to the film industry.

What is Beijing Radio and Television Station?
You must know that Zhao Juncheng is not only the director of the TV station, but also the leader of the city. With this status, what kind of fart are these three theater companies?Let them close down in minutes.

"Why?" Zhang Di pretended to be puzzled and asked.

Could he not know what Wang Zhaoqiang was thinking?

But this matter is too big, not only he can't bear this responsibility, even the three in front of him probably can't bear it either.

Those who knew it were Yang Anfei who made things difficult for others, but those who didn't know that they thought it was him who pushed Mr. Xu into the pit of fire.


Wang Zhaoqiang thought for a while, and then said: "Even if Mr. Xu's family is here, we can only worry here. Let's see what the doctor has to say."

"Isn't that good? If something happens to Mr. Xu, wouldn't the family lose sight of the last side? As far as I know, Mr. Xu's wife, Su Yun, is still filming in Hengdian." Zhang Di said.

"Don't talk nonsense, Mr. Xu has his own personality." Yang Anfei reprimanded.

How arrogant he was just now, how restless he is now.

Who would have thought that Mr. Xu would be such a tiger, he would even give up his life just to arrange a film.

He has already begun to regret stimulating the other party when the other party is half drunk.

"Xiao Zhang, you also said that Mr. Xu's wife is out of town. Even if you tell her now, she won't be back for a while. I don't think Mr. Xu doesn't want his wife to worry. Are you right?" Wang Zhaoqiang He kept persuading him, fearing that things would make a big fuss.

"Okay." Zhang Di nodded.

After Wang Zhaoqiang saw it, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and it was a kind of torment for those who stood outside the door.

One hour……

two hours...

Three hours……

Doctors and nurses kept coming in and out, but there was only one answer, which was still being rescued.

What does rescue mean?
It shows that Mr. Xu is still in a dangerous period, and his life is in danger at any time.

Such an answer also made Wang Zhaoqiang and others dare not leave here for half a step, even if they had to urinate, they would hold back.


Can Mr. Xu, who is being rescued, feel uncomfortable?

The time went from the first half of the night to the middle of the night, and then from the middle of the night to the second half of the night, until it was getting brighter outside, and the fish maw was turning white, and many doctors walked out of the emergency room with tired faces.

"Doctor, how's Mr. Xu? He's the one with alcoholism." Zhang Di knew this doctor, and he was in charge of first aid when he came.

"The person has woken up. Fortunately, he is in good health, and it was delivered in time. Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous. Now he is being injected with normal saline, and he needs to be observed for a while. You can go in and take a look, but don't make any noise..." the doctor After giving an order, he left.

Hearing this, Zhang Di breathed a sigh of relief, and hurried in after thanking the doctor.

Wang Zhaoqiang finally saw some blood on his face, and finally the night was not in vain.

The four walked in and saw Xu Jie lying on the bed, looking weaker and haggard, as if suffering from a serious illness.

"Mr. Xu, you really scared me to death!" Zhang Di's eyes were red, and those waiting outside were about to cry.

He had only seen the news about drinking and drinking to death, but he never thought it would almost happen to him. He swore in his heart that he would never introduce the person in charge of the theater company to the other party again. It was so frightening up.

"It's okay." Xu Jie squeezed a smile on his face, proving that he was indeed okay, then, as if he suddenly remembered something, he looked at Zhang Di and asked, "By the way, Mr. Zhang, how many glasses did I drink in the end?"

When he drank the sixth cup, he couldn't remember clearly. He just kept repeating a simple action... Pick it up and drink it down.

When Zhang Di heard it, he smiled wryly. When is it? Are you still thinking about this?
Don't ask about the body, ask about drinking?

It seems that Director Xu is really persistent in arranging the film.

"Eight cups."

Zhang Diji's Xu always passed out when he picked up the ninth cup.

According to what Yang Anfei said before, eight glasses of wine is [-]% of the screening rate. For a movie released on the National Day file, this is already a lot of screenings, but the price paid is too high.

But Mr. Xu's drinking this time completely convinced him.

Of course, it's not for drinking, but for the spirit of never giving up until the goal is achieved.

There are persistent people.

But how many people are really going to fight with their lives?
"Is it only eight cups?" Xu Jie frowned. Although it exceeded his expectations, he couldn't drink all of them. He was somewhat regretful. Seeing Wang Zhaoqiang and others were there, he asked, "Mr. Can I continue to drink? I think I'm fine."

"Mr. Xu, don't, you must stop drinking. In fact, Xiao Zhang made a mistake just now. You drank all ten cups." Wang Zhaoqiang said quickly.

What's the matter with drinking?
Don't you die?

Even if the other party didn't want it anymore, he didn't dare to let the other party die.

Isn't there such a sentence?
The soft is afraid of the hard, and the hard is afraid of death.

Today, he met a desperate person, and he was completely frightened.

For the remaining two cups, just drink eight and get two free.


(End of this chapter)

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