Chapter 816
Beside the hospital bed, everyone looked at Wang Zhaoqiang in amazement. He obviously drank eight cups, how could he drink them all?


The glasses were all placed on the wine table, and everyone was counting them one by one, how could they remember wrongly?

"Mr. Wang..."

Just as Yang Anfei was about to correct him, Wang Zhaoqiang glared back fiercely.

Didn't Wang Zhaoqiang know?
Of course he knew.

That's why he wanted to turn this big thing into a small one.

Once the other party really wants to drink two more glasses, it will not be an angel in white who will come to pull the other party, but black and white impermanence.

Moreover, besides the vice president of Jingshi Culture, the other party has another identity.


The other party was not only the protagonist of "Delicious History", but also the leading actor of the upcoming movie "Lover in Time and Space". Once tonight's incident is reported, it will not be something that can be resolved with a few glasses of wine.

And he believed that the other party would understand what he meant.

"Oh, so I drank it all up. It seems that I can still drink very well." Xu Jie heard Wang Zhaoqiang's words and saw Zhang Di's puzzled expression. He immediately understood who was telling the truth and who was telling the truth. Lie, a smile appeared on his face.

"It's not just drinkable, it's really drinkable." Wang Zhaoqiang echoed after hearing this.

Being able to drink is second, the most important thing is the vigor when drinking, it is simply not life-threatening, this is not something everyone can do, at least he has never encountered it in the years he has been on the wine table.

"Actually, I think it's okay to drink a few more glasses if I try my best. Why don't I trouble Mr. Yang to pour me a few more glasses?" Xu Jie turned his gaze to Yang Anfei.

Yang Anfei's expression froze, and he said, "Mr. Xu, stop joking, and see where this is? The doctor has already said that if it wasn't delivered in time, you might end up like that. You should take a good rest."

I thought: How many more cups?You haven't drank all ten cups, what a fart!

Xu Jie said indifferently: "It may also be that you poured too little at that time. If you poured fifteen glasses, maybe I will drink all fifteen glasses before pouring it down. Don't underestimate my persistence in arranging the film."

Yang Anfei sighed in his heart, he wanted to tell the truth, but when he met the eyes of the big brother Wang Zhaoqiang, he immediately swallowed the words that came to his lips, and chose not to be as knowledgeable as the patient.

He felt that the other party must have lost his mind after drinking, or he hadn't sobered up yet, otherwise he wouldn't have uttered such nonsense.

Who drinks too much and doesn't brag about it?
However, Wang Zhaoqiang on the side didn't think so.

Not sober?
In terms of the way he speaks, does it look like he hasn't sobered up yet?

The other party kept saying that they can still drink and drink, and they mentioned filming just now. It is obvious that this young man wants to blackmail them.

Ten percent of the filming did not satisfy the other party's appetite at all.

I mentioned fifteen cups just now...

Could it be that you want a 15.00% film schedule?
This film scheduling rate is usually not high, but it is high enough to make many films jealous when it is placed on the National Day file.

In fact, he, Yang Anfei, and Zhou Jiang were not optimistic about the other party's movie, and never thought of giving [-]% of the film arrangement to the other party. I don't think how much the other party can drink, so just give a three or four percent meaning to the film and it's fine.

But I never wanted to meet someone who didn't want to die.

If he had known that the other party was such a person, he would not have agreed with Yang Anfei's idea at all.

It’s all right now, not only do you have to take out 5.00% of the filming to make things easier, but you also have to be extorted from [-]% of the filming. After so many years of tribute by directors, actors, producers, and distributors, it’s the first time that you’ve been manipulated in reverse. Where should I go to reason?
"Mr. Zhang, who paid the treatment fee for me?" Xu Jie asked suddenly.

"It's me." Zhang Di said after hearing it.

"Thank you Mr. Zhang, by the way, what time is it?" Xu Jie asked again.

"05:30 in the morning." Zhang Di looked at his watch and said the time.

"You are tired and stay here for a while, and call Wang Wen from our unit at nine o'clock and ask her to come and transfer the treatment fee to you." Xu Jie said.

"No need for Mr. Zhang, not much." Zhang Di quickly shook his head.

"No, this is considered a work-related injury for me. You sort out the bills and everything, and hand it over to Wang Wen when the time comes. She will take care of the rest," Xu Jie said.

When Wang Zhaoqiang heard this, he immediately lost his composure.

If the other party suffered a work-related injury, what did their actions last night count?
Intentional harm?

This is clearly the rhythm of reporting things.

"Mr. Xu, I have paid the treatment fee, so you can rest here with peace of mind." Wang Zhaoqiang stepped forward and said.

"Then why are you so embarrassed? How can I let Mr. Wang spend money on you? Besides, I have a public company to reimburse me, so it's fine." Xu Jie said with a smile.

Wang Zhaoqiang thought to himself: If you don't seek reimbursement from the government, I won't worry about it.

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu, we are not outsiders. Why are you being so polite to me? In fact, when I was drinking last night, I saw that you were a cheerful person and wanted to make friends with you, but this kind of thing happened in the end , I also blame myself very much in my heart, how about this, you drank ten glasses, when your movie is released, I will give you 15.00% of the film, if the market is good, I will mention it to you, how about it?"

Wang Zhaoqiang's heart was bleeding, but his face was still full of smiles.

He knew that if he didn't show some "sincerity", today's matter would definitely not end so easily, so he decided to do what the other party wanted and use the film to block the other party's mouth.

Of course, he also left a retreat for himself, such as the last sentence, if the market is good, I will increase the film schedule for you, but if the market is not good, then don’t blame me for lowering the film schedule.

Theater companies are not welfare institutions!
Yang Anfei and Zhou Jiang, who were behind them, were in a daze.

The 15.00% mentioned before has already given two points more, and now it has been increased to [-]%, which is not given in the off-season.

The two looked at Mr. Wang in unison, thinking what happened to Big Brother today?Do you really want to make friends with Xu Jie?But if you make friends, you make friends. As for giving away 5.00% of the screening rate?
5.00% of the film schedule, combined with the theaters of the three, there will be millions of box office a day, and if it is a blockbuster film, it will even reach several million.

That is to say, the 5.00% arrangement given by Big Brother will cause a total of millions of losses per day to the company of the three.

How many bottles of Lao Mao can you buy!
Did Mr. Wang also drink too much?
It shouldn't be, I only drank one bottle.

According to the usual amount, it is really just gargling.

"Really? Mr. Wang, is what you said true?" Xu Jie asked excitedly, and was about to sit up from the hospital bed as he spoke.

Wang Zhaoqiang was startled, and quickly stepped forward to support Xu Jie, stopped the other party's movements, and said in his mouth: "President Xu, don't move, what I said is true."

At the same time, I thought to myself: Who made me so unlucky to meet such a person who is not afraid of death.

Xu Jie lay down, looked at Wang Zhaoqiang and said, "Thank you Mr. Wang for taking care of me. I will definitely remember it forever."

"You're welcome." Wang Zhaoqiang waved his hand, and then said: "Mr. Xu, your body is still weak, so we won't disturb your rest. You should have a good sleep. We will sign the contract immediately after you are discharged from the hospital."

"Mr. Wang, although I'm resting, it doesn't delay us from signing the contract. Mr. Zhang, go and sign the contract with Mr. Wang, Mr. Yang, and Mr. Zhou." Xu Jie said to Zhang Di who was beside the bed, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

For such things as cooperation, no matter how good the verbal promise is, as long as the contract is not implemented for a day, there will be certain variables, especially in the case of Yang Anfei, the shit-stirring stick, the contract should never be delayed for too long.

"Alright Mr. Xu, I promise to complete the task." Zhang Di said seriously.

He is very clear about what Mr. Xu is thinking, so he must not let the other party drink in vain.

The expression on Wang Zhaoqiang's face froze. Should he be angry that the other party didn't believe him, or should he praise the other party for his prudence?
Forget it, since you have already agreed, why bother to be so idle here?
"Mr. Xu, let's go first." Wang Zhaoqiang said, then turned and walked towards the door of the emergency room.

"Boss Xu takes good care of him."

"take care"

Zhou Jiang and Yang Anfei said a polite word, and then followed Wang Zhaoqiang out of the emergency room.

Xu Jie winked at Zhang Di, signaling him to follow up quickly, and don't give those three people a chance to escape. Once they walk out of this door, who knows if those people will go back on their word?

Zhang Di nodded and was about to leave when he suddenly thought of something, looked at Xu Jie on the bed with concern and asked, "Mr. Xu, are you here alone, okay?"

"Why, are you better than doctors and nurses?" Xu Jie asked.

Zhang Di smiled awkwardly, and quickly chased him out.

Seeing that everyone had left, Xu Jie couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

In fact, he is very uncomfortable now. Not only does he have a splitting headache, but also his eyes are sore and heavy. He just wants to close his eyes and have a good sleep. If it weren't for the continuous support of filming, he would have told Yang Anfei and others to go out.

Fortunately, the film arrangement was finally done, and it exceeded expectations, so the crime was not in vain.

I don't know if it was the effect of alcohol, but Xu Jie didn't sleep well this time.

He hadn't slept well because of the headache.

Go to sleep, don't sleep well, don't sleep, don't get up again.

That feeling is like having a nightmare.

I don't know how long it took, a conversation came into his ears.

"Doctor, why is Xiao Xu not responding, has he already..."

"Editor Lu, the patient's physical data has returned to normal. He is just sleeping, and sleeping is the best way to recover. If you don't believe me, you can put your hand under his nose, and he can breathe."

"Well, I did breathe, but did I pass out?"

"No, don't worry."


"Bastard, you even dare to feed my people, Zhang Di, who did it, tell me quickly?"

"Mr. Jiang, I can't tell. If you want to know, you can ask Mr. Xu when he wakes up."

"Fuck off, believe it or not, I will shut down your company tomorrow?"

"Mr. Jiang, don't embarrass me, okay? I'm also a victim."

Xu Jie couldn't sleep because of the noise. Although his head still hurt and he was uncomfortable everywhere, he still opened his eyes.

I saw people standing around the hospital bed, besides Zhang Di, Deputy Director Wang, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, Boss Jiang, Wang Wen from the film department, Lu Zhihong from the TV drama department, all came.

"Shh, Mr. Xu has opened his eyes."

"Wake up, wake up!"

Everyone cast their eyes on the hospital bed in unison, their faces full of concern and anxiety.

"Director Wang, Editor-in-Chief Lu, Jiang Touer..."

Xu Jie wanted to sit up from the bed, but just as he used his hands to support the bed, he was held down by the deputy director Wang Yuan.

"Xiao Xu, don't move, the doctor told you to rest well." Wang Yuan instructed, his tense face finally eased.

"Why are you here?" Xu Jie looked at Zhang Di after asking.

Apart from Wang Zhaoqiang, Yang Anfei and Zhou Jiang, only Zhang Di knew that he was here, and those three people would definitely not publicize his affairs, so Zhang Di was the only suspect.

Zhang Di met Xu Jie's gaze and said embarrassedly, "Mr. Xu, I was still worried about you after I left, so I called Wang Wen and asked her to take care of you, and then..."

Although the words were not finished, the meaning was already very clear.

I only told Wang Wen, I don't know about the others.

"I just called Mr. Jiang." After Wang Wen finished speaking, she looked at Jiang Hai and began to blame him.

"When Xiao Wang called me, I happened to be with Deputy Director Wang and Lao Lu." After Jiang Hai explained, he suddenly realized something, looked at Xu Jie and said, "Xiao Xu, this is not the point, the point is Who made you into what you are now, tell me quickly, and we will support you."

"Boss, no one poured me water, I drank like this myself." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

Since Wang Zhaoqiang and others have agreed to give 15.00% of the filming, there is no need for him to make a big fuss about it. Once Boss Jiang comes to make trouble, how can he cooperate with Wang Zhaoqiang in the future?

In his future development plan for the company, film will be one of the key businesses of Jingshi Culture, so the relationship between him and Wang Zhaoqiang is not a one-shot deal, and it is not that they will never cooperate again after this cooperation. Therefore, He absolutely can't let Boss Jiang make trouble, although he also knows that Boss Jiang is doing it for his own good.

"Did you drink like this yourself? There is something wrong with you. You drank yourself into the hospital? Tell me quickly, or I will investigate by myself, and I will know who it is when I look at the hospital surveillance." Jiang Hai said angrily, his eyes were even more serious full of anger.

Who is Xiao Xu?

He is his beloved general, his right-hand man, and even his little brother.

He dared to pour his little brother into the hospital for emergency treatment, which was unbearable. If the little brother endured it, he, the big brother, would definitely not be able to bear it either.

Bullying Xiao Xu is tantamount to bullying him.

"Yes, Xiao Xu, we all know that you are for the company, so you should tell us." Wang Yuan said, and he was also very angry in his heart.

Xiao Xu is a member of Jingshi Culture, and Jingshi Culture is a company under Beijing Radio and Television Station. Isn't bullying Xiao Xu the same as bullying the entire Beijing Radio and Television Station?

As the deputy director, can he bear it?


Yu Gong, the other party is the gold medal director of the Beijing TV variety show, Yu private, he admires this young man very much, so how can he tolerate someone bullying him?

"Xiao Xu, don't worry, no matter who it is, we will give you justice." Lu Hong also opened his mouth at this time, with a strong murderous look in his voice.

Some people dare to lay hands on his lucky generals, those people must not be forgiven lightly.

Xu Jie felt very relieved when he saw the three men filled with righteous indignation and aggression.

Look at our popularity, even the leaders in Taiwan are vying to stand up for us.

But I am glad to be happy, he is also a principled person, since he has accepted the 5.00% film arrangement given by Wang Zhaoqiang, he will definitely not cause trouble for the other party.

"Leaders, thank you for your kindness. I know that you are doing it for my own good, but I have already settled this matter. If you get involved again, then my drink last night will really be for nothing, and Jingshi Culture is an enterprise, how can one not drink when doing business or cooperation? So there is absolutely no need to find someone to settle accounts, and the goal has been achieved, and I have nothing to do, isn't this a good result?"

Xu Jie had a smile on his face the whole time, as if he didn't take what happened last night in his heart.

But after the others listened to it, they were so moved that they didn't want it.

Wang Yuan grabbed Xu Jie's hand and held it tightly, "Xiao Xu, I have wronged you!"

In order to work, even drinking alcohol poisoning, although not advocated, but this kind of spirit is very worthy of affirmation.

"Xiao Xu, do you want to go back to work in Taiwan? As long as you nod, I will arrange for you immediately." Lu Hong looked at Xiao Xu expectantly.

It's a waste of talent to let such a talented person go to talk about business and drink with him, anyway, he can't stand it anymore.

"Thank you, Editor-in-Chief Lu, for your kindness. I am fine now, and I also like the environment of Jingshi Culture very much. I also believe that under Jiang Touer's leadership, the company will definitely get better and better." Xu Jie told Lu Hong Said.

go back?

What can I do back in Taiwan now?

What's the point of being the deputy director of the satellite TV program center at most, and being assigned to be in charge of variety shows, New Year's party, etc.?
Beijing TV Culture is so good, if you want to do a program, you can make a program, if you want to make a movie, you can make a movie, if you want to make a TV series, you can make a TV series, and you can meet people in the entertainment industry.

"Xiao Xu..."

When Jiang Hai heard it, he was so moved that he didn't know what to say.

When is this, still thinking about the company and him?
This is not his little brother, this is his real brother.

Xu Jie looked at Wang Yuan and Lu Hong, and continued: "Taiwan Director Wang, Editor-in-Chief Lu, I can really handle it. If there are any difficulties that cannot be solved in the future, I will definitely come to you. Don't refuse then." what."

"Xiao Xu, don't worry, I will help you solve any difficulties." Wang Yuan readily agreed.

Wouldn't it hurt the heart of such an excellent and hard-working employee not to agree?

And the more he looked at Xiao Xu's appearance, the more he felt that he should do something. It's unfair that the employees who do things can't just get a promise.

"Xiao Xu, if you have any difficulties in the future, just tell us directly, don't carry everything by yourself, you are now the wealth of our capital TV station, understand?" Lu Hongyu said earnestly.

"I see!"

Xu Jie nodded.


After what happened last night, who would dare to drink him in the future?

(End of this chapter)

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